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17.72% The Reluctant Hero / Chapter 14: The sky is blue and so is the Fall (1)

Bab 14: The sky is blue and so is the Fall (1)

"But what you could perhaps do with in these days is a word of most sincere sympathy. Your movement is carried internally by so strong a truth and necessity that victory in one form or another cannot elude you for long" – Hjalmar Schacht

Chapter 14: Where the sky is blue and so is the Fall(1)

When I first discovered that little issue regarding the strange transactions happening in Menagerie and connected it to an unknown element in Atlas, I hadn't been aware of how much big the illegal operation had been, nor I had been conscious of the massive escalation it would have brought to the matter.

When the Chieftain of Menagerie himself had slammed fists on his table regarding this absurdly-large money-laundering attempt via the exploitation of the less-developed banks present in the island, the reply of Atlas had been a mixed one.

While a strong majority of the Atlesian council had publicly condemned the predicament as deplorable and quickly offered some compensation for the damage suffered by the small nation, the lack of notes detailing the possibility of further investigations and some trials for the guilty part was more than enough to propose a counter-offer.

No compensation had to be paid, but there would have been an investigation assigned to a mixed task force formed by members of Atlas' military and someone from the Menagerie's own guards to maximize the 'friendship' and 'trust' between the two political entities.

Something that was bitterly accepted after some days of hard-thinking for the former Kingdom of Mantle, but the hesitation to the acceptance to the rather 'generous' deal was more than enough to confirm that something was off about this entire predicament.

The doubts pestering by Zardula about the 'guaranteed safety' for the Menagerie's group had been influencing his refusal to have either Ghira or Kali, or both, to work on the diplomatic case. Thus, after some quick contemplation over the matter, a particular name was brought up.

Sienna was more than happy to be bestowed with such a grand duty as much as she was enraged by the fact she would have to deal closely with Atlas. It was a curious sight the one I was granted when I saw her smiling with some minor angry growls purring on her throat, even the noise leaving me as perplexed as hesitant to even get close to the Tiger Faunus.

And while I had expected to be given some free time away from the now-attached woman and try to deal with the fact I had someone like Raven Branwen deciding to sticking around once or twice in a while, maybe also get to help Ilia a little more with her project, I was given a foul hand as I had been summoned the earliest in the morning by the chieftain himself.

The visit had gone pleasantly, the coffee offered was more than delightfully accepted and the kind comments regarding my 'trustful' approach over this discovery were quite sugarish themselves to be the prelude of something a little more complicated and worrisome.

The pleasantries lasted for just less than half an hour and what I was given in the form of quick words was more than enough to have me hyperventilate a little at what I was being offered.

With Sienna going to Atlas, there had also been a mindful thought about sending someone else to both keep an eye over her zealous belief over the Kingdom and to make sure she had someone to have as an ally during the trip there up in 'behind enemy lines'.

I was quick to pick up where he was going with that introduction and before I could have been granted the chance of refuse, the man was quick to point out the fact that Sienna was the least worrying guard to have around until she was around to do this job.

In fact, even though I had been behaving rather 'well' in the last few days and I had proven that I meant it that I wanted to stay there by bringing up this ordeal to the authority's sight, I still had to have someone to be my minder. Cue the subtle reminder that I would have to deal with someone possibly worse than the young woman and completely unknown for me to 'avoid getting stitches' from.

It wasn't a pleasant thought as it would put me in quite the pickle with whoever I would have to deal with in that very case. It was also annoying that the man knew about my trouble about it and was keen to present it in quite the infuriating manner.

The smug was irritating, but I was too nervous over the fact I had been put in a very difficult predicament here with this crossroad. Either I went to Atlas and dealt with whoever had gone to create this economic mess, or I would have to deal with some hostile minder that could screw my peaceful life without a second thought about it.

I don't think there isn't much of a choice. With how it was worded, I can tell he really wants you on the field.

...What? Why would he-

You are good with economics, you have found about the issue and it would be easy to see why having you to personally analyze the matters from a close perspective would get the investigation going with some hopes of success.

