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This Young Master is not Cannon Fodder

Eastern 305 Bab 1.6M Dilihat
Penulis: KaiserBlak

4.39 (71 peringkat)

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Within the Huang Realm, a world where the era of divinities has ended and the era of immortals is nearing its waning years, exists the Buzhou Immortal Sect. And within the Buzhou Immortal Sect on Jade Peak was a disciple of the sect, Xi Tianyi. He was of noble birth, the only child of the Sword Empress who reigned invincible.

But the truth was that Xi Tianyi, was originally an ordinary mortal from Earth who suddenly woke up one day as in another world filled with immortals and demons. Under heavy pressure, knowing that his life is at stake to whoever is strongest, Xi Tianyi quietly cultivates in hopes of one day fearing no one and discovering the circumstances of his transmigration. But…

“You bastard, you stole my fiance!” Said a former genius who had lost all his cultivation.

“Bastard, pay with your life for the death of my entire clan!” Said a cultivator with blood leaking from his hatred filled eyes.

“What the hell!? I’ve been cooped up cultivating quietly so why are you guys suddenly finding trouble with me!? Besides, I'm only ten!” Cried out Tianyi in disbelief. “Fine, if you want to make me your cannon fodder, I’ll step on your corpses for my ascension! ”

Earlier chapters are in the process of being revised.

Also available on Royalroad and Scribblehub.
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  1. Frankcam85
    Frankcam85 Berpartisipasi 441
  2. afz_wuno
    afz_wuno Berpartisipasi 344
  3. tearoficesand
    tearoficesand Berpartisipasi 215

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LV 14 Badge

Story started out great... But it keeps on going downhill... The first problem started when almost all villians always escape even when the MC is equiped with very powerful talismans and artifacts... Even the mother one of the top immortals who is very overprotective ignores the escapees after she finds out... The second problem was the Lovespot arc... Even the way the sect dealt with the problem by helping their bottom level immortal and his wasteful grandson is stupid... Since most of the immortals and the sect master are not their family... Makes it very stupid decision and from the top sect... Makes you wonder how they remained the top sect if they make low level entry mistakes like this... Third problem is Tianyi's trauma which doesn't make sense... For him to be scared of all Nascent Soul Cultivators after he was almost killed by a reincarnated and regressor cultivator with memories and techniques of many cultivators doesn't make sense... The trauma could have been of the dragon emperor, regressors or reincarnators or atleast soul cultivators... Him being afraid of Nascent Soul Cultivators after almost being killed by an abnormal does not make sense... Last and the newest is the recent problem... All of a sudden Yushan who has been a role model senior brother and a good sect cultivator at heart is obsessed with Daoyi... He is so focused on her that he is souring relationships with everybody... For a person who valued relationships this came out of left field... The major problem with all these is that they are main points with affect the plot and they are dragging the novel down... Makes it seem like the author forgets about most things he writes therefore ends up contradicting himself...

Lihat 3 balasan

Really interesting story and characters. I like the OP MC that has his own concerns. Reminds me of HSSB and My Senior Brother is too Steady. Early days right now but really good so far!

Lihat 3 balasan

really a great novel , every one should try it , i like the story , and the mc character i think mc should be a lil coutious and a lil dark to make it a lil intresting very best of luck with you work, really appreciated ! we are ready for the roller coaster along the story

Lihat 3 balasan

Nah I’ll tell you right now don’ even bother to start you can’t even access the first 25 chapters because the author decided to sell it separately on Amazon

Lihat 1 balasan

honestly couldn't tell if I even liked the story as they were only three short chapters available to read and chapters 4 through 25 are paywalled by Amazon. which is stupid as most cultivation novel readers don't even know whether they like a cultivation novel until somewhere between chapter 15 and 30 and that's dependent on other factors such as the length of chapters and how much content was in those chapters. so those are key chapters to hooking in new readers to support you on your patreon or whether they want to read more and by the book off Amazon. your marketing strategy is stupid as you don't show enough content to actually hook in new readers to want to buy it.

Lihat 0 balasan

the first hundred chapters are the most interesting and well written, it's a pity that then the quality of the novel has fallen dramatically. Especially the useless clone chapters. Or the fact that MC lets go of his enemies every time - settlers or clones of the dragon emperor. Yes, he explains that they have life-saving techniques or artifacts, but most of them should not have such things as they come out of ordinary society. Extremely long chapters. It was one of the xiangxia that I really LOVED, but now it's not readable. :(

Lihat 0 balasan

The novel is... OK? The starting was quite fantastic and the ideas are quite good. The main problem here is why would author post useless chapters without any contents? Asking readers to read somewhere on another platform? I really hate it. There is only 'The chapters 1 to 25 or 26 to 50 are posted on Bla Bla Bla' made me mad! Why would you post chapters here? I feel like that you are using this platform as an advertisement for gathering readers. Note: I have read only first 45 chapters only. Now comes the review about story. The problem in this novel is: The main problem here is every'thing' distains MC. For god's sake, he's someone from a huge background but from the very start, even the mobs and side characters are showing distain and I'll intent toward MC as if he's a beggar and useless person. Evey single place, Every single event, MC is distained by people and MC and his supporters do not do a thing or don't even know a thing. My head hurts while reading such novels! Why would you write something like that? Is MC a mascot? Is MC a goody guy who spares everyone? I can't say... The background is very confusing. Is he someone with strong background? or is he from a normal/mid level background? Everyone distains him and makes me confused. Then the world background is also very confusing. What are the ranks of Aristocrasts? One guy says he's from Gu or whatever empire he is and show distain to MC and it turned out that he have a weak background. He was acting so arrogant that I felt that he had same background as MC. It's so bad that it started to kill my remaining brain cells. The chapters are messed. Some chapters are available on one site, while some are only available on other sites. It's so troublesome that I had to switch 3 different platforms to get a good amount of chapters to read.

