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29.11% The Reluctant Hero / Chapter 23: Party Hardy (2)

Bab 23: Party Hardy (2)

"Whenever you feel compelled to put others first at the expense of yourself, you are denying your own reality, your own identity." – David Stafford

~John's POV~

In this very predicament, a sane person would've started to panic, perhaps even wonder over the chances of actually succeeding in jumping through the windows and make a run for it.

It sounded like a good idea to me at first too, but then again, there were a few issues within that very idea.

I wasn't nowhere near the windows, with the dining room being fairly humongous, the distance between the table and the sides of the are was… non-negligible.

If the main problem decided to sprint as I rushed at the nearby emergency 'exit', I was sure going to get a body-slam.

Yet I was silently staring at the worrisome individual, thinking how exactly did he get there and why he looked so calm.

Hazel was quite the imposing figure. And while he didn't look quite threatening, from very far, he was quite a strong guy with a grudge for Ozpin.

Plus he could certainly crack some skulls worse than Gregor Clegane if he was pushed into his berserk mode.

I could've sparked the action, enabled the kerfuffle by just making a stand already, yet it would've been a puny and stupid mistake to make considering the unforgiving circumstance.

Nobody here had weapons to use against the intruder, and the intruder himself was someone that could easily shrug off most of conventional firepower.

Thus, instead of planning a direct plan of attack, I knew that I had to rely upon the information I had over my 'recruiter'.

The man took a step towards me, and I blinked at this unpleasant circumstance.

"A Queen?" I inquired with faux-interest. "I think none of the kingdoms currently have any proper monarchs."

"She isn't known to many, and it would be best for you to just follow quietly," Hazel rebuked politely. "I can't guarantee the safety of those in this room if-"

"As if I would allow some lunatic to attack my family," Nicholas finally erupted, his face showing some anger at the threatening undertone of the last comment.

Both Winter and Weiss had slowly walked to stand by their mother's side, while Whitley was picked by Willow in her arms.

I felt Sienna reach with her hand, grasping at my right shoulder.

"He isn't going anywhere."

The stern refusal was met with a sad look from the minion, and Hazel took a step closer.

"Sadly, this is beyond anyone. She has expressed interest, and there's nothing that will make her back away from-"

"Why are you so calm about this?" I asked with a confused tone. "You know, you just entered one of the few places that are considered the safest in Atlas and… you don't seem worried about anyone coming to help us."

The Schnee family was in this point of the timeline one of the national treasure for Atlas. The mere moment someone threatened their prized company, there was no doubt that an airship was well on its way.

Yet I found it truly odd that none of the guards around the mansion had yet to arrive and attack the bulky bastard in front of us.

There was a swarm of those, and it was just confusing as to why none had yet to come and breach the now-obstructed door.

"That's because no one will come," He replied quietly, his tone losing some of its previous calm while addressing this subject. "At least not until my partner is out there to make sure that nobody disturbs us."

A partner? But Salem didn't have that many minions right now and-

No. Hazel couldn't have been this much- this much stupid!

But there was no doubt, he was the only candidate possible that could've partnered with the Dust-roid giant.

My blood run cold at that explanation, as I had a solid theory about whom was currently lurking around the halls of the mansion and making a slaughter of people there.


"Are you- Are you insane?" I blurted out subsequently, eyes widening in a moment of utter shock. "You-"

"We need to make sacrifices," The big man reasoned with some hesitation dripping from his words. "Some lives need to be taken for the sake of making a better world."

His interruption made me ready to burst in anger at how lazily he was addressing such an issue.

Not only they had attacked one of the kingdoms so suddenly, but they were also in the process of threatening children and the other people living in the mansion.

Screw diplomacy, I need something to retaliate quickly with this prick.

I wouldn't suggest trying anything too sudden. Maybe James is already mobilizing some force to-

"John, you know about what this troglodyte talking about? Who is this man?"

Nicholas' voice interrupted my brain-storming session, and I glanced behind to give him a brief look.

"The situation is pretty bad, and if something doesn't happen soon, we might end up dealing with someone less sane than him," I answered the first query, feeling unsure how to deal with this very predicament. "And his name is Hazel Rainhart."

The intruder looked surprised at my last words. "So you're aware about my name and… you lied about not knowing the queen."

"Knowing is a strong word," I replied swiftly and with an uneasy tone. "Let's just say that I perfectly understand when to stay away from some unstable individuals, differently from you."

He frowned. "She is just misunderstood, not unstable," The man tried to surprisingly plead and I frowned.

"Forgive me but misunderstandings don't get people killed, at least not as many as she is prime cause for," I rebuked with some irritation. "And seriously, you're doing nothing more than antagonizing now."

"You're left with little options about that, Mr. Bukharin. I understand that you care for people's lives, even those that you've yet to met," The tall individual pointed out. "Let's just avoid making unneeded messes when-"

"You are trying to kidnap me, I hope you understand that's already a mess," I sarcastically rebuked, staring hardly at him. "Also no, before you make any reference to any sad backstory, I will not be swayed by some half-truths."

He raised an eyebrow at that. "And what do you plan to do then? You're not in a position to 'refuse'."

Can we do something about it?

[If I remember correctly, you did use something close to transfiguration a while ago, but I'm not sure you can use it without proper concentration-]

Ozpin and I already tried to make something after I managed to get that Pepsi can, but I can't get anything from it.

It's not transfiguration, we've already confirmed that. Yet feel like this is familiar too and-

[Maybe it's one of the few arts you left me to deal with. There are a couple of spells that match with your case but… I think I might be wrong, but what did you envision when you materialized that… can?]

Well, I was just remembering the flavor of the beverage since it's my favorite and-

[Can you imagine the emotions born from that remembrance? What made it feel so strong and so dominant within your mind?]

I blinked at the query, thinking back at the very situation for a brief moment as I contemplated about the delicious taste of the soda drink and-

Freezing up, I stared down at my hands and… at the familiar blue-colored tin can now in my hold.

"How curious," I hummed quietly, unwillingly drawing Hazel attention at the little thing I had now in my lap.

"What's that?" He inquired-demanded while frowning at the object.

"Oh you know, the very sensation that one feels when they seem ready to lose, but then then they suddenly win because of something oddly overpowered and terribly amusing," I hummed quietly and trying my best to appear as mysterious as possible. "It's like drinking a soda drink with a dry throat."

He didn't reply, and everyone failed to see that something was just off about the can itself.

But before Hazel could've done anything to reply to that insane comment, I did the unthinkable as I threw the can right at him.

"Please catch, it's rather important," I exclaimed while the small thing soared towards the man, Hazel tensing up as his hand stretched to reach the seemingly harmless can.

The very problem that he would notice just as he got hold of the blue-colored contained was that it was no longer 'small', but it was twisting from the inside out.

With his eyes widening in shock, the little thing exploded as the liquid pressured the small pieces of metals into his shirt.

Cuts spread all over his clothes, yet there was no physical damage on him since his Aura tanked most of the sudden explosion.

The rest of the witnesses either jumped in fright at the sudden phenomenon, with just Sienna staring at the scene without much else other than gawking at the resulting effects.

Meanwhile the frizzy beverage sprayed all over his face, outright blinding him and distracting him for a while as I stood up, two more cans occupying my hands.

And that is what happens when you add a lot of Mentos inside a single can of Pepsi.

That sounds particularly dangerous considering that you're making these 'bombs' from the experience you had with them.

[To think that you would go as far as trying to drink from that because of a Truth and Dare challenge-]

That was Drunk Bukharin. And nobody knows what Drunk Bukharin can and will do.

"You're the one in the position to lose, Hazel," I said while shaking my head, taking a couple of steps. "You should've just tried something a little more discreet. A pity that I don't plan to have you run away from this encounter."

