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73.8% The threads of destiny / Chapter 24: Chapter 24: Neytiri's Decision

Bab 24: Chapter 24: Neytiri's Decision

POV Lutsey

The day lit me up with its light and warmth, pushing me to open my eyes. I could feel the warmth of Tsylan's still sleeping body, his right arm surrounding me in a protective gesture. Hearing the beating heart of my lover sounded like a soft melody to my ears. The coldness all over my body and our braids still tied together reminded me of our lovemaking last night and filled me with happiness.

I looked at my partner's young face with a radiant smile. To be able to admire him, to caress him and his hair with my hands was a great joy for me.

He moaned slightly before opening his yellow eyes with a big smile.

Tsylan: Sleep well, my love?

Me: Oh yes! How about you?

Tsylan: The best for years.

With those words, we kissed softly before looking at each other for a moment, in silence. Each admiring the other and I could stay like that all day long.

Tsylan: You'll have to get up.

Me with a sigh: Yes...

Tsylan: Oh, there will be other occasions, my beautiful tigress. Now that we're linked.

I smile at the prospect of spending more mornings like this, just the two of us. I would have liked to stay like this for a long time, but I had responsibilities that couldn't wait. And then there was our union to formalize. I sighed, thinking of all the work that awaited me while I got up, admiring the day as it was breaking. It was decorating the sky with its orange glow.

Tsylan: Are you thinking about your duty?

Me: Yes.

He put his right hand on my left, holding it tightly.

Tsylan; I'll be there to help you now.

Me smiling at him: Thank you, Tsylan.

Tsylan: We are partners now, Lut. We must share our joys but also our responsibilities.

Me, as I stood up: In that case, let's not dawdle.

Tsylan and I get up and start getting dressed. I could not prevent myself from admiring his back with a small smile. He smiled at me and he winked at me and I hurried back to him.

We finished getting dressed, before calling our Ikrans to set off for Kelutral.

Joltsyn's POV

I smiled, delighted, when I saw Tsylan and Lutsey arrive. Although they were not holding hands, the glances that were exchanged were enough for me to understand the link between them. And the energies I felt coming from them confirmed it.

Then Tsylan gave her a tender kiss on his forehead before walking away, probably to join his band. Immediately, my two sons went to their aunt who took them in her arms, with a smile.

Lutsey; How are you?

Roltyun: Mom played with us all day yesterday!

Lutsey: Nang! Mais....

Me: I had a day off so I took the opportunity to spend some time with them. What about you? How was your night?

At these words, my sister blushes, making my sons and I laugh.

Siwey : Auntie Lut is red!

Lutsey, pulling herself together: That was the best night of my life!

Me: I can see it in your eyes. You seem to be blossoming

Lutsey: Oh yes! Tsylan is sweeter than I thought.

I was surprised by this remark. I saw Tsylan more as a dominator and not at all like that.

Roltyun: So it's uncle Tsylan?

Lutsey: Yes my little warrior. He is now your uncle.

The two made a big yeah, under our amused laughter. I was happy for my sister but I also had a bad feeling. This calm sounded false to my ears, without me knowing why. My big sister looked at me seriously, sharing my feeling

Days passed and I could see the complicity between my sister and her partner develop. Tsylan was a great help in my sister's duties, especially in inspecting the storage of food and weapons, both training and live, and helping her in the management of the clan life.

It was a great weight off his shoulders and it wasn't any worse. So she had a little more energy to train or to devote to herself.

As I walked with my sons, I could see her preparing for a trip, judging by her satchel and dagger in her scabbard on her left side. And then she had her official chef's outfit and earrings.

Joltsyn: Going somewhere, big sister?

She looked at me and smiled at me.

Lutsey: Yes. Sorry to leave so suddenly but I have to go see my sister.

Joltsyn: Is it because of Tsu'tey?

Lutsey: Partly. But I also need to check in on them.

I gave him a smile, understanding his desire.

