Disclaimer: I do not own the 'DB-DBZ-DBS-DBS-DBGT-DBX-DBM-DBH' anime/manga saga (1984 - ∞) and the book saga along with the 'Harry Potter' movies (1997 - ?); and the only thing I own is this alternate/parallel story that I wrote for fun.
The Masked Hufflepuff
Chapter 6: The Election
"Expecto Patronum! / KameHameHa!" Attacks / Skills / Magic / Ki / Techniques
Reading / News / Intercoms
All the new first-year students gazed in awe at the huge castle under the light of the full moon.
"Amazing..." whispered DarkRock.
Hannah, Susan, Ernest, Justin and even Tin Tin nodded their heads in total agreement.
In a row
Our beloved protagonist along with his friends climbed the stairs quite enthusiastically, while at the same time observing every detail of the famous school of magic and wizardry.
"Welcome to Hogwarts."
The boy with tousled black spiky hair observed the slightly older woman wearing a striking black pointed hat (witch's hat).
"...Who is she?"
Justin nodded his head just as curious because they didn't know her.
Whereas, Hannah, Susan and Ernest were taken by surprise at their mysterious masked friend's question.
"This is Minerva McGonagall; she is the head of Gryffindor House and the transformations teacher."
The dark-eyed charcoal boy along with his pet primate nodded in agreement.
"Oh... I'm Furensō, but you can call me DarkRock," he introduced himself with a small friendly smile.
The bushy-haired girl accepted the mysterious masked student's outstretched hand with a smile.
"Hermione Granger, it's a pleasure DarkRock."
The teenage Saiyan smiled in a friendly way under his mask because he had apparently made another friend, but suddenly remembered that he hadn't introduced the others.
"They are..."
"Yes, DarkRock. We know Hermione; we were talking to her when you fell asleep," Hannah said in a slightly mocking tone.
Susan, Ernest, Justin and even Hermione chuckled under their breath at the blonde's comment.
Our beloved protagonist nodded his head in understanding, not giving the giggles much thought.
"I see-"
Furensō couldn't continue his conversation because the same witch from before returned.
"Now shortly you will stop by to meet your classmates and classmates ... but before you take your seats ... you will be selected for your houses; these will be Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin," Professor McGonagall explained with a serious expression.
The boy with tousled black spiky hair along with Tin Tin watched the older witch with little stars in his eyes.
"As long as you are here ... your house will be like your family ... with your triumphs you will earn points. If you don't follow the rules, you will lose them," warned Professor McGonagall with a serious tone.
All the first year students blanched at those last words from the head of Gryffindor.
"And at the end of the year the house with the most points ... Will receive the House Cup."
DarkRock wasn't the only one interested in winning that cup, but much they couldn't.
"Trevor!" exclaimed Neville relieved to finally find his pet.
The head of Gryffindor looked at the Longbottom family heir sternly because she didn't like being interrupted.
Some laughed silently at the unexpected action of the Longbottom heir, but others looked at him with sympathy and even pity because they thought the Head of Gryffindor would punish him.
"... I'm sorry," muttered Neville very embarrassed as he realized what he had done in front of so many students.
The transformations teacher sighed and ignored the above as if it had never happened.
"The selection ceremony will begin in a moment."
DarkRock was disconnected from reality for a moment because Tin Tin pointed something out to him; from far away he heard a small fight between a boy named 'Potter' and another one named 'Malfoy' ... Suddenly though, everyone stopped talking because the head of Gryffindor appeared again.
"The time has come. Follow me," said Professor McGonagall.
When they entered the Great Hall, they were greeted by the curious looks of students from the other years.
"Wow..." Both DarkRock and Tin Tin stared in awe and disbelief at the ceiling because it looked like it was outside; truly fascinating.
"The ceiling isn't real. It's a spell to make it look like the sky is at night," Hermione commented.
The masked Saiyan looked up from the ceiling at the bushy-haired girl.
"Is that amazing, Hermione..." whispered DarkRock with a surprised expression at her new friend's information.
The auburn-haired girl smiled slightly at the first compliment she had received since arriving at Hogwarts.
