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88.09% The threads of destiny / Chapter 30: Chapter 30: Rally and Resentment

Bab 30: Chapter 30: Rally and Resentment

Jake's POV

Neytiri was happy with the news, with what I could hear from her screams and feelings that emanated from her. However, I did not share the same joy of meeting her younger sister.

The last time we had seen each other, she made it clear to me that she did not like me. With the fall of Kelutral because of me, I was not trying to imagine what she would do to me if she saw me. But I didn't really have a choice.

Neytiri: Don't worry, Jake. You are Toruk makto, and I will be there to defend you.

I smiled, greatly appreciating her attention to me. I needed encouragement to face the challenge ahead of me.

Kelutral was getting closer to our vision, and we landed in a space big enough to accommodate the Toruk.

His presence did not fail to attract the interest of the clan and even more so when they saw me. Some looked at me with admiration and hope while others seemed to gnash their teeth, obviously not happy to see me.

However, we were let through, without too much disturbance. I could hear cries of encouragement against me, but I could also see tension. It was strange to see so many differences, for a clan that was supposed to hate the People of Heaven. Maybe because of my status as Toruk Makto.

We finally arrive, in front of the person I was afraid to see. The little sister was standing in front of us with a fruit in her hand and seemed to continue eating. She looked at me with her cold and hostile eyes. Her usual look when she saw me.

Me with a smile: You forgot a meal, my olo'eyktan?

Neytiri with an annoyed look: Jake ! This is not the time !

Me with an embarrassed smile: Sorry!

I couldn't help trying to lighten this heavy and burdensome atmosphere. Lutsey withdrew his intention from me, and stared at Neytiri. Immediately, her harsh expression disappeared, and a big smile appeared instead. I could see tears coming out of her eyes, even from where I was standing.

Lutsey: Big sister? Is that you?

Neytiri smiling, with tears in her eyes as well: Yes, little sister.

She didn't pay any attention to me and immediately went to hug her sister, crying in her arms. Well...I could see that my status hadn't changed her opinion of me, it seems.

Lutsey: I thought...I thought you were dead....With Father...

Neytiri: It's all right, little sister. I'm here and we're going to avenge his death. Right Tsu'tey?

She turned her eyes to the young chief, soon followed by his sister. At the sight of the smiles that she threw, she seemed happy to see him. I could even see a smile from Tsu'tey. It was the first time I saw him smile, other than to make fun of me.

Lutsey: What about Mother? What about the rest of the tribe?

Neytiri : They are well, little sister. We are still in shock, from the loss of our house and Father. But the arrival of Jake as Toruk Makto, has brought us hope for the future.

Lutsey: I am...so happy to see you! I thought I lost you too.

Neytiri smiling: I had to be here to keep an eye on you. You always have a knack for getting into trouble.

The young chief laughed, with her sister and Tsu'tey. I really felt like I was the intruder now.

Me: Excuse me for interrupting your reunion, my olo'eyktan, but I need to talk to you.

As soon as I caught his attention, his cold expression came back.

Lutsey: What do you want, tawtute?

The tone he took seemed to shock his sister and Tsu'tey, but not me. Habit, no doubt.

Tsu'tey : It's the Toruk Makto, Lutsey!

Lutsey: So?

Neytiri : Little sister, you always told me that you were waiting for this day!

Lutsey crossed his arms and remained silent, looking at them with the same look. I could feel groups of eyes watching the discussion, attentively. I couldn't blame them for their interests. Their futures were at stake, after all.

Me muttering: What surprises you?

Tsu'tey murmuring in English: Lutsey had always had great respect for Eywa and wanted to see the Toruk makto arrive, to end the terror of the People of Heaven. This reaction from him against you, Jake Sully, is very strange.

Seen from this angle.... But she wasn't expecting it to be a tawtute and me, too. All of a sudden, she came close to me and I got a violent punch in the face, making me take a step backwards, shocking everyone.

Neytiri and Tsu'tey stood in front of me as a sign of protection. I saw blood dripping from my nose, touching it with my hand. One could say that she put her heart into it.

Lutsey: This is for Father and my brothers and sisters who died because of you, demon from heaven!

Neytiri: Jake is Toruk makto, little sister! Show him some respect!

Lutsey : Respect? You're asking me to respect a murderer? The one who has the blood of Father and so many Omatikaya brothers and sisters in his hands !? How can you forgive him so easily?

