It took some tinkering and manipulation on my part, but by the time I had finished, Vincent was now the spitting image of his Photo Identification.
'Wasted a lot more PC than I am comfortable with today, sigh,' heaving a soft sigh, I pulled out a fresh bottle of particle water and took some small sips while leaning back on my free hand beside Vincent.
'Well, at least the first and second parts of the plan are complete. Let's dig into his memory and find out where he plans on settling.' I thought while setting the half-empty bottle down on the ground and placing two fingers against Vincent's temple.
Closing my eyes and activating my Telepathy, I dove into the confines of the man's mind, sifting through all the non-important information, and at some point, I got distracted by Vincent's kill list.
New Series on my main ScotchTy, "Legendary Traveler"