Ozpin's comments were logical and incredibly-helpful in bringing up this very notion. Atlas might not be outright governed by some tyranny, but the few men ruling in the council wouldn't have been keen to have this scandal to escalate to a further degree. They were pragmatically nationalistic in nature, but they were also 'united' under the banner of the grand Kingdom they were.

It was good in terms of keeping stability up, but also fairly dumb when corruption lingered around the high levels. And that is why I had to be there with Sienna to make sure that things wouldn't get hidden away for the sake of 'unity' and 'patriotism'.

It's not as bad as you point it out to be.

Ironwood is a moderate element in the leadership compared to some generals. I would be quicker to believe that there is some moral code going on with the tenure of the military than that the military itself is corrupt like the government.

You mean that they accept honor and justice as tenants? You will be surprise by what James was forced to do two years before the Fall.

I have limited knowledge about stuff and I think that until crazy things happen to disprove my current familiarity with people, I will stick with what I know about him and the others.

Which is why I think your knowledge about the 'future' is as peculiar as it is quite exhaustive about the possible reason as of why our predicament exist.


While I have indeed transmigrated in your body, my incapacity to fully take over is manifested by the biological and soul-related differences we share. Your body is devoid of Aura, it's devoid of a true Semblance as… there is nothing even remotely close to this third Humanity.

You mean that there is actually a different about- Hold up! Third humanity? What-

Nothing to be concerned about. Just keep an eye on things as your unique body and soul are going to become a greater target compared to Maidens and Relics.


Because it's a mere suggestion, a highly-probable one, but still a guess about our peculiar case. Nothing that truly tell us much about the truth of things. And now, I will rest for a while… I think things will require my assistance rather soon now that we are going in dangerous lands-

Who said that I would accept the offer-

You are currently signing it as you are think-talking to me.

I blinked back to reality and I found my hand scribbling down my signature on the document forwarded by the calm-looking elder, my attention fully shifting back to the real world as said compiled file was pulled away from my reach and analyzed by the Faunus' attentive glance.

He gave a nod, a tiny smirk unveiling as the paper was taken away by a guard nearby. I stared at the scene in utter surprise and confusion, brain failing to keep up with the fact I just did that unconsciously.


Ozpin didn't reply at my foul reaction, further leaving me to deal with what I just did. Seriously, what had happened back there and why I had little recollection over the actions regarding the signing of the papers.

I was then given a quick explanation about a few questions I still had over the matter, most of them regarding the kids. Kali had been more than happy to take the two children to stay by the mansion for the days Sienna and I were supposed to be out of there, Ghira merely impassive but quick to accept of helping me with the kids too.

My workplace would end up getting informed that my current presence was going to be missing for the time being for some national security's matters. The excuse was simple to listen but it was hefty enough to silence enough questions from my boss and other colleagues.

I didn't ask anything about Raven, knowing full well that the woman was still going to keep track of me with her portals and I knew that the Chieftain would surely be elated of the fact he wouldn't have to be wary of the bandit leader wandering in Menagerie.

What followed after the meeting could only be described as 'utter chaos'.

I had to reassure the two kids that I was going to be back in more or less a week from now, the work being a safe trip that wouldn't see me put in any danger (a lie, but I was quick to label it a white one). Nora cried, a lot, the girl latching onto my chest worse than glue the moment she was finally provided with the explanation behind my sudden departure.

Ren was sad too, but the young boy was a little more understanding of the matter after twenty minutes spent telling him that I would be fine, that Sienna would have been with me and that Raven would have surely kept an eye over me for the sake of keeping me alive from any attempt at my life.

The Valkyrie was a little more difficult to convince, especially with how loud her bawling was and how she decided to drown any words coming from my lips with her cries. I was almost brought to a rather unpleasant situation where a parent, even a newly-made one as I was, had to be strong enough to part with their kids.

