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22% Traversing World's with Jin Mori's Strength / Chapter 11: Chapter 11: Challenges Through War

Bab 11: Chapter 11: Challenges Through War

Since that dream that Jin had, he felt that he needed a real challenge to push out his full power, and tried training more than normal and tried to find someone, some kind of adversary that he could fight, but he knew in the world he was in now, there wasn't any real challenges, and also knew to fight someone like Saitama, one-arm was a no-no, even if he mainly used kicks.

So he decided to go to the hospital and re-attach it, after the surgery, he trained to get back to the feeling of having two arms, which didn't take him long as it was muscle memory that helped him through the time.

One day he laid on his bed, before he thought about the sea, and the fun he could have, even if he wasn't fighting all the time.

He started to smile and fantasize about one series that he knew, One Piece, as he closed his eyes before saying, "Send me to One Piece".

BING! Sounded as dust filled the whole room... as it shifted... Jin was nowhere to be seen.

<Meanwhile , in a completely place>

Marine-ford was under a tight lockdown as they expected White-Beard to save his son, 'Ace'.

Just like they expected, White-Beard slipping right under there radar, as his ship came about from underneath the water, carrying every single member of his crew.


Resonated as White-Beard climbed the stairs of the Moby Dick. As soon as his over-powering stature appeared at the deck of the Moby Dick, observed by all of the , close to 100,000 Marines, stationed at Marine-Ford.

Before he chuckled and said," Sengoku~, I hope you've taken care of my 'son'.", as he stated this, the Marine Soldiers shuddered, as his sheer power could be felt.

"Give me a second, Ace!", he expressed by folding his arms and shifting his weight to his legs and he hunched over his back, before striking the air.... creating two distinct cracks...


As soon as the Marine's saw this, they agreed with the many rumours and name of, 'The Strongest Man', which was given to him.

The seawater raised as he used his Devil-Fruit, Gura Gura no Mi, before he raised it trying to capsize the whole of the Marine-Ford base. Thinking quickly, Aokiji froze it, but was attacked as fell to the ground, freezing the water in the bay, halting the White-Beard Pirates movement in the process.

The White-Beard Pirates charged with all their might as they all shouted, "ACE!!", the person in question was sitting with his hands tied behind his back as he cried his eyes out remembering the memories he had with them.

<5 Minutes Later>

The White-Beard Pirates assault was progressing and affected the Marine Soldiers mentality as "Diamond Jozu", stopped ," The Strongest Swordsman, Mihawk's" sword strike much to the surprise of Mihawk in question, and Admiral Kizaru's attack on White-Beard was also negated by the First Divison Commander, Marco 'the Phoenix'

As they continued their attack, Little Oars Jr, a giant, part of the White-Beard Pirates charged towards Ace as he ignored all the attacks on him all because of friend-ship with the one in question. However, before he could make it ,one of seven warlords, Donquixote Doflamingo, severed his left leg with ease sending him crashing down, but also creating a better opportunity to reach Ace, as he break the wall separating them from the stand.

Seeing this White-Beard got angry, before he commanded his pirates to climb Little Oars body to not make his sacrifice in vain.


Before, they could say their will to do whatever their captain said, a deafening sound was created in the sky, halting the fights between the pirates and the marines as they all looked up...

A young boy the age of 17, was in the air wearing a white t-shirt and black pants as a red jacket was tied on his waist... as his white hair hit the wind... he opened his blood red eyes before he crashed down to the ground, landing on his feet.

< Different POV'S>

Akainu:,' Hmm, Who the hell is that', he thought

Kizaru:" Hoo, a kid is on the battlefield~", he said with a mocking tone

Hawk-Eye, ".....", he said nothing as he looked at the boy's eye

Doflamingo," What do we have here~", he said as if he found a new toy

Vice Admirals,' Do they let anyone come on to a battlefiel-', they all thought before they all shut up as they saw his eyes.

As the dust settled, Jin had his hands rested at the back his head as he smiled revealing his teeth. Seeing he didn't have Marine clothing, one the Rear Admiral's attacked him with a swing of sword towards his head standing on Jin's left before...


Jin disappeared and appeared behind him ,<Bo-Bup>, before delivering a kick sideways to his head, packed with enough force sending him flying past hundreds Marines and Pirates into the Marine-ford wall.

