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85.41% The Road to the EGOT / Chapter 41: Chapter 41 - Demons Den (3)

Bab 41: Chapter 41 - Demons Den (3)

"Daddario? You're not related to Alex are you?" I asked as i shook his hand.

"Yeah she's my sister." He hesitated for a second before answering. I was paying attention, or else i wouldn't have picked up on it.

"I met her a few months ago. She's pretty great."

"Yeah she really is. Huh Tori, i gotta go. Nice to meet you Duncan." He quickly left.

"Wow. That was strange!" I said to Victoria as we saw him quickly run across the room.

"Yeah. Him and his sister had a pretty bad dust up. I'm not sure about why. Whenever he hears about her, he gets a little weird."

"Oh. I'm sorry. I had no idea."

"Not your fault. Well I should probably go find Eric. It was good seeing you Duncan." She said as she hugged me.

"It was great seeing you. You look beautiful!" She beamed her incredible smile at me before walking away.I grabbed the drinks and went to find the girls. I must have been gone longer than i had thought because the girls were no longer there.

I looked around and had no clue where they could be. I left the glasses on a table and went outside near the pool. Seeing and talking to Victoria had shaken me. My god she was beautiful.

I had forgotten the strong effect she had on me. I closed my eyes and tried to stay calm when I heard a moan coming from the side of the house.

I walked over and peaked around the corner and was only partly shocked to find Ariana and Anna Sophia making out against the house. Ariana was all over the hot blonde, practically pawing at the young actress's shapely rear.

Anna Sophia wasn't just a passenger. She had removed a strap from Ariana's gown and was playing with her hard nipple. I felt myself growing hard at the scene taking place before me.

I walked away, not wanting to interrupt their fun for any reason. I turned back towards the house, only to be accosted by an angry Eric Strong.

"You can't have her! You hear me? She's mine." He said to me. He seemed unstable. He was shaking, and continued to pass his hand against his nose. The idiot must have been high.

"Of course she is Eric. You have nothing to worry about." I tried calming him.

"You want her back! But you can't have her back. She's mine. I love her. Stay the hell away from her." He almost shouted at me. Thank god we were outside and the music inside was quite loud.

"I don't want her back. I don't. I hadn't even seen her for more than a year. Calm down." He broke. Tears filled his eyes. I saw it there again. The part of himself that he locked away.

I pulled him towards a chair nearby, and sat him down. "She doesn't love me Duncan. Not like she loved you! I don't know why... " I hated to admit it, but i felt for the guy. I put my hand on his shoulder, not really sure what to say.

"I'll go find her for you. She loves you. She's been with you for a year. Why else?" That seemed to calm him down some. "You just have to get yourself together. Stop the drinking and the drugs. Be present for her. That will make a huge difference."

"You think?" He asked me, sounding more like a little boy than a grown man.

"I'm sure. I'll go find Victoria." I turned away walking towards the house and Ariana and AnnaSophia were standing there watching.

"Is he going to be alright?" Ariana asked.

"He has Victoria. He'll be fine. Could you guys go find her and tell her where he is."

"Of course." Ariana said as she kissed my cheek.

"Are you okay?" Anna Sophia asked me.

"I'm fine. Thanks for asking." I let them go inside, and i kept an eye on Eric from a distance. He was a mess.

I really hoped for his and Victoria's sake, that he would put himself back together. A few minutes later Victoria came outside and held him against her.

"I'm so sorry baby." He said to her. "I'll be better I promise you. I'll do better. Just don't leave me."

"I'm not going anywhere. Just calm down." Victoria said, holding him close to her chest.

I walked back inside, no longer able to watch. I was on my way to find a bathroom when I heard Stamp shouting in one of the deserted hallways.

"Where the hell is she?" He was berating a very attractive black woman. Attractive didn't begin to describe her.

She was very beautiful and wore a black cocktail dress that showcased her lovely figure. At the moment her lovely features were masked by worry as Stamp laid into her.

"I called, but she says that her daughter is sick." The young beauty pleaded.

