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81.81% The Primeval Beast: Beast of Dreams (FGO fanfic) / Chapter 7: Arrival, Examination and Disaster Part 2

Bab 7: Arrival, Examination and Disaster Part 2

Ok before I start, I want to clarify some points of this novel that I have not mentioned until now:

1st - Haruka will be going to other worlds for one or two arcs either for a mission or for some other reason, but that does not change the fact that the main plot of this novel focuses on FGO.

2nd - Since we are talking about events, I am thinking of changing some events, for example, SERAPH, but those changes will be seen when we reach those arcs

3rd - I do not consider myself good to do something like a harem, although if I wanted Marie and human Kiara to have some relationship with Haruka, as such I do not know if in the future I will add someone else, 3 are the maximum I have in mind until now

4th - This novel is not +18, it is aimed at all audiences ... I think? I'm not going to put explicit content for adults, even with the stupid amount of good WAIFU that the game has

5th - ... This Summer 5 ... I want Boudica Summer

OK with this I leave and ... LET THE CHAPTER BEGIN

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POV Narrator

Combat simulation field

This is the name of the place where Haruka and Felton are right now, on one side is Felton, wearing a gray and white uniform with a black cape and two swords, one on each side of his hip, while on the opposite side is Haruka in Chaldea's uniform top, with black cargo pants and combat boots of the same color and in his right hand is the Force Edge.

Felton: Kasugano-Kun, you can make the first move.

Haruka: ... ok

Haruka takes the Force Edge in his left hand, then makes a quick movement with his right arm moving it from left to right with great speed.

Felton: ...? Kasugano-Kun what did yo-


Everyone (Except Marisbury, Marie, and Kris):!?

Before Felton finished speaking, two almost simultaneous explosions occurred near where he was, after the cloud of smoke dissipated, 2 Golems were shattered

Felton: But, how-! * BOOOOMMM *

Another explosion occurred, destroying another Golem, with this it was clear that Haruka was responsible, although Felton could not see what he used, he did not hesitate to send commands to his 4 remaining golems, sending them to move towards Haruka, while They shared visual information between themselves and Felton.

Felton is capable of receiving information, either visual or sound, that his golems obtain, with this in mind he thought he could see what Haruka did, even if one of his golems fell, the others could see what happened to him. to others ... or that was the idea.


Two explosions, two other earth golems were destroyed, while the other two had their visibility interrupted by the smoke cloud, during that time one of the golems saw a figure move within the smoke cloud, trying to follow the figure, the second remaining golem was cut in two from top to bottom, severing the connection with Felton. Now the last golem went in the direction of the second golem to try to attack the figure, but when it arrived the only thing that was found was the remains, looking for the figure the golem could not realize that said figure, Haruka stabbed it in the stomach area, destroying the connection again

Felton: 'How is it possible, if it were once I would call it luck, but twice! ... no, it must be a coincidence, he should not be able to see the core'

Golems are creatures created artificially through the use of different techniques, such as the Kabbalistic technique.

The golems created by Felton are creations based on minerals, traditional materials if you look at it, but unlike the goals that fulfill given commands, those of Felton can be considered to be another extension of him, as if it was another Felton, not so much as a clone but as a second body that he controls, this is because, at the time of their creation, Felton connects them to his own magic circuit through a magic core similar to the core that the Magus have inside, establishing a connection similar to a toy car with remote control.

Besides being more precise, another advantage of these golems is that even if they are destroyed, as long as there is no damage to the magic core, these golems will be able to rebuild themselves by absorbing materials around them, even if the golem is made of earth, it will be able to absorb stone to repair itself, but a great disadvantage of these golems is the magic core itself, since if the enemy knows where the core is then they will be able to destroy it, since the core is extremely vulnerable, even a bullet from a pistol can destroy them, but that's why the core can be put anywhere, the feet, arms, even the fingers can be a good place to put the magic core ... which is why Felton was somewhat alarmed when Haruka destroyed his Golems so easily

Felton: ... Hmm, it seems that I have underestimated you Kasugano-Kun, I'll use more powerful and durable golems

Haruka: ... ok

Felton: ...