White-Beard", Hoo", he said with a chuckle," Quite an entrance you made.... so who are you kid?", he questioned clearly confused who Jin was fighting for.

This caused a bit of surprise for the Marines, as that meant Jin didn't know White-Beard but still sided with him. Jin smiled as he rested his hands behind his head, before he announced," Hmm me? I'm just here for a good fight old man", he said lowly but it was heard to everyone there. Some were shocked, scared, angry and some were excited.

With all the attention on him , he then proclaimed to White-Beard," Hey old-man wanna fight?", with a smile on his face. To which White-Beard chuckled before he released a power aura, which scared a-lot of those present, except for the experienced Marines, and of course White-Beard's own pirates, as he said, "Kid, this ain't a playground....maybe another time", he said with a smile, as he banged his Murakumogiri causing a dust storm.

Jin sighed and said," Fine", before he realised White-Beard wasn't gonna survive after this war , " Wai-", however he was interrupted with screams coming from the sky as a boy with a straw hat shouted, "ACE!!", to which everyone turned to him especially the person in question as-well as their grandpa, Garp.

After they crashed Luffy came from the rubble as he declared he would save Ace.

When Crocodile went to attack White-beard, Jin stamped the floor with enough force to shatter the ice revealing the water.

Everyone looked his way while they fought as he spun his body and rotated his foot adding enough wind pressure as he kicked underneath the water, manipulating it as kicked toward Crocodile, manifesting the form of a dragon opening his mouth.<Jin Katsuo Original: Kick of the Water Dragon>.

White-Beard watched with interest as even though Crocodile dodged, the kick had damaged the surrounding to a good extent, as even Luffy marveled at the kid.... he wasn't the only one as, Jinbe the Fishman, wondered what type of Martial arts was that, as it was lethal but a soft type of Art at the same time.

Jin was happy as that technique was something he tried after he saw it in his dream fight with Saitama, and was excited about it before he looked at Crocodile and said, " OI, Alligator...that old man's mine", with a mocking smile.

When Crocodile heard this he angrily said," ALI-ALLIGATOR! Kid-", before he was about to say anything more, Luffy appeared right in-front of him with steam rising from his red skin as he generated water in his,<Gear Second Mode>, just in case he had to fight Crocodile.

Looking at White-Beard, Luffy said to Crocodile," You cant touch this old man.... because Ace likes him", he then looked at Jin and smiled," And he's my new crew-mate".

As soon as he said this, the Admirals thought about the danger that the Straw Hat's could cause if they got even stronger.

Luffy still smiling wiped it as he looked at White-Beard as he screamed," JUST CAUSE BECAUSE ACE LIKES YOU DOESN'T MEAN I'LL LET YOU BE THE PIRATE KING!... IM GOING TO BE THE PIRATE KING!!", he declared as loudly as he could, drawing the eyes of just about everyone and a chuckle from Jin.

When White-Beard and Luffy finished their staring contest, Luffy kept on insisting Jin to join him.

Jin sighed before he proclaimed," Fine I'll join.... but I'm going to become the strongest man in the future alright?". His declaration caused Luffy to laugh but all the Marines and Pirates to look at Jin. While he smiled he lifted his fist, to bump with Luffy's before he looked at where Ace was, then to the Admirals, and finally to the Seven Warlords as his hearts accelerated in rate, he glanced at Luffy and said," What are you waiting let's get your brother~". Jin grabbed Luffy's arm as they ran to Ace, who was watching the two, with conflicted emotions.

Sengoku and Akainu looked at the two and could feel that they were going to be a danger in the future and so re-directed all the Vice-Admirals on the two.

5 Vice-Admirals appeared in-front of the two: Strawberry, Onigumo, Momonga, Doberman and Stainless, but Jin told Luffy to go forward as he cracked his knuckles and neck. They tried to stop Luffy but Jin gathered air pressure from his kick as he spun his waist into what looked like a round-house striking Stainless in upper body sending him crashing into other marines, as Jin said out loud ," Renewal Taekwondo: Recoilless Spin", before Jinbe looked at Jin and wonder, 'Renewal Taekwondo?? What technique is that?', he wasn't the only one as others wondered if he had a devil fruit.

