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97.9% The Lessons of a Lazy Substitute Teacher First Class / Chapter 234: Vol. 15 - Chapter 13: Uriel´s Vow

Bab 234: Vol. 15 - Chapