Unduh Aplikasi
30.43% The Overlord of Mysteries / Chapter 11: 11. The Guild

Bab 11: 11. The Guild

Hello, this is my first time writing a fanfiction. If you notice any errors, please feel free to give me constructive feedback. English is not my first language, so if you notice any mistakes, please mention them in the comment section at the end of the chapter. Let's begin the story!

Word Count: 7600 Words

It's almost been a week since I finished my exams. Since, I was working on this chapter and I also had to make an Auxiliary Chapter for the NPCs it took me time to make it happen.

I know that I have done absurd things in this chapter and have taken up more than I can bite off but trust me, I will try my best to not disappoint you guys.

I have already planned their roes, then moved ahead with this idea.

As a chapter after 2 weeks, I had decided to go with a bang. Here, you go 7.6 words chapter with another bonus chapter and auxiliary chapter for the Guild.

The Guild Name is still not final, if you have better suggestions do suggest. So is Guild Weapon.

I won't keep you waiting now, you can read the chapter.

Another thing, I have tried my best include your suggestions and have atleast tried to include one suggestion from everyone.

Since most of the suggestiona from you guys were of characters that I have no knowledge of, it was difficult to plan anything around them.


Mc Pov

It's been eight months since the creation of my Guild. Though I haven't been to the Guild as I have delegated all the tasks to World, I have been busy completing quests.

Also, the party was great.

Both his kids were wonderful. Though they were unkind to me in the beginning they came around later.

The trip to and from there was enjoyable.

A great holiday.

Before returning, I extended his leave by a month. After all, I've kept him away from his family for two whole years. Since going back isn't an option now.

Later when I returned, I was busy playing, grinding and completing quests. While World was busy building the guild.

I wonder if she is done.

My Guild is supposedly the strongest when it comes to NPCs. After all, I have a whole army of them.

My supposed army is a literal army compared to other guilds. I have more NPCs than players in my Guild.

All of them being max level is another achievement. At least those who are classified as Guardians.

After contemplating for a very long time, I have decided to follow the same template for my Guild as Ainz Ooal Gown.

Assigning the same roles as them.

It doesn't stop there, the number of NPCs my Guild possesses is more than the current top-10 or top-25 Guilds. When it comes to max-level NPCs.

Achieving them was not easy, and nor did I wish to involve Bruce Wayne's persona in this Game.

To find out we will have to travel back in time.


Seven Months Ago

Bruce currently was on his visit to the company. He had concocted a plan but to execute it he shall need World and for him to be present in the company at the time of execution.

So to set his plan in motiothe n, he was on his way to the Company, the one that built and manages Yggdrasil.

As the car made its way into the compound, everyone in the vicinity was drawn towards the vehicle. A classic model of a limousine.

It was very hard for the residents of this world to lay their eyes upon these classics.

Mostly because of the expenses they would incur to run them. Many fuel-powered vehicles were turned and modified to run on other power sources. But still, they were very hard to get by. Only those in power could afford it.

A modern car by Bruce's standard, from before he was reincarnated was treated as a classic here. To him, the car still looked more futuristic than any cars from his past life.

Just as his car came to a stop, he surveyed his surroundings. To find many staff and the CEO of the company waiting at the doorstep to welcome him.

To everyone present, the purpose of his visit was clear. It was to get a tour of the company. They toured around the whole building, ending it in the main office space. The Control Centre of the Game.


Mc Pov

The company is good and well-maintained or it might be because they knew of my visit beforehand.

Anyway, after completing visiting various places, we ended our tour where everything happened.

It was a giant room, filled with cubicles. They were divided by a giant plus, where cubicles were present in the areas divided by the plus. With a giant control panel in the centre.

That's where the manager seats. They observe the simulations, prepare against any system failures, address GM calls, test betas and keep the game running.

Since it's an online multiplayer game, they have tons of GM calls to attend daily.

With Wish upon a Star and World Items with the power to change game dynamics. They have a lot to manage.

From what I am told, it's an AI assistant or bot that responds to GM calls and then relays it to the respective staff if it's beyond what it can handle.

'World, now'

As we made our way to the centre, I was with the CEO, Kayaba Akihiko.

We observed the chaos that had ensued in the office. Employees were bombarded with GM calls.

With many players using Wish Upon a Star, though it wasn't the first, is what he said.

"It's strange, the spell was used in huge numbers, more so than now when it was first introduced. But we were able to pull through. There might have been a system malfunction, I'll be back in a minute Sir. I am sure it's not anything major"

"I am sure you can handle it"

"Yes Sir"

So he left.