The four looked at the smiling Jin seriously and decided to finally use haki as they unsheathed their swords, they all didn't have devil fruits except for Onigumo as three pairs of spider-like black arms grew from his hair as they all carried swords.

Jin noticed that they could all use Busoshoku Haki as all their swords turned black, and turned serious as he observed Doberman charge from his right, Onigumo from the middle and Straw-berry from the right as it seems like Momonga was waiting for the perfect moment to attack from behind.

Jin focused on Onigumo in middle first as he was the closest and could've been the biggest threat, he dodged Doberman's sword attack which was aimed at his head coming from his right as he seemingly dived to the floor before sweeping the ground completing a 180° spin sweep kick aimed at Onigumo's legs,<Lowest Hwechook>, Onigumo stumbled but kept his guard up, seeing this as an opportunity, Jin jumped as he fainted a reverse kick with his right leg, as he rested it on Onigumo's arm, securing it so he couldn't move before lifting his left kick from the ground adding a-lot of force , straight to Onigumo's head... BANG!,<Renewal Hoe Grab + Hwechook>.

Losing his balance as he coughed some blood from his mouth, Onigumo staggered backward as Jin came materialised in-front of him and jumped, shifting his body to his left as his right leg came into contact with his face sending him crashing into the floor as blood flowed from his mouth as Jin said," Front Hwechook", before he was attacked from behind, he quickly got into his stance and released his fighting aura as he charged at Straw-berry and Doberman.


White-Beard was on the Moby Dick and watched Jin, as he was interested about the kid who wanted to become "The Strongest Man in the World", he was surprised to see the way Jin dealt with the Admiral before he chuckled and began to think what damage Jin would create in the future but brushed it off.

<Back to Jin POV>

Jin watched Doberman and Straw-berry charge at him while Momonga was getting ready to rush in as Stain-less was running over angrily from the kick he received from Jin.

Unlike the rest Doberman was very serious from the start of the fight and hadn't received a single injury.... well until Jin came.

With Straw-berry on the right and Doberman on the left they struck at the same time with their fastest speed, VOOSH! VOOSH! Jin avoided both strikes and used , <Bo-Bup>, to emerge behind them, however, the two felt this, and struck where Jin appeared only to be stopped by his foot as he had tried to strike Straw-berry. Using the sword he jumped as he drove himself backwards, halting their fighting for a few seconds before the three clashed again, this time when Jin swung his foot towards the two, they blocked it with Busoshoku Haki creating interest as he wanted to learn how to use that haki to strengthen his attacks even more.

As they blocked it, they grabbed Jin's foot but he perceived this happening and sped up before he made an after-image on where he was before he materiaslied right in-front of Doberman, and on Straw-berry's right as he delivered punches rapidly all over Doberman's torso,<Renewal Fist Strike>, before slamming him backwards into the base of the Moby Dick, much to the vexation of the White-Beard Pirates, however Jin wasn't focusing on such a 'small' matter as he dodged Straw-berry's strike and rolled to the side, before coming right in-front of him and administered a terrifying frontal strike breaking his Jaw and causing brain damage.... BOOM! Strawberry laid on the ice as the Marines turned to noise and say Jin standing on-top of him.

<Front Kick>

The last two Vice-Admirals were Stainless and Momonga, Momonga was a threat as he was a powerful swordsman and knew Rokushiki, which would be tricky for Jin, but he saw it as fun.

<Different POV'S>

As the Admiral's watched Luffy run across the battle-field shouting Ace's name, a sudden noise disrupted their thinking as they looked at Jin taking care of Onigumo strangely, before dis-patching Straw-berry just as quickly.

Akainu who had his eyes closed opened them when he heard the boom, and knew him and Luffy were going to be a big threat in the future and had to go in this war, Sengoku also had the same idea's but worried about his plan to deal with White-Beard after a bit of contemplation.

The Seven Warlords looked at Jin mostly with interest as Doflamingo chuckled at the sight he provided 'for' him, as if Jin was his toy.

<Jin POV>

After getting rid of: Onigumo, Straw-berry and Doberman. Jin set his sights on the now approaching Momonga and a pissed of Stainless.

Jin stretched as he got ready for the two as, suddenly, Momonga jumped off the air itself as he used Rokushiki, to be precise, <Geppo>, to appear directly over Jin, before unsheathing his sword and.... disappearing...

