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66.66% This platform has soul! / Chapter 58: 58

Bab 58: 58

Freedom's Way Colony. Legate

- It was a sight to behold," one of the Goths said, and everyone echoed him. The presence of the abandoned colony was... Sad. There was nothing here at all. No blood, no corpses, nothing. A ghost town with only radio signals between LOCI and IMIR, which we had already hacked into. It wasn't much trouble since their defences would have been called miserable by the Quarians, the Salarians, and even the Turians, who were not very good at cyber warfare. The robots would attack anyone but us now, only with their sights blown off and willing to go into hand-to-hand combat when they needed to reload a thermoclip. Given the squalor of their running gear, we get slow metal meat that won't even shoot. IMIR, on the other hand, should just chase after one and ignore the others, giving them a chance to outrun him. It wouldn't be hard for Tali to hack it, though, so I wasn't worried. They had just landed in the colony and were trying to find Vitor. Just the man I needed. Well, not him, but the room where he's holed up since Shepherd's coming in. Of course, there will be trouble with the Quarians. In the last seven months, after the Nargul's awakening, they've been going off the deep end. Attacking us all the time. No, I admit, we're no sugar. Sometimes we had to counterattack, leaving a dozen or so Kwarian dead just because the Geths were trapped. Most of the time, however, we ran away from them to save their lives. Well, I didn't want to hurt Tali, who was seen on EVERY landing mission by the Quarians. I wondered if she was even resting. Although I can feel my processor that she's not willingly doing all this. Thankfully, I gave the entire army orders not to kill Tali. And sometimes, it was safe to run away without engaging in combat. And in a nasty case, I had to protect her from my own. So once her commander pulled a gun on her because she tried to dissuade everyone from attacking us. On the other hand, the commander wanted to shoot to get our weapons and corpses. The Geth forces were halved, with 7 platforms and a Prime, while the Quarians had 15. Except that Tali, who had been on 137 landings, 11 of which ended in the death of almost the entire squad, was just the opposite, trying to dissuade the commander from attacking to keep the team alive. In general, with a gun to her head, Tali was not going to stay silent and was still spinning her little cassette that we should go. We ended up shooting this commander with a sniper and then escaping. Tali must have taken a beating later, but it's better than the death of the squad. Although, I feel like she already hates me from the word "BURN THAT WAY!". Eh, help me, Kila.

- You don't say," I said as I looked over where Vitor had gone. - Okay, we're straight ahead and take the second right. Let's go," I announced, and we walked toward him. There were only three of us, and that was all we needed. Besides, there was little room where Vitor was hiding.

We noticed a Quarian sitting at the computers when we opened the door, whispering something. He was whispering nonsense, but I was the only one who knew what it meant.

- Hey, Vitor," I began, but it was as if he hadn't heard.

- Vitor? No... No Vitor... No Vitor... They'll find... They'll find... They'll take... They'll take Vitor away... And Vitor's gone... - he mumbled. He heard me, though, so he answered me his way. I didn't want to torture him, so I quickly hacked into the computers and shut them down. There was no need for him to suffer the bullshit. After that, I walked over to him and stood in front of him. He looked at me with his glowing eyes, which widened briefly. Vitor jumped up from his seat with a wild shout, shot me an overload, and then slammed me against the wall, but when he saw that I was showing my whole look of indifference to his excess, he tried to steady his breathing.

- You... You're not going to kill me? - He asked worriedly, and I wiggled my head plates around a little and answered calmly.

- No. It's not as if we're here to see you. We're waiting for someone, so we'll just sit here.

- You... Are you... Asking my permission? - Yeah, I wasn't expecting that question either, but okay.

- Yeah, we can leave if you want, can't we? - I wasn't going to do it, but we're decent people... gentes.

- Nah, if that's the case, then... Have a seat... - he seemed to think it was all a dream. I couldn't see his face, so I couldn't tell how long he'd been awake. But I could tell he'd been awake for at least three days, which must have mixed up reality. And now he's either hallucinating or just dreaming. Poor guy.

We all quietly sat on the chairs we could find and glared at each other. More precisely, I was looking at the entrance, activating my shields to maximum and putting away my weapons so as not to get shot on reflex. Vitor was looking at his fingers and occasionally glancing at us.

- Um... Look, uh... No, this is definitely stupid... - he suddenly started, saying the other half to himself.

- What?