He snarled. "You made a terrible mistake by refusing her offer. The new world will come and-"

"I will not allow that to happen, especially for the very reason that drives you right now to renege humanity as a whole," I replied sternly, drawing a surprised look from him. "Gretchen Rainart didn't die so that you could destroy her beliefs."

His eyes widened, and he seemed genuinely shaken by these words… but I wasn't actually trying to make conversation there.

I took more steps towards him. "A pity that you've tainted her wishes like this. And you were her brother."

Before I had the chance of throw the two tin cans, I froze as a noise erupted from the stuck doors, with someone trying to barge inside.

This distraction proved to be a serious mistake on my part, and I would then blame my tense mind while a big fist slammed straight into my chest.

I felt the air leaving my lungs as I was sent flying away, only to land on the opposite side of the room.

D-Did someone catch the number of that train?

Get up, don't let him leave!

While I shared well Ozpin's own interest in seeing Hazel dealt with instead of having to face him again in the future, my hopes were dashed away the same way the windows of the room were when that bastard run into them.

I don't know why he didn't press the advantage, perhaps he was panicking or something like that but-

The doors were slammed open, with the young butler that was Klein Sieben spearheading a group of fellow butlers and some of the arms guards

"Mr. Schnee, we've arrived to get you out of there with-" The man paused at the scene bestowed before him, shock filling his now-red eyes.

I saw Sienna finally bolting towards me, crouching down to check on me with a worried look.

"I'm- I'm mostly fine," I stated with some difficulty, still recovering from the little flight I had before hitting ground.

"You- you're really going to give me a heart-attack one of these days," She replied with a relieved sigh as I slowly allowed her to lift me up to stand. "We need to leave, we can't-"

"I know. We're not risking an encounter with the big guy's partner," I interrupted with a small smile. "Don't worry?"

"I think I've all the reasons of the world to be worried," The Tiger Faunus rebuked while helping me walk around, my mind whining at the fact I ended up with a little limp by my left leg.

I was still in pain from the impact, but it was somewhat bearable compared to the rest of horrible instances I had been subjected with in the recent past.

Without saying anything more about the matter, I let Nicholas take the rightful lead of the group in rushing towards the main entrance.

I looked around with cautious eyes, with Sienna following my example as we settled at the end of the large crowd of people.

Willow had kept her children close to her, everyone looking fairly shaken by the recent developments, but not enough to falter in following the clear orders that were meant to take us away from the dangerous place.

There were no obstacles along the ways, yet some of the paintings had been slashed and damaged by what seemed to have been some wars between the hallways.

Tyrian had been there… but he was no longer around to create any problem

Which was bad considering how unpredictable the man was in every circumstance, and I feared that an ambush had been set just at the end of this little run towards the main doors.

We stepped outside, making our way down the small staircase that led outside courtyard were a few airships had landed.

There was an odd sense of quiet, I could see some police's sirens flaring from beyond the gates as they let the military take over this difficult situation.

Soldiers started to be deployed from the flying vehicle, several squads forming as they advanced towards us as to bring us to safety and-


Dread froze my mind in a cold sweat, shock filled my throat as I turned to the side while trying to stare up, only to stop at an odd purple spot by Sienna's upper back.

She tensed up, perhaps feeling that something was off with her Aura but… it was too late.

Tyrian plummeted from the little perching he had been standing by until now, his stinger rushing down fiercely and puncturing the Tiger Faunus near her left arm's joint.

A cackle, a pain-induced gasp and then we were all crumbling down the stairs, with the rest of the group rushing away as the Scorpion Faunus stared at us with a demented grin.

"What's wrong, Bukharin?" He inquired with maddening mirthfulness. "Did the scorpion sting your cat?"

I felt numb, my brain blanking out as I stared in an odd mix of anger and shock the monstrous smile on the bastard's face.