The situation continued for half an hour, in the meantime, they offered to take me to a Logue where I could rest but the plan dictated me to be here.

I waited and accepted an offer of a chair to relax while I waited for the storm to cool down.

After ten minutes I walked down to him, the CEO who didn't have any work to do there other than hurrying them.

He has the same name as the one who created Aincrad, he does know a lot about games, especially Yggdrasil. I guess he has done his homework well.

"Is it over"

"Yes sir, it was just a technical issue. The bot that had been designed to handle the GM function had malfunctioned. But now it's back and running."

"Great to know that"

"You have nothing to worry about sir, this is a first.. "

"Don't worry, I am not reprimanding you. Everyone faces difficulty in all sorts of work. Problems occurring are common. Here what matters is your ability to address them and remedy them as soon as possible. Which was impressive back there"

"You honour me, sir. Though I must say your Japanese is amazing."

"Every day you learn new stuff. Staying here for a couple of years has done wonders for my linguistic abilities"

As we were enjoying our talk, Akihiko noticed the disturbance among his employees and made his way towards them.

I followed along with him. They noticing him back were relieved, as they were getting earfuls from their superiors. Now watching their superior's superior approach, they were relieved to some extent.

Now they knew, that he would be keeping himself busy with their superiors, the manager for a while. After all, Akihiko would now address the manager relaying his dissatisfaction, and then the manager would rain his anger on his juniors.

Seeing me they quieted down.

"So what's the issue now?" Akihiko asked the guy, who I suppose is the head of this section.

"Sir there has been a problem. A guild has reported a bug" He answered him, after introducing himself to us.

"If it's just a bug then handle it fast. Why are you delaying it."

"The thing is that what they have reported as the bug isn't a bug. What I mean to say is, this problem would have never occurred if it wasn't for the bot failing."

"So what have they reported?"

"Sir it's him, Lord of the Mysteries"

"Again, so what bug is it this time don't make me repeat myself. Why can't you people do your job correctly"

"Sir, through their action or by what he said through exploiting a bug they found, they have successfully managed to buy thirty thousand NPC levels for their guild."

"Wait what?"

So he explained the context, I guess to not leave me out of the discussion. To them, I was someone who did not play many games. As I am busy managing my business.

At the time of guild creation, players based on the location they have chosen for their guild are allotted a certain number of floors and NPC levels to them.

Depending on what type of guild they are building. Some just rent a place in the centre hall beside the town hall in every village.

So after Guild creation, the floor and levels they are allotted are not permanent. They can increase them by buying more of it. By using the store, they can buy with real money, but even that has a limit.

They can still buy more of it, by using Wish upon a Star and exchanging it for real money and that's it.

Guilds can buy up to three hundred levels using Wish Upon a Star, after buying up all they can from the store. It is costly, a single level costs 10 dollars.

{Leaving aside the inflation and equating the value of money to our 21st-century standards rather than 22nd-century ones.}

So buying up three hundred levels costs somewhere

around three thousand dollars. But these guys have outdone us this time.

Any player of a guild can make this transaction with his Guild Master's permission. Here the players of this guild, have all cast Wish Upon a Star at the same time and wished to buy Max NPC level.

That's three hundred levels per Guild member, including the Guild Master and Vice-leader.

"So they have purchased three hundred thousand dollars."

"Yes Sir, now if we were to revert back or fix the bug. We would have to return the money"

"Have they used any underhanded techniques to get it?"

I get it, he is panicking. Three hundred thousand dollars isn't a small amount for a game company and neither is it a huge amount. So here it comes.

It's not the amount they are worried about. Considering the CEO here, he isn't worried about the money but the employees are.

To him, it's the rule or a proposition of mine that worries him more. I had asked them to reward those who report a bug.

The tension kept rising, I for one was enjoying the show.

To break their bickering and to ensure they don't mess up my plan. I moved ahead and called out the person sitting over at the desk nearest to me.

"So have they by chance cheated here to get those levels"

Seeing me talk, their attention was drawn towards me now.

"No sir, it was just a coincidence that they stumbled on this bug"

"Is that so? What do you think about it, Sarena?"

"I agree, Sir"

Sarena was World, role-playing as a worker here. Though she was not present here physically, she had a cabin to her name near the control panel.

I have to say this office is unlike any Game making company or any other company's office that I have seen yet.

There she was connected through video cam, with a fake face and background working for them part-time.

She is good at multitasking.

