/ Fantasy / The Mommy Protecting Devils Flare Up:Tyrant Prince's Wife Is A Nymph

The Mommy Protecting Devils Flare Up:Tyrant Prince's Wife Is A Nymph Orisinil

The Mommy Protecting Devils Flare Up:Tyrant Prince's Wife Is A Nymph

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Do you believe in incarnations ???

Have you ever wondered what lies in the depths of the Bermuda Triangle???

Would believe if I said that your college crush was actually the Almighty herself???

Hardly, isn't it ???

But you're one those who do believe, than join me in my very first novel as I (Under_TheBlueMoon) take you through a dangerous but, heart warming journey of two die-hard lovers who found love in their quest for revenge.


A curse....

A boon....

A magical necklace....

And a pack of dare devils....

Brought Lia and Zhuang Gohan face-to-face with each other once again .But, if you think this was the start of their unrequited love story than your gravely mistaking, my friend.

If anything Zhuang Gohan cared about was Lia's blood!!

Bestowed upon him the title ' The Tyrant Prince ' by the business world, he was a real life prince whose name earned him more than just fear.

Like every male protagonist, his life was also complex and enwreathed in conspiracies, betrayal and heart break until he met the Nymph of Infinity. His whole world shattered into pieces at that every moment and his own life became an absolute lie.

As for Lia, oblivious of Zhuang Gohan's existence and his motives she was on a quest to find her memories and her origins.

Born in the sacred and secret community of the Guardian Virgins she was meant to be another scarficial goat for the heaven above. Everything was set to stone for her yet, at the nick of time destiny played it's wild card. Her ,other's scarifice became her greatest boon. Thus, changing the course of her fate and that of the creation at large.

Unlike many female protagonist, whose stories begin with miseries caused by evil step sisters, evil step mothers, uncaring father, trashy husband, or because they were illegitimate Lia had none of that. Yet, what she had for her miseries was something those protagonists could never imagine.

So what exactly were Lia's miseries???

Why did her mother had to scarifie herself in order to protect her daughter???

Who were the Guardian Virgins and what was their purpose on earth???

Why was Zhuang Gohan out for Lia's blood??

Who was the Nymph of Infinity and what did she had to do with Zhuang Gohan????

The answers to these questions and many more lie in pages of this story.

Hop on to enjoy a cliche story full of magic spells, face slapping gods and goddesses, super humans, mischief with and over dose of cuteness.


This is my very first story and English is not exactly my first language. So those with extraordinary grammar please bare with it.
Also, while writing this story I'm side by side editing it as well so I request all my readers to kindly be patient.

And please please please, if you like my theme and this story please add it to your library and leave a power stone votes.

It helps a lot!!

Lastly, please don't hesitate to leave a comment and review on your thoughts about the story. I would love to hear them.

Thank you.. Hope you enjoy...




  1. Tosin_Fasoro
    Tosin_Fasoro Berpartisipasi 264
  2. Swarna_lakshmi
    Swarna_lakshmi Berpartisipasi 5
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    This story worth a try and I truly recommend this novel because of its tempting and mysterious story which ask its reader to fantasize new things. Well its just the beginning of the story and it is already thrilling me, the story is so mysterious. The author is so good at imaging whole new future as well. The concept of air-hospital (I don't know the exact word for it) was really amazing, and i hope the story goes on like this in near future as well. Now about the story. How should i say, it was really very confusing at the starting chapters, but later as u catchup with the story u will start getting what's going ,although its still confusing as their are a lot of mysteries but as I have said it's still the beginning of the story so be patient. The discription about characters is very detailed, and easy to imagine as well. Story background is also good .

    Lihat 4 balasan

    Hey dear author, first I would like to thank you for this awesome story that you are writing. I have been rooted to this story from the very first chapter that you released. And look forward to your chapters everyday single day. But I find that for some reason you prefer to update late at night and sometimes even way past midnight. Are you an all nighter???? Also can you please ensure that you update everyday and update atleast two chapters a day. Your story is way to addictive. Please take care of your health and have lots of rest and write this amazing story for all of us shameless readers.😍😍😍😍

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    hello please don't give up continue writing chapters I love this novel I've been waiting for while for new updated[img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update]

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    Hi dears ...Just found this story and added it to my library immediately. Though its a fair new story the flow and concept is totally different to what webnovel commomly has to offer. I have know idea as to what the author had instored of the readers but i have to admit that the thought is totally out of the world. The leads are fairly well, specially the male lead as he realizes his mistake. The super powered twins have made their intros and can't wait to see what they are upto. But juding from the tittle i bet they will give the ml a real hard time. Dear author i sincerly appreciate the time you take in detailing the emotions of each and every character and how everuthing in the story has its own reasons for being their.... I wish you the best and hope that lots of people have a chance to read this awesome story.... Happy writing...

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    Hello everyone and welcome to my very first novel. Firstly, I would like to thank all of you for supporting this story. This is my first time writing a story on such a platform and English is not exactly my first language so thank you for baring with me. Now, let me tell you a little about this story. This story isisn't exactly like your everyday fantasy novel. This story has lot of super natural elements that needs a lot of explanation. Therefore, this is a slow burning novel. If you have the patience then hop on and not then come back after a few more chapters. But this author gguarantee's you that this is a story you would regret reading.

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