"Perhaps you should've accepted? See? It's your fault that she is- WOAH!"

I swiftly threw a punch at him, but he ducked away from it. The tanned woman was still clinging onto me, but she was unresponsive.

"Pity that you can't truly fight. Always hiding away, letting other suffer and die because you can't think fast enough," Tyrian chucked. "But that's what makes you weak. You think when you should act!"

And I did act as I suddenly tossed at him a small blue can.

He smiled, blissfully unaware of what was going to happen the mere moments later.

The explosion was slightly more powerful than the one I had used early on with Hazel, and I was forced to shift my body to provide some protection to the unconscious Sienna.

I could feel some metallic shards cutting into my jacket, but none reaching too deep through my clothes.

John, you need to-

I wasn't listening, I couldn't listen. No distractions, just actions.

The Scorpion Faunus' cackling had persisted despite the subsequent soaring into the nearby wall, some of the upper section of the building came down onto him and yet the man seemed mostly untouched, if not for some tears on his clothes.

"Marvelous- but not enough~!"

"Mr. Bukharin, duck!"

I barely heard the voice of the soldier, yet I complied as a volley of bullets slammed into a surprised Tyrian.

His aura sponging the sudden attack, yet the bastard didn't seem willing to linger as the soldiers continued to approach the two of us.

"Ah, you need to believe it, Bukharin," He said with that infuriating smile. "Join the queen, she will reward you immensely and offer you the greatest of the gifts possible. And maybe you will be able to keep your little kitty cat."

A brief giggle was let out, then he rushed quickly away as he threw a small object on the ground- that revealed to be a flashbang.

A bright light engulfed the entire section, and none of the soldiers fired their guns again over this distraction to avoid hitting me in the process.

Once sight was restored to everyone around, the aggressor was no longer around to be captured… leaving me to deal with the fact that not only this wasn't a victory-

But Sienna got poisoned in the process too because she had to take the bloody hit for me.

"Doctors say that she didn't lose too much blood, and that she should be stabilize fairly soon." Ironwood muttered from his seat. "The issue is the poison."

Yet I didn't give him sign of actually paying him any attention, my full focus fixed onto the unconscious form that was resting on the hospital bed in front of me.

Of all situations that I could've predicted as possible outcomes of that horrible circumstance, this one had completely been either ignored or just passed as nigh-impossible.

I was silent, even Ozpin and Salem failing to get me to say something about the matter as I felt myself in the brink of collapse.

Despite the optimistic perception that the medics assigned to Sienna had over her recovery, I was confident that it wasn't an utter certainty.

Qrow received a scratch in Volume 4, and he almost died there. The Tiger Faunus was literally stabbed and she had been injected with far more poison than the Branwen had in canon.

I didn't need to have a PhD in Medicine to know that the situation was far worse and far more difficult to deal with.

Maybe the saving grace was that she was being treated in an official hospital instead of a bunch of young huntsmen, but I wasn't certainly going to show any relief in that infuriating moment.

I was angry… at myself.

I should've moved- I could've moved.

Yet I had thought instead of acting. It was ironic how Tyrian had been correct with that statement.

It had been suddenness, the fright of the development that caught me off-guard.

And that sore mistake had seen Sienna pay a non-negligible price.

The General had been there for just a couple of minutes, yet he didn't try to offer any consolation other than the standard sentences an acquaintance could offer around.

It wasn't like he didn't want to try, but I could see that he was unsure how to tackle my current mood.

And I wasn't even going to reprimand him for that, as I too was unsure of what I was supposed to feel right now.

I was stuck in a loop I've never been forced to deal with. None of those I knew about had ever come so close to die like this.

The immediate action, the blink within a lifetime.

Stirring deeply but important, my anger only served as a newer reason to bash my indecision, and I was left to face a music I wasn't happy to be subjected to.

I was alone in that dark moment, and I didn't even dare to look for any messages or lost calls in my Scroll.