Joltsyn: Go then. Besides, Tsylan will help me if there is a problem.

Lutsey: I know that. Come on, I have to go soon because I have a long road ahead of me. I've told Tsylan so you don't have to tell him.

On this parolen she moved away to climb to the highest branch of Kelutral. I could understand that she did not want to bring Tsylan with her. Nevertheless, her energy will be felt by the Tsahik.

However, I found it difficult to feel her energy with my sister and this intrigued me. Would it be possible...

Later, at the Kelutral of the Omatikayas,

POV of Neytiri

I could feel my heart racing as Jake's uniltaron approached. Soon I would be able to become one with him. As the days went by, I felt my love for him grow stronger and stronger. His courage or insanity, naivety and sarcasm have only increased my passion for him. Just the thought of him made my heart beat.

I knew my parents would disagree, but I didn't care. But... Are my feelings recriminating? At that thought, I felt a cold running through my veins.

Fortunately, a cry from Ikran interrupted me in this wave of thoughts. I had heard it many times to find out who the owner was.

I immediately rushed to the highest branch of Kelutral to see my sister looking at her Ikran with an annoyed look. She seemed to sneer at his gaze, which made Lutsey sigh. Something had changed in her but I could hardly see clearly. Her energy...It seemed like it was blurred, but by what?

I'll get my answers later and hurry to her, happy.

Me: Little sister!

She had just enough time to look up before I put her in my arms and gave her a big hug.

Me: I missed you!

She was surprised at first, but she soon gave me back my embrace.

Lutsey: You too, big sister.

Soon my parents joined us and the rest of the clan. Tsu'tey gave Lutsey a strange look, as if she was expecting something from her.

She sighed slightly before she smiled again, tearing at Mother and Father. It was rare for Father to show emotion, but it was clear that his young daughter had missed him. As for Mother, she was smiling and happy, but a glint in her eyes showed me that she suspected something about my sister? Would it have anything to do with this energetic mess I was feeling?

I did a quick inspection of Mother's classes in my head. When a mess like this appeared, it meant that the mind was reacting to something. It could be an illness, an injury, or something else.

At the thought, I lowered my ears in anguish. I hoped Lutsey wasn't sick because the loss of Silwanin was painful enough.

Mother: What is it, my daughter? You seem agitated.

Me: I was thinking, Mother

Mother: Tested by your apprentice?

Me: I won't deny that this was part of my mind. But it's mostly the energy of little sister that worries me.

She looked at Lutsey who was talking to Father with a smile on her face.

Mother: I understand your anguish, but give it time. We will soon know what she has. Intervening too early could complicate the problem rather than solve it.

Me: I know, but...it's my duty as an elder. I have already failed with Silwanin, I don't want to...

She put a finger to my lips, her face stern.

Mother: My daughter, you are not responsible for her death. There was nothing you could have done. It is the People of Heaven who are the only culprits. Not you.

I knew that Mother was right but I couldn't shake this horrible image in my head. The image of my sister coming in, then the shots piercing the wood and touching her. Her death rattle, blood spilling on the ground.... Just thinking back on it made me shed tears.

My mother comforted me as best she could, with an emotional embrace, but I knew she shared the same pain.

Mother: I know it's hard for you, ma ite. But you have to get over it. Don't spoil your sister's arrival because of it.

Me: I am trying, Mother. But...It comes back to haunt my nights....

I was saying that part of the truth. Another person was haunting my nights and she was downstairs with Sa'nok. And my love for him made me feel like I was a traitor to those who were killed at the school, including my little sister.

Mother: You have to do it. For us. I don't want to see you continue to suffer for this. Your father, me, your sister, and the clan will suffer just as much from you for his absence and the hunters who accompanied him. But we must continue to live.

I could feel tears touching my cheek, releasing mother's contained pain. Seeing her like this was enough to motivate me to move forward.

Neytiri : Thank you, Mother.

Soon she broke the embrace and wiped away her tears, then mine.