They continued their discussion, noticing my silence. Soon they decided to talk about it with the guy and then decide their next course of action. So they made a call to the Lord of The Mysteries.

"You guys took longer than usual this time", LordofTheMysteries.

"We had to discuss with our superiors on this one. Unlike past incidents, this time it's a major problem. We can't hand over thirty thousand NPC levels to you.

It will be a game-breaking move", The Manager Nobuyuki Sugou.

"So will you be returning that money to us?"

"That's the plan"

"What about the compensation for our troubles? We weren't told about it. I understand that you have rules that you have to follow but try to understand our situation"

"We are extremely sorry but there is nothing we can do about it"

Now is the time I will have to interrupt.

"Wait a minute, so I am speaking to the lord of the Mysteries here"

"Yes, and you are?"

"I am the superior he was talking about. It's nice to meet you, you can call me Kirito"

"It's nice talking to you Kirito, so what is your decision on this"

"Nothing, I just wished to know how you wish to proceed with this. Am I good to know that you wish to keep those levels"


"Aren't we in a pickle now? So I have talked about it with my colleagues here and have decided to let you keep the levels but under certain conditions."

"So what are they?"

"You only get 3000 levels rather than the 30,000 you bought. But unlike before you will have to pay 100 dollars per level. That's ten times more level you could have purchased. Is it not a good offer"

"Yes, but won't it be a waste? We have paid three thousand dollars to get 30,000 levels and now you are offering 3000 levels for the same price. Isn't that unfair"

"Yes, but you can't expect to get such an unfair advantage against other players."

"So what, we paid for it."

"I understand, so let's increase it by 1000 more levels. Is it not enough now?"

"Why don't I do you a favour and double my price? We paid 10 dollars for each level and now you are offering it at 100 dollars/per level. I will do you one better and double my price. Let's buy it at 200 dollars/per level."

Silence reigned in, the offer was tempting for the employees but the same can't be said for the CEO. He was seeing the bigger picture here.

But I could see a look of wonder and amusement on his face for a second there.

Now that I remember, didn't I do the same while buying stocks of this company?

"That's a difficult proposition.", I answered.

"So why won't we do this, I'll take back my offer but you will have to return all my money to my account, including those spent by my guild mates to my account within the next half an hour. Or you grant me my wish"

I kept my silence here, to let these guys think about it.

Seeing this, after muting the call, Akihiko urged his employees to get to it. But alas it was an anonymous transaction.

"Sir it's an anonymous transaction. They use an elite banking network, where they protect their customer data very well. Here it's a one-way payment gateway. So we can't transfer it back. It's checkmate"

"Contact the bank or do anything to get it done."

"By the time we can get connected to the bank, it will be past the time"

"So there's nothing we can do about it"

"Yes sir"

"Let me handle it.", I asked him. "You don't have to Sir"

"It's fine Akihiko"

After convincing them, I was back online.

"It was a great plan."

Yes, it was. The payment was made using XXX bank. A premium bank only for those with power. To have an account in the bank was synonymous with having great power in this world. It was a close-knit bank, accessible to only those with connections. To open an account, you need a recommendation from an existing account holder or an invitation from the bank.

Till you pass all the requirements, you can't open an account, even if you are a president of some country. It was less of a bank and more of a club.

I could see colour drain from his face, the moment he saw the name of the bank. To the devs, it was just some foreign bank but to him it was different.

He had given up. After all this world is ruled by those with money and power.

"I'm not sure what you are saying"

"Fine, how about this, you can have 10,000 levels for the same amount"

"Well, let's get this over with. I'll pay 1000 dollars for each level. This is my final offer"

"Are your guild mates okay with that? It's a big amount, here 30 million dollars"

"Don't worry, I've talked it with them. If it's not enough I'll make it up on my end"

"I'll get back to you on that one, after discussing it with my colleagues"


I let them discuss it. I was not part of this discussion. I was already overstepping by interfering in their work.

It was a big amount this time. They accepted, after sound reasoning themselves. Saying the guild was located in far-off terrain, and that they are the only players so far to have made it there.

I left the office after that.


Omni Pov

Bruce after watching them finalising the deal.

'Maybe I should have pushed a bit more. But they might have shown more resistance then. It was going to be a life-and-death situation for their game.

Though I keep saying that I wouldn't break the game, I still do it anyway. Maybe I am afraid of going to a new world ruled by power. I may be over-preparing against worst-case scenarios. Or it might just be my greed.'

After the completion, he made his way towards the elevator and got down.

