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6.66% The Odyssey of Jason Darksky / Chapter 2: The Briefing and New wings

Bab 2: The Briefing and New wings

Captain Darksky, you expect me to believe that as a last ditch effort, the Vampires launched a missile that backfired." I stood before the four star General, Patterson, hoping he didn't question the report. I knew that they would have a difficult time with the rocket. From the skeptical expression on his face, he was questioning the only explanation I had for what happened. How was I going to explain that Master Gunnery Sergeant Hellfire pulled a Rocket launcher out of his ass and took down the enemy reinforcements with it in one shot? The very same rocket, that First Leftenant Musaki modified. If I did that, both my best friend and the walking tank would be discharged for using untested tech. I can't allow that. "Sir, we were waiting for our extraction team when the enemy reinforcements found us. I was expecting to come home in a body bag." General Patterson didn't like my reply very much. He pinched the bridge of his very crooked nose, a very sure sign of a headache. "In order to ensure that this doesn't happen again, you are given a new mission. Patrol the outer borders of the Federation. You are given a Dreadnaught Class Battleship, the White Phoenix. You and your entire team will be heading this mission. If not, then I will have to discharge all of you. Dismissed, Captain." He said my rank in a sneering tone, I don't think he appreciates me or the elite status that my team has. Not many do. No other team had the near perfect performance of my team. Our 99% accuracy rating was the basis for every single soldier to beat. Then again my team is probably full of Psychopaths that get off on the fear we create. More than likely I could be counted among them.

As I walked back to the room where my team sat waiting. I thought over the last words Patterson said to me. Either exile, or be discharged, a dishonorable one at that. I could tell right away from his attitude towards me and my men that he refused to believe our report. Almost like he designed this fiasco to be a suicide mission from the start. I sneered at the thought of beating Patterson at his own game. He had no idea how insane my team was. We were damn near perfect because we were damn near broken. It was hard to care if you lived or died when you lived and breathed military perfection.

A dishonorable discharge meant an execution, no one became a liability to the Federation and lived. No one. Exile was our best option, we could continue to be of use while being out of their way. I grinned. I had a funny feeling we might just enjoy the Exile.

I was given a dossier on each member of my team. I knew their military records inside and out. I didn't even need First Leftenant Shani Musaki's, I knew her whole military career as well as my own. Musaki is an expert in chemistry, particle fusion, bio warfare, experimental and theoretical physics as well as hand to hand combat. My best friend.

Second Leftenant Zaya 'Princessa' Marie Esqueezeme, Sniper elite, expert in stealth and master of any firearm she holds. She could take a mark 20 miles out from a Vertibird in mid flight from a mile up. The girl had mad skills with a rifle. The Aguarian's were a cat like race with humanoid features. Esqueezeme had white cat ears to match her platinum hair. and those red eyes that so resembled a cat's own. She also had longer canines, if she smiled they would be visible. The only feature she didn't have was a tail.

Master Gunnery Sergeant Prince Hellfire, a walking tank. Absolutely nothing could penetrate his extremely tough skin that his people developed through evolution. The last survivor of his race and a true monster on the battlefield. The man has no fear. No quit, no fucks to give. He had only one weakness, Musaki's jello. The man loved the stuff. Apparently where he came from, jello didn't exist.

Master Sargent Cid Newind, Master pilot. He could fly anything, if it had wings, Cid could fly it. Master mechanic, he could fix anything. I once saw him repair a ship that went through anti air cannons and came out the other side looking like swiss cheese. He also came from the same Academy as me and Shani, his combat skills were slightly lower than Hellfire.

Now I need to know if I could trust this team to follow me into hell with a smile.

The two women stood apart from the men. Both of them were drop dead gorgeous. The smaller one had midnight black hair, part of it was short and pixie like, the majority of it was wrapped in a red silk ribbon down to the floor. There was a hint of silver at the end of it. A blade was obviously hidden there. At 5'4, she was the smallest member of the group. Perfectly toned muscles wrapped in skin the made me think of vanilla ice cream. Her Cobalt gaze fell on me, and she immediately walked to stand beside me.

This was my demolition expert, and second in command, my tiny little friend. Shanie Musaki, she was grinning at me like a psychopath. The only person who could probably kill everyone and smile innocently at the brass.

