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The New God Of Destruction The New God Of Destruction original

The New God Of Destruction

Penulis: TrueCulture_io123

© WebNovel

Bab 1: The Beginning.

-(3rd Person Pov)-

Inside the building of an MMA gym, the sounds of punches and kicks striking a punching bag echoed throughout the almost empty gym.

(Wham!) (Rattle!) (Wham!)

Each strike was quick, heavy and precise. A testament to the long hours of grueling training done to reach such a level of skill, strength and stamina. The only other noise heard in the gym was the laboured breathing of the man training, as well as the snores of another individual.

After spending several more minutes of punching thd bag, the man stepped away from the bag as he took slow and deep breaths to control his slightly haggard breathing.




The man huffed in exhasperation as he saw one of the gyms other member, and a friend of his dozing off on a chair facing away from himself. He sighed ignoring his sleeping friend as he grabbed a towel and wiped his sweaty face before placing the towel on a nearby bench and grabbing his bottle.

The man chugged the water before he headed to the gyms showers.

As he stepped into the showers, his eyes landed on the mirror where he saw his reflection. He was pretty average all things considered. Black hair, brown eyes, a goatee, and standing at 5'10. He looked like an average man in his late twenties to early thirties. In fact, the only thing about him that wasnt average was his physique because he always hit the gym and practiced martial arts, he was alot fitter than many people he knew.

-(Scene Break)-

After a few minutes of showering, the man came out of the shower still seeing his friend sleeping. He snorted in amusement as he turned the chair revealing an older tanned skinned man with a beard on his face. Shaking the man, he was met with a grumble before promptly being ignored.

He shook his friend even more than before as he spoke.

"Oi Mike. Wake up. We have to close the gym soon."

The man now identified as Mike groaned as he was woken up from his slumber as he grumbled under his breath.

"Dammit. I was having such a peaceful dream as well. Couldnt you have just let me sleep for a few more minutes Danny?"

Danny rolled his eyes as he answered.

"You've been sleeping for the past two hours. You should have an abundance of energy to use now."

Mike grinned at his friend Danny as he answered.

"Danny my friend. A measly two hours isn't the recommended amount of time that we should be getting our beauty sleep."

"Thats only when its night. If you sleep too early, you end up waking up earlier with alot of energy, and will no longer be sleepy."

Danny berated his friend who dismissively waved his hand as he answered.

"Come now Danny-Boy, isnt it a good thing to be waking up early full of energy?"

"Would it be good if you woke up at two am with so much energy to spend, and nothing to do? You wouldnt even be able to go back to sleep, so you'd just go on your phone and start aimlessly scrolling the internet."

Mike laughed heartily as he got off the chair he was resting on before stretching his body as he spoke.

"Tomato, potato. Thanks for your concern, but I'm perfectly fine with waking up early and aimlessly scrolling the internet. Because unlike yourself Danny, I'm a night owl! Just the thought of having to wake up earlier than the sunrise brings a shudder to these old bones!"

Danny chuckled as he replied

"It's called building good habits."

Mike nodded in understanding as he spoke

"That's fair. But you train yourself too hard all the time you know that? Then with you always chanting David Goggins words like a mantra when working out, people might think you want to become him one day."

"That my friend is to help me push myself. Whilst I do respect David Goggins, I'm not as mentally tough as him. I'm not insane enough to go running a marathon in the desert to the point I start pissing blood. That man is superhuman in terms of his willpower."

"I couldnt agree with ya more about that. David Goggins is a man of hardwork, discipline, dedication and sheer fucking will."

Danny nodded in agreement with Mike's words as the two began cleaning up the gym to prepare for their leave. Once they were done cleaning up the gym, both Mike and Danny exited the gym and locked it as Mike spoke.

"So what are you going to do tomorrow? Since its gonna be Chinese New Year the gym wont be opened."

Danny pondered for a bit before shrugging his shoulders as he spoke with a mischievous smile.

"Maybe I'll hire an escort to celebrate the holiday with."

Mike gave Danny a look of fake sadness and pity as he spoke with crocodile tears falling down his face.

"Oh my poor boy. To think you'd be so lonely that you'd hire a fake girlfriend to celebrate the holiday with.(*Sniff*) If your that lonely, how bout you get a little cozy with yo homies instead?"

Mike gave Danny a wink at the end of his sentence as Danny responded instantly with fake disgust on his face.


The two men fell silent for a few seconds before they both burst out laughing causing some of the people nearby them to look at the two men weirdly before promptly ignoring them.

"Goodness Mike, I never knew you were into your homies. But im sorry, as honoured as I am to know that fact, I must sadly inform you that I am as straight as a pencil~"

Mike laughed as he promptly responded.

"Come now bro, you never heard of the saying ("Hoe's are only with you temporarily, but your Bro's will be with you for eternity")"

"Wiser words has never been spoken before. Do tell where can I find this wiseman who has shared his wisdom with you?"

Mike grinned as he spread his arms out smugly and responded.

"My boy you are looking directly at him."

