After Ryan got done with his testing he stayed up late in the night to add more room to his lightning storage. Now he have 3 lightning bolts zigzagging from his chest, traveling to his arm and all 3 lightning bolts striking the same spot on the top of his hand.
He was to tired to stay up and charge the lightning storage, so he went to sleep. After waking up he spent a few hours to charge his lightning storage to the max and made another mode for his spell.
He is feeling pretty confident after the test of repelling the mana away yesterday. Trapping the demonic apple energy inside the spell with him shouldn't be any harder than trapping mana. When he was testing his new spell yesterday, he had realized he won't have enough air to breathe if he repel the mana back so he made a new mode for his spell this morning.
After getting everything ready he went to get himself a training room, to eat the demonic apple in. Since he haven't found a way to deal with the demonic apple after effects, he got a room with the space formation.
He will just throw the ring far away and do the same thing he did last time. Once he entered he set the timer for 2 hours and 30 minutes. That was around as long it took for the after effects to kick in.
Ryan sat down cross-legged and slow down his breathing. He knows he won't be able to trap the energy in his spell long enough to absorb all the energy but he have to make sure not to lose all the air before the spell run out.
After 10 minutes he pulled out the demonic apple and threw the ring far in the distance. Ryan than started to eat the demonic apple and it was gone in a few bites. It had tasted way better than last time, Ryan just assumed the demonic persuasion hasn't fully left his mind.
The first time he ate it, it tasted like water down nature and now it tasted like its full of flavor. Even the soft texture when bitting into it became more prominent.
Ryan stayed focused though and didn't get lost in the taste of the Demonic apple. He put all his focused on using the apple energy to strengthen his mana core. He didn't even waste his focused to guide the energy to his core since his core can pull it in itself.
Around an hour went past and his core was full. Just as the energy started to leave his body, he started to cast his spell. Few moments later you can see arcs of bright white blueish color lightning flickering around Ryan like he incase in a lightning dome.
The lightning was flickering so fast and bright all around him, it would be hard to see anything inside the lightning. After 10 minutes Ryan had checked his storage progress and realized he could probably get to keep the spell going for about an hour. Way longer than he had initially guessed.
Ryan assumed it can last this long because the energy is not trying to force its way out. It just moves around casually like the air. He stop paying attention to the spell and started to focused on his core.
30 minutes later he opens his eyes and still see the lightning spell up but it became foggy inside. There so much energy in the air you can see it. Ryan check his storage and noticed he only have around 20min left.
20 min went past in a blink of an eye. When his spell had ran out of energy he had opened his eyes to see all that foggy energy fading away into the air. His heart was aching just watching it, but he felt slightly better knowing he almost got half of the energy in the demonic apple.
His core is getting drown in the energy and he can estimate that he will definitely have enough energy to rank up. Ryan went back to focus on strengthening his core, but not to much time went pass until the after effects started to kick in. Ryan did his best to try to focus on his core, and not to think about eating more demonic apples.
But sadly it was a even stronger feeling than last time and couldn't keep on strengthening his core. His eyes shot open and was looking in the direction of where he threw the ring.
He got up and started to make his way there but after a few steps the timer went off. It temporarily woke him out his daze and was shock that he felt like he had lost control of his body. He ran the opposite direction and closed his eyes. He started to spin like crazy hoping to lose his sense of direction.
Part of him was glad no one could see how he is acting, he knows he looks incredibly stupid right now.
Around 5 minutes had went pass until Ryan started to struggle with his thoughts of the Demonic apple again. Ryan increased the weight on himself by 15 times in attempts to slow himself down.
Lucky for Ryan he actually managed to lose the direction of the ring, and with the extra weight he had managed to waste almost 2 hours of searching. The persuasion was already fading away at this point and Ryan just sat back down to strengthen his core.
4 hours had went pass and Ryan opened his eyes. His mana core had made it to the peak and can't be strengthen any more.
Ryan could had imprinted the spell on his core before the peak but he just had rather to do it now.
The imprint was easy to do since he literally knows everything about the spell and exactly how to cast it. It only took less than 20 minutes to do since it doesn't cost much mana to cast.
To imprint a spell all you have to do is cast the spell from inside of your mana core between 5 to 10 times in a row and it will leave a spell imprint there. If the spell is to demanding on mana it could take a few days of casting that same spell just to finish the imprint.
If you failed 1 of your cast in the process, you have to wait a few days and try again or there will be a chance to have a incomplete imprint on your core.
Once Ryan got done with his imprint, he put all his focused on breaking into rank 2. In order to rank up Ryan has to have energy in his core, the more energy he has easier the next process will be.
Than he have to compress the energy inside his mana core as much as he can and shove it around inside the mana core hitting the walls. As he hit the walls the mana core will start to give off a brighter and brighter gold tint until it flash a really bright gold than turns into a dim light reddish gold color. When the core turns into a dim reddish gold color, than your core is at the beginning of the next rank and ranking up was successful.
The reasons people can fail at ranking up is because the core not strengthen enough, not enough energy inside the core before attempting to rank up, don't have good enough control over mana, not enough insight on your core element, and if you have to much impurities in your core.
Ryan didn't have any issues like that so he started his rank up process and it had went past smoothly. Ryan had a big smile on while looking at his core, he is officially a rank2 Apprentice now.