I'm writing this for my own amusement, and therefore, it's probably going to have inconsistent updates.
"So you're telling me that I'm dead because of you and get to have one minor wish and the choice of where I'm going to reincarnate as compensation. Did I understand correctly?"
"That is correct, young Jack. I hope you aren't too angry with me."
-10 minutes ago -
My name's Jack. I'm a 18 year old who just finished high school, and I was on my way home. Sadly, there is no one waiting for me there since I am an orphan.
When I was about to enter my apartment, I heard something made of ceramic break and blacked out.
The moment I opened my eyes again, I saw an old man with a bald head and a grumpy face. The room we were in was a small but comfy living room with a big foor like window that leeds to a balcony.
"Where am I?!"
"Calm down, young Jack. I'll explain everything."
"How do you know my name?!"
The old man frowned.
"You can ask your questions later. First, let me explain what happened to you. You died and have been brought to heaven by me so I can send you off to another world of your choice and with a minor wish."
I was shocked.
"I died! How!"
The old man looked away in embarrassment.
"I might have accidentally bumped into my flowerpot, making it fall from the balcony onto your head... sorry."
I was dumbfounded.
-back to the present -
"Oh. I'm not angry. I'm just a bit absolutely livid."
The old man stared and said nothing.
"Can you at least tell me why I only get to have one minor wish and the choice for my next world?"
"That much I can do for you. See, the thing is that I'm not almighty or omnipotent. In fact, I'm just a multiversal being that just happens to live nearby to your world since its strong fate allows me to live here, but I'm not allowed to interfere with the worlds development. Since I accidentally interfered, I have to compensate the victim, that being you, clean up the mess I made and apologize to fate."
"Can you explain the term fate to me. I'm not sure that we have the same definition for fate."
"Sure. What I'm referring to when I say fate is the world's consciousness. Sometimes, that consciousness comes inform of an avatar known as a god, but be careful since not all gods are fate. A good example for fate with an avatar would be Truth from the Fullmetal alchemist world."
"Hold on, Fullmetal alchemist is a real world?!"
"Yes, but that's not important. Now then, in which world would you like to be reborn?" "Hold on. You just said fate was the consciousness of the world, wouldn't that mean that they could deny me my rebirth in the world?"
"Well, yes, but actually no. They could do that, but they can change their mind with a good deal, and since I have to clean this mess up, this means that I have to pay for your rebirth. So if I were you I wouldn't worry about that."
The old man seemed to sulk a bit after saying that.
"And what about the wish. What do you mean with a minor wish?"
"Ah yes, the wish. When I say minor wish, I mean a wish that can only affect you and not others."
"So I can wish for me to be rich?"
"No. With that wish, you can not wish to be rich since I would either have to take money from other people or create money, which would devalue the currency, and i'd have to interfere in another world. Also, you can not wish to be born into a rich family since this would become too expensive for me because I have asked the relevant fate about it."
"How about all the knowledge of the multiverse. Can I wish for that?"
The old man got angry but tried to restrain himself.
"I know you're angry at me for accidentally killing you, but that no reason to take advantage of me to such an extent. How about this. I can give you the ability 'knowledge in sight'. With this ability, you gain all the knowledge there is from anything you see. Be it a phenomenon, object, or lifeform, you will know its secrets. By the way, this does not give you the ability to understand the knowledge or know the secrets of a person."
"So it's like a search engine that is growing. I have the knowledge, but it is up to me to understand."
"Exactly. Now then, do you want to use your wish for 'knowledge in sight'?"
I nodded.
"Good now we can go on with the choice of a world."
I quickly answered.
"The 'real' world of overlord."
He did not look happy.
"You really like to screw with people, don't you. Anyways I can do this, but you won't end up in the same world as the other players will since you were originally not part of the deal between the worlds' fate. So I don't know in what world you will end up in after the server shutdown. Do you understand?"
"Yes, I understand."
"Ok, the fate of your desired world told me that it'll allow you to be reborn in the year 2100, but it won't allow you too join any guild or make your own and you cannot change the future of the relevant players too drastically. This means you can help them and be friends, but you can not give them gifts or suggestions that are different from what they were originally going to do. My personal suggestion is that it's best if you don't interact with them at all, ok?"
"What happens if I don't follow those rules?"
The old man sighed.
"You die, and your soul gets erased. So, will you finally go now?"
"Yes, I'm ready to go now."
"Finally, I hope we will never see each other again."
He came closer to me and touched my forehead with his pointing finger, and I blacked out again.