Tsu'tey: He showed that he was on our side and ready to defend the People.

It didn't seem to convince her, given his unchanged expression. Deep down, I could understand her and I could already feel guilt invading my heart.

Lutsey: How can you say that, Tsu'tey? We had all suffered the loss of our home! Neytiri and I had lost a father! Families still mourn the loss of a father to this day! How can you forgive that, just because Toruk chose him!?

He was going to speak, but I put one hand on his left shoulder and walked towards Lutsey, whose eyes showed his anger towards me.

Me : Lutsey...

Lutsey : Don't talk to me as if we were close, demon of the sky !

I sighed and I held Neytiri's gaze in my eyes, which would remind her of our bond. But it wasn't the time to discuss that.

Me: My Olo'eyktan, I can understand your hostility towards me. But think of your clan's need.

His gaze flashed in my eyes at these words. Maybe not the right approach...

Lutsey: Dare you imply that I don't know their need, tawute?

Neytiri : You don't show it, in any case.

Lutsey: And you have easy forgiveness, big sister.

She bit her lower lips, faced with this rather cruel reply, I thought. I was ready to reply, but Lutsey turned his back on me.

Lutsey: We were done talking. You will never have my forgiveness, Jake Sully, for what you did to my clan and my family. It doesn't matter if you are Toruk Makto.

I couldn't leave it like that.

Me: We needed every troop we could get and...

Lutsey: Don't say another word, demon! I'm tired of hearing your deceitful language! My people have waited years to make your people pay for what they did to us. We will join the fight to liberate our land, but don't think I will forgive you because our Mother chose you. As for you, Big Sister and Tsu'tey, you have disappointed me very much.

Those were very harsh words and I could see Neytiri lowering her eyes and ears sadly. So did Tsu'tey, which was surprising for me. He seemed to care a lot for Lutsey, despite appearances.

Me: Listen, you have a problem with me! Leave Neytiri and Tsu'tey out of it!

Neytiri: Jake...That's enough. We're done here. Let's continue our journey.

I could feel her grief in those words. I wanted so much to comfort her, but there was nothing I could do about it.

Instead of the joy of seeing a clan rally to our cause, it was a heavy atmosphere that dominated, while we continued our call to resistance.

Lutsey's POV

Seeing my sister again had brought happiness in my heart. However, her forgiveness towards Jake Sully had tarnished this beautiful moment, and I was very angry with her. How could she forgive this man for what he did to us? What about Tsu'tey? How could he forget his actions just because Toruk chose him?!

And as if that wasn't enough, my pregnancy was affecting my health. My migraines were more intense, affecting my mood and I could see it with this interview where my anger took precedence over my reason, in an instant. My appetite also seemed to be altered, as I was now eating for two. Our daughter was growing inside of me, but was still too young to be noticeable. Nevertheless, she was already giving me a hard time.

Nilya had returned shortly after Neytiri's departure, while our troops were preparing to join the Tree of Souls.

I gave her the last instructions before making my preparations. When everything was finally ready, we set off for the shrine.

The path didn't last very long, on the back of Ikran and the huge tree soon stood below us. Our riders should arrive later in the day, if all went well.

We hurriedly landed and went to see Mother about the distribution of my warriors to settle down, before the battle. I couldn't wait to see her again, even though my anger was still there, fueled by my maternal instincts. I hoped that she would not be able to perceive my child, in order to prevent a dispute over my involvement in the battlefield.

Overwhelmed by such thoughts, I didn't pay attention to my steps and a familiar voice came out of my thoughts.

Mother: You seem preoccupied, ma ite.

I came out of my trance and looked at her with a big smile. Even so, I was happy to see her.

Me: My sa'nu!

It was stronger than me! I went immediately to her and embraced her with tears in my eyes. She took me in her arms, with a smile on her lips and with her comforting voice that I always heard when I was in pain.

Mother: It's going to be okay. Deliver what is in your heart.

Me: I had been so afraid...Of losing you...You, Neytiri, Tsu'tey and the clan....

Mother: But we're here now.

Me: It's not just that, too.

With these words, I freed myself from her embrace and turned my eyes away from her. I didn't want to show my anger. But it did not escape my mother, who knew me too well.

Mother: You are angry. I can see it in your eyes, and your energy is restless.

Me, reluctantly: You are right, Mother. I have seen that Big Sister has forgiven Jake Sully, despite all that he has done to us. So has Tsu'tey.