None of the news outlets had even come close to mention the full extent of the damage caused to the victims of the 'terrorist assault' at the Schnee Mansion.

Jacques was contacted by the army mere hours after the situation was solved, and some inspectors were sent to check on him the very moment that all calls had failed to reach him.

He was found in quite an indiscreet position, one that actually ended up showing a detail of the man I hadn't thought him possible of.

He was alive, and doing particularly well as he was taken by the soldiers for some questioning.

The young woman that he had been found with was a little less happy to be caught in quite the awkward role within that office.

Who would've thought that Atlas had their own prostitutes.

I would've laughed at the ironic detail that the 'greatest' kingdom actually had the greatest non-descript service in Remnant.

But right now? I was doing my best to not just fall asleep.

Hazel's punch had left my torso a little sore, but nothing that had warranted the application of any medical bandage… yet I had been 'ordered' by the medics that I needed some rest to recover from the trauma.

I had been there to see the close-up of the situation happening, I was there to see the gore in its most glorious take.

I've seen plenty of wounds, quite a lot of horrible and gruesome sights too- I wasn't feeling 'traumatized' over that very detail.

The issue was that it had to happen to her.

"I think I've all the reasons of the world to be worried."

When was the last time I was the one actually worried for her? Have I ever considered worrying for her wellbeing?

Sienna was a tough woman with determination and bravery that easily exceeded a large majority of individuals in this world.

Sanity? She offered whatever she could muster while facing my absurd resolutions to some silly quandaries.

I mean, using Mentos and Pepsi? That's pretty childish, and stupid. Even though she wouldn't realize what both of these were, I could see her pester me with her own stress and irritation.

It wasn't a whine, it was more of an attempt to keep connected despite the differences between us.

And no, I wasn't just referring to appearance and biology.

She was stubborn, level-headed, but also terribly naive before the ways to answer to simple questions.

I was paranoid, prone to jump at the weirdness, and horribly over-exaggerating while facing any issues in my path.

We were different, but we were in the same boat. We've been like that for a long time now.

And now she wasn't there to scold me, to prove that she was still going to make it.

I thought that I was going to be left alone for the remainder of the day, that perhaps nobody would've approached me with how dreadful my state was right now.

I blinked, my belly grumbled quietly, but the hunger wasn't just reaching my brain as I continued in that simple task of watching over the Tiger Faunus.

She was resting without complications, her stab wound had been properly bandaged, but I could see some blood and purplish hue form within the white of the medical cloth.

It reminded me of his cackles, of his belittling, of his sudden and unwanted victory.

I hadn't thought about facing Tyrian. I had really hoped that someone else would've taken him out for good.

Someone that had the means to counter his semblance, to kill the bastard the most anticlimatic way possible.

Yet fate was cruel, and so was the one that was indirectly responsible for Sienna's wounds.

My hopes of being left alone were interrupted when I noticed that Ironwood had returned back in the room, his hands being busied by what looked to be two steamy cups of coffee.

I felt tempted to sip at the bitter substance, going against the mere principle that I just didn't like the bitterness.

And I really don't need to turn into Shade 2.0, especially with how ugly the situation was right now.

I stared at the cup, taking it to warm up my cold hands, but keeping myself from diving down for a quick sip.

"The Council has just concluded an emergency session two hours ago," The General began to explain quietly, appearing uncertain of what he really wanted to tell me with this. "Hazel Rainhart and Tyrian Callows have been branded as terrorists and enemies of the nation."

I snorted blankly. "Good for Atlas… I guess."

The man paused at my sarcasm, but didn't seem much irritated by it.

"I've started to create a task force that will serve to find and capture for trial both men," He continued with a calm voice. "I want you to join it."

