She was enjoying the fresh air on the balcony outside her room when someone interrupted her. And to her surprise, the Prince appeared from nowhere, answering her rhetorical question.
"What are you doing here?" She asked, suddenly alarmed by his presence.
Although he did not seem to have any plans to harm her, seeing that he was still in his sleeping clothes, that was if he slept only in his shorts. Why was she suddenly imagining him on his bed?
She suddenly turned around, avoiding his gaze as she pretended to look at the magnificent scenery before her. She could feel her cheeks burning at the thoughts that had suddenly plagued her mind.
Despite the cinematic view before her, all her eyes could see was his body, looking perfect without a shirt on, with his muscular chest and flat abs in full display.
Thanks again for all your support.
You made my Christmas a lot brighter.
I hope I can also do the same.
But I hope you will forgive me for my one-chapter update.
I need to spend some time with my kids and family this special holiday.
Thanks again. And Merry Christmas in advance.