"Thank you, DarkRock. I know that because I read it in the History of Hogwarts," Hermione said as she remembered that interesting book she read before coming here.
Our beloved protagonist was about to say something, but the head of Gryffindor beat him to the punch.
"Wait there, please," Professor McGonagall asked the first-year students. "Now, before we begin ... Professor Dumbledore will address a few words to you."
The boy with tousled black spiky hair as well as his male and female classmates silently observed the old man with the white beard.
"First of all, I would like to tell you a few things ... first years should remember that students are not to enter the Forbidden Forest under any circumstances ... and our warden, Mr. Filch asked me to remind you that the corridor on the third floor, right side is forbidden to all those who do not intend to suffer a terrifying and painful death. Thank you," Professor Dumbledore said with a gentle smile.
The charcoal dark-eyed boy blinked several times at that information from the headmaster, but he was not the only one because most of the first year students were very confused and even fearful.
"Before the selection ceremony begins, the hat will sing a song".
Our beloved protagonist along with his classmates observed a leather hat that moved as if it had life, which caused surprise in several of them.
The other students groaned and sighed with frustration ... especially two red-haired twins.
"Oh you may not think I'm pretty,
But don't judge on what you see,
I'll eat myself if you can find
A smarter hat than me.
You can keep your bowlers black,
Your top hats sleek and tall,
For I'm the Hogwarts Sorting Hat
And I can cap them all.
There's nothing hidden in your head
The Sorting Hat can't see,
So try me on and I will tell you
Where you ought to be.
You might belong in Gryffindor,
Where dwell the brave at heart,
Their daring, nerve, and chivalry
Set Gryffindors apart;
You might belong in Hufflepuff,
Where they are just and loyal,
Those patient Hufflepuffs are true
And unafraid of toil;
Or yet in wise old Ravenclaw,
if you've a ready mind,
Where those of wit and learning,
Will always find their kind;
Or perhaps in Slytherin
You'll make your real friends,
Those cunning folks use any means
To achieve their ends.
So put me on! Don't be afraid!
And don't get in a flap!
You're in safe hands (though I have none)
For I'm a Thinking Cap!"
DarkRock was fascinated at the song the hat sang, but he wasn't the only one because his future fellow freshmen and sophomores had similar reactions.
"Good ... Now, when I call your name ... you will approach ... I will put the Sorting Hat on you and you will know your house," explained Professor Mcgonagall to all the first-year students.
DarkRock along with his fellow first year boys and girls nodded in agreement.
"Hermione Granger." She was first on the list.
The bushy-haired girl was taken by surprise and was almost about to panic, but when she looked at her new friends, she saw that they gave her a supportive smile ... even DarkRock and Tin Tin gave her a thumbs up.
Let's see... Yes. GRYFFINDOR!
The students at the lion house table applauded the Muggle-born girl enthusiastically.
DarkRock along with her two friends and girlfriends congratulated Hermione with applause; to which the latter thanked with a shy smile.
And the selection ceremony continued with students being selected in Slytherin, Gryffindor, Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff ... And to the teenage Saiyan's surprise; Hannah, Susan, Ernest and Justin were selected into Badger house.
"Which house do you think we're going to, Tin Tin?" asked DarkRock with his gaze on the four tables where the respective Hogwarts houses were.
The talking monkey shrugged not giving it much thought, but if he had to choose, he would go with the girl with bushy hair.
The boy with tousled black spiky hair formed a small smile under his mask when he was finally called to be selected by the hat, so he silently walked towards the latter and followed by sitting on the chair where it didn't take long for a certain talking object to be placed on his head.
Mmmm ... Well, this I did not expect ... Peculiar, exotic, mysterious, somewhat impulsive, but you are very friendly and loyal. Yes, I know where to put you. HUFFLEPUFF!
DarkRock who had been quiet throughout, was surprised at the hat's shout along with the applause of those present.
Hannah, Susan, Ernest and Justin were very happy to have their masked friend in the badger house.
While, Hermione was sad that DarkRock wasn't chosen in Gryffindor with her, but congratulated him anyway with a smile and clapping like the others.
Welcome, Furensō! ... Good thing you were chosen with us, DarkRock! ... Yeah, for a moment there I thought you were going to Gryffindor! ... It's a pity Hermione isn't with us ...