- I was wondering if... Do you have any water?

- Oh, yeah, sure. We usually take it if we find the wounded - yes, we had that function. Half a litre of water in a plastic bottle is kept in the hip. Well, and some more medication. Because on several occasions, we had seen injured Quarians die in our arms, and we couldn't do anything to help them. It was not a pretty sight, so I ordered this little upgrade.

I calmly pulled out a bottle of water with a straw and handed it to Vitor. He looked at it apprehensively.

- Don't be afraid. If I wanted to put you to sleep, I'd put you down with one hand.

- That's right," he said, then emptied half a litre of water in five seconds. Yeah, he hadn't had a drink in days. - Listen, um... I've been thinking...

- I'm listening," I said, just in case.

- Yeah... Well... You're probably waiting for someone to come for me... Maybe... You won't kill them? - Hmm, and the guy's worried about his own. Even if we're just a fake to him. Although I don't think that's true anymore. Apparently, he's already figured out we're honest, so he's worried about his own because he'll definitely be worried about him.

- Actually, they're already here, but that's not why we're here," I explained to him. - We're here for the people, not to kill them, but to talk to them. But all right, if your lot starts shooting, I'll shoot them in the legs. Will that do?

- Y-yeah... Yeah, I guess... That'll do," he said as if to say something.


Five minutes later

And then, I heard the footsteps of the three and the people talking. Still, my gut was as good as my knowledge of the canon. The door opened, and weapons were pointed at us by all three, including Shepherd.

- What the hell? - Jacob yelled, intending to shoot me, but Shepard had better reflexes, so she yelled.

- Don't shoot!

- But this... - said Taylor, trying to object.

- That's an order, Jacob! - Shepard barked, glaring at the Negro already. Then she lowered her weapon.

- Captain, what are you... - Miranda said in a slightly quiet voice. However, the captain wasn't going to listen to them. She took a step forward and assessed me with a look.

- Legate? - At random than knowing the answer, Shepard asked.

- Good afternoon, captain. Good to see you.

- What the hell! - resented Jacob, who was still aiming at me. - Shepard, you know him!?

- Yeah, I've met him," Shepard said, still looking at me with a sort of... kindly look at me. Like she was glad to see me. - So, what brings you here this time?

- Just waiting for you, captain. I must tell you the truth about the two years I've been pulling you from the dead.

- WHAT?! - Shepherd was surprised, and I had a feeling she believed me. Just like that, without proof.

- This is nonsense, Shepard," Miranda began calmly. - You shouldn't believe some geth.

- Listen, you are a perfect victim of genetically modified silicone; shut your face and mouth shut. I'm not talking to you; I'm talking to Shepherd," I couldn't take it anymore and blurted out everything I'd had in the few seconds I'd been looking at the brunette. And while she gave me a scornful look, Shepherd even laughed with her head down. - So," I continued. - They told you they brought you back to life. - rising from my chair, I began to question her.

- 'Yes...' - Shepard looked at me suspiciously because I was right.

- I see what's wrong with you. Were they very persuasive?

- Yes. Saved us from the mad robots... Then they offered to deal with the colonies... They could explain to me what's going on here!?

- With pleasure! - I shouted before Miranda, after which a holo-image screen appeared from my hand, on which the necessary videos were streaming.

Recording #1

[Azari] - Look, I'm gonna tell you one more time. What you're asking for is NOT SOMETHING! She's dead! That's it! She's brain-dead, and that's the end of it! And it's not even about resources or means; it's about nature. It can't be cheated! You can't bring a person back to life and fully preserve her personality and memory! It's impossible!!!

[Try it. It's not as complicated as it looks. Yes, there will be complications, but I'm not rushing you. I'll give you everything you need, along with my technology.

[Azari] Oh, come on... Oh, all right. We'll give it a try.

[Hologram] All right. Over and out.

Recording number two.

[Azari] - The brain has begun to function independently. Shepard's probably dreaming now, but she's not ready to wake up...

[Hologram] - Well, that's not a problem anymore. I told you it was possible.

[Azari] Yeah... I have to admit, you were right. We made it. Except we don't know about the identity or the memory.

[Hologram] That shouldn't be a problem. I'll send you something so you can watch her dreams. We'll see how you do. Although I have to agree, what you've done is beyond praise.

[Azari] That's for sure. Goddess, I'm not surprised we get to see her dreams.

