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8.69% The Mighty Traveler / Chapter 10: Chp 10. Egypt

Bab 10: Chp 10. Egypt

"Well there tends to be a trend here that most people in the highest authority of their group are mostly seen bald, so I made a list of bald heads I wanted to touch just for luck." Paul saw the weirded out faces of Coulson, Clint and Natasha in the chopper. Even the Pilot seemed to be trying to control his facial expressions.


"Bullsh*t, go name a leader figure or something similar who are also bald, And in no way I'm letting you touch my bald black head." Nick Fury scoffed as he did not believe Paul's words.


"You just talk to another leader of another group who's bald and in a wheel chair, which I am guessing who I am going to meet in a few minutes."


"….that is just a coincidence, name another leader everybody knows that's bald"

"President Putin."

"He still has hair even if he is balding, name someone with another smooth head like mine."

"Dalai Lama."

"He's required to be bald."

"President Obama."

"He still got hair, just short.."


…he's…not even a leader." Coulson said.

"Leader in the music industry currently."

"Doesn't count."

"Dr. Evil."

"He's a character in a movie."

"Still leader of an evil organization."

"People in real life…"

"Cancer Patients"

"They not even leaders…"

"They're ahead of us in going to the afterlife."

"Someone who's a really a leader and has bald head Mr. Esteban."

"You'll see…"

"Yeah, that you can't name anyone who's a leader of an organization that's bald." Nick Fury's voice was full of Mockery.

"Nope, I can name a few but you just want me to mention someone significant to be listed on possible targets don't you."

"Heh, yeah you believe that."


"We're here." The pilot's voice sounded out which made those in the Helicopter realize that they are now in a wide open field nearby a large fancy mansion.


Paul looked outside and could see Cyclops, Beast, Storm, Logan, Colossus, Kitty, Jean, a brunette girl with a white tuft of hair who seemed to act like some emo(Rogue), Kurt, Iceman, Angel, Professor Wheels and surprisingly Raven who seemed worried about something.


"Whoa, why the somber faces here?" Paul looked at the group after he went down from the helicopter and walked ahead of the SHIELD agents.


"Who would have thought that Nick Fury said that there is a consultant coming in it would be you." Storm said as soon as Paul came close.


"Yeah, they found me right after that incident yesterday. I wonder who pointed them towards my direction?" Paul went and shook the hands of Storm then looked towards Xavier who was being pushed by Kurt.


"It is a pleasure to meet you Mr. Esteban." Xavier reached out his hands which Paul reciprocated but as they did that a small tingle passed through his mind making Paul look at Charles who gave a thoughtful face.




"Hey stop that." Paul instantly did a slap on Charles bald head making those around them surprised and alert. First to react was Cyclops who reached out to his visor ready to fire then Logan who growled looking at Paul.


"You better say sorry to the professor or else you won't walk out of here easily." Scott Summers looked pissed as he was about to open his visor but Charles reacted then waving his hands signaling for them to stop.


"Everyone stop! The fault here is mine, I just unconsciously probed our fried here which earned his ire." The professor said as he stopped his students from doing anything reckless.


"I wouldn't assume we're friends Professor, because no friend of mine would breach my privacy on a whim like what you just did." Paul liked Xavier for his willingness to have Human and Mutants have a chance to coexistence but his habit of reading someone else's mind is a bit of a deal breaker, sure it's his way of ensuring no one is having bad thoughts about his students but still a breach in privacy.


"What privacy are we talking about here?" Coulson said which made Paul realize that maybe the public doesn't know of Xavier's real powers as he did introduce himself as a telekinetic to the public.


"Well good old professor here is a telekinetic as well as a telepath, which means reading minds so maybe he already knows deep dirty secrets from many of you." Paul smiled as he saw the instant distrust of the agents towards the Professor who seemed shocked.


"You! How do you know that?!" Scott got angry again along with the others who also seemed defensive in some ways.


"Your body language just told me, anywho the Magneto problem is what we are here for so let's go inside." Paul did not even care about their reactions because the only thing he felt could deal real damage among the group is Storm, Iceman and Marvel Girl.


The Agents followed behind Paul as they too looked a bit distrustful towards Xavier, learning that there would be somebody that could learn you deepest secrets is something the agents doesn't want poking around their minds so before they could get inside they received a message from Fury to pull out of there.


"Mr. Esteban, it seems that the director doesn't want us to be present near the Professor. Would it be alright if you are to stay here and help in their problems?" Natasha Romanoff said as she looked at her fellow agents and walked back towards the Helicopter. Coulson nodded at Paul and gave him a small box where there are two pairs of ear piece.


Paul just received the box and put one on his right ear and then after he pressed the button he received an angry voice of Nick Fury.


"Why didn't you tell me that the Professor is a telepath?!"