Mother: Let's go downstairs to see your sister and your father. Otherwise, they will start asking questions and...I don't think your sister likes Jake Sully.

Me smiling: You're right. I should stop him from turning him into a blanket.

We both laughed at the joke while walking down the branch. I quickly turned around to see Tahni resting on a branch before shifting my attention back to me.

When I arrived, I thanked my mother inside. Indeed, I could already see Lutsey throwing daggers from her eyes to Jake wanting to make conversation.

Jake: You're not very talkative.

Lutsey; I have other things to do than listen to your nonsense. I don't understand how my sister can put up with you, tawtute.

Jake: I have a name, you know. It's Jake Sully

Lutsey: I don't care what your name is, tawtute.

Jake, by Eywa, don't play dumb...

Jake: And I thought Tsu'tey was the only person I had to worry about. Like, you always find worse

By Eywa! I admired his courage but it did stupid things to him. Lutsey had his hand on his dagger, forcing me to intervene to prevent the confrontation. I knew that Jake had no chance against my sister if there was ever a duel.

Me: Calm down, little sister. He didn't insult you. I think you overreacted.

She gave me a brief glance where I saw her flame calm down before staring at Jake sternly.

Lutsey: Talking to this individual gives me migraines.

Jake: I have....

I interrupted Jake with a stern look, urging him not to continue.

Lutsey: I don't understand how you can put up with that idiot! He exasperates me!

Me: You've never been a very patient person, for one thing. And even less so today.

She answered me that with a grunt

Jake; I apologize if I have offended you. Even though I can't see how.

Little Sister looked at him for a moment before turning her heels with an exasperated sigh. I should tell him about this strange mood swing.

Jake: I suppose you want to spend time with your sister? I can understand that.

I gave her a smile, enjoying her understanding. But I was thinking I should let Lutsey think in her corner for now.

Me: I should let her calm down, since you've upset her.

Jake: I'm sorry, Neytiri. But...I was really hoping to improve my relationship with her.

Me: I understand, Jake. But just know that you're not on the right side of her relationship. Unless you prove to her that you're a trustworthy person, she will remain hostile towards you. Especially since your recklessness isn't exactly a good thing.

He didn't answer, but his sad face was enough for me to understand that he regretted his audacity. But having been around him these last few months, I knew he would not change. It was part of him and it amused me.

Jake: What's funny?

Me: You

He raised his eyebrows, intrigued

Me: Just stay as you are. Don't change

Jake with a smile: I don't intend to.


I had let Jake go get his peanut, necessary for his uniltaron, and went in search of my sister. I found her outside of Kelutral, leaning against a piece of Kelutral. She had probably isolated herself to immerse herself in her thoughts but another silhouette attracted my intention. As I looked up at this one, I saw Tsu'tey again, heading towards Lutsey. She opened her eyes to look at him with her usual coldness.

Lutsey : Kaltxi ma Tsu'tey.

Tsu'tey responded to his greeting with a gesture of reverence. After all, he wasn't a chief yet.

Lutsey: I suppose you want to talk about my sister.

Tsu'tey: Indeed, ma olo'eyktan. You promised to convince her to give up her madness.

I clenched my fists to contain my anger. What right did he have to meddle in my affairs? And how dare he involve my sister? And how could Lutsey accept that?

Lutsey: I never promised to convince her. I only told you that I would talk to her. Nothing more.

Tsu'tey annoyed : Do I need to remind you that his place is with me? We are destined to lead the tribe.

I heard my sister sighing at this answer. I recognized her well at that moment. She was not the type to accept this kind of compromise. Looking back, I too regretted having accepted this future union that I never wanted.

Lutsey: You talk about this as if it was already written. But the future is just a long, uncertain river. Who tells you that Eywa hasn't planned for something else?

Tsu'tey: I know you don't like that, Lutsey. But this union is necessary for the clan. I don't like it any more than you do, but we have to do it. And I won't let this tawtute endanger our tribe!