Mother closed her eyes, sighing before looking at me, with a tender smile.

Mother: I knew you would react this way, ma ite. I understand your reaction, but he was chosen by Toruk. Eywa has chosen him to be her champion.

Me: It's not enough, in my eyes, to erase what he did.

Mother: Lutsey...I can imagine your pain, but please...Don't judge our forgiveness quickly enough. We were broken, with no hope for our future, before he came back as Toruk Makto. He has rekindled our will to defend what is most precious to us, despite our grief.

I could understand that. However, it was not enough for me.

Mother: I am not asking you to forgive Jake Sully. I know you never will, and I'm not trying to change your mind. But...Don't be so hard on us. That's all I'm asking you to do.

Me: I'll think about it, Mother. You have my word.

That was all I could promise. Mother smiled at me before giving me a tender kiss on the forehead.

Mother: That's something.

Then we would start talking about where my warriors could settle, waiting for the decisive battle.

When evening came, I could see members of different tribes meeting, under the gaze of Toruk and Jake, making me remember my vision terribly.

I preferred to turn my head and settle down in my personal quarters. My daughter was still acting up and I could already feel a migraine coming on. I could hold it together. However, I preferred to rest before the fight.

As long as the People of Heaven threaten our land, I will fight as long as I can and guide my people.

I would lie down and just close my eyes, trying to get some sleep.

Neytiri's POV

I couldn't leave the relationship with my sister like that. We had been through so much and it couldn't be ruined because of a grudge!

Mother had told me where my sister had her quarters and I took advantage of the fact that Jake and Tsu'tey were busy with the other leaders to visit her.

I could see her lying down with her eyes closed, her chest moving with the rhythm of her breathing. I walked discreetly towards her, so as not to wake her up.

Lutsey: What do you want, big sister?

Obviously, she wasn't asleep as I thought she would be.

Me: I thought you were asleep.

Lutsey: I'm trying.

From the tone, she wasn't in a good mood and her energy...It was still very confused even though ...it was less than before.

Me, worried: Are you okay?

Lutsey in a calm and comforting tone: Yeah. Don't worry.

Well, we had to start on the thorny subject.

Me, in a dry tone: Lutsey, how could you be so hard on me and Tsu'tey? We saw our tree destroyed right in front of us... I saw father die in my arms, giving me his bow...

Lutsey: I'm sorry, Neytiri, for behaving so badly towards you and Tsu'tey. But, I was angry to see that Jake Sully did so well, after what he did to us.

Me: Lut...Can't you give him a second chance?

Lutsey: After what he did? I'm sorry, Neytiri, but I don't have your love for him or your tolerance.

I sighed with disappointment. I wish Jake had been accepted by her. That she could see that he wasn't as bad as she thought he was. But it seems that the fall of our home and Father's death have tarnished any chance of forgiveness on her part.

Lutsey: It's commendable of you, big sister, to stand up for him. But you know me better than anyone else. He hurt me deeply and I can't tolerate that.

Me: Eywa chose him, little sister! That should be enough for you to prove that he's not bad!

Lutsey: I have full confidence in Mother and I will accept her decisions. But that's not enough to get over my resentment towards your partner.

I sit next to her, sighing with weariness.

Neytiri: I don't understand. Mother forgave him, I forgave him, our people forgave him, even though we had witnessed the loss of our home. Why do you refuse?

Lutsey : I have already told you, big sister. It is not because Eywa has designated him as his champion that I will grant him my forgiveness. Now, can we talk about something else, or can you let me rest? My migraine is still active, even though it has gone away.

Me, worried: Have you consulted, Joltsyn? Or Mother?

Lutsey: Don't worry. I know how to take care of myself.

Me: That's not what you do.

Lutsey: I don't want to get into an argument.

And so there was silence between the two of us. She, trying to get some sleep, and I, immersed in my thoughts. I was both eager to make the People of Heaven pay, and also worried. Indeed, a battle was not without victims and I was afraid to find Jake or Lutsey among them. Add to this, Lutsey's health seemed to be deteriorating and she didn't want to treat him. Why was she acting this way? It was as if she wanted to hide something.

Maybe it was the last time we saw each other. So I didn't want to seek conflict with her. Nevertheless, I couldn't help but be worried about her. To take my mind off it, I decided to get up and see my love.

Oh! Eywa! May the People of Heaven be driven out and I don't have to suffer the loss of other loved ones!

next chapter
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