"Oops, I forgot. But I remembered when I felt a tingle in my mind though so I got to slap his shiny head." Paul smiled as he followed behind Iceman while the rest looked at him with unfriendly looks.


"Next time open up with that."


"Okay, that info was 500K by the way." Paul said as he was now inside an elevator with the X-men.


"Listen here bub, I might be thankful with your help last time but if you disrespect the Professor again then we're going to have a problem." Logan said in an annoyed tone as he looked at Paul.


"So all of you are okay with him peeking inside your head once in a while? Because I am not, no matter what any of you might justify he just tried reading my mind without consent so don't be surprised if people find that offensive." Paul said as he had a staring contest with Logan.


"That's enough Logan, let it be." Strom butted in as she calmed the gruff Canadian then looked at Paul and said seriously. "The Professor did say he was sorry and that he'll compensate for his offences but please don't go around speaking details of the Professor around people."


"Really? Because if you know what I know then you won't look at your dear professor at the same light anymore." Paul said as he saw the faces of those inside the elevator seem angry at Paul.


"We're here." Said Beast as they arrived at their underground hangar where their sleek looking plane is parked.


"So, how long until this Blackbird gets us into Egypt then?" Paul asked as he was looking around the room.


"How'd you know th-nevermind, it'll take us about three hours tops to arrive where we have speculated the tomb of this Apocalypse guy. We have found records of someone called En Sabah Nur, an ancient Pharaoh who we found have records in various civilizations in many names but one name comes out most, Apocalypse." Beast was giving a presentation to those present as they listened raptly at who this guy was.


As Beast gave the X-men a talk about the possible things that might happen, Paul stood there watching as he took in all of the things he is seeing. Though his face might not see it but deep inside he is fully conflicted, yet his mind keeps telling him everything around him is true. Even when he provoked the X-men they still acted real people.


As much as his mind has been accepting things are now different he still feels this is all too good to be true. As he was thinking, Charles Xavier rolled near him with the help of Jean Grey, who also seemed curious about Paul who she can't read and understand.


"What seems to be on your mind Mr. Esteban?" Charles seemed a bit confused and conflicted at the same time as he looked at Paul who looked back at him with a thoughtful face.


"I'll tell you as long as you pay 100K per question answered." Paul said this to stop the old man in pestering him.


"But for that first question it'll be free, tell this poor girl the truth because the consequences are dire for the survival of the earth in the future." Paul said then walked towards the Black bird leaving a stunned Charles and confused Jean.


"Okay let me ask, where was the last time you found Magneto with your computers?" Paul interrupted which earned the glare of beast and the others.


"He was spotted in and Air way at Cairo last hour." Storm answered as she felt there was a reason Paul asked such.


"Well, if it was that long then it'll be too late for you even if you fly in full towards Egypt. And once a big Bad guy like Apocalypse comes out he'll have the compulsion to announce his revival so he'll need the world's best broadcasting device to announce his grand reentry to the world." Paul felt that if he let the plot go by itself then it'll end well but before he could hear a question from the mutants Fury's voice was heard in the ear piece.


"So a performance then, then tell me which satellite will he highjack to tell his arrival then Mr. Esteban?" Fury was alert as he felt that maybe a vital government satellite would be used by this En Sabah Nur.


"Oh, not a satellite. He's going to highjack someone, someone who he can use his powers of amplifying the strength of mutants on. Someone who could reach the mind of almost every other being in the whole planet." Paul then gave a look towards Charles making the others present realize who Paul was referring to.


"Wait wait wait, he can increase the powers of a mutant?!" Fury's voice from the ear piece was even audible to those with enhanced ears like Logan and Beast in the room.


"Yep, so let's pray when he makes Magneto juiced up he won't flip the magnetic poles of the planet or we are all toast hahaha…" Paul laughed but Hank McCoy and Charles looked horrified thinking of Magneto taking roids for his powers.


"I won't die though as well as Logan here and Jean or anyone else with similar healing factors like ours but the rest of the world will be in turmoil if Erik lets the solar radiation pass through the ozone. And that's another 100K Nick." Paul then sat down looking at Charles like he was waiting for something.


"Unless you could get Kurt here to pop you all towards where Magneto is but I don't think he could do that yet." His words made the others in the room look towards Kurt who shrunk back a bit.


"But I can't go to vhere I can't zee." Kurt said which made others remember this limitation.


"Duh, then go see. Don't you have a large room you use to look for new mutants all over the world? Have wheels here wire you up to another person's eyes near Magneto then pop them all there through that. It still counts as seeing doesn't it?" Paul's words made the others realize this.


"Would it be possible? Kurt could you take us all where Erik is?" Charles looked at Kurt for confirmation.


"Vell, I haven't tried before but there have been no signs of distance even vhen I tried to teleport very far avay. It is vorth a try." Kurt nodded since he had never tried it before but he did teleport as far as his eyes could see yet got no signs of exhaustion.