"I don't give a shit. You call her and tell her to get that fat ass of hers over here soon, or the only thing she'll be casted in are low budget pornos." He screamed as he stormed away, bumping into her and sending her purse crashing to the floor along with all it contained.

"Get your act together Kara. Or maybe a similar fate awaits you." She dropped down and and began picking up the items. I waited for Stamp to return to the party before helping her.

"Nice guy!" I said to her. She looked over and laughed.

"Not really! But he signs my checks."

"Shouldn't give him the right to treat you like that." I told her has i picked up her lipstick.

"Thanks. I'm Kara Banks." She said to me as she held her hand out to me.

"I'm Duncan Bryant."

"I know who you are."

"Huh! How?" I asked. Still very perplexed when this happened.

"I know practically everyone who works in the business."

"Well Stamp is clearly wasting your talents." I told her as we finished picking up the last of her things.

"I practically run his entire agency. He's just too much of a prick to acknowledge me. He wants me to call Scarlett Johansson and get her here. I keep telling him, her daughter isn't feeling well. He won't listen."

"Why do you continue to work for him?"

"He's a dick. But I get to work in movies, which has been my dream since I was a little girl."

"I'm sure. But i'm also sure you didn't dream of calling mothers and threatening their careers if they didn't leave their sick baby's side." She bit her lip when I said that.

"No job is perfect, Duncan. I'm sure you've had to deal with this sort of thing at some point."

"Oh I have. And since you're practically running the agency. I'm sure you know all about it. Is this how you envisioned working in Hollywood?"

"No not at all. I thought i'd be helping artists create. Not studios make more money." She said clearly frustrated. I couldn't help but smile.

"You remind me of a friend of mine. Just know, it's not too late. As long as you don't let Derek stomp out your passion." She smiled at me.

"Wow, the stories about you are true."

"There are stories about me?"

"Everyone claims you're one of the last few decent people in this town. Everyone has an agenda. You don't seem to." I laughed.

"Don't believe everything you hear."

"I don't. But i do think that if you do have an agenda, it could only be a good one."

"I'm flattered by the quick assessment of my virtue."

"It's my job. And i'm hardly ever wrong. I have to get ScarJo over here. It was nice meeting you Duncan." With that she turned and walked away. I couldn't help but stare at the wonderful curve of her ass.

As i came out of the bathroom, I noticed there were even more celebrities in the room. Blake Griffin, Chris Hemsworth and Chris Pine had joined the party. I looked up at the second floor balcony and saw Iggy Azalea by herself. I went up to meet her.

"Hey you okay?" I asked.

"I'm alright," She said unconvincingly.

"You know it's always easy to tell, when a beautiful woman isn't feeling very well."

"You think i'm beautiful?" She asked sounding surprised.

"Of course. Why is that such a shock to you?"

"I don't hear that very often. People tell me i'm hot, or sexy. Or that they want to do me."

"I get it. We're part of a crude era. People can't even properly appreciate beauty." She blushed. "So what's bothering you?"

"I just heard that my tour got canceled. Ticket sales were too low."

"I'm sorry to hear that. But it's not the end of the world you know. This business is all constant up and down. Last year you were one of the top artists. You'll bounce back."

"Thanks for saying that. I just worked really hard on this new album, and it's not doing as well as my first."

"Give it time. It takes time for fans to change along with artists. They say they want something new, when all they want is more of the same. They'll come around. All it takes is one hit."

"You think?"

"I'm sure. Once a star, always a threat." She smiled and looked lovely doing so. "You know Pharrell Williams is a friend, maybe i can see if he could help."

"Really you would do that? Why?"

"This business is hard enough as it is. I think we should all be looking out for each other."

"Thank you. Let me give you my number." She kissed me on the cheek, before running off to find Nick. I took the chance to stare at her voluptuous behind. How did people function at these things?

The amount of beautiful women made it difficult to focus. From where I was standing, I could see the party below and all of Hollywood royalty. But only one person mattered. Only one person stood out. Victoria.