"I'm a mere diplomat to Menagerie. I'm not an Atlesian citizen-"

"Honorary citizenship," James interjected with a small smile, presenting two documents that I quickly settled on my lap, just so that I could place the steamy mug away. "The Council saw it fit to bestow both you and Ms. Khan with these for your brave service done to aid Atlas."

At least now I can die with a bright smile because I'm a citizen of the Great and Glorious Atlas.

I closed my eyes and… sighed.

"It was Ozpin. Wasn't it?"

I opened up to stare at the General, the man looked like a deer caught in headlights, with his surprise and his panic mixing well within his expression.

I graced him with a sigh. "What does he want from me?"

Once more I was given silence as an answer… at least for a couple of minutes.

"He just wants to talk with you," He assured. "He was fascinated with… her interest for you."

"I will not join any sides," I pointed out quietly. "I will accept to talk, but I will not take part with any activity with his group."

"You would be protected," James tried to explain, making me almost sigh in utter disappointment at that very ironic point to sustain this stupid thesis.

"James… please tell me, do you believe in fairy tales?"

"Why are you asking me of-"

"I don't," I interrupted with a nod. "I never believed in any of that. Sure, some are pretty stories that can make a child giggle and wonder… but I never strayed away from the initial wonder, I always saw the 'flaws' behind the tales."

I looked once more at Sienna. "Fairy tales give hope. Even when there shouldn't be none."

"Ozpin's mission is just-"

"But his ways are flawed," I interjected again, drawing a huff at his stubbornness. "The way to Hell is paved by good intentions… and cemented by avoidable mistakes."

The General kept quiet, listening as I continued with that soft-voiced rant.

"Let me ask you this then if you believe in him so much," I commented with a hum. "Would you believe me if I said that he can't kill Salem?"

"He can't kill her. You could, I could," I stated with a tired tone. "I mean, we would need some serious equipment to actually deal some damage and put her down for good, but Ozpin can't just do it right now."

He blinked. "Why?"

I nodded at his question and smiled. "Because he doesn't want to."

"She's trying to exterminate humanity-"

"He was reluctant to call her his enemy even when she killed their children before his eyes," I pointed out sternly. "He still has that reluctance, and that's why we will lose if he doesn't just accept that she can't just be saved."

At this, the militaryman frowned. "What do you mean saved?"

"Salem tends to tell her real story to her minions, it makes things less awkward- distrust less likely to fester," I admitted with some minor amusement. "But no, the way I learned about the truth wasn't from her."

"Who told you then?" He pressed on, making me sigh in annoyance at his irritating crescendo.

"Relic of Knowledge, and let's just say that there's a lot to say… and you should really get it told by Ozpin," I replied with a dry tone.

"He wouldn't say anything about-"

"Threaten him that I will tell you if he doesn't. That he will accept."

"You're making it seem like he is so easy to push around."

I'm not.

[You are~.]

"There are buttons that can be pressed," I said while nodding at him. "But I think it's time we… return on the real dilemma. Why should I join this team?"

James seemed to sober up instantly at the question.

"Right now we've dispatched our best toxicologists to try and find an antidote to the poison harming Ms. Khan," He mentioned with a calm sigh. "If we recover Callows, we can surely get the process reduced to a minimum."

"You mean if we capture him-"

"We have elevate chances of saving Ms. Khan," He interrupted me, causing me to frown. "That's why I'm choosing the best we've right now. From Specialists to Huntsmen."

I blinked at the comment, but I gave him a slow nod.

"If this truly helps Sienna, I will… join," I admitted with some hesitation. "But I will not take part in any military operations for Atlas after this."

He gave a nod at that. "I can accept that and… the first meeting will be tomorrow morning. You will be taken to the temporary headquarters, given some equipment and a nickname."

I blinked at that last bit, especially since 'Bukharin' was already my nickname.

Still, I didn't question the logic and took a quick sip from the steamy cup I had forgotten to have left to the side.

Only to flinch at the bitter taste that entered my mouth.

Seriously, how does Shade love this?

next chapter
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