T: 'I was walking down the street when, out the corner of my eye, I saw a pretty lil thing approaching meee.'
X: 'She said I ain't ever seen a man who looks so alone, could you use a lil companyyyy~.'
X: 'If you pay the right price, your evening will be nice and you can go and send me on my way.'
T: 'I Said You're such a sweet young thing; why'd you do this to yourself? She looked at me, and this is what she said.'
Walking side by side toward the Central Florida Evolver Academy, Xilia and I, arm in arm, strode toward the gate, singing a popular song that had come out recently. Still, as we had known the tune for years, the words were bouncing in our heads, and when the chorus hit, we sang it together, drawing an annoyed groan from Brenden.
T/X: 'There ain't no rest for the wickeddd, money don't grow on treeesss, we got bills to pay, we got mouths to feed, and there ain't nothin' in this world for freee~.'
New Series on my main ScotchTy, "Legendary Traveler"