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95.39% The Lessons of a Lazy Substitute Teacher First Class / Chapter 228: Vol. 15 - Chapter 7: El Charro Negro vs. El Charro Negro

Bab 228: Vol. 15 - Chapter 7: El Charro Negro vs. El Charro Negro

Part 1- Uriel vs. Juan

Uriel stands face to face with Juan, Uriel begins to explain; "This will be a hand to hand duel, remember what you told me a long time ago? Real men talk with their fist."

"Hahaha, I remember Muchacho, very well, let's settle this like real men, but if you lose, there will be a power transfer, are we clear?"

Uriel nods in agreement. Both of them stare at each other, Uriel is breathing heavily, "What´s wrong muchacho, I bet you´re tired for your earlier fights, I mean you faced an Abaddon and survived. Are you sure you want to do this?"

"I´ve never been so sure in my life."

Alexa walks and stands where Juan was before her. "This is going to be interesting!" Nemesio says with excitement. "Shut up, this is not okay, Uriel is exhausted, Juan is just a bully.

"Remember that it was Uriel who wanted this…" The voice of a young boy says to Scarlet, Scarlet turns around and says; "You´re right, sorry master…"

"Very well, this will be a duel to determine who will keep the right to be the Horseman of War. No Magic is allowed, Ready Begin…"

The first Horseman steps back, Uriel and Juan glare at each other.-PPUUUMM- Uriel attacks first by punching Juan with his right fist. Juan bl0ocks the fist with his arm and punches Uriel left cheek with his right arm.

Uriel feels the force of the punch that takes a few steps back and falls into one knee. "What was that punch, it really hurt me? Am I too weak?"

"What´s wrong muchacho? Are you ready to give up?"

Uriel stands up and replies; "NEVER!" Uriel charges one more time trying to punch Juan, Juan evades Uriel´s attacks with ease.


Juan punches Uriel one more time in the face, with his elbow, he hits Uriel in the back and with knee, and he hits Uriel in the stomach. Uriel spits blood; Juan grabs his neck and lifts him choking him.

"Come on muchacho, is that all you got? You are too weak, just give me back my powers and everything will be over."

Uriel has difficulty to breathe, Juan chuckles; "You are as weak as Roberto, that´s why that idiot died that night."


Uriel gets furious after hearing those words. –PPPUUMM-Uriel kicks Juan´s face connecting for the time. Uriel charges and punches Juan in the stomach pushing him away a few meters.


Juan stands up and smiles as he cleans his nose; "Uriel remember that night at the near the lake, the first lesson that I taught you?"

Part 2 – Eight Years Ago

In a fire place near the lake, Uriel and Juan eat a fish that Juan caught. The night is clear and there is a full moon reflecting at the lake. Juan finishes eating the fish as he takes out a golden coin.

"See this Muchacho; this is an ancient Aztec Coin. I won it from your father a few year ago."

"Really I didn't know that?"

"You´re father and I met when we were teenagers back in Spain. He always had this coin, he said it was for good luck. One day we had a bet and I won, with it this golden coin. Ironically, they say that this coin is cursed. Now for my lesson to you…"

Uriel puts a serious expression and listens; "You see, real man talk with their fist. We men like to show our strength fighting in fist fights. Weapons are for cowards, listen muchacho, you and I are going to fight one day. If manage to land a blow on me, I will give you this coin. This coin will mean that I consider you a worthy opponent."

"Really, than I´m going to train hard in order to get my father´s coin…"

"Hahaa, but it will take a hundred years to beat me muchacho…"

"Just you wait old man, I will beat you one day. "



"OUCH THAT HURT!" Uriel rubs his head as Juan begins to drink some Tequila. He begins to think; "I know that someday, I will give you this coin…"

Part 3 –Uriel vs. Juan

Juan smiles and throws the Golden coin to Uriel. Uriel grabs it and says; "Wait this is…"

"That´s right, Muchacho, I consider you worthy, now then, let´s end this battle once and for all."

Uriel and Juan smile at each other, "HAAAA" Both of them charge at the same time and begin to fight.


They begin to exchange blows, Uriel punches Juan, Juan kicks Uriel, Uriel kicks Juan, and Juan punches Uriel. The attacks are mutual with each man connecting a solid blow. Uriel and Juan begin to remember things of their past as they fight:

"Where are you going muchacho, I am no bad guy. I came to rescue you and your families so don't worry."


"Muchacho do you want to be strong, Do you want power, Do you want to save your family?"


"HAHAHA, it is done muchacho, you are now my successor. Bienvenido a la familia, I am El CHARRO NEGRO but you may call me Juan de la Trinidad."