Nora had grown attached to me rather quickly, the sudden opportunity to finally having a good family being more than enough to urge her to spend more time around me when I was back home and that manifested right as I had to go for this business trip.

The thought that I had to be absent for a full week had been enough to spark, anxiety, nervousness and fear as the girl denied me the chance of moving away from the couch of the living room back home.

I wouldn't be lying that I did felt a little crappy at the prospect I couldn't spoil her over the matter, maybe rejecting the offer and all, but then I was given peace in the form of a lucky development with the girl.

Her cries turned less, her eyelids dropped until they close and after two hours of full-crying and all, I was left with a terribly-exhausted child on my arms. I blinked tiredly myself, strained by the situation but strong enough to carefully pass the sleeping child right at the kind and waiting hold that Kali had prepared for me to let go of Nora.

The child shifted with a small frown and scowl, the lines were once there were her tears were now red as her cheeks were. I dropped a little kiss on her forehead and patted Ren's head while bidding him a calm goodbye. The boy nodded with a sad smile, holding back a yawn before returning the words.

With this situation dealt with, I was left to deal with Sienna's reaction over my presence in what was going to be her 'glorious' but painfully-agonizing road to Atlas. The young woman had been shocked-no, floored by the fact that I, a simple civilian, would have to follow her around during this voyage for the cold north and her lack of major words dignified an immense conflict growing in her head.

I had no doubt that she was hesitant of the fact that I would have been a burden in any attack and that I could have possibly caused some major issues about the legitimacy of what was supposed to be a proper entourage from Menagerie.

I wasn't a Faunus and people would have suspected me of being from another Kingdom, thus suspecting a possible foul play from another 'rival' over the visible weakness exposed by the scandal's discovery.

Paranoia was a strong emotion capable of making people do some mad things for the sake of self-preservation. Like Gulags and Purges.

I was also conscious of the fact that there were enough power-plays to make things hot in that cold nation up below, that some politicians would make propaganda out of this and maybe try to get some easy favors from popular consensus over the failure or success of this investigation.

And hopefully, we weren't going to be assassinated by some hit-man mere moments before returning back home. I would seriously hate that kind of unfair timing and… death isn't fun.

This incredibly-annoying and massively-tiring first half of the day ended up with Sienna and I entering inside the airship arriving from Atlas itself, the interior was a cold-themed as the exterior, the lack of warm colors and the presence of a prevalent amount of gray, silver and blue was enough to remind me of some military operation.

There was a young lieutenant assigned to command the ship and a mix of soldiers and androids keeping things going within the complex machine that would transport us to Atlas and… maybe get us to a safe refuge before forcing us to do things.

I really didn't want to die a Kennedy's death.

The silence offered by her room was surprisingly noise and difficult to endure.

Winter Schnee huffed as she was finally enjoying some free time away from her tutors and back to the safe refuge that was her bedroom. The place itself was big enough to accommodate the entirety of her wardrobe, filled with clothes for various occasions, her book-filled shelves and the workshop she had received as a gift from her grandfather.

The ghost of a smile briefly appeared at the mentioning of the kind old man that was Nicholas Schnee. The elder was rather forgiving and lenient over her educative growth, mentioning the fact that she was still young enough to enjoy some happiness before dealing with the complex nature of being part of the richest family in Remnant.

The girl huffed as she flipped the current page, the set of math problems having been completed with flawless execution of the methods taught by the rigorous teachers bought by her father.

Men that were stern with their explanations, quite unforgiving when some issue would rise up from the failure to properly understand a part or two of their lectures but also quite cautious to not exaggerate with their manners and their loud tones, knowing that a mistake could see them thrown out from the graces of the family.

Even though a mere ten-years old child, Winter Schnee was a very attentive girl that could understand the nature of things happening in her little palace of ice and cold. Home was home with Mama, Weiss, Whitley and Grandpa, but while it had a full-fledged warming system, the presence of her father seemed to render things so cold and difficult to keep up with.

The man that was Jacques Schnee was… ambitious. She blinked, her hands pausing a moment in her homework as she repeated softly the word and connecting silently to its definition.

