On his way to the first floor, Feng Ye ponders the different development paths that his vibration ability could expand to. Vibration seems to be applicable everywhere. Everything is essentially composed of atoms which means that the peak at which he could develop this ability to is a very high level. This is a high potential ability.
The question then remains. How should he develop? There are so many parameters that exist such as distance, size of object, level of precision, power of vibration, etc.
All these parameters would affect and determine his limitations. Thus, Feng Ye decides to first eat and then experiment to determine the current limits of this vibration ability. Perhaps, he would get some insight on how he should develop it.
Feng Ye arrives at a restaurant and takes a seat. At this time, he notices a glass of water a few tables away and tries to vibrate the water within it. He only planned to make it vibrate and barely noticeable. Next, he continues the same on a glass of water further away.
A few minutes later, he had determined that it requires more mental effort and energy to vibrate at a further distance. The same probably applies to the size of the object.
So, for an extremely heavy and large object which is really dense, it will probably take more effort to vibrate it when compared to a smaller one. The same would be true for particles at an atomic scale. It will require a ridiculous amount of energy and mental strength to vibrate it it enough to disrupt bonds.
Therefore, the two extremes of very large and very small is not possible for him at this time. A large object requires more overall strength, while a smaller one would require more strength in the control and precision of the ability.
As the food he orders arrives, he decides to inquire Shira to get her opinion.
In Feng Ye's mind, Shira had already taken a look at Feng Ye's approach to determining the limitations of his ability.
As Feng Ye's form appears across from her, Shira says, "I took a look at your trials...most likely it will be similar to your Spiritual Awareness ability. You'll need to continuously train and use it. The more you use it, the more experience and insights you would gain. As your ability is also dependent on your mental strength and effort, you will need to continuously use Spiritual Awareness to strengthen your mental constitution. You will find a natural increase in ability and development if you continuously exercise these abilities."
Feng Ye decides to actively use both his vibration and Spiritual Awareness abilities in conjunction with each other during the trainings that he would have to undergo the next few days. He decides to stop the experimentation at this time until after his attempt in exchanging with Kotori's sister.
He'll need all the energy that he could get. Thus, it is important to not continuously experiment at this time and mentally tire himself out.
As he eats the meal, Feng Ye decides to figure out what kind of applications this ability can contribute to him at this level. Currently, he won't be able to slow down the vibrations of particles or to make an area's temperature cool yet, nor could he control the vibration intensities at the molecular level. As of now, he can only make objects vibrate which may give off some heat. After some thinking, he remembers that sound is a vibration that typically propagates as an audible wave of pressure. The development of vibration of his sound can be done.
Sound seems to be easier to manipulate compared to at a molecular level. As he will be able to simply provide the sound and amplify it or decrease it with his vibration ability. This may also open up the development direction of sonic or ultrasonic weapons. He can potentially emit high power sound waves which could disrupt the eardrums of a target and cause them to experience pain or disorientation.
If he had a weapon, he could also apply these ideas to it.
He is enlightened Feng Ye immediately tries one last trial before stopping for the day. He immediately heads to the restaurant's washroom.
Once he arrives and notices that no one else is there. He mumbles softly, "Hi". He uses the vibration ability to amplify the sound. The "Hi" can be heard as it echos within the washroom.
"Nice, this might work. Although, it does result in some mental exhaustion, I should be able to utilize this ability often and at this scale. Once I head outside of the complex, I'll need to try to experiment whether I can concentrate and emit a high power sound wave."
Now, Feng Ye is equipped with Spiritual Awareness which will complement his vibration ability. He would be able to disorient his opponents and be able to potentially develop the vibrations into sonic weapons. If he is attacked and needs help, he could also utilize the vibration ability to amplify his yell for help. He looks forward to the day he can develop and use his vibration ability to create a domain with a controlled temperature. Other applications that he could use when this is fully developed include causing vibrations in the earth which may result in an earthquake, or ultimately breaking the molecular bonds, thus, destroying an individual's existence. Naturally, it isn't all destruction. He could potentially use sound to ease the mind's of individuals who are confused or target certain objects or cells and dispose of them.
The fully satisfied Feng Ye heads out of the washroom and back to his table. He quickly finishes his meal, pays the bill, and heads to Kotori's rental room where they had decided to meet up earlier the night.
As he arrives in front of Kotori's rental room, he knocks. Kotori opens the door. "Hello Feng-kun, are you ready?"
"Yeah, let's go." He replies.