"Very well then." The X-men then went to Cerebro following Charles and soon got him hooked to the device.


"Oh, Fury. If you want no one to try to look into your mind then make a helmet like Magneto."


"I'm not going to put a tin foil hat on my-zz-ead-zzzz." Paul realized that the signals outside couldn't get in the Cerebro room.




It was then the whole room went on a light show showing a large hologram of the world with various lights on it. Paul realized that the North Pole seemed to be blank with only a few lights on it. It seems that Santa Claus has great cloaking measures to hide from others.


Looking around they could see the serious faces of everyone in the room. It wasn't long before they were able to see bright spots in the map on the area of Egypt. Charles connected with that and found a member of the Brotherhood where he used his eyes to see where they are now.


Currently it seems they are on a digging site which means they have found where to dig up the old Mutant. Xavier then told everybody to prepare to go there with Kurt as they instantly went out of the Cerebro room.


Paul just followed along and then listened to Fury's voice coming back in the ear piece.


"zz-zzzMr-zzteban can you hear me?! I repeat can you hear me?"


"I hear you clear Fury, now we'll be going to Egypt so don't be surprised if my location instantly changes location." Paul said.


"So you are all going to face Magneto then? Seeing as I hired you as a Consultant to give assistance at first but my agents had to leave cause of the information you gave us then would it be possible for you do it in their stead?" Fury was frustrated as he never thought that Charles abilities were mind reading.


He had been thinking if there was ever a time Charles might have read his memories during the times they barely met. But right now Paul is his only contact at the site for the meantime.


"I don't mind, but if I do fight then I would have to ask for something from you Nick." Paul smiled as he was thinking of what he could gain from this.


"DO you want more money for this thing?"


"Money? No, this is a possible Omega level mutant we are talking about. People who have powers that could affect others to a continental level so it's going to cost you more than that." Paul then arrived at a small open space near the x-men's underground hangar.


The other X-men already suited up and looked at Paul who was wearing semi-casual clothes. But they did not mind as the remembered his fast regenerative healing factor.


"We can talk about that once the threat has been dealt with." Fury went silent after that as he took care of some matters he needed to see.


"Everybody ready?" Charles voice was heard by everyone, even Paul who was thoughtful since he has a very strong defense from telepathic powers but this might just be more of open channel broadcasting to everyone here.


"Okay, ve vill arrive in three, tvo, one." Kurt focused as he held Cyclops and Logan while they held the arms of the others until Paul was left holding hands with Rouge who still has her gloves on.






Everything instantly changed as they all landed in an open area where a jeep was going towards them while Kurt vomited his dinner. The sudden change from nighttime to sunrise made everyone unable to react as they tried to stabilize their senses.


Thankfully the people around them were also surprised at the sudden arrival of the group not being able to react that the Jeep containing their digging equipment still is still headed for the x-men in front of it. Fortunately the one it was heading to was a large pile of stainless steel given sentience named Colossus, unfortunately for the driver he still hit the guy.


"Watch out!" Colossus pushed Rogue and Beast by his side away from him as he oriented himself instantly as he braced for the impact.




Rogue was sent towards Paul's arms as she got pushed but Paul was looking around the group until his eyes found the figures standing far away on a small Pyramid top.


"There you are." Placing Rogue down gently he placed his targets to a flying Exodus. Unbeknownst to him when he caught Rogue he instinctively placed a hand on her nape to protect her head from the possible whiplash due to the sudden push from Colossus.


Paul then went to fourth gate and teleported behind Exodus who was surprised at his sudden attack and gave him a full powered axe kick on his back. Rogue was left there stunned as her brief moment of skin contact with Paul did not even affect the guy and she did not get anything at all other some vague memories in fighting.


But that was enough for her as the place suddenly went chaotic when the brotherhood started fighting the X-men. Rogue instantly used her new knowledge of martial arts by picking up a steel rebar she found and started going for the goons while the others did their work.


Magneto fought Storm and Jean since they saw Exodus being beaten by Paul. Cyclops went and gave directions on who to take care of as he looked around the whole area to give timely assist to his teammates.

Logan and Beast went full ham on the goons while Colossus went on with his heavy fist fight with Mammomax. Sabertooth went to intercept Logan while Pyro already is fighting Iceman.


Kurt and Kitty were helping Rogue who was going all out against the weak goons. Raven was also knocking out the others as she still felt close to most of the brother hood, but she does feel a bit conflicted in having to wake up an ancient mutant tyrant which does not seem to bode well for the brotherhood.


As these battles went Paul was having the time of his life as he used Exodus like a ping pong ball being passed around as he kicked, punch and hit the guy with everything he knew in his mind.

You could not find many mutants these days that could take on a beating like this so he made sure the guy could not think straight as he struck his jewels with kicks to make him not be able to focus at all.

next chapter
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