Her father had an ambition, a long-timed goal that seemed to span beyond the common and the average. He was conscious of his rich position and exploited those that were weaker than him. The nature of the strong against the weak, it was something that the lessons from the tutor teaching her about history had been repeating over and over again.

The power of grand men against a multitude of inferior individuals, either because of economic, social or even political reasons. It was something that happened between animals, Faunus and even humans.

It was a connecting element that was somewhat unpleasant to those that felt that the 'inferiority' of the Faunus-kind was genuinely a thing. Even as a young and still-growing lady, Winter knew that there was something wrong in calling it a 'fact' when no proof had ever been brought up.

Something that her Mama had agreed to when she had asked about the matter, further giving her depictions of the concept being subverted either by humans or faunus themselves. It was so absurd yet so present, especially with the old and loud guests that her father would invite for business dinners.

Rich people that were either members of the SDC or just some minor noble families trying to get the scraps falling of Jacques' plate. Ignoring their loud grumbling and overly-saccharine words that were to endear the attention of the unofficial head of the family, Winter's only problem about those events was the frequent presence of children her age. Young boys that were keen to share tentative words of 'friendship' and 'alliance' because of their families' desperate attempts at glory, even going as far as to try and do the same with the still-innocent Weiss.

Her younger sister was incredibly-trusting of those individuals, feeling that their words meant what they were saying and sometimes forcing the eldest child's hand in going to threaten the daring fools to back away from these attempts.

The first time she had seen closely someone threatening someone else, it was when her mother had been angry with one of the servants treating badly little Whitley. The words had by then lost any attempt of formality, yet it hadn't completely degenerated in a crass contest of bad words.

She knew little of the 'foul ones', only that they were bad to hear and say to someone, something that had been more than enough for Winter to not search about them and…

She was digressing.

Winter's first try at intimidating had felt quite meek, the embarrassment and nervousness almost getting her to pause mid-lecture, but she had been lucky that the individual being targeted proved to be easy to dissuade from annoying Weiss even more.

The second and third tries were actually a little more refined, she took her time to properly set up the time and settings for those to happen. Both were successes and so were the ones that followed after those.

Precision, improvement and an odd sense of satisfaction in bringing order to that trouble-making nature of those pursuers. It was also something that had led her to take a dominant role in keeping watch over her siblings, Weiss even going as far as to consider her big sister 'her hero', the title being enough to put a blush on the little lady's cheeks.

The praise might have been of a brief nature, but the person from where it originated was enough to bring out even more satisfaction with her protective nature.

The noise of the door opening was what interrupted her thoughts and homework's sessions, her throat stopping with the calm humming born from that positive thinking and- She smiled when she was greeted by the familiar head peeking from the entrance of the room.

"Hello, sweetie," Nicholas Schnee smirked happily as he greeted his grandchild. Winter's eyes brightly returned the warmth she was received and she stood up from her chair to approach the kind elder.

The man fully entered inside the room, his hands holding something behind his back as he waited for the child to stop before him. "Oh? Were you busy with your homework?" He asked with a silly but curious tone, getting a huff from the child.

"It's math," She replied back with a pout, little arms crossing close to her chest. "Grandpa, why is math so difficult?"

The man chuckled and nodded. "Why, I think it's to make sure that fun things are funnier to make after Math," He explained flawlessly, like always. Yes, her Grandpa was this much cultured and impressive compared to other… dummies!

She almost giggled at that funny word, there was just something deeply amusing about it and- her attention was once more at the kind old man as the secret object he had been hiding until now was revealed to her.

Awe struck deeply as she was staring eye to eye to a fluffy teddy bear with pure-white fur, dark-blue eyes and… a little bow atop one of its ear. It had also a little smile and it seemed ready to be hug by the girl in front of it.

Winter didn't hesitate in snatching the lovely gift off from Nicholas' hands, pulling it in a tight embrace as she contemplated, between the pleasant surprise and the gleeful texture of the fluff, whatever fate it was going to get once her father discovered it.