"Then it is settle, muchacho, you are the next Horseman. Do not worry I made a promise to you father that I will train you and protect you until you are ready."


"Do I have the right to be alive?"

"Of course you do, remember that you are my successor. You are my family now, and I will protect you with my life muchacho."


"I will train you, you will go the best school in Tapatio and I will personally watch over you. I owe it to your father."

"Thank you, Tio…"


Uriel kicks Juan´s leg causing him to fall, Uriel does a handstand, and kicks Juan´s stomach pushing him to the air. Uriel with great speed runs to small hill and jumps on it. Uriel jumps into the air and prepares to punch Juan.

"I got you muchacho" Juan tries to punch Uriel, Uriel dodges and grabs Juan´s arm. Uriel with great force slams Juan into the ground creating a small hole.


Juan grabs Uriel´s shirt, "Don't get cocky muchacho!" Juan slams Uriel as well creating a small dust cloud cracks the earth. Suddenly, Juan comes out of the dust cloud dragging Uriel in the ground; he throws Uriel to a hill.


Uriel comes out and continues to fight. Juan gains the upper hand by punching Uriel´s leg, he continues to punch Uriel, Uriel tries to evade but his movements are slow. Blood spills everywhere with each punch that Juan connects to Uriel, Uriel makes a fist and screams:


Uriel and Juan punch each other's cheek. Both of them stand with their fist on each other´s face. Uriel losses consciousness and falls to his back. Juan spits blood as he sees Uriel breathing heavily.


Everyone looks at Juan, "I guess the boy was too tired huh" Nemesio says to Scarlet, Scarlet only looks at Uriel with a worried expression.

"THIS IS ISNT OVER" The Horseman with the boy´s voice says to Scarlet as they see the action. Uriel slowly opens his eyes and sees Juan extending his arm:

"I won Muchacho, now it time for the power transfer."

Uriel grabs Juan´s arm and begins to stand up, he makes a sinister smile and replies; "You´re right, it's time for the transfer"

"sanguinem vincula" (Blood Chains)

Without warning, chains come out of the spill blood and tie Juan restricting his movements "WHAT´S HAPPENING, WHEN DID YOU..."

Juan sees all the spilled blood and thinks; "I see, so he let himself get beaten up me in order to restrain me."


"Old man, remember the second lesson, you told me to always think one step ahead of my opponents. Now then, lets begin the ceremony."

"FFFAATTTHHEEERR" Alex runs and tries to break the barrier of chains. –BBBOOOMMM- The chains reject Alexa´s sword and push her back a few meters. Uriel closes his eyes and begins to chant:

"Et faciet foedus, vincula non conteram Fatum meum tuum est imperium, et virtus mea"

(Translates: I make a pact, the chains of fate will not break, my power is yours, and your power is mine)

At their feet a large red magic circle forms with the words: Bellum,Sanguis, Foedus, Equitem

(Translates: War, Blood, Pact, Horseman)

In the middle of the circle the symbol of flames appears, suddenly chains appear from the four points and slowly begin to wrap their hands. The right side of the man´s faces turns into a skull, and the right side of Uriel´s face turns into a skull as well.

Uriel´s left eye turns into the Horseman's. He continues to chant:

"transferam me ad vires tuas" (Your powers will transfer to me)

Juan´s powers begin to transfer to Uriel, Juan falls into one knee, "Damn you…" The moon changes to its normal color. –TCH- "Only this much huh, well it's enough." Uriel ends the ritual, Juan falls stays in the ground breathing heavily.

"Et beneficium Tuum fatum finem huius"

(Tanslates: I end this ritual of fate)

Alexa runs to her father´s aid. The Horseman begin to disappear one by one , "The boy outsmarted Juan huh, pretty impressive." Nemesio says as he disappears.

"I feel relief master, Uriel is a worthy successor." Scarlet slowly disappears, the figure standing next to her reveals his green eyes as he smiles; "I think I found a worthy disciple…"

"Uriel Di Fiore, you may lost the fight but you manage to win the war…I will be waiting for our next reunion, Farewell." The First Horseman is the last to disappear, Juan stands up with Alexa´s help, and Alexa glares at Uriel:


"Relax, I only took 80% of my power, I left him with 20%. I know that if I stole all his power, he would die."

Alexa opens her eyes wider, "HAHAHA, Man you got me muchacho. I never would´ve thought that you of all people would cheat."