Kotori leads Feng Ye to the elevator and they make their way back to the ground floor. After exiting the complex, Kotori leads Feng Ye to the metro line which is on route to the Aven Institute of Technology.
They arrive at the main campus shortly as this late at night, there's aren't as many passengers, thus, less stops that had to be made.
Kotori leads Feng Ye into an elevator and presses the lowest level available. "We will need to meet up with Akeno-san shortly. Just follow me and don't wander around."
A shorter chapter, but one that is necessary for the following ones.
Kotori Miku and Feng Ye have to go through a few security checks before they had arrived at a lobby area where Akeno was waiting for them.
"Hello Feng-kun and Kotori-san, are you ready?" Akeno walks up and asks.
"Yes, let's go." Kotori answers.
Akeno leads them both through a corridor which is filled with monitoring devices, staff, and security. The environment is clean, sterile, and similar to a hospital's atmosphere. The group enters a conference room which has a one way mirror installed.
Looking through the mirror, Feng Ye can see a dimly lit room which seems to be very sterile and spacious. The room has a single king size bed in the middle with a female strapped down to it. This female should be Kotori Kotomi as the resemblance of her appearance actually can be easily associated with Kotori Miku.
Kotori Kotomi is currently in a medicated sleep as she is in a straightjacket as well.
Akeno explains, "That is Kotori-san's sister, Kotomi Miku."
She sighs as she continues. "She is still quite unstable, thus, spends most of the time in medicated sleep. We will be watching here, but if there are any issues, we will be ready to respond and get you out."
Akeno then indicates to a nearby mechanical door which is the entrance to the room which Kotori Kotomi is in.
"You can enter through there. Good luck." Akeno pats on Feng Ye's shoulder.
"Feng-kun, you can do it." Kotori prays silently in her heart.
Akeno heads over to the control panel for the lights in Kotori Kotomi's room and turns up the lights. The lights change the room from the previously dimly lit room to a brighter one. Kotori Kotomi had no response to such a change.
Feng Ye nods and makes his way to enter the room. Based on his observations, the room is extremely clean. He notices that besides the one way mirror and entrance which occupies a wall and is adjacent to the centre bed, there is another door on the opposite wall. This door may probably lead to the staff who are monitoring Kotori Kotomi's condition in order to inject a new batch of medication to prolong her medicated sleep.
He walks up to Kotori Kotomi and takes a look at Kotori's sister. Her appearance seems to be a bit malnourished. If she eats healthily again, Feng Ye doesn't doubt that she will be a beauty. Kotori Kotomi also has purple hair with similar facial features as Kotori Miku. As she is the elder sister, she is more developed than Kotoi Miku around the chest area. She also looks around the age of 23-25.
Feng Ye concentrates and uses Spiritual Awareness to enter into Kotori Kotomi's world.
Within the mind, it shows an individual's will, emotions, and essentially a reflection of their thoughts. Just like whe Feng Ye initially had entered the mind of the rank E esper which wsa filled with gloominess.
At this time, Feng Ye found himself in a space consisting of two entirely different environments. There seemed to be a brightly lit area which seemed to emit happiness and similar positive emotions on one side. However, on the other side, there seemed to be a cloudy, foggy area which seemed to be of monotone color. It felt as though he was in a world which only consisted of black, white, grey. An environment where one is devoid of emotion.
At the centre where these two different types of environments meet, Kotori Kotomi's figure can be seen lying down as though she is struggling on which side to go to. It seemed as though more than half of her figure is on the side that is devoid of emotion. It also can be observed that the cloudy, foggy environment is expanding and slowly pulling her in away from the lit area which is filled with vibes happiness.
Feng Ye approaches her and yells in a loud voice.
"Kotori Kotomi!"
Her eyes slowly open. Her eyes seem to be somewhat cloudy as well as though she is also devoid of emotion. "Who are you? What do you want?"
"I am your sister's friend! I'm here to help you!" Feng Ye replies.
"Sister…." A trace of light faintly flashes within her eyes, however, it quickly then returns to its cloudy state.
It seems as though she is still numb. Her mind is slow and she is slowly being pulled into permanently being unstable. Feng Ye's thoughts process quickly on what to do.
He thinks to himself, "Perhaps, the vibration ability may work in a space such as this?"
He emits a frequency. It seemed to work. "Great, let's try first awakening her then calming her down."
Feng Ye concentrates on emitting a loud, high pitch sound wave. At this time, Kotori Kotomi's eyebrows crease sa he figure stands up from her previous lying down position.