Till he reached his car, which his driver had brought out from the parking for him. He was facing down. To the employees of the company, they saw it as him blaming himself for the failure in the negotiation.

For they thought, they couldn't have done it any better. It was a predetermined outcome. Their opponent was just too strong. Rather it was a very favourable outcome, they made a very big profit today. Generating 30 million dollars from a single guild in a day was very big for them.

After getting in the car, Bruce was unable to control his emotions anymore.

'It was tough maintaining a poker face.'

The edges of the mouth curled up. For his plan had succeeded.

Seeing your plan come to fruition, the joy is a wonderful feeling.

It wasn't long before he got immersed in planning his future while watching the scenes pass by.

Seeing the car come to a stop at his home, he got out of the car.

"Dave, get me a car. I'm in the mood to drive today."

"But Sir.."

"Don't worry, I won't be gone for long. It's just a short drive"

"As you say, sir"

Bruce followed behind Dave to his garage to get a car for himself. He wondered about which car to pick.

He looked around the garage for a while, contemplating his decision. He saw many famous and his favourite cars lined up in the garage. He moved around as he struggled to make his decision.

It was not until he laid his eyes on the Mercedes Benz AMG Vision Grand Turismo.

One of the cars that Batman drove. How could he forget about it, after, it was he who had asked for it to be custom-made for him?

After getting in it, he accelerated his speed as he made his way to the outskirts of Tokyo. For he wished to go on a long drive.

'I don't know whether Akihiko knew it or not. But Bruce Enterprises has the highest stakes in XXX bank. If I truly wanted to win, there was nothing he or anyone in this world could have done to prevent it.'



"Connect me to Lord of The Mysteries"

"Yes Sir"

Kayaba Akihiko, after finalising the details and confirming it once again, connected to the Lord of the Mysteries.

He waited for him to pick up the call, for he knew the player was still online.

It hadn't been more than fifteen minutes since Bruce left for his home. He was lost halfway through the negotiations, previously. He now wished to make up for it. If it wasn't for Bruce, he would have lost it.

"So what is it? You are not thinking of going back on your word now are you?"

"No, I am calling to confirm if the transaction was successful. Did you get the levels assigned to you? What I mean to say is, that it's a call to make sure that you have no problem using those levels. After all, there were restrictions concerning levels and their limits before on Guilds.

We have enabled you to use them but if you were to face any problems.

You can contact us."

"Will do"

"If it's not too much, then can I ask you a question?"

"What is it?"

"Why are spending so much money on video games?"

It was an exception this time. For he would have never asked anyone this question before. Should they have spent double the amount as him, he would have still not asked such a question.

The bank used by this player had piqued his interest.

"Well, it's not too complicated. It's just that I don't have much time left on this planet. No amount of medical help can save my body from dying. I have a decade at most to live. After that, it's bye-bye world."

"I'm sorry"

"Don't be, it's just the reality of what we call life. Being born into a rich family is my blessing despite my fate. I do get money, from my family. But you can't avoid this feeling that I don't belong here and that I am an anomaly in this world."

"I am sure, that you are loved by your family."

"I just hope for it. I just don't wish to have regrets."

"Playing this game gives me the feeling of fulfilment. So it's a small price to pay."

"I see", Akihiko was able to infer the reasoning behind his excessive spending. For a person, who's about to die, money doesn't matter much.

All they try to do is make some memories and enjoy their remaining life, to not have any regrets in the end.

His interest had died down, for he had spiralled towards thinking about his life.

The call had ended, but his voice still echoed in his ears.

"To not have any regrets. Am I satisfied with my life?"


Present Day

Bruce after logging into the game, made his way to the depths of Múspellsheim to check his guild.

"So is there any update on the Múspellsheim World Champion?"

<They have acquired the Longinus>

"So anytime now"

As Bruce continued his conversation with World, he arrived at his guild, which was a breathtaking sight to see. The castle that used to stand in the centre of a volcano was now replaced by an awe-inspiring temple. The temple was grander than The Great Tomb of Nazrick, which left Bruce in awe.

After a moment of contemplation, he decided to use the temple as the entrance to his guild. He instructed World to modify the surroundings to make them more aligned with the building, and the result was nothing short of spectacular. The temple's exterior was adorned with intricate designs that made it stand out.

As he approached the guild, Bruce couldn't help but feel a sense of pride and accomplishment. The amount of money he spent on the exterior of the temple was staggering. World informed him that it was more than what the members of Ainz Ooal Gown had spent on their entire guild.

