With the effects of particle suppression in place, to say we made light work of all the tightly packed together Undead would be an absolute understatement…it was a slaughter fest.
Partway through the battle, Dad ended up stepping back into the safezone to catch his breath and recover now that I had arrived, which wasn't that surprising, considering I quickly learned that I had been missing for three days. During that time, Brenden and our Father had been fighting practically non-stop.
From what I gather, the implosion turned explosion not only eviscerated all the nearby Undead, but it also launched anything caught by the blast of air I had been caught in and moved them as a herd, all in whatever direction the wind carried until they were so tightly clustered together that they well…became stuck.
From there, it was easy pickings, as without the presence of particles, even Duke-Grade Undead were like chickens to Brenden with his maxed-out stats.
New Series on my main ScotchTy, "Legendary Traveler"