"Well, you always said to win at all cost!" Uriel smiles, Juan begins to remember a conversation he had with Roberto:

Part 3 - Juan and Roberto´s Past

In a tavern on Tapatio, Roberto and Juan were having a friendly drink:

"Man this is Good stuff, I can´t believe you´re getting married…" Juan drinks a bottle of tequila, Roberto smiles and replies:

"What can I say; I found the love of my life…"

"Yeah but she was a nun, you sure a going to hell hermano"

"Hahaha, I know right, but hey I fought against a king of Hell for her, I have the right to make her my wife."

"Yeah, yeah, now listen; there is something I must tell you…" Roberto changes her expression and continues to speak:

"Isabella had a vision about my successor…"

"Oh yeah, and who is it going to be?"

Juan stays silent and looks at Roberto; "I see, my offspring"

"That´s right, you´re first son will be the next Horseman. I´m sorry, I didn't want to involve you any further. You´ve been through a lot against Belial, that it took both of us to defeat him."

"I know, I know, but I understand, and I am okay with that. Plus I owe you a favor for helping with Maria, so there is no problem if my son is your successor. But don���t tell Maria, she is going to get pissed at me okay."

Juan smiles and replies;"It´s a deal then brother, I promise I will take care of him like an uncle."

During the night of the Roberto´s Death…

"I am sorry hijos, this was my fault, please forgive me." He hugs the three of them and gives them the order to run away. He notices the abnormality of Uriel and sees Maria who has a sad face.Roberto tells Maria: "Don´t worry, he won´t turn evil, I assure you."

He walks directly to where Juan is and says: " So, you chose my son eh, I knew that you would, you told me that 15 years ago remember, you wanted to repay the favor."

"Yes, one soul for another remember but don´t worry I´ll train him because "they" are going to move in the future" Juan replies to Roberto laughing.

"I´ll leave him in your care, I´ll probably won´t make it." Roberto says it with a low tone.

"I will don´t, worry hermano it was fun okay" Juan says it with a smile

"Yes hermano, take care." Roberto replies as he heads to his family.

Part 4 –Present

"You know Uriel; I never regretted giving you my powers, in fact, I always knew that you would be the chosen one. Alexa and I will be going to Spain to live there for a while so we won't see each other again…"

"I understand, it was fun while it lasted…"

"Uriel, go to Tapatio, I left instructions in my mansion for you to follow, there is money for your family so that they won't suffer again. Beneath the mansion, there is a training ground that is where I trained to control those powers."

"I see, thank you"

Alexa steps forward and stretches her hand, "Uriel, thank you for not killing me, I see that I need to trained harder in order to catch you, but our rivalry isn't over okay. One day I will get your powers."

"I will be waiting, come and fight me anytime, Alexa." The two of them shake hands; they begin to leave in a portal. Uriel remembers the times his spend with Juan, he begins to shout:


Juan begins to cry as he says; "Muchacho idiota, this is not a goodbye, we will see each other again." Alexa waves to Uriel and makes a big smile leaving Uriel in shock. The portal closes leaving Uriel seeing the moon completely white once again…

This was the last time Uriel will ever see Juan again in a long, long time. From that night forward, Uriel became the only Charro Negro, Juan still lives but decided to retired as he and Alexa moved to Spain. Uriel manage to gain more power however…

"Now that I have this power, I can now be a match for him…"


Uriel feels a strange pain in his body, he throws up blood as he think:

"This pain, did I overdo it?"

"UURRIIIEELLL" Maria flies down front eh sky and hugs Uriel tightly, "I´m so glad you´re alive, thank God." Maria cries, Uriel smiles and replies; "I´m sorry mama, I think I over did it."

"BIG BROTHER!" Valerie and others arrived, Valerie hugs Uriel saying; "I´m glad you're okay."

"Of course he would, he is our big brother." Daniel says as he walks towards him, Daniel fists bumps Uriel with a smile.

"My, oh my, Uriel you ever seize to impress me. I´m glad you´re alive." Sister Griselda says as she and Carolina walk towards him.

Abril and Mariana run to hug him as they cry his name. Fabiola runs as well, she stops and sees him. Uriel sees Fabiola and says; "I´m glad you three survived."

Fabiola runs and hugs him as she cries. "So that´s the Horseman of War ehh?" Veronica says as she rights something down in her notebook.

"He´s rather handsome" Paola says with a seductive tone. "Hey calm down, you´re a nun remember." Alondra says to Paola.

Sister Magdalena look at him and thinks; "Uriel Di Fiore, he sure has gotten stronger, I must inform the Archbishop about this situation."

Uriel stands up and they begin to walk to the vehicles. Maria looks at Uriel worried; "Uriel you shouldn't force yourself, let us help you…"

"I´m fine mama, don't worr…" Uriel begins to fall losing consciousness. Everybody is in shock; Maria sees her son on the ground and begins to scream:


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