It was an odd aversion from Jacques Schnee, but he had been sternly denying to his children the chance of keeping any fluffy animal dolls for no apparent reasons. Something that had driven him to get rid of the other gifts from the still-leading figure of the family towards the youngest members, either by burning them or having them delivered to the nearby dumpster.

Fat tears were still a strong memory of what had happened back when her first little lion cub had been taken away and destroyed, her rage directed at her father had reached the highest peak possible in that fateful day and… she blinked when she felt a big hand caressing up on her head.

Her stare noticed the kind but sad smile on the elder's face, a strange sight with the usually-cheerful grandpa and… he spoke. "Jacques will be busy in those few days," He finally said with a sigh. "There is a commission in the council that wants to see things over a bad thing that had happened in Atlas."

She frowned. "What bad thing?" The girl pressed on with a curious tone. Why wouldn't she want to know what kind of situation was going on at home? Could it be another strike? Or Maybe it was some disaster back in Mantle.

"Nothing that you should concern yourself with, little one," He snorted amusingly, drawing a bigger smile from the returning pout in the girl's face. "But I can tell you a little unique detail that got me quite shocked about this curious case."

The return of her interest was immediate, enough to cause another snort about it before an explanation was provided.

"The commission is going to be formed also by individuals loyal to Menagerie-"

The little nation that contained the grand majority of Faunus-kind, Winter knew about it mostly from her Geographical lessons that the Historical ones. She was still 'facing' the first section of the Great War and that was going to be a large topic to deal for the rest of the year, she reckoned with an inward sigh.

"And there will be a human among them." The elder finally finished with a little grin, expecting an incredible reaction out from her granddaughter and… it sure did happen. Her jaws dropped in an adorable display of shock at that impossible scenario.

It had been in the lessons from Geography, the tutor had been keen to point out that humans were never accepted within the community and thus no one had ever gotten to a high place within the Faunus-dominated hierarchy.

Yet her Grandpa provided the best news with the highest of legitimacy and… she blinked.

"W-What?" She started with a little surprise still dripping off her words. "But why would a human be among them?"

The man hummed quietly, his hand still carefully patting her soft head and drawing a frown out of the girl.

"Well, I don't know exactly how he got there… but he is part of the commission and he seems to be a competent fellow by the info I gathered from the little bio afforded by the bank he work for."

Part of her had been eager to press for more about this surprising development, but she remember about eagerness being a troubling emotion to bring so often around. That was what her Mama would tell her about during the little time they managed to spend together.

It was rare nowadays to get together to spend some time with her…

"Let's just say if things proceed smoothly, your father will have some trouble coming his way," The elder chuckled, drawing the girl's curiosity beyond her little formality and she finally asked.

"But why is he going to matter that much, Grandpa?" Her tone was carefully picked to strike the proper 'cute' notes to get some persuasion going, that was also something that Mama had told her to do with her Grandpa.

And it did in fact work when the man sighed before spilling more about the matter.

"This young man has a strong connection to the topic of the discussion, something that Jacques doesn't have and… I almost pity your father for going against that kind of tight case."

"So is father going to…" What word would best fit with the context? Fail? Be defeated?

"He will be steam-rolled and… that is the best fate he could get out from that possible meeting," He muttered with a smirk. "By the way, young lady, are you ready to spend some time outside with your grandpa and your siblings?"He asked with a giddy tone, getting a little giggle out from the amused child.

"Of course, Grandpa-" Then Winter blinked and sighed. "Still, I would have liked if Mama had come too."

"I wanted that too, sweetie, but Mama is busy with annoying your father," The elder replied with a sad sigh.

The little girl frowned at this new display of sadness. It was unbecoming for her grandpa to be sad, same for Mama and her siblings and…

Hopefully, that strange man living in Menagerie was truly going to make her father's sorry for hurting her Mama and the rest of the family.

She sure wished for it so.

next chapter
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