Lutsey, after a sigh: I'll do what I can, Tsu'tey. But as I told you before, I can't force her if she's in love with this demon. Believe me, I don't like her any more than you do, but I want to see my sister happy.

Tsu'tey in a cold tone: What about the clan?

Lutsey: We will find a solution. So far, it hasn't happened yet.

He had a silence at that moment before the initial promise interrupted him.

Tsu'tey : Sorry for speaking so harshly to you.

Lutsey : That's all right, Tsu'tey. I understand your fear to share it, brother. I wish I could offer you more guarantees but I can't. I can't offer you that.

Tsu'tey: Thank you, however, for granting my request.

Lutsey with a smile: Come on, Tsu'tey, between brother and sister of clan, and ally, we must help each other, right?

He answered with a smile. Believing that I had seen enough, I decided to move away.

Later on,

My sister used to help me style my long hair. My mind was busy with her last conversation with Tsu'tey and I was waiting for her to start the conversation. For now, she was brushing my hair with a softness that always surprised me with her.

Lutsey muttering: Neytiri...I need to talk to you about something...

Me whispering too: I overheard your conversation with Tsu'tey.

She sighed at my answer, continuing to comb it before mumbling again, so that no inquisitive ear could hear.

Lutsey: Look, Tsu'tey is not totally wrong about the balance of the clan. Are you sure of yourself?

Me: I've never been more sure, little sister. He's my half, the one my heart desires. You know that feeling, don't you?

Lutsey smiles: Yes, sis, and I can understand what you're feeling right now. It's just...Father and Mother's reaction that worries me.

Me: They'll have to accept my choice. I am an adult.

Lutsey: I don't want our family to be torn apart.

I could feel the anxiety in her voice and I wanted to reassure her. But I couldn't find the words.

Lutsey: I have to leave tomorrow. I'll be here to hunt for the dreams of this...Jake...

Me: Thank you, little sister

Lutsey: I'm just wondering what Eywa is planning for this fool.

On this word, a silence settled between us while my sister finished combing my hair and combing my hair. After all, it won't be long before Jake's dream hunt begins.

My little sister finished braiding them carefully. She has always been good at doing her hair and clothes despite her bad temper. And this talent has been further enhanced with her function as an olo'eyktan.

Neytiri : Will you be there for Jake's uniltaron?

She was hesitant before answering

Lutsey: Yes. I won't leave until dawn tomorrow. I don't want to leave Joltsyn and Tsy....

My sister interrupted herself at this point, making me smile. Although I was still worried about this energetic mess.

Me: Is this the one you're related to?

I turned to my sister who was so red that it made me laugh.

Me: I guess he's your companion, sis.

In response, she braided my last hair in a more violent way this time, making a grimace.

Me : Ouch! Calm down! It's the truth, isn't it?

Her cold look and lowered ears showed me that she didn't like it or didn't want to talk about it.

Once she had finished, I turned to her with a worried look in my eyes. I knew we had to tell our parents one day, but that didn't stop me from asking.

Me: When are you going to tell them?

Lutsey: After you, big sister. They will have to digest your choice before they know mine.

I was blowing a whistle of exasperation. I had hoped to escape the shock of the first revelation, but it seems that my sister wanted to avoid taking this "favor".

Me: You're lucky that your clan is far enough away.

She smiled at me, savoring her victory over me before waving me down.

Lutsey : Your " prince= " is waiting for you

I was blowing, annoyed by his comparison before going down the branch to join Jake to prepare him for the final test to become an adult and a member of the People. The uniltaron.

Lutsey; I'm not hiding the fact that I'll be glad he doesn't pass.

I knew my sister hated Jake but I thought she was exaggerating at the time.

Me: He'll pass! And will prove to you and Tsu'tey that you are wrong to despise him!

She just folded her arms but frowned with her eyebrows and ears down and her tail wagging, showing that she didn't appreciate my defense.