Danny faked a gasp of shock as he clasped his hands and bowed before Mike as he responded.

"Oh wiseman of the gym, what wisdom can you bless me with?"

Mike stroked his beard looking sagely as he answered.

"If she leaves you for another man, you shall do to her what America did to Japan."

"Pfft! I didnt know that you were actually Master Oogway in disguise."

Mike also began laughing as he responded.

"I can choose to be any man of wisdom actually."

Danny faked gasped as he responded.

"What an increadible power!"

Both Mike and Danny shared one last laugh as they gave each other a firm handshake and a hug before they went their seperate ways.

-(Scene Break)-

(3rd Person Pov)

Danny walked the quiet streets of New York enjoying the cold air of the night. He watched the lanterns that hanged on the street polls, the statue of Dragons that stood outside several stores, and the smell of Chinese cuisines that wafted through the air.

"*Exhale* Tomorrow is Chinese New Year huh? Time really does fly by when you are enjoying yourself."

Danny continued his walk before as he took notice of a small chinese stall that seemed to be selling some sort of bun. He approached the stall as he greeted the asian looking man.

"Good evening, may I know what are you selling?"

The Asian man smiled and responded in a kind and enthusiastic voice

"Good evening Sir! The dish I'm selling is steamed pork buns. We have both regular and spicy flavours if you want."

Danny acknowledged the man's words as he questioned.

"May I know if you accept credit card or Qr Payment?"

The man sheepisly scratches the back of his head as he shook his head."

Danny hummed and nodded his head as je spoke

"I'll have one regular pork bun and one spicy bun. I'll go withdraw some cash first and come back later to get it."

The Asian man nodded his head gratefully as he replied to Danny's words.

"I'll make sure their nice and hot for you when you return."

Danny nodded in apreaciation as he left the stall to find a nearby ATM. Danny walked around until he arrived at the nearest Jp Morgan Atm. He glanced all around him to make sure there wouldnt be any thieves before he put in his bank card.

As the Atm read his card, his mind wandered to the thought of finishing a webtoon he's gotten hooked on recently, to the point hes almost done reading it in less than a week despite having over five hundred chapters.

The God Of Highschool.

His thoughts were cut off when the screen on the atm told him to enter his password. Once again looking around, he entered his password only after confirming the absence of any would be thieves.

'There are only the common people of New York City roaming the streets. I should be safe'

After entering his password, he first checked how much money he had in his account as he thought to himself.

'Twenty three grand huh. Fifty bucks should be enoug-'

That was his last thought before his world turned dark. Unaware of the fact that he was killed as people screamed and ran witnessing the average looking man with a bullet hole in his head, his blood and brain matter staining the atm crimson as a group of hooded men approached the atm and clicked their tounges as one of them signaled for the others to escape as the bullet had also destroyed the ATM'S screen as they all ran away under the cover of the fearful mob of people.

-(Scene Break)-

(Planet Vegeta Year 732)

'Where am I?'

Danny questioned in his mind as all around him was complete darkness. He felt extremely weak as he tried understanding just what has happened.

'I made sure that there wasnt any thieves around when withdrawing. So… The most likely answer for this darkness is that im either in a coma or I died?'

Danny was actually rather surprised with how calm he was taking the fact that he was either in a coma or even possibly dead.

'Am I perhaps coping?'

Danny tried to see if he could move any of his limbs to confirm if he was in a coma.


However. Much to his surprise, Danny could indeed feel his limbs. But they were alot shorter than he had originally remembered them to be. And if that wasn't strange enough, he felt some sort of liquid flowing all around him.

The moment he had begun moving, he suddenly began feeling the liquid surrounding his body draining away as the sound of something opening alerted him.

He felt someone or something removing what Danny presumed to be an oxygen mask as well as a helmet that seemed to have been the reason he was unable to see anything.

Finally when the helmet was removed from his head, light had finally reached his eyes allowing him to see where he was.

'An Alien?'

Danny was shocked to see the purple skinned looking creature in a labcoat wearing some sort of eye device, said creature stared at Danny with curiosity, and respect as it pressed a button on the eye device before its eyes changed as it looked at him full of pity.

It seemed to speak gibberish with someone else before picking Danny up as he was dried off and wrapped in a towel before being placed in some sort of baby bed in a different place in what Danny assumed was a hospital.

'This is all so strange. Was I kidnapped by aliens and turned into a child? No. That wouldnt make any sense especially since that purple skinned alien looked at me with respect. I'm not some big name like the president or some popular politician. I was a simple orphan who grew up working as an electrician.'

A few minutes after being left in the baby bed, a woman appeared in front of him with a bright smile as she picked him up and Danny took notice of how she was speaking yet he couldnt understand her at all.

'Is she speaking Japanese?'

Danny was truly bewildered as a thought crossed his mind.

'Did I perhaps reincarnate in one of those anime worlds?'

The fact that his mother was speaking japanese wasn't the only weird thing he noticed.

'She has a tail…'

And the moment he noticed her tail, he felt his own tail swinging left and right.