From my perch i could watch her, without her knowing. I watched her smile and talk with the other party goers. She was beautiful in a way that I always had trouble describing.

"She is very beautiful." Ayelet Zurer said as she joined me.

"She really is." I replied.

"You love her?" She asked.

"I do. For a very long time now. It almost feels like a different life."

"I know all about past loves. Even though they are long gone, they have a way of staying with you."

"I'm guessing that isn't Derek." She smiled a soft smile. Almost as though she were remembering something.

"You're not a fan of my husband are you?

"Is it that obvious?"

"You're not really trying to hide it."

"I'm really not."

"I can understand. He can be abrasive at times."

"That's putting it lightly." She laughed. "I enjoyed your take in Daredevil. You were one of the better parts of the show."

"Thank you. I really enjoyed it. I haven't really had the chance to act as much as I would like."

"Why is that?"

"Well i do have a very abrasive husband. He's very selective of what I do. He claims it will poorly reflect on him, if his wife is a failure. So he only allows me to do few things."

"That's really too bad. I always thought, the best part of being an actor was taking risks and trying different things."

"It is. It's something I really miss."

"Have you spoken to him, about all of this I mean?"

"I've tried. He's not a very patient man. Or even remotely flexible."

"Do you love him?" She hesitated before answering. Staring down below and watching Victoria.

"Love is for the young. As you get older, your heart tends to forget to beat faster."

"Just means that your heart is out of practice."

"You are a clever young man. And you are right. It has been quite some time, since i have felt the rush of love.

The last time had ended in heartbreak and disappointment. At the very least with Derek I know what to expect."

"Is that enough?" I asked her, looking at her seriously.

"For now, it has to be." We stayed silent for a moment. "Dinner will be served soon. It was interesting speaking with you Duncan. Stay well." She walked away, leaving me with plenty to think about. "Oh and Duncan. Sometimes the best thing to do is move on. Find someone else that makes your heart beat."

As soon as she had spoken those words, Alex popped into my head. I smiled, remembering the kisses we shared on the night of Mark's wedding. As I saw Victoria hold Eric's hand and kiss him, i realized that maybe it was time i chased that feeling.

I noticed that everyone was beginning to settle in for dinner. This would probably be the best chance to make it to Stamp's office. Gary had shown me on the blueprint of the house, where the office was located. I found it without much trouble and was relieved to find it unlocked.

Inside I found a large desk and posters of his most bankable movies lined up on the walls. He had a stack of scripts on his desks. There weren't any pictures or personal items whatsoever.

I found the safe in a corner behind the desk. I dropped to my knee and took out the numbers Gary had given me earlier. The safe clicked open when i inserted the second.

Inside, i found a large amount of cash, and what looked to be contracts. I was scrouging through the content of the safe, but nothing that looked like a hard drive.

I was pissed and frustrated and was about to give up and head back downstairs, when a red notebook caught my eye. I pulled it out of the safe and opened it. It was clearly a ledger. It had account numbers, dates and monetary amounts. I pulled out my phone and snapped pictures of every page. I sent the pictures to Gary, and quickly put the ledger back in place.

I made sure everything was as I had found it. I shut the safe and put in the fourth code Gary had given, to reset the system to Stamp's chosen code. I got up and was about to leave when someone opened the door. My heart stopped in my chest, thinking i had gotten caught. I was relieved to see that it was only Olivia.

"What are you doing here?" She asked me, closing the door behind her.

"Oh i was just taking a call. Needed some quiet." I answered, glad that i had my phone still in hand. Olivia came over to me and wrapped her arms around my neck. She kissed me, putting her tongue in my mouth. I gently pushed her backwards.

"Olivia. I'm not sure if this is a good idea."

"Why not? You don't want me?" She asked me looking as sexy as ever. She rubbed my dick through my pants. "It seems like you do." She said as she kissed my neck.

"I really do. Just not sure if this is the best place." The sound of my zipper going down, matched the feeling of my resolve leaving me. Olivia dropped to her knees and pulled my dick out of my pants.