"Are you here to disturb me?" Her pupils seem to have restored some color from her previous cloudy vision. The entire space seemed to suddenly have a huge pressure pushing downwards. Feng Ye felt as though the gravity around him had increased 10 times.
"It seems like she can freely manipulate and use abilities even in her mind. I can't hold back then." He concludes.
"It's time to wake up.." Feng Ye replies to her question and immediately emits a sonic wave towards her which seemed have caused her to be a bit disoriented. Following this attack, Feng Ye dashes towards her despite the heavy amount of gravity upon him.
He completes an upper cut while Kotori Kotomi is disoriented and immediately falls to the floor of the space as he gasps for breath. While he lies on the floor, he emits another frequency of 528 Hz which is meant to calm her mind. Following Feng Ye's uppercut, Kotori Kotomi lies next to Feng Ye.
The calming frequency seemed to work as her breath seemed to become more tranquil while the gravity experienced seem to return to normal.
"Kotori Kotomi, are you finally awake?" Feng Ye inquires gently as he lies a half metre away from her.
"Yes...can you tell me your name?" She replies.
"I am Feng Ye, your sister's roommate…I am here to help bring you back." He replies.
"I see.. Thank you." She sighs. "I have been in this unstable state for so long. So much should have changed….I may have lost myself if not for you."
She pauses for a moment. "Wait a minute, how are you her roommate?!"
Feng Ye smiles bitterly, "Long story, you can go ask her yourself when you awaken. I will take my leave now. Best wishes on recovery."
Kotori Kotomi gives a weak smile. "Yes, I'll see you on the other sides soon."
At this time, Feng Ye exists from her mind's world. He can be found collapsed on the ground in reality and panting for breath. Akeno and Kotori Miku have rushed in and are supporting him.
"Everything is alright." Feng Ye states.
Both Kotori Miku and Akeno let out a sigh of relief.
"We saw you enter and take a look at my sister. Then, you immediately stiffened and collapsed on the ground." Kotori explains,
Feng Ye is startled sa the comments to Shira in his mind. "Kotori's sister can even cause his body in real life to collapse even when they were exchanging in her mind.. Truly formidable."
Shira nods. "Yea, it is best to be careful. She should be high ranked and really formidable. I would recommend trying to get her as your ally through your relations with her sister. Always good to have a super strong backer in addition to the student council president."
"You are right." Feng Ye nods.
At this time, the door across from the door that Feng Ye entered from and had suspected was for the staff, a doctor dressed in a white lab coat rushes in. "Kotori Kotomi's mental state seems to be stable! She will be waking up soon, but we will need to do some medical check ups first."
Akeno and Kotori Miku nod and give a smile. "Alright, we'll wait. Thanks for your hard work." Akeno replies to the doctor.
Akeno, Kotori Miku, and Feng Ye exit and arrive at a cafeteria/lounge area specifically for the staff working on these lower levels.
"Unexpectedly, you succeeded." Akeno looked at Feng Ye rather surprised, "You are way more formidable than I expected." At this time, she also hands over an id card to him.
"This is your new identity card. I just need you to take a picture with your original appearance later to add to our database. After doing so, you can wander freely with your original appearance if you like. The status I have given you is a rank D esper enrolled in the Aven Institute of Technology. If you expose more ability than a rank D in your original form, we can always upgrade the rank to better suit your ability. However, for now, rank D is the limit I can provide."
Feng Ye nods. "That's fine. Thanks. Rank D is more than enough."
Naturally, Feng Ye isn't a fool. Why expose himself by being ranked higher. He had learned from before. Being ranked one for the secondary education already made him noted. If he was placed higher than rank D, it would be a disaster. He would be stared at even more.
This id also allows him to freely wander through all esper only areas as well as parts of the Aven Institute of Technology which is a very good additional pleasant surprise.
For his future development, this id is crucial for when he needs to discard his current status to handle other matters such as seeking for the individual who had "killed" Akimichi.
Kotori Miku gives Feng Ye a hug. "Thank you so much!"
Tears of happiness can be seen on her eyes.
"No problem, it was part of the transaction. I'm glad to help your sister. Also, I'll be under your care from now on. Please make sure no one harms my weak self."
"Yes!" Kotori Miku gives a smile.
"Anyways, let's go get some late night snacks from the cafeteria here. In a bit, we should be able to see Kotori Kotomi." Akeno smiles and interjects.
The group then head over to obtain some quick food.
Sorry for the delayed frequency of updates. It has been very busy for me IRL. Thus, chapters will probably be updated less than before.
Rest assured though, that this novel won't be dropped.
Thanks for the support and anyone taking the time to still read this novel.
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