The Grand Temple, which was once a castle or fortress, had no walls surrounding it. However, after taking inspiration from the Great Tomb of Nazrick and inspecting many designs created by World, Bruce selected the one he liked the most. The giant walls surrounded the temple, with unknown inscriptions and runes drawn on them. The small buildings inside the walls surrounding the temple added to the beauty of the temple.

As Bruce made his way into the wall, he was in awe of the eight smaller buildings surrounding the main temple. He entered one of the temples, but it was empty, which left him feeling disappointed. However, he continued his inspection and entered another temple.

To his surprise, he saw a statue that depicted his Demon Avatar, Scarlett King. "World, would you please care to explain?" he asked.

"Since you wished to build your guild with a temple theme, I made some small adjustments. The temple needs a god. Without it, what purpose does the temple serve? I have taken inspiration from Cthulhu's temple to build your temple.

'So the other six smaller temples here are built to worship my other avatars. So, by that logic, the main temple in the centre is to worship my main avatar," Bruce enquired.


Bruce was impressed with the attention to detail and the amount of effort that was put into building his guild. "Let's just go for now," he said, feeling satisfied with his inspection. It wasn't just satisfaction, he was too tired to correct World or argue with her.

Moreover, he was intrigued by his feelings, he wasn't repulsed by the idea of his NPCs worshipping him or being treated as God.

After checking them out he entered the main temple in the centre. He walked and walked, he was amazed by the details.

The temple was grand, unlike any other. Though it was named a temple, its infrastructure was a mix of a temple and a castle.

Many Knights armour standing watch across the halls, according to World were the guardians of this temple.

He walked across the walls, where ancient murals depicted the story of his guild. Though short and most of the walls were empty, he was sure they were left for future use.

But what was available, showed his fight with The Fire Dragon, Sutur, Cthulhu and many more.

He made his way to the depths, where he came across the commander of those guardians.

He was named the Cosmic Armoured Knight Commander. An eight-foot-tall monster guarding the temple.

Upon receiving World's command, he moved aside for Bruce to pass through the door. The Door connecting this temple and the Guild.

After opening it, Bruce found himself in a land covered with snow. The region beyond the door was covered with ice, the stark difference between the temperature of space beyond the door and outside the door was surprising.

The World of Ice was the name of the first floor of the 31 floors.

Sadly they didn't give me an option to increase the floors for my Guild. Sutur's dungeon came with 31 floors, where the first 30 floors were teaming with monsters as Sutur awaited us on the last floor.

As they transferred the dungeon to me, it came with 31 floors.

World Enemy dungeons usually come with the same range of floors. The one where Ainz Ooal Gown was built was 6 floors originally but later was upgraded to 11 floor Guild.

He proceeded forward through the icy land, after traversing into the land for a bit, he summoned the floor guardian.

With his summon, came forward an Ice Dragon, the Guardian of the floor.

'The Dragon was just a normal dragon if you could categorise a Dragon as normal. The Dragon was assigned the role of the floor guardian with Snow Giants acting as the guards.'

Similarly, he passed through the next three floors. Just like the first floor, the next floors were named World of Water, World of Flames and Nature.

The World of Water, as the name suggests is a floor filled with water and no land.

The World of Flames was the land of fire and lava. It was filled with volcanoes.

Nature, the fourth floor. Is the land with nature. A valley, a forest and grassland.

Similar to World of Ice, the rest of these floors had Dragons as their Floor Guardians.

Water Dragon, the Floor Guardian of the World of Water.

Red Dragon, the Floor Guardian of the World of Flames.

Storm Dragon, the Floor Guardian of Nature.

Similar to how Snow Giants served as the guards of the World of Ice, Sea Serpents served as the guards of the World of Water. Fire Giants the guards to World of Flames. Wyverns were the guards to Nature.

After inspecting the first Four floors, he made his way to the fifth floor.

The Fifth Floor is named the Shadow Realm.

"It was based on Solo Leveling, Ashborn the Floor Guardian."

The Area Guardians, Igris, Tank, Iron, Tusk, Kaise, Beru, Jima, Kamish, Greed, Bellion and Shadow Giant.

After looking over everyone, he moved to the next floor.

Bruce had World also place many tools and added functions to the floor, such as monster summoning and had added many mercenaries to it.


Mc Pov

Floor 6, The Spirit Realm. It's Guardian Reno, a character from The Misfit of the Demon King Academy. Though not as strong as the original, still strong enough to fight against Overlord characters and maybe even defeat them. So are the other characters, while some of them aren't as strong as their original counterparts, compared to Overlords', they were well off.