Jin knew he did something when...BANG! Jin was attacked from behind, but quickly tried to stop it by spinning and doing a mid-way ,<Round-house kick>, but was pushed back because of Momonga using Busoshoku Haki to make his arm black, but was countered as Jin shifted his body to face Momonga, before he rushed in and attacked from Momonga's left, right and his face, BANG! BANG! BANG!

<3rd Stance Hwechook>

Jin didn't show any mercy and continued his assault before Stainless came from his left swinging his sword mercilessly, cutting Jin's chest with a cut that ranged from his shoulder down to his waist. Jin didn't look harmed as he started to smile from the wound and approached Stainless rapidly sending a kick that catapulted Stainless all the way over to Sengoku, before he attacked Momonga ending him with a front kick feint as he then turned his back to Momonga, angering him as he dared to face his back towards him in a fight, but the unexpected happen.... BANG!

"Rising Back Kick~", Jin said with a relaxed tone before he kicked Momonga's head while his back was turned as he lowered his body before thrusting his leg towards the left of him. The force of the kick propelled Momonga over to the other Marine's just like Stainless.

The whole fight lasted just 5 minutes as he beat 5 Vice-Admirals, it could've been less but he wanted to enjoy the fight until his body was scarred.

Jin tried to find Luffy and ran over to him before he was confronted and surrounded by hundreds of Marines, as they looked at him seriously, apparently not scared. In response to this he beckoned for all of them to come, before his fun was interrupted by One of the Seven Warlords.

To his surprise but was also glad Donquixote Doflamingo, User of the Ito Ito no Mi, also known as the String String Fruit. Whose Strings can attach to any surface even the clouds, as he used them to float in the air as he towered of Jin with a smirk on his face. Jin however, didn't smile as he knew that if he came in contact with his threads any one of his body parts could be sliced off.

He stared at Doflamingo with a serious look and decided to go serious from now on , as his emotions shifted this didn't go un-noticed as Sengoku told Doflamingo, "To be careful".

Hawk-Eye watched with intrigue and he looked at Jin's blood-red eye's gleam wondering who would win.

White-Beard also watched this fight and questioned if Jin could win against such a strong Devil Fruit as he hadn't seen Jin's true power...

Jin got in his stance as he spread his legs facing Doflamingo with his arms on his side, he lifted his head and looked at Doflamingo's eyes as the other laughed at Jin before disappearing.

Jin knew he was fast and waited blocking out all the noise as he focused completely on Doflamingo's movement as he closed his eyes.


Doflamingo sent threads towards Jin, in response he only moved his left leg 3 steps foward and moved 1 step backwards seemingly dodging most of the attack. As he had cuts all over his hands but moved them quickly so the threads didn't go all the way.

What Jin didn't know, but what other's were shocked at for was him using such advanced Haki usage as he could predict Doflamingo attacks because he was faster, if Doflamingo was faster Jin would've been in trouble. They could tell it was his first time using it, as it wasn't polished but they could see he was growing while fighting.

Doflamingo was pissed at none of his attacks dealing enough damage as he began to rush his attacks.

<5 Minutes Later>

Jin's use of Kenbunshoku Haki was getting better the more he battled with Doflamingo, before he decided to go serious Doflamingo messed up and stepped to close to Jin. Tired of this dodging game to slowly get closer to Doflamingo, as soon as he saw that plentiful opportunity, he flung himself, not wasting any movement, raised his leg and put everything! in this attack...

<1 minute before>

Seeing he was getting closer and closer, the people watching such as Hawk-eye , White-Beard, Sengoku, Garp and Akainu all saw Jin raise his leg with a frustrated face after all the cuts Doflamingo caused on him before they all shut their eyes and said.

All-together:" It's over...".

He didn't bother to balance himself as it would've wasted time as he wrote off Doflamingo with a, <Recoilless Kick>.


Doflamingo was catapulted towards the Marine-ford logo on the building behind Ace, as he zipped past the execution stand , as he was stuck in a cross position situated on the main building for all to see.

After doing this, Jin spat out the blood in his mouth as he sighed before running to Luffy.


As soon as the kick connected , all eyes shifted to Jin as they all witnessed him flinging Doflamingo away and writing him off like he was nothing....

next chapter
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