The boy with tousled black spiky hair was a little embarrassed at all the attention he was getting from the badger house that was now like his second family, but he was suddenly snapped out of it when he heard someone gently tapping a spoon against a goblet.
"Attention, please."
Everyone in the room stopped talking when they heard the head of Gryffindor, and almost at the same time the headmaster of Hogwarts stood up from his chair.
"Let the party begin!" said Dumbledore loud enough for all the students to hear.
As the old man finished saying this, a pile of food appeared as if by magic (literally) on the trays for the students to help themselves to whatever they wanted.
"Wow!" exclaimed DarkRock along with Tin Tin to the point of gawking.
Although these two weren't the only ones to be shocked because all the first years students had the same reaction, and the other years even though they were used to these things, were still a bit surprised.
"So, you're that 'Furensō' that Hannah and Susan talk about so much?"
The charcoal-dark-eyed boy stopped eating when he heard a new voice in front of him.
"Um? ... Ah, yes. But they also call me DarkRock," he said as he held out his right hand.
The blond looked at the masked boy's hand for a few seconds, but ended up accepting it and shaking it with a smile.
"Zacharias Smith."
Tin Tin silently watched this brat named 'Zacharias Smith' because he noticed something the others didn't ... he seemed a little cowardly, but maybe it was too early to judge.
One Hour Later
When they finished dinner, the Hufflepuff first-years were led down the corridor to the kitchens by the yellow-with-black house prefect, Gabriel Truman.
As they walked to where they would be sleeping for the next few years, the 17-year-old began to tell them something:
"You know something ... When I was a third year, I got in big trouble for dueling with a Ravenclaw prefect who insisted that Bridget Wenlock came from his house, not mine. I should have been grounded for a week, but Professor Sprout only gave me a warning and a box of coconut ice cream."
Both DarkRock and Tin Tin listened in amazement at the prefect's adventures because receiving a box of coconut ice cream as a gift if it was good luck.
"We have arrived home."
The group stared confusedly at the pile of butterbeer kegs, for a moment they were horrified that they would sleep this place.
"I'm not going to sleep inside a barrel like the 'Chavo'," said DarkRock with his arms crossed and even Tin Tin imitated his owner because the latter also wanted his own place to sleep.
The prefect chuckled at the masked boy's comment, but apparently, he was the only one because the others looked at the latter confused without understanding what this 'Chavo' was.
"Easy, Furensō. The pile of barrels is just a screen to throw off the curious onlookers from the other rival houses ... Check this out."
DarkRock along with the others followed the prefect and just as the prefect said, behind the pile of barrels was the entrance to the Hufflepuff Common Room.
"There is no password to enter as in the other houses, instead you have to tap the second barrel from the bottom of the bottom, which is in the middle of the second row ... see it as a sort of puzzle," Gabriel explained with a coy smile as he saw the blank stares of almost all the freshmen. "Just do what I do, okay?"
The first year boys and girls nodded their heads and watched as the prefect tapped said barrel to the beat of Helga Hufflepuff, but their surprise came when the lid of the barrel opened revealing a passageway leading to the basement of the castle.
"Did you see? Piece of cake."
DarkRock along with the others nodded their heads, rather excited at how original the founder of Hufflepuff House had been with the entrance to the cellar.
"I almost forgot. If you touch the top of another barrel or the beat used is incorrect you will be doused with vinegar," Gabriel warned with an amused grin as he recalled all the times, he got the beat wrong or accidentally touched another barrel because he arrived in a hurry.
Several paled at the prefect's words.
"Anyway, forget that for the moment and follow me."
DarkRock and his companions followed the Hufflepuff prefect down the stairs until they finally reached their destination.
"As you can see, the basement is round and warmly colored with a low ceiling," Gabriel said with a smile.
DarkRock grimaced at the ceiling because he knew that in the near future it would start to grow and because of his father's genetics it was quite possible that he would be over 6'2".
"During the day it always seems to be full of sunshine and its circular windows have a view of waving grass and dandelions. There is a lot of burnished copper in this place plus lots of plants, which either hang from the ceiling or are on the window ledges."