Alas his childish body wanted him to rest, and so after several seconds of trying to stay awake, he peacefully drifted off to sleep.

-(Scene Break)-

(3rd Person Pov)

Walking through the hallway of the nursing facility was a young woman with long flowing black hair carrying a baby in her arms. The baby looked nothing like his mother, as he had fiery red hair with his tail being the same colour.

She left the facility with her child making her way to the district for the more wealthy Saiyans that lived on planet Vegeta. Many of the saiyans greeted the woman with respect and admiration as she made her way home ignoring the others who tried greeting her.

She walked into a large futuristic looking mansion where she proceeded to sit on the couch with her child in her arms still fast asleep. She raised him high into the air as she took notice if his rather skinny build, alongside his fiery red hair and tail.

She frowned at this sight as she muttered.

"How odd. Its like you have no Ki signature. And according to the doctor, you have a power level of zero."

She inspected the boy a while longer before she huffed and spoke.

"Oh well, it doesn't matter anyway. Your my child, and nothing will change that. Oh! I forgot to give you a name didnt I? What would be a fitting name for you?"

Her mind wandered around off to the memory of a man who she had fallen for back on earth. He was an old man with an extremely muscular build and "X" shaped scars all along both of his arms and also on his chin. He is dressed in loose-fitting, casual martial arts clothes with the sleeves ripped off. Remebering him, she muttered.

"Jin Taejin."

Then her eyes brightened as she had finally decided on a name for her newborn child.

"From now on, you will be known as Mori Jin! To honour the legacy of the strongest human I've ever had the honour of falling for!"

After giving her son a name, her doorbell was rang as she sighed softly and spoke aloud.

"You may come in Old Vegeta."

There was a pause before the door to her home was opened and in came King Vegeta.

King Vegeta is a bearded man who has brown hair, and stands at 5'5 inches. And being a part of Frieza's army, King Vegeta wears the typical Battle Armor with minor customizations, such as the red Vegeta Royal Family Crest on the left side of his armor. He also dons a blue and red cape. King Vegeta sports a black undersuit and dark blue boots as well.

The man took a look at the long dark haired woman and his eyes softened slightly before his gaze landed on the child she was holding up in the air as he scowled in irritation before immediately hiding it as he spoke.

"Ichigo. I take it that your in good health?"

The woman named Ichigo rolled her eyes as she spoke.

"What do you want Vegeta? Shouldnt you be busy ruling your empire the way "Lord Frieza" asks you to?"

King Vegeta's eyebrow twitched before he spoke.

"I just came to meet your child."

Ichigo exhaled in annoyance as she spoke.

"He is still no more than a day old. What business could you possibly have with him?"

King Vegeta pressed the device on his ear that beeped as it focused on Ichigi's son as it read (0) causing King Vegeta to let out a mocking snort as he spoke.

"My son was just born as well. However, he possesses a power level of five hundred! Just by being born, he was gifted power five hundred times better than your own son. If only you had agreed to be my concubine, your child wouldnt have been such a weakling."

Ichigo shook her head as she spoke.

"Congratulations on your childs birth Vegeta. However, do grow up will you? I'm actually very happy that my son has not a single digit to his power level. This way, you have no excuse to ever send him out to conquer planets."

King Vegeta snorted in disdain as he spoke.

"Your child doesn't even have a father, whilst my son has both his parents, as well as having royal blood flowing through his veins. Even if he is not capable of conquering planets, I'll be lenient on him if you become my concubine. If not, then be prepared for all of planet Vegeta to know that the child of the "Strongest Female Saiyan" is even weaker than the lowest of the low class children."

The room fell deathly silent before King Vegeta suddenly found himself kneeling in front of Ichigo whose hair fluttered fiercely and her aura became erratic as she spoke whilst gazing directly into his eyes.

"Vegeta… I want you to remember that the only reason your "King" is because I haven't dethroned you only out of respect as you were my childhood friend. Do not forget that of all the saiyans on planet Vegeta, I outclass all of them, you included. If you dare to bring harm to my son, directly or indirectly I will find out about it, and i will humiliate you in front of all your subjects am I understood?"

King Vegeta gritted his teeth as the overwhelming pressure emanating from Ichigo didnt allow him to even so much as twitch his muscles. Finally, he gave Ichigo the answer she wanted.

"I understand"

King Vegeta spoke with venom in his tone as the pressure that forced him to kneel dissipated as he got up and prepared to leave. Only to stop when he heard her speaking in that mischievous tone that had made him fall for her all those years ago when they were kids.

"By the way Vegeta. I'm expecting you to continue supporting myself and my son financially for your little family reputation to remain."

King Vegeta's eyebrow twitched in annoyance hearing her brass and mischievous tone as she blackmailed him. Once he had finally left, Ichigo looked back to her son Jin Mori as she smiled softly and whispered.

"Throughout The Heavens And The Earth, you my son will grow up to be the honoured one. Or something along those lines~"

TrueCulture_io123 TrueCulture_io123

This Book Is just to kill time with and help motivate me to write. Im on internships rn, so dont always expect a chapter

next chapter
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