As for the Area Guardians of the Spirit Realm, there are quite a few spirits from various anime.

There is Aishia from Spirit Gensouki, Urumi from Date a Live, and the rest are original a mishmash of different spirits we have come across in the isekai and fantasy genre.

Greater Spirit of Fire

Greater Spirit of Water

Greater Spirit of Wind

Greater Spirit of Earth

Greater Spirit of Light

Greater Spirit of Darkness.

Similar to the previous floor, this floor had many mercenaries and monster summoning functions and tools added to it.

After I roamed around a bit on this floor, I teleported to the next floor. The next floor was the embodiment of Death. It was also named as Death.

A floor dedicated to Necromancer, Vampires and other Undeads.

The previous floor Spirit Realm was like a ride through a different dimension. It looked more otherworldly, with a Kaleidoscope view of the surroundings.

This floor was built similarly to those haunted houses. A large landscape, with a town surrounded by dead forest.

A silent town, leading to a hill. The path leading to the castle on top of that hill. The road has graves on both of its sides till the castle.

There in that castle rests Dracula, the first Area Guardian of Death.

With Beldia a Dullahan from Konosuba looking after the town and Armonia Justin a Shinigami from Death Note looking after the graveyard.

Beyond the cliff of the hill, lies a river separating two pieces of land. The Castle of Dracula and the Underworld.

The underworld is thrice as large as the starting area of this floor.

With a Giant Undead City located on it. The city is crawling with undead monsters via summoning defence mechanisms and mercenaries. The city hosted many other Area Guardians, Alucard a Vampire from Hellsing, Vlad III from Fate Apocrypha, Vanitas of the Blue Moon a human turned Vampire from Vanitas anime.

Then there's McDowell Evangeline Athanasia a Vampire from UQ Holder.

Lastly, the Floor Guardian lies waiting underground. To reach him, the players will need to go through the tall tower in the centre. The tall tower also goes deep underground.

In this game, anything is possible as long as you have money. The floors in this Dungeon are treated as different realms or pocket Dimensional spaces inside a larger dimension, housing Sutur in the end, now my Guild.

The underground space was modelled after the Underworld or Netherworld from anime legends and comics.

A Cavern filled with Wraiths and Ghosts. All wandering around, leading them towards the end. Where lies a Throne, and seated upon it is Ghost Rider. The place is similar to the Underworld of Hades.

After I was done reminiscing the instructions I had given to the World, I entered the silent town ruled by Beldia the Dullahan from Konosuba. The town is great, and the attention to detail. 'Great Work World.'

<Thank you>

After praising World about the floor Death checking out the rest of the places and meeting with weak Ghost Rider, I moved to the next floor.

The 8th Floor is named Abyss. As the name suggests it's a unique place. Ruled by Chthon from Marvel.

I have no words to explain or describe this place other than calling it an Abyss.

There are Ten Are Guardians on this floor, Zarathos a demon from Marvel, Mephisto similarly a Demon from Marvel and lastly Aatrox.

I was soon moving towards the next floor.

This is a bit unique floor, as it has no Floor Guardian ruling over it, just the Area Guardians.

The 9th Floor, Monster Realm.

15 monsters call this floor their home. All of them are level 100 Beasts. It's not just these guys, all the Floor Guardians and Area Guardians of my Guild are max-level NPCs.

These monsters listen to none, except me.

Most of them are from Godzilla verses or Kaiju Verses.

There's Godzilla, King Ghidorah, Genitor Swarm, Shimo, Titanus Scylla, Titanus Typhon, Titanus Tiamat, Titanus Behemoth, Titanus Methuselah, Titanus Leviathan, Titanus Mosura, Titanus Rodan, Vellum Vespertilio and at last King Kong.

After checking them out, I was amazed at their size. Each of them is as big as the Ragnarok form of my Demon Avatar, if not bigger.

I moved to the next floor, the floor based on Sefirots' from Lotm.

10th Floor, Brood Hive.

The Floor is dedicated to Lotm which is predicted to be Mother Pathway's Sefirot. Its Floor Guardian is a monster named Mother. I've based her looks on the glimpses shown to us in Lotm.

Area Guardians being Ant Queen and her army.

11th Floor, Chaos Sea.

A floor that I have replicated from Lotm.

Upon entering it, I found myself in a forest cloaked by darkness. No magic can be used here to brighten this place.