Lihat 4 balasan

It was good at first but it became total boring after that I don't know but when there is no circumstances in the story, it should at list be a funny story. I don't know... its just my oun perspective

Lihat 0 balasan

great work 5 star for the mc 5 star for quality and character development

Lihat 0 balasan

A solid start to a semi-serious cultivation story. I think there's a lot here to like. My problem with these types of lighthearted cultivation stories is all to often they fall into the tropes that they are satirizing, and they often end up with an incoherent plot. And while this one is so far doing okay on the plot front its definitely treading some familiar ground. All in all the novel ends up perhaps a little less outright "funny" than the best in the genre, but if you actually enjoy cultivation novels, and don't mind a bit of humor on top this one has a lot of potential.

Lihat 0 balasan

not sure if it's the author that posted it but it's probably stolen from rr. over 150 chapters on rr so you don't have to waste your time on this site

Lihat 3 balasan

I read this book up to chapter 37 and dropped it. I can no longer tolerate the fact that villains always manage to escape at the last moment. Also the reason that I dropped this book is the nerf mc in chapter 25

Lihat 0 balasan

As the novel has not yet reached chapter 100, I cannot give a 100% accurate opinion. So far we have an interesting story with an MC who probably wants to be like the MC of the novel "My senior brother is too steady", to be cultivating on the mountain all the time, but due to being a world of cultivation he ends up stuck in karma with others cultivators. The world panorama has not yet been fully developed, so I can only assume that either the universe as a whole was made from Pangu's theory or only his and there are other multiverses with different bases. The development of the secondary characters is concrete, although there are comments that claim that the author focuses on others other than the MC, basically they want to turn this novel into a cliché. As far as the author's grammar is concerned, I am not very opnative about this issue because I am reading from a country that does not have a native language like English. My only request was that the author be careful with the cultivation of the MC, since many novels place many stealthy encounters for their main characters and basically make them beings that every 50 chapters or 100 skips a great cultivation kingdom. Only that and good luck to the author.

Lihat 0 balasan
LV 13 Badge

Very interesting idea that for the most part is put together well, good to see a character capatalising on being in such a high position. However the major complaint I have is that the main character barely tries to get rid of possible future threats while he has the chance by using his power. Someone who sees the MC as the problem always escapes, or the MC doesnt even try to kill them and obtain their treasure, or to be safer in the future. Disapointing given the premise.

Lihat 0 balasan

It is a wish fulfilment novel, however it sets itself apart from others as it is not a pile of trash and is definitely one of the best of it's kind. A few cliches are used such as the extraordinary genius trope and the ever improving talent however it is done well. I think itd have been better if you started off with him being a bit aimless and him mutating and upgrading his vein at the same time next to that tribulation essence when he gains enlightenment. However that is just a suggestion.

Lihat 0 balasan

Haha I really liked the novel, I hope the author continues :3 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Lihat 0 balasan

This novel is my most favourite novel,I just love to read this novel,In Webnovel this novel is behind when compared to RoyalRoad if u want to read more chapter go for RoyalRoad

Lihat 0 balasan

This novel started well, then you have a sharp drop then well again then another sharp drop now i don't really now. At first i liked it it was somewhat novel for me, then the mc started having problems with his cultivation and i liked this too somewhat ( it was a first) however the author has a tendency to waste chapters like the first time he had problem with cultivation was fine, the second time no with the second time we have a lot of chapters where i don't really feel anything like the mc goes from place a to place b and things happen but at the end the mc is still the same. we also have the clones of the mc which are a totally fillers if you jump them you lose nothing the clones also have problems with cultivation so no progress for them at all ( we have DOZENS of chapters on the clones that are totally pointless, the novel has what? 300 chapters? maybe not 1/3 but definitly 1/4 of the novel is only on the extremely boring life of the clones). The clones wouldn't really be that big of a problem but the author only publishes like 2/3 chapters a week so you can really feel those fillers. Still at the i somewhat like the novel even tought the clones are slowly grinding down my rating.

Lihat 0 balasan

This is a surprisingly great half parody cultivation novel.I really like this and hope you keep writing.....................................

Lihat 0 balasan

I have read further in another website. I am really disappointed. The redseal arc and his grandson totally put an end to this novel for me. Also the MC, his mother and other powerful cultivators can't seem to kill weaker cultivators than themselves. It is unrealistic. Another thing I don't like is the complexity of the novel. It is getting out of hand with reincarnation, time-travel, transmigration and two many characters. The junior sister character was not needed. You should have focused on his relationship with his mother on this book and introduced a late romance from another realm when he gets really powerful. good luck on your novel

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Penulis KaiserBlak