[Hologram] - Really?

[Azari] - Yeah. I'm not surprised about anything anymore.

[Hologram] Okay. Over and out.

Recording three.

[turian] She's waking up!

[Man] - What!? She's... She's not ready!

[Azari] - What do we do!?

[Turian] Well... Ah-ah-ah-ah-ah... All right, put her in an induced coma! It's our only chance!

Recording number four.

[Azari] - We barely made it but are okay now. Damn it, we almost lost her.

[Hologram] - Okay, okay, calm down. It's okay. Did you figure out what happened anyway?

[Azari] - Yes. It was her dream. She had a nightmare.

[Hologram] What kind of nightmare, if you don't mind me asking?

[Azari] Ah, well... Uh, it's just... She's just always dreaming about some kind of Azari. She's "purebred," no offence, so it's impossible to identify her; hundreds of thousands are on Thessia alone. Anyway, this time she dreamt that this Azari... died... It was such a crazy dream... Our psychologist says it's her subconscious fear of losing this azari. Yes, she loves her. Judging from her previous plans, she loves her very much. Even though you saw it yourself.

[Hologram] - Yes. I've reviewed all of her dreams. Her identity and memory have been fully restored. I consider the project a success. You all did a good job. You'll receive your money in full, even though you've repeatedly tried to spy on me. I'm being kind today.

[Azari] Thank you...

[Hologram] You're welcome. Over and out.

Recording number five.


[Man] - All right, get her to the ship. There's another AI FAST!!!

Recording #6

[Azari] - Woah, thank the Goddess, we made it. Just a little more...

[Man] - Yes. Now... [draws a gun from waistband]... Get out of here. Now!

[Azari] What... What are you doing!?

[Man] - Get off the ship, Telly, now!

Recording number 7.


[Man #2] Richard's been shot! We gotta get him!

[No time! Let's go!

[Man #2] We gotta get him! [Man 1] - [Man 2] - We gotta get him!

[Man 1] - Fuck you! [quickly pulls out a gun and shoots the other man in the stomach at point-blank range] Fly away!

Recording number eight.

[Man 1] - That's it, we've arrived. Let's get her out of here.

[Man 3] - Come on, just be careful.

[Man 1] - It's understandable, two years of hard work. You have gotta handle her like a crystal vase. Let's go [kicks and rolls couch with Shepherd].

Recording number nine.

[Man 1] Here you go, Chief.

[Miranda] - Get her to the ship, fast! We don't have much time!

[Man 1] - Roger that, Chief, not stupid. Let's roll...

[Miranda] Look out! You stupid piece of shit! Didn't wait two years for some race car driver to crash it!

[Man 1] - Oh, women...

[Miranda] - What's that?

[Man 1] - Nothing, ma'am! I'm almost done.

[Miranda] That's good. Move it, or I'll leave you here!

That was the end of the film screening. The reaction from everyone was the same. Vitor sat quietly, knowing that the conversation didn't concern him. Miranda realized that she was going to get anal retribution from the Phantom. Jacob had a neutral expression but a not unreasonable fear that Shepard might snap. Shepard, on the other hand... Shepard was out. I've never seen such universal anger in an organist's eyes before. Her fists had already clenched with maximum force, squeezing the rifle and the air. She just stared at the floor, trying to control her anger. I don't know why, but she was in no hurry to nail Miranda and Jacob. Maybe because they were biotics, and one of them would definitely put a stasis on her or knock her back with a punch, or the implant in her brain helped. He had the function of controlling anger and rage, so there was no disruption. It did this automatically, but the process could be turned off. Anyway, Shepard was ready to tear and thrash. And after a minute of this mute scene, Shepard took a few steps towards me and then turned towards the Cerberus.

- So... You were just lying to me? - she began in a stern, independent voice.

- Shepherd, you shouldn't believe that goeth. You need to find out if that video is real! - Miranda wouldn't give up.

- Oh, really? Why would he do that? Somehow this Get has helped me a lot, and he's never tried to kill me. So I have no reason not to trust him," she went on dryly, scratching out each word. They were all-pervasive anger, all-consuming rage.

- Shepard, I...

- Miranda, stop," I started, so they'd stop pressuring Shepard. - Stop deceiving us and stop deceiving yourself. You've failed, so you can prepare the Vaseline. The Ghost doesn't forgive mistakes," I spoke with such seriousness that Miranda believed for a second that the Ghost would punish her that way, but then she realized it was my humour. Suddenly, the door through which we had come opened, and five Quarians ran into the room. Tali was among them.