I moved through the forest, it was a maze. Without World's help, I would have been lost.

Following her instructions, I arrived at a clearing. Since magic can't be used here to provide light, I had to bring out my lantern.

Seeing this, I was reminded of the scene from Lotm, where Klein follows Amon in the Forsaken Land of God.

In the clearing was an old worn-down building. With Chornobyl written on top. After admiring the building for a bit, I pushed open the door and entered the building.

The interior was similar to those sci-fi power plants. It was a big plant, and after roaming around a bit, I came to the main door.

The Door, which would have usually led to the main chamber. Where they place the turbine.

But here, the door led to the Sefirot Chaos Sea.

The Forest is guarded by the monsters. While the Factory is guarded by the Mindless Ones also from Marvel.

In the Chaos Sea, rests the Floor Guardian of this Floor, Dormammu the Cosmic Entity from Marvel.

So, I was stuck on the twelfth floor - The City of Calamity. I had no idea what to do with it. Then, I remembered watching Loki and the End of Time Citadel. I thought to myself, "Why not model this floor after that?" I asked World to do just that, and voila! We now have Leviathans and Chitauri guarding the floor. Alioth is on duty to protect the Gate leading to the Citadel of the End of Time, and Loki himself serves as the Floor Guardian. Miss Minutes manages the Citadel.

Thirteenth floor, Nation of Disorder.

As I was also clueless about this one, I went with Architect from Solo Leveling as the Floor Guardian for this Floor.

The floor was more or less similar to the Temple which the Protagonist of the SL visited with golems.

After having looked through every nook and corner of thirteen floors, I was getting bored of this now.

I can always check it later anyway, let's just directly go to the throne room.

<If that is what you wish, then I have no problem!>

'Are you sure about it'

I don't know why, but World's voice just now sent a chill down my spine.

'Nah, let's check them out. What other task do I have, other than this? I am free till they kill the Múspellsheim World Champion.

Later I can participate in the next World Champion event and acquire World Champion class and Longinus, after his demise.

It's not like I missed the event because of diarrhoea. I was after all planning for it all along right World? '

<If you say so>

Right, I was able to distract her for a bit there. Let's continue the journey for now.

Next, I traversed through the subsequent floors, floor 14, Tenebrous World, with its Floor Guardian TerrorBlade from Dota's Dragon Blood and Area Guardians Akira Fudo from DevilMan Crybaby, Leo from I'm Quitting Heroing and Majin Buu from Dragon Ball Z.

Floor 15 is River of Eternal Darkness with its Floor Guardian Shiroko Terror and Area Guardians Pale Rider from Fate, Celty from Durarara and Rory Mercury from Gate.

Similarly, I finished my tour as fast as possible, with Floor 16 named Atlantis with its Floor Guardian Nine-Headed Nightmare Hydra from Warlock of the Magus World.

Floor 17 is Avalon with its Floor Guardian, The White Dragon.

Floor 18 is called Agartha and it's Floor Guardian Sinbad from an anime called Magi.

Floor 19, Aincrad and it's Floor Guardian Oogway, a giant city with a Giant Colosseum in the centre. The whole city or floor is dedicated towards the Gladiator theme.

'World can you extract movies from my memory?'


'The, how about Batman Vs Superman, the greatest gladiator match in the history of the earth as he called it. I'm sure it will be fun watching it with my NPCs'

<Why not>

'Great, let's move on to the next floor'

Floor 20, Academy City and its Floor Guardian Dumbledore from HP. It's a city of Magic and those who use similar arts or techniques. A modern city, taken from the infamous Academy City from the anime A Certain Magical Index.

Floor 21, Divine Throne, a world created for my amusement and its Floor Guardian Tiamat, The Goddess of Genesis or whatever it is from Fate.

Floor 22, The Key of Light a place for divination and it's Floor Guardian Laplace Demon.

Floor 23, Babylon a place for scientific minds, researches many aspects of Magic and Weapons Artifacts. A place taken from the anime In Another World with My Smartphone. It's Floor Guardian, Galactus from Marvel, A scientist of a bygone Universe.

Floor 24, Knowledge Moor, it's the Floor Guardian Wisdom Tree from Warlock of the Magus World. He is the equivalent of World Tree and the person who knows it all from his verse, though he isn't the strongest.

This floor is dedicated to the library of my Guild, managed by the Great Race of Yith.

The next floor is where I reside.

Floor 25, Arcadia.

This floor has a giant city, similar to the other floors.

Unlike GTA, every city in my Guild has accessible buildings.

