Looking at her confused and worried face, Liu Shao Xuan tried to suppress his laughter, "There's nothing to worry about, you can be discharged now. The hematoma will take a few days to dissipate, you just have to return to the hospital regularly for check-ups. To help it dissipate more quickly, you can massage the area more frequently."
Liu Shao Xuan was tempted to suggest that she stay a few more days, which would generate revenue for the hospital and let him enjoy Young Master Song's frustration.
Two birds with one stone.
However, seeing Young Master Song's displeasure and wary gaze, he wisely let go of that idea.
After spinning this tale to Ling Fei, he took the opportunity while Ling Fei was in the restroom to exchange mischievous glances with Song Tian Mo.
"Bro, see how good I am to you! I've arranged quite a few benefits for you in the future."
Song Tian Mo had a look of indifference.
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