Felton didn't know how to put it, but the little interest Haruka shows towards this fight is incredibly annoying.

Felton: 'damn brat, do you think you're so good that you can act that way right? ... let's see if you can stay so calm after this'

Felton knelt, took his swords and stabbed them at his sides, then placed his hand on the ground.

Felton: 'it seems that Marisbury managed to acquire the materials I asked for, excellent'

The ground began to warp in four areas around Felton, sticking out of them were red Golems

Felton: these are Ruby Golems, they are currently the best Golems that I am capable of creating under these conditions, now, I think I should go into combat too, don't you think?

Haruka: ... ok

Felton: ... 'FUCKIN BRAT'




In the pavilions where they are staffed by Chaldea, in the first row we have the Marisbury group we have a Marie constantly sighing due to Haruka's attitude, a Kris trying with all his might not to laugh, a Marisbury with a smile who just keeps growing and the rest with their eyes open due to the fight.

Hinako: ... Force Edge doesn't reject him ... it's more like ... it accepts him? Is this what you mean Marisbury?

Marisbury: heh, of course, although apparently, he can use it very easily

Hinako: I can see that ... that damn sword found a wielder huh? ... Haaa ~

Marisbury: now, now, I understand how you feel, but for now let's keep watching the test ... is something wrong Childrens?

That question was asked to Mash and the Fujimaru brothers.

Mash: Excuse me director, but I just don't understand what happened, I couldn't see what Kasugano-san did

Ritsuka: me neither

Rika: same here, but that was cool ~ !, can I do something like that if I practice magecraft?

Marie: To clarify your first question, Haru used two magecraft in that movement of his arm, Projection, and Alteration.

Mash: huh, but he did it so fast, I couldn't even see any movement of magic energy

Marie: that's just his abnormal skill in using Magecraft, Haru doesn't have a varied arsenal, to begin with.

Marisbury: Haruka is a much more unique magus than you think, projection, alteration, reinforcement, these are the only known Magecraft that he is capable of.

Hinako: ... what are his "unique" abilities then Marisbury?

Marisbury: ... as there are only the 4 of you who do not know him from this group, being you 2 his teammates I think there is no problem if I tell you ... first is a second projection-like ability that he calls image projection, a magecraft similar to "DENIAL OF NOTHINGNESS" in that the objects created by this do not consume magical energy to stay in the world, although he can only create 3 objects only

Mash: ... he doesn't use magical energy, so he can create things out of nothing?

Marie: he does pay a price, he has to use an abnormal amount of magical energy to create one of those three weapons

Kris: Even though last time I saw him, he only knew how to use 2 of them, did he figure out how to use the gun

Marisbury: no, he just keeps using those 2

Hinako: I won't ask about those weapons, I'll leave it for another time, but what other unique ability does he possess

Marisbury: well the second is not a unique ability so to speak, many know of it, Mana Burst

Hinako: ... sorry, what did you say?

Marisbury: Mana Burst, and perfect control over it if I must say, not to mention that the amount of magical energy he has is roughly 5 times more than mine.


Kris: When I saw what he was able to do when he fused his Reinforcement with Mana Burst, I also thought the same

Hinako: you don't understand Wodime, a human using Mana Bursa with that amount of Magic energy would be the same as a suicide bomber, it would just explode for the amount applied!

Marisbury: Well, he first used it when he was 12

While the three of them were arguing about the abilities and how human Haruka was, the other four kept watching the fight while chatting.

Rika: So you've been friends for 6 years?

Marie: that's right, I've known him for a long time, and he's always had that way of thinking

Ritsuka: what way of thinking?

Marie pointed her finger at Haruka as she explained

Marie: Haru tends to get bored very easily, especially when he's dealing with people like Felton Seydes, those who don't know when to stop acting.

Mash: I thought you would have more interest in him Marie-san

Rika: what act?