I walked along the path towards the Biggest City of my Guild. Located at its centre is a Giant Palace where I reside.

The city is built with every facility one could think of.

Also, the city has a museum, dedicated to showcasing the history of the Guild and its members.

There are various facilities like Restaurants and shopping centres but not limited to entertainment facilities.

After getting a look around at the facilities, I entered the castle.

The Castle is guarded by the Children of Yggdrasil, NPCs created by the World Item.

1. Artoria Pendragon

2. Scáthach

3. Arcueid Brunestud

4. Alice (SAO)

5. Enkidu

6. Jeanne d'Arc

7. Morgan le Fay

8. Tohka Yatogami

9. Arodes

Seeing them, made me proud of myself. Though it wasn't me who made them. It was my Guild Mates.

Next was the Butler or The Caretaker of the City, Sebastian Michaelis and the Assistant Butlers Doraemon and Dorami.

After looking over them, it was the maids now.

Magearna the Head Maid and Maids Cyn, a murder drone, Alice Von Zeltch an OC, Shiraori, and Violet Evergarden.

I was thinking of adding other maids, but I couldn't think of anyone.

Then there are the Assassins, their leader King Hassan and 11 other assassins from Fate.

You have done a great job World. I moved to the next floor to check the other places.

Floor 26, Magical Realm or Astral Plane, it's Floor Guardian Arceus and Area Guardians other 54 Pokémons'. All of them are Max-level, making this possibly the most powerful floor.

If a player wishes to access the Treasury, they have to pass through this floor. Its Residents are all starter Pokémons.

Floor 27, NULL Void. A place with no guardians or residents. It's a place inspired by Ben 10.

Floor 28 Sefirah Castle, is a place for meeting just like the Tarot Club. The Floor was covered with Gray Fog, and after passing through it, a castle stood.

Inside it is a table to hold Fool's gathering. Just behind my chair at the table, led to the mysterious door covered with tentacles. The Castle was managed by NPCs, Unknown, pokémon from Pocket Monster.

Beyond the door at the back, leads to the space with a giant book laid open on the floor. It spanned across the whole floor.

In its centre lay a door, leading inside the book. After I opened it, I could see the endless space spanned in it.

I could see the galaxies and the stars in them.

Floor 29, Cosmos. The only way to treasury. The guardians, the monsters with the mystical form of various pathways. The mythical forms of the pathways that we know of are 18 pathways.

1. Hanged Man

2. White Tower

3. Visionary

4. Tyrant

5. Sun

6. Attendant of Mysteries

7. Key of Stars

8. Worm of Time

9. Demoness

10. Red Priest

11. Darkness

12. Death

13. Twilight Giant

14. Moon

15. Black Emperor

16. Chained

17. Hermit

18. Wheel of Fortune

Floor 30, El Dorado the treasury of the Guild.

A golden city guarded by the Floor Guardian a Giant Red Eastern Dragon, The Dragon Emperor.

Golems guard the Golden City.

Floor 31, Arrow of Time modelled after Beerus' Planet and Castle. The Castle houses various Divine Tier items and World Items. It also has many other significant items stored inside it.

The Eye of The Blind Idiot God Azathoth was imbued to the Guild. I can use it from anywhere in the Guild and I can extract it anytime.

After checking out everything, I retrieved an artefact from my storage. It would be an artefact to my NPCs and some weird item to these people but to me, it was a television remote.

To teleport between floors in my Guild, they need permission from the Guild Master, without it none can travel between the floors.

Even the Guild Members, can only teleport to Arcadia with the ring of the Guild.

Symbol of Guild's membership.

With My remote controller, I can teleport to Sefirah Castle from the Grand Temple of The End.

With the help of Remote, I was able to create a portal, or in game terms cast a Gate Spell.

With it, I moved to Sefirah Castle, and after reaching there I sat on my seat at the table.

A giant long table was placed in a grand and lofty palace hall with towering stone pillars supporting the giant dome on top.

The palace looked like that legendary palace from ancient times.

The Bronze table in the centre with forty-nine high black chairs on either side of the table in a symmetrical arrangement, along with a chair on each of the two ends of the long table.


Omni Pov

Bruce walked along the table and praised its design, he walked towards his seat.

As he walked towards it, he observed the grey fog gathered at the top near the dome and the grey fog that blurred the ground.

The leg of chairs and tables were obstructed by the grey fog, he sat on his chair and observed the grey fog.

'At last, I have completed one major task, I had planned.'


**The End**

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