- What a bahu! - Prazza cursed, calling the name of the Quarian god of lust, when he saw the strange picture. Strange, it was because of the three Geths, who were not holding guns or even trying to do so, and that was the only reason they did not start shooting at us. And Prazza was about to start a long tirade about what was going on here when Tali did notice Shepherd.

- Shepherd? Are you... alive? - Tali asked in surprise, ignoring the surprised looks from the commander, who, judging from the conversation, was Prazza. And yes, this scene shocked me. The Quarians were delayed, so they didn't meet Shepard. And that's why Tali's surprise scene happened here. You could just see Tali freaking out over that while Shepard gave the Quarian a kind, you might say, sincere smile.

- Yeah, as you can see. Back. Back from the dead.

- Right! What the hell's going on here!? Tali, do you know who that is!? - Prazza was outraged.

- Yes. He's my former captain on the Pilgrimage, Shepherd, and this is... - she looked at me meaningfully, trying to figure out if I was the right git or not.

- Legatus. Good to see you again, Tali.

- What do you mean by that? - Prazza looked even more indignant. Not what a restless one, eh? - Do you know this goeth!?

- We met once! Anyway, that's not why we're here! We're here to find Vitor! - Tali argued while I was reminded of that poor sap who was freaking out and freaking out about what was going on.

- Oh, yeah, right," I said, as if I'd had an epiphany. - There's someone here for you, Vitor," I turned to the Quarian, who was drinking the water one of my Geths had given him.

- Hail to the Kila! - he said and quickly turned to the crowd of Kvarians.

- Now, I don't know what's going on here, but we're not leaving yet," said Prazza, pointing his rifle at me.

- Piazza! We've got Vitor and no orders to take on the Geths! - Tali began to try to talk him out of it as she saw who would win.

- I'm giving the orders here and ordering you to kill those Geths. Or do you refuse to obey an order!?

- I'm trying to save your life and everyone else's, you idiot! - It's good that I now have a translator for the Kwarian swear words. There's a lot of stuff you can buy on Illium, and it'll run like clockwork.

- Oh, you know, you can stand aside if you want to, Admiral bitch. Tali was just out of breath from that, Shepard was ready to kill someone again, and I was already prepared to use the plasma blade for hand-to-hand combat. It was now embedded in the arm of every Geta, so my whole army was ready for immediate action. One was coming up. - In fact, get back to the ship! We'll take it from here," he pointed his rifle at me again.

- Are you so sure about that? - I asked him as I watched Tali clench her fist with all her might, which was already ablaze with biotics. Piazza didn't see it as he looked at me, and I just opened the door behind him. And for good reason. When Prazza was about to respond, Tali kicked Prazza in the stomach with a huge, but not full force, and he flew out of the room where we were all, flew 11 meters and crashed into the living block, and then fell from a height of three meters to the sinful ground. On the other hand, Tali was already glowing with her biotic glow and looked at her compatriots.

- Who's next? - No one dared answer. Everyone simply annihilated from the room, along with Vitor, while Tali tried to steady her breath, which she succeeded after 10.5 seconds. - Shepard. What are you up to? But I'm with you. - She spoke in a tone that didn't tolerate deviation while not turning towards us. It was strange to see her like that, but there was no point in her saying no; at least it was awkward.

- Of course, it was, Tali. It's out of the question," Shepard agreed without a second thought, hinting that she was happy for Tali. Supportive of her.

- Good. So, shall we go?

- Yes. And Legatus is coming with us. I mean, we've got to get out on something," Shepherd said, and I didn't say no.

- Shepard, you can't... - Miranda said suddenly, still trying to take control of the situation.

- Since when is that a thing? Cerberus and you, Miranda, are not my commanders! What I want, I do! So I'll tell you one thing, Miranda. Fuck off! Fuck you!

We walked in silence after that to Rilik, on which the Geths and I had flown. We quietly and Tali walked proudly past the Quarians, trying to help Prazza. They looked at Tali, surrounded by the three Geths, with a wholly cocked eye, while she didn't pay any attention to it - she was just following me, like Shepard, while engrossed in some personal thoughts. Then we boarded our frigate, took off quietly, and left the Way of Freedom.

Charlottess Charlottess

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