The freshmen looked with much enthusiasm at the basement where they would live for 7 years, it certainly had a very homey and comfortable atmosphere.
"Our Head of House, Professor Pomona Sprout, is the Head of Herbology, and she brings with her the most interesting specimens to adorn the room, some of which can even talk and dance. This is one of the reasons why Hufflepuffs tend to be very good at Herbology," Gabriel commented with absolute certainty.
DarkRock had a touch of interest in this subject called Herbology because he remembered some rather exotic mushrooms he saw in the forest and felt like asking a certain teacher a few questions about them.
"Our large sofas and armchairs are yellow and black and our bedrooms are reached through round doors in the walls of the common room. Copper lamps produce a warm light over our canopied beds, which are covered with plaid comforters and there are copper bed warmers hanging on the walls, in case your feet get cold." The prefect finished explaining.
The first-year students were fascinated when the sixth-year explained the Hufflepuff room in detail.
"Anyway, girls, boys. Welcome to the Hufflepuff classroom."
Hannah as well as the others clapped happily at their colleague's words, but suddenly the former noticed something that apparently the others didn't or perhaps were embarrassed to ask.
"Ehem ... Excuse me, prefect Gabriel."
The sixth-year student averted his gaze to a brown-eyed girl.
The blonde looked around as if she was looking for something very important.
"Where are the girls' dorms?" asked Hannah finally, causing a stony silence throughout the place.
Gabriel blinked several times, until finally the chit hit him and he realized his big mistake.
"Right, I almost forgot! ... When you enter the hall; the right half are the girls' rooms and the left half are the boys' rooms."
DarkRock (along with Tin Tin) was the first to react and quickly head to the room where he would sleep for the next 7 years.
A Moment Later
In a semi-dark room illuminated by a ray of light coming through yellow curtains, an 11-year-old boy was writing. He was moving his pen with some difficulty while his eyes reflected concentration. On the desk was a parchment, a quill, a wand, a mask and a capuchin monkey that watched silently.
The teenager with the striking black hair was writing a letter to his family, more specifically his mother:
Hogwarts, September 1, 1991
"To my mighty mother:
The train ride wasn't as boring as I first expected because I made several new friends; there's Hannah, Susan and Hermione, then Ernest and Justin. You can tell they are good people.
Hogwarts is interesting, the roof had candles floating like it was the night sky! According to Hermione it's kind of an easy spell to learn if one is willing to do it, I'd like to do it someday.
The headmaster of the school is called Dumbledore, you can tell he's a strong guy. There is also a teacher that caught my attention, her name is Mcgonagall and just like the headmaster she looks strong in her own way.
The headmaster warned us that we can't go to certain places like the Forbidden Forest or a Third Floor that is somewhere in the castle.... I'm curious about these places, but I won't do anything to draw attention to myself.
The Great Hall is amazing; there are huge tables and each one corresponds to a different house. When the headmaster finished speaking a lot of food appeared as if by magic (literally) on the huge tables. I promise I will learn this spell so that we have unlimited food!
I almost forgot, I was elected in Hufflepuff House; according to the prefect Gabriel's words we are characterized by being equitable, fair, loyal, modest, hardworking and patient ... I doubt a little bit about the last one because we are not so patient... hehehehehehehe.
The Hufflepuff House color is yellow with black, and their animal is something called 'badger'.
The place where we sleep is located in the basement of the castle, it's very colorful and has a rather nice homey atmosphere ... I think that would be all for today, mother.
He loves you very much,
Your son Furensō."
PS: Say hello to father.
PS 2: Tin Tin says hello.
The 11 year old wizard now took his wand, pointed it at the parchment, but before he could send it to its intended recipient he received a sharp blow from someone familiar.
"Ouch!" exclaimed DarkRock with a wince as he grabbed his head with both hands. "What's wrong with you now?" he asked with a frown as he focused his gaze on his magical pet.
The primate stared at him with obviousness.
"Yes, yes ... I also put that you say hello to mother," DarkRock said reluctantly and almost at the same moment the letter disappeared from his hand; sending it with an unknown method.
Tin Tin nodded his head, satisfied at his master's response.
End of Chapter Six
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