With all three of us sitting at the kitchen table and staring at a road map of the entire United States, I steepled my fingers and leaned my chin on them.
"From Orlando to Denver is about 1540 miles; tack on another 20, and we get to Columbine. The way I see it, there are only two logical methods of travel we can use."
"The first is, of course, driving, but given that it's a 23-hour drive, and that's without traffic, we would be cutting it extremely close, but it would give us wheels on the ground and limit our paper trail to almost nothing so long as we were careful to avoid cameras and paid in cash at gas stations."
"And I assume option two isn't going to be flying, considering we would need to book last-minute tickets at the airport." My father interjected.
New Series on my main ScotchTy, "Legendary Traveler"