The icy beauty next to Musaki had pale skin the color of milk, not a flaw on her perfect face. She stood a little away from the group, her posture looked relaxed but I could see the finely tuned machine she made her knock out of a body into. 5'9, tall and willowy, her Lieutenant's uniform made her look taller than she was. She had her platinum blonde hair braided and wrapped up in a smooth bun at the top of her head. Her deep dark ruby red eyes were cat like and tracked me as I walked to stand in the center of the room. She hid her face with a scarf made of crimson satin. My sniper didn't move or acknowledge that I entered the room, but I could feel her awareness of my presence. Her snow white ears twitch with each subtle sound she hears. Princessa, the eyes in the dark.

The two men grumbled in silence. The big guy closer to me was a mountain of man at least nine feet tall. His massive frame took up one whole side of the room. Platinum blonde hair cut in a military fade, deep crimson gaze that moved restlessly around the room. His stance said it all, he stood feet apart arms folded over his muscled chest making his Navy blue uniform strain under the sheer mass it contained. Prince Hellfire, the walking tank.

And finally, the pilot, Cid, He was significantly smaller than Prince at 6'4, his hair was golden and also cut in that same fade and he had sea green eyes that changed from green to blue in the light. His muscles weren't as bulky as Prince or me, he was lean and toned. The calluses and grease on his hands told me he was working before he was called here.

"Captain, what did the Brass say?" Shani addressed me. Her voice seemed child like, she really was a doll. I Rested my left arm on top of her head. Her height made her the perfect armrest. "They gave us a new mission, to put it in terms we can understand, exile to the border of the Federation. On the threat of death. We get to take the new pride of the Federation, The White Phoenix. Musaki, your second in command, Esqueezeme, Sergeant in Arms. Hellfire, Gunner's Mate. Newind, Pilot. I expect the best of military professionalism. But make no mistake, this is our prison." Shanie blinked, Princessa let her gaze fall. Prince groaned and Cid sat down. I looked at my men. "No crew could be better than who I have right now, we run this as a mission. Say your goodbyes, we will meet up on the flight deck in 2 hours."

I walked out of the room, my mind filled with the pain in their eyes, my own heart heavy with the fact that I would be leaving Trillian behind, my beautiful wife, her bright red hair and deep green eyes. Her soft creamy skin. My angel with a body made for sin and silk sheets. High full breasts, a tucked in waist, and long legs that would wrap themselves around me. Her creamy skin the shade of milk would blush so prettily a shade of pink. She stood in the hall, waiting for me. Her beautiful eyes filled with concern, knowing full well that I would not be able to come home at all.

"Jason. What did they say?" I would miss that soft yet sultry voice. Her hand traced my jaw. "Exile." Her hand froze. "What about your men?" I gripped her hand, holding it to my jaw, trying to imprint it on my face as I memorized every detail of her elegant face. "They are going with me as well. We leave in 2 hours. I won't be coming home." Trillian hugged me tighter, trying to absorb my heat. "Do as they say, I will not be far behind you. Nothing could separate me from you. Know that I love you."


"And Forever."

I took possession of her sweet bow of a mouth one more time, I filled the kiss with my love for her, tried to convey to her what words left out. I left her standing in the hallway, with my heart. The Federation wanted to exile me and my team, fine. The ice cold monster they feared the most was finally free of it's leash. The monster known throughout the Galaxy as The White Knight of the Federation. I walked away from the warmth of Trillian's love and towards my next mission with both anticipation and dread.

I stood waiting for my men to catch up to me on the flight deck where my new Wings were docked.

The White Phoenix, Dreadnought Class Battleship, her white shell was as cold as me. The ship was as big as The state of New York. The bridge had to be the size of a mansion. Her pristine white shell glittered under the lights like tiny stars. A bright navy blue emblem of a Phoenix was painted on the starboard side of her hull. She had a Galactic class Particle Cannon. The cannon was considered a planet cracker, the energy it put off was so powerful it would be the nail in a lot of coffins. Shani was the first to approach me. She hopped up on the railing and we watched the crew load the supplies in silence for a while. "Jason, I'm with you 110%, I will not fail you."

"I know you won't Shani. You never do." I smiled at my best friend. She was the one who introduced me to Trillian Four years ago and I have been thanking her ever since. Shani chuckled. "I have always been standing beside you Jason. Where you lead me, even if hell awaits, I shall go gladly with a smile."

She saw me as her friend and brother. The same man who stopped her for blowing everyone up in the Academy. She always said I was too good looking to be sane.

Pearl white hair, pulled back at the nape of my thick neck, silver grey eyes the could pierce one's soul. I stood at 6'1, my considerable muscles weren't as big as Prince, but I filled out my Captain's uniform quite nicely, With My feet apart and hands at the small of my back, we stood in silence and watched as the dock crew loaded the only supplies I will ever receive into the store room in the hull. My name as White Knight was because of my looks. My battle prowess was another matter entirely. I was ruthless. No mercy. Cold tactician, strong leader, no fear. A truly terrifying beast.