"I don't care! I haven't had good dick since Miami." She said before putting my cock in her mouth, reminding me just how talented the beautiful actress was. Her lips tightened around my cock and her tongue was sent off on its own incursion.

I couldn't believe that i was in Stamp's office getting a blowjob. Maybe i should cum on his chair? I thought as I put my hand in Olivia's hair and guided her head up and down the length of my cock. The lovely actress bobbed faster, taking more and more of my cock down into her throat.

She held my dick there, massaging it with her throat muscles. Her tongue played against my balls, sending shivers through me. She pulled her head off my cock, and looked up at me as she jerked me with her hand. I pulled her up to her feet and kissed her hard.

I was horny as hell at that point and could no longer help myself. I brought her over to the desk, and made her bend over it. Effectively putting her ass in my direction.

I lifted the hem of her dress and moved her small black thong to the side, finally revealing her wet and delicious pussy.

I dropped to my knees, licking her sweet box as my hands kneaded her ass cheeks. I couldn't help but wonder how she tasted so heavenly. My tongue moved gracefully through the folds of her pussy. I pushed it into her tight hole, and Olivia moaned loudly.

"Fuck me Duncan! Please, I need it. Please!" I stood up and aimed my dick at the entrance of her cunt. God she felt even better than i remembered. I grabbed her sexy hips as her pussy gripped my dick. I was in heaven. Or so I thought until Olivia started rocking her hips back and forth.

I admired her beautiful ass cheeks, as i plundered her sweet depth with my hard tool. "Damn!" I said out loud. Olivia's hand reached down and began playing with her clit. She moaned louder, egging me on to fuck her harder. "Oh fuck! I'm really close!" I licked two fingers on my hand and lowered them to Olivia's backside.

I pushed my index feeling into her ass and the sexy actress groaned in joy. "More, more!" She begged. I pressed harder and my finger sunk deeper into her ass. I timed my cock and finger, so one would go in as the other pulled out.

"Oh GOD!" All of the stimulation was too much for the brunette. Her pussy tightened as she exploded in a strong orgasm. "AHHH SHITT!" She moaned out. Hearing and feeling her cum drove me to the same point.

I closed my eyes and enjoyed the feeling of having my cum shoot out and drive deep into her. We pulled away from each other and took turns cleaning up in Stamp's restroom. When i came out, Olivia was putting her thong back on. I held her against me and kissed her forehead.

"Stamp is the one that wants you to stay with Aaron?" She looked at me with her soft brown eyes and nodded.

"After you and I happened in Miami, i came back and tried to get out of it." Her mood quickly dampened.

"Did he threaten you?" She looked away and nodded again.

"I'm trapped. It's either this or my career. I worked too hard to get here. I can't just give it all up."

"I understand Olivia. I'm not judging you. And at the very least, Aaron is a good guy. It could be a lot worse."

"True. Thanks for looking out for me. It means alot to me." She said as she kissed me.

"I'm glad."

"We should get back." She said as she pulled away from me.

"Go ahead. I'll be down in a minute. Don't want people to think we were in here together."

"Good thinking. And thanks again."

"Anytime Olivia!" She walked out and I sat down on the couch to take a breather. I had to get my thoughts in order. I understood why Olivia chose to stay with Rodgers.

It just killed me that she was doing it. I left the office and made my way back downstairs. I heard noise coming from one of the rooms. The door was left slightly ajar.

I peeked in and saw Rita Ora on her knees sucking Nick Young's cock. I walked away, thinking that Iggy probably wouldn't like knowing that. I got downstairs and found my seat next to Ariana.

"Where did you disappear to?" She asked.

"Had to make a call. I didn't think you would miss me. I had left you in some pretty capable hands from what I saw." I joked. She smiled and hit my arm.

"You sure did." Ariana looked across the room, Anna Sophia was smiling at her. "We're going to fuck her good tonight, aren't we?"

next chapter
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