Lutsey: I'm just stating a fact that would be convenient for everyone.

Me: Are you so cruel to him? Why? Because he's human? But... (Sighs)

Suddenly, enlightenment came to me. It was so obvious! Her boyfriend and partner and Jake were both chosen by Eywa. My sister often talked about a vision of a Toruk Makto tawtute, which would appear. It all fit together and I could now understand her resentment.

Me: I know you want your boyfriend to be the Toruk Makto but it will be Jake!

Lutsey in a dark voice: We'll see.

I was getting close to the goal, given his reaction, and my anger grew. I thought it was unfair and ridiculous!

Me: You have no right to hate him for that!

Lutsey: And why?

Me: It doesn't make sense! He has nothing to do with it! Maybe your lover is not as worthy as you think!

She looked me in the eyes, a deep rage glistened as her ears were lowered and her tail wagged.

Lutsey: Don't you dare say that!

Me: Then don't blame Jake for that!

Lutsey, raising her voice: I have other things to blame than that! It's not my fault he's stupid!

Me, raising my voice too: He's not stupid! He's just brave and naive! But his heart is strong! Probably strong...

Fortunately, Mother's voice calmed us down immediately before the situation could get any worse.

Mother in a stern but calm voice: Neytiri, your apprentice is waiting for you.

Suddenly, I remembered that I had to paint Jake for his dream hunt. Walking away from my sister, I bowed my head and apologized before walking away, leaving them alone.

Later on,

To my great relief, Jake made it through and became a member of the People. This did not please Tsu'tey or my sister, but my sister did not protest when we all came together to accept him into our tribe.

And through this, I knew that the decisive moment of my life was approaching. I was going to follow my heart and disobey my parents. I felt sorrow for the pain I would inflict on them, but I refused to suppress the desires of my heart.

Jake was my half, not Tsu'tey. I was sure of that and I didn't want to let him go without telling him I loved him. But with this resolution came doubt. But, does he love me back? There were many girls more attractive and talented than me. Sitting in a suit outside the Kelutral to regain the river, I lowered my ears and moved my hands, nervous.

Lutsey: I know that feeling, big sister.

I looked up and saw my little sister looking at me with a sincere and tender smile. By Eywa, I had forgotten how much she had grown and matured! I barely recognized the stubborn and brawling little girl of yesteryear.

Me: What can we do about it? I mean... I don't know how to get rid of it.

Lutsey: You can't. The only way is to tell her how you feel.

Me: But... how did it go with you?

Lutsey: Neyt...What I went through is not the same. My love is not Jake. And to tell you that, you don't want to do the same thing.

Me, surprised: Why?

She looked up, blushing

Lutsey: Let's say... It took a duel to get us to open up.

I laughed when I heard that. She was the sister I had known!

Me, with a smile: Maybe I'll avoid it, yes.

I was happy with the conversation and the attention of my little sister. It allowed me to get rid of my unpleasant thoughts.

Me: Lutsey, can I ask you something?

Lutsey: What is it, big sister?

Me: Tonight is important to me. Could you...

She looked at me, raising her right eyebrow and her ears and tail, wondering what I was going to ask her. I was afraid of her reaction, but she was the only one I could trust with such a task. Finally, I found the courage to go on.

Me: Help me to look good for tonight?

Lutsey, sighing: Neytiri... You are asking a lot of me.

Me: I know, little sister, but you always knew how to find good clothes. Just your chef's outfit shows it.

She remained silent for a moment, seeming pensive. I watched her thinking, nervous of her answer. I knew she didn't like Jake very much and knowing what I wanted to do, I was sure she would refuse. Finally, she sighed again before answering in a jaded tone.

Lutsey: All right, big sister. I'll help you find a beautiful outfit for your...Appointment.

I'll hug her in my arms, happy for her answer. At first surprised, she was quick to imitate me.

Lutsey: As long as you're happy, big sister, that's good enough for me.

next chapter
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