"We will be learning more about the others as well as the ship." She smiled coldly. "And if the Federation finds out we are playing with their toy, we could always pretend again. You know, the vamps did it." I barked out a laugh. This would be an entertaining time.

Not three months into our exile and Princessa wants to kill Prince, Shanie has taken over RnD and Cid lives on the bridge. So much for the best team in the Federation. They didn't even last a year and they are already trying to kill each other. Shani has already made a better version of the rocket she had Prince used on Vampune. Princessa refuses to allow Prince any rest as she purposely misses by mere centimeters the man's massive dome of a head. Bunch of kids.

I knew they were good men, we fought pirates on the outlying planets a few times, mostly the pirates backed down when I loaded the cannon and bluffed my ass off. Sometimes we had to send in a party to board the pirate ship in order to make their final moments a painful one. Sargent Musaki and Lieutenant Esqueezeme had way too much fun with that mission. That was the scariest thing I ever unleashed upon the poor unsuspecting pirates. The two ladies decided to make it into a competition. Who could kill the most pirates in an hour's time. I had psychopaths on my team. So far the only thing peaceful on this ship is my quarters. Trillian sent messages daily and because I am no longer in the Federation, I can't answer them. I smiled to myself as her last message finished playing. She was made a Captain. Shani would be thrilled for Trillian. They gave her a ship and she once again promised to join me. I heard the bark of Princessa's rifle and a shout followed. She still hasn't succeeded in killing him yet. I kept an eye on the monitors for security purposes. So far, Shani hasn't been successful in blowing us up and Prince is getting a lot of exercise running from Princessa. For an abnormally large man, the dude could move. "Captain, something came up on the navigation, you need to see this." Cid's voice over the intercom honestly gave me hope that I can find something to do to alleviate the sheer boredom I was plagued with. Officer cabins were connected to the bridge, in order for fast response times and less travel time.

To access the rest of the ship, I would have had to take the elevator. The thing was operated by an ati-gravity engine. The entire ship could be accessed by one elevator. No matter the direction the department was in.

I made it to the bridge without running into Princessa's firing range, Thank God for security cameras. "Talk to me Cid." I moved to stand beside the man as he flew the ship. "Sir, I think Musaki knows more but, is that an octopus?!"

I look up at the monitors not sure what he was referring to at first, sure enough it's a giant octopus, in space. How the hell that was possible I would never have the time or patience to understand. The thing's current food source seems to be my ship. My attention didn't remain on the giant octopus, but the absolutely dangerous swirling mass of darkness and death it was being sucked into.

"Cid call it, red alert. Everyone on deck. That thing is attached to a black hole and we are in the gravity field." I immediately sat in my Captain's chair, this would be messy. Shani leapt over the upper balcony and landed smoothly in her seat. She started pulling up the auto guns. "Captain, we can't fight the black hole, but I can kill that thing before it eats us."

"Do it. 50/50 shot we come out of that hole alive, and I want that shot, Musaki." I turned to Princessa. "Take over the auto guns, Musaki is prepping the Planet cracker. I want that thing to be soup before we go in that hole. Cid, do not change course, we only have one shot, and we can't miss." Red lights flashed in the bridge as the proximity alarms rang out. I opened the intercoms. "Attention all crew members, report to battle stations, I repeat, all crew members, report to battle stations." Shani whipped her head around to look at me for a split second then turned back to the monitors in front of her. "Cannon at 10% Sir, we need more time!" I growled in frustration and stood up to stand over Cid. "Full reverse, buy us time before the Blackhole eats us." As Cid carried out my orders, I spoke to Prince next. "Prince, load the Plasma cannons and take out those tentacles!" The ship shook as the thing tried to wrap its arms around us and pull us towards its mouth. "Almost ready sir!"

"Fire it now Shani! We don't have any more time!"

She hit override on the safety controls and fired into the mouth. "Brace for impact!"

The blast was too close. The bridge shook as red lights pulsed around us. "Strap in, here comes the mess!" I barely had enough time to yank the straps of my harness over my shoulders and buckled it tight. My ship groaned and screeched like nails on a chalk board as metal was ripped apart, people screamed in terror. My head slammed hard into my computer. Pain exploded behind my eyes as darkness threatened to swallow me. The last thing I saw was a big blue sky.


Hi guys! I'm sorry for all the confusion as I work on editing the story, please have patience as I work to make Jason's tale better. Thank you for all the support.

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