Marie: Seydes seems friendly at first glance, but if you pay attention to how he is acting, you can tell that he is forcing himself to be nice ... well when you see the attitude that Haru has towards him it is obvious that he would get mad at him

Ritsuka: Speaking of Haruka-kun, those magecrafts that he used

Marie: Ah, that's right, you don't know about magecraft, well as my grandfather mentioned, Haru used projection and alteration, projection allows him to take the magical energy from within and give it the shape of a specific object, but the object will disintegrate after a while, the other is alteration, it is a magecraft that allows him to give a property or effect to existing objects, I assume that in that movement Haru created something like knives and giving them the Explosion effect

Mash: Excuse me Marie-san but I don't remember that alteration was capable of making objects explode

Marisbury: that is another unique ability of Haru, he is not able to use alteration like any other magus, but a special alteration with effects and properties that he designs on his own ... it seems that Seydes-kun is going to get serious

They all watched as the four red golems appeared from the ground, as well as how Felton had his swords in his hands.

Kris: ... so he is trying to attack Haruka with numbers ... I thought he'll have a better idea, even taking into account his ability to control golems

Hinako: ... this will end quickly I guess

Marie / Kris: ... knowing Haru / Haruka, he must be dying of boredom *sigh* / Hahaha




Haruka: '... I thought he would be better than this, sorry partner, but I don't think I'm going to need you during the fight'

Haruka, seeing the opponents in front of him, takes the Force edge and puts it on his back, feeling it connect to him (like Dante when he doesn't use his swords), then extends his hand.

Haruka: 'Image-Thraded Cane'

Haruka's hand begins to glow, and magical energy begins to accumulate in his hand.

Haruka: 'let's give him a chance'

When Felton observed Haruka's movements, he commanded his Golems to interrupt him, 2 running to the front, with Felton behind them and two trying to flank him from both sides.


With that command, the two Golems in front and the two on the sides pushed all the way towards Haruka, while he continued "projecting his weapon"

Haruka: '... is this guy seriously the leader of team A ? didn't he even stop to think if this was a trap? this has to be a joke'

Haruka closes his hand grasping the light, taking on the appearance of a sword with a handle similar to that of a Cane (Threaded Cane transformed), and with one movement, the blade of the staff spread like a whip Circling around, Slicing all Golems, and hitting them in the magic cores.

(A / N: When Haruka uses the transformed Threaded Cane, his combat style is the same as Gabriel Belmont from Castlevania: Lord of Shadows 1)

Felton: WHAT, HOW-!

Felton could not finish as Haruka lunged towards him with the cane transformed in its basic mode, there was no time to try to counterattack, she put her swords in front of the x position to block the cane.


Felton: ugh- you really are impressive Kasugano-kun, there's no question why Marisbury-sama talks so much about you!

Haruka: ... ok


Lev * Speaker *: Enough, the test is over, Hakuka Kasugano-kun has passed

With Lev's words, Haruka separates from Felton and heads for the same hatch from which she entered.

Haruka: ... * yawn * 'finally ... that Felton has no experience in real combat ... although I'm the same, how boring, nothing difficult'





In the stands

Marie / Kris: ... Show off

Marisbury: Pfff-

Hinako:? ... I don't understand what are you talking about?

Marie: Haru tried to give Seydes an advantage, making him think that Haru needed time to use his magecraft, it seems that Haru considered that Seydes was not what he had in mind and ended the fight with that move

Hinako: Olga Marie, are you telling me that he could create that weapon and destroy the Golems at any time?

Marie: heh heh ~ that's right, Haru is the best after my grandfather

Maisbury: haha, what Marie says is true Hinako, Haruka is extremely powerful, although at the moment he is only at medium and close range, he has no effective way to attack at long range

Kris: ... Marisbury-sama, I need to ask you something

Marisbury: what is it Kischtaria-kun?

Kris: I have full knowledge about the golems created by Felton Seydes and even though I may have belittled him, his golems are virtually invincible as long as the position of the core is unknown right? ... then how did Haruka destroyed them

Everyone (except brothers Fujimaru and Marisbury):!

Marisbury: ... I honestly have no idea either Kirschtaria-kun, but I can give a theory.

Hinako: which is?

Marisbury: Mystical Eyes

Kris: Certainly if he had mystical eyes that would give us an answer, although we don't know what mystical eyes he may have

Marisbury: Of course that's not the only theory I have.

Hinako: Force Edge ... the sword gave him some ability to perceive the magical energy of objects and possibly individuals.

Marisbury: Exactly, well why don't we go out and meet him

With that, the group gets up and leaves to meet up with Haruka and Lev





Haruka and Lev are eating at one of the cafeteria tables while they chat.

Lev: So * downing drink *,you can see the flow of magic, magic circuits, and even the core of a person's circuits, when did you learn to do that? * Eating *

Haruka: * Chewing ** Drinking *, haa ~, I was able to do it recently when I took the sword that Grandpa gave me to be precise.

Lev: Hmm, I wonder where did Marisbury-sama get that sword from? i had never seen her

Haruka: no idea, I only know that a combat partner gave it to gramps many years ago, that's what he told me

After a while, as they continued talking, the cafeteria door opened, showing Marisbury and the others heading to where Haruka was

Marisbury: Good job Haruka

Marie: You should have finished that test faster.

Haruka: I wanted to see what he could do to be so famous ... no big deal in the end

Hinako: ... how did you saw the core of the Golems

Haruka: what, that ?, well it's because I can see the flow of magic around me from something or someone

Marisbury: thought so ... I guess you got it when you came into contact with the Force Edge

Haruka: Force Edge ?, So that's the name of the sword, yes, you're right Gramps

Kris: hahaha, you should have at least paid some attention to Seydes, don't you think?

Haruka: why, the guy was extremely boring, if he didn't do something like that, I'd better fall asleep, not to mention his sword skills are pathetic

Marie: what do you mean?

Haruka: I purposely left my entire body exposed when attacking him with the cane to see how he reacted, but it was extremely disappointing.

Marisbury: Well let's stop talking, there is not much time left for the mission, Kirschtaria-kun, I want you and the A-team members to meet, form small groups, and coordinate, in case the mission asks us to cover different areas, Hinako-kun, Mash, go with him

Kris and Mash: Yes sir

Hinako: ...

Marisbury: Meanwhile Haruka and Marie, I want you to go with the Fujimaru Brothers and train them, mainly in their physical capacities, they have already started doing it since they arrived, so you will continue with the training while explaining each other capabilities, I want you to be fully prepared, remember that the S-team is the emergency team, if it is the case, it is necessary that they be in optimal condition, understood?

Marie, Haruka, Ritsuka, Rika: Got it

Marisbury: very good, I still have some things to do so I leave you

Marisbury comes out of the cafeteria, and now the S-team members have started planning their preparations for the next few days.




It has been three days since Haruka and Marie arrived at Chaldea, during this time, the S team has been training their coordination, knowing the skills of each member, and preparing strategies in case of combat. They have received support from the Chaldea medical team, to maintain the physical condition of the team (especially the Fujimaru brothers) in optimal conditions, as well as test the abilities of each one.

If we talk about skills, Haruka's are the same that he has shown, although he has not been able to get the opportunity to use the Force Edge, there's simply any chance to use it, so he decided to leave it for when the mission begins.

The Fujimaru brothers, on the other hand, demonstrated their ability to use Mystic Codes; Just as Marisbury said, when they come into contact with any Mystic Code, they will know the abilities they have and will be able to use them perfectly, they have been using this 4 mystic codes:

1- Chaldea Uniform: the uniform they wear, with built-in skills and magecraft for any situation, whether it needs an increase in attack power, immediate healing, or an increase in reflexes and physical abilities to evade enemy attacks

2- Uniform of the Mage's Association: Uniform of the association. is a Mystic Code focused on supporting allies, offering a better healing capacity towards allies, an immediate increase in their magic energy, generally to carry out a powerful attack, and an improvement in the flow of magic energy in the body of allies to be able to carry out a consecutive attack without losing strength in its continuous execution

3- Atlas Institute Uniform: Another Mystic Code focused on support, its abilities involve the creation of a powerful barrier that can protect allies from the most lethal attacks, a healing effect to cure any harmful state that they have, and faster recovery of used magical energy, so allies can execute their abilities more easily

4- Chaldea Combat Uniform: Chaldea's second uniform, with a more offensive approach offering an increase to the offensive power of all those that the user considers allies, the ability to create magic projectiles that can paralyze the target when hitting it and, my personal favorite, the ability to link two allies, allowing one to know the next move of the other, thus giving a great increase in their coordination and teamwork




Team S is in the command room along with Director Marisbury, head of the medical department Romani Archaman and Professor Lev Lainur, while members of Team B are at their stations in the command room, and Team A are currently equipping their Mystic Codes for the mission.

Romani: '... so the time has come ...' Director, Team A is ready and they have already entered the COFFINS.

The COFFIN is another creation by Chaldea, a capsule designed to perform Rayshift effectively. Rayshift without the COFFIN is possible, but it is not 100% sure that it will work, in addition to the loss of the spirit of the individual, not to mention that the same world, or time to which the person is sent, can reject their existence.

Marisbury: Very well, Team S, I want you to go prepare, equip the Mystic Codes for the Mission, this will be our first mission, so I want the Fujimaru brothers to carry Mystic Codes already prepared, Marie will have the Mystic Code of the Association, understood?

All three: Yes Director

Marie, Ritsuka, and Rika immediately leave the Command Room, heading to equip their Mystic Codes, leaving only Haruka.

Marisbury: Haruka, in this mission you will use Force Edge, and a custom version of Chaldea's Basic Mystic Code

Romani: The tests showed a possible defect on the part of the Mystic Codes when trying to link with your Magic Circuit, not to say much, your amount of Magic energy is so overflowing that, if you try to put on a Mystic Code similar to the others, this one would explode by not supporting your magic energy

Lev: It was difficult at first, but at least we were able to create a Mystic Code strong enough to withstand your magic, even if it only worked to verify your existence in the singularity, we could not integrate skills of any kind

Marisbury: ... plus I doubt you'll need it with your team ... Haruka, go and link your magic circuit with the Force Edge, it's about time

Haruka: ... Immediately Director

With his orders received, Haruka leaves the command room heading to his room, where the Force Edge is.

Lev: very well I better go prepare too

Marisbury: I still have some orders to give to team B, you go first Lev.

Lev: understood Director




Marisbury: ... it's going to start, I'm sorry for what I'm doing to all of them, they don't know we are heading for a war

Romani: ... it's true, but if we don't, the human race will go extinct ... Marisbury, I can't see anymore ... my vision is blocked

Marisbury: So it means that humanity has a chance to win this war ... you better than anyone should know, knowing the future is extremely painful, our actions lead us towards that future without realizing it, no matter if it is a happy ending or a tragedy

Romani: you're right ... Marisbury, I assume you gave the Class Card to Mash

Marisbury: That's right, she's the only one compatible with Shilder ... have you found a way to save her?

Romani: ...

Marisbury: I see ... I can only wish that we found some way to save her during the mission, who knows, maybe, in the end, we may find a happy ending, don't you think?

Marisbury left Romani, walking out of the command room, with those words as Romani kept bowing his head.

Romani: ... I wish that too Marisbury ... with all my might





After leaving the command room, I went to my room, once inside I see my Mystic Code, it is similar to the suit I used in the test against Felton, Chaldea's shirt, black cargo pants and black combat boots, and the Force Edge, in its briefcase.

After equipping the Mystic Code, I took the sword and sat on the ground with my legs crossed, putting the sword on the ground in front of me.

I take the sword and begin to send magical energy to it, feeling a connection being created between the sword and me.

Haruka: ok now I have to ... concen ... trate?





Haruka: huh?

What happened?, A moment ago I was sending energy to the Force Edge, the next moment, I am in a meadow covered with many flowers of different varieties, I am standing on a path that continues to a large tree on a cliff.

Haruka: ... 'I don't know what's going on, but I better move on'

There is no clue how I got here, I don't have the Force Edge with me either, I had no choice but to follow the path.

After a while I was able to get to the tree, to see that someone, or rather something, is on the edge of the cliff, it is a black figure, it does not have physical details that can give me an idea of ​​who or what it is.

???: You finally arrive boy ... I was waiting for you


The voice of a man, relatively older I would say, but how did he detect me before approaching him

???: Calm down, you should know that I'm not going to hurt you right?

Haruka: ...

It's true, for some reason not only do I know that he won't hurt me, much less kill me, but I also know who he is

Haruka: ... I thought the Force Edge spirit would have a more recognizable appearance

???: hahaha, this is just ... let's say a test, I will show you my true form after you pass it ... for now, I would like you to answer some questions ... Soul of another world

Haruka: ... I'm not surprised you know, we're connected after all

???: That's right, and that is precisely why I should ask you these questions ... come sit down

The spirit sat on the edge of the cliff, I did the same while waiting for him to ask me his questions.

???: let's get started, first question ... do you remember anything from your past life?

Haruka: the only thing I remember are things like my hobbies, mainly playing FGO on my phone, and that I was admitted to a hospital for an illness, 6 months later, I died

???: from there you met EdenTravels, they sent you to your new life in this world, one similar to the plot of the game, where you have been living as Haruka Kasugano

Haruka: that's right

???: Ok then answer me this boy, why is the Marisbury Animusphere alive?

Haruka: eh? Why is Grandpa alive? Why wouldn't he be, I mean I haven't heard anything about him getting attacked or any attempting against his life?

... wait, something is wrong here ... I don't know what it is, but something is terribly wrong here

???: Hmm, I see ... another question I have is Why Olga Marie Animusphere is Marisbury's granddaughter?

Haruka: well that's because she's the daughter of one of grandfather's grandchildren

again ... that feeling that something is wrong ... what's wrong?

???: I understand ... tell me Boy, do you remember if Olga Marie Animusphere appeared in your game story?

Haruka: if she showed up, she was the ... !!!!

???: It seems that you noticed ... and it seems that your memory is returning

Haruka: but how ... WHY CAN'T I REMEMBER ANYTHING !?

I don't remember anything, I remember my life, my past life, the game, the durability, the Servant, the Craft Essence, but I don't remember anything about the story ... of course, I may not have been the most immersed in it but at least I read the story within FGO, but now ... I don't remember anything, I know that there were singularities, 7 of them, but I don't remember where they were or what happened in them, I don't remember how long the story was either, I know that there was until the day of my death 2 chapter with chapter 1.5 happening after the singularities, but I don't remember the content of the story itself, what is this !?

???: Calm down boy, let me explain ... the day Marisbury gave you my container, the Force Edge, I entered into a basic contract with you, it is similar to the one we have, you know me and I know you, but We could not talk to each other as we are doing now, with the established contract, I could see the irregularity in your behavior and knowledge.

Haruka: You mean ...

???: at the beginning you realized the differences between the game and this world, but the idea that "it must be because this is a real world" was reflected in your head since you were very young, and so, you did not realized.

Haruka: I didn't realize what?

???: boy ... they've been altering your memory

Haruka: WHAT !?

???: Your memories of the previous life are proof enough, you enjoyed the game, you saw all the scenes, be it from the campaign or the events, but only the memories of those scenes disappeared, everything else, from the Servants to their abilities, you still have it, this is proof that it was not that you simply forgot, but that.

Haruka: ... they forced me to forget, they affected specific parts of my memory, but why?

???: I do not know, but the one who did it is someone extremely powerful, you are a soul from another world, a being whose soul has already matured once, as such, something like an alteration to your being cannot be done by magicians, servants, or even divine spirits or beasts, the one who did this to you was someone with greater power ...

Haruka:… you have an idea who it could be?

???: I have lived in this world for many millennia, since the era of the gods when my creator, Sparda the black knight, gave me as a symbol of friendship to a faithful friend and rival, and, during these millennia I have been able to collect an abundant amount of information, so I have an idea of ​​who are they or them responsible.

Haruka: them ... you mean there are more than one?

???: First, let me tell you that it is very unlikely that they are Gaia or Alayashiki, they cannot affect your soul, eliminate you from the face of the earth, yes, but altering your existence is another story, besides them this Root, but I doubt that she is going to act ... which leaves us to THE ULTIMATE ONES

Haruka: THE ULTIMATE ONES ... I don't know anything about them

???: I would be surprised if you knew something about them, THE ULTIMATE ONES are the most powerful living beings in the solar system, each one having the name TYPE followed by the planet or celestial body to which they belong

Haruka: but I don't understand what would these ULTIMATE ONES gain from altering my memory?

???: you're wrong boy, they are just one example of the level of power it takes to alter past life memories of a soul from another world

Haruka: ... what about the girl and her companions

???: I will only tell you this, the girl has enough power to turn the known cosmos into dust, and recreate it as many times as she wishes


???: You shouldn't worry about her, it seems like she took an interest in you ... for now let me tell you that whatever they did to you is already done, your memory was lost and there is no way to get it back

Haruka: ... what should we do now

???: focus on growing, becoming stronger, since you have realized what happened to you, maybe, in the future, the one who did this to you will appear in front of you

Haruka: ...

This ... this is too much ... THE ULTIMATE ONES ... the girl ... how many beings have the potential to destroy the earth, not to mention that there is something out there that can be as strong as THE ULTIMATE ONES, and it has me as target

???: Focus boy, it's time to make the contract that way you will take your first step

Haruka: ... yes, you're right

Although I show confidence in my face, it is nothing more than a mask, to think that beings of that level have you in their sights and that, even if you know, you cannot do anything ...

???: Haruka, don't worry so much, I don't know how, maybe it has something to do with the connection that that individual formed between him and you, but I know that he won't attack you

Haruka: ...

Too many doubts, too many unanswered questions, but I know, as well as he, once he clarified the connection, I knew as well, that being will not attack me until I do something that has to do with the universe. . a weird idea if you ask me, or rather a message

???: Let's start boy

Haruka: yes, what should I do

???: you just have to take this and accept it, with that, the contract will be done

The spirit extended its hand revealing a bright red orb, I reached out to grab it, and the orb went straight to my open hand, entering my body

Haruka: ... * inhales ** exhales *

It is a strange sensation, power, energy, I felt like all my magic circuits were renewed, like the amount of magic energy that I could use expanded ... just like there was a strange change in my core ... although I don't know what it is.

???: ... it seems that what I told you about that girl is true, whatever she gave you is inside you

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The moment the message appeared, I knew immediately how to invoke both constructs as well as how to use them

Haruka: "I offer to the moon, the dream, to flora my soul and my being <DREAM RECORDS>"

As I said this, an extremely familiar book appeared in front of me, a book with a pattern on the front and back of the book, said pattern glowing with a white light

???: That book ... funny, it looks like Sparda's creations, but the energy is more concentrated.

Haruka: ... "Come show yourself, the remnant of lost artifacts <LOG OF ESSENCES>"

another book appeared, similar to the previous one, but the light is dark ...

???: another book, but this is a divine artifact ... interesting

Haruka: two books, with one I can have access to a territory where I can gain more knowledge about the girl, the other book allows me to summon and apply Craft Essence to myself or others ... it seems I can only use low rarity CE.

???: ... it's time to wake up Haruka

Haruka: ok I'll see you later then

With that, my vision gets blurry, like I lose consciousness





Haruka: ...? What is this?

The first thing I feel in my body is stone, concrete, rubble, I look around me and what I see is ...

Haruka: huh, where the fuck am I?

Ruins ... I am in ruins or rubble of a building.

... Ok, what the fuck?

-------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------






next chapter
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Rank -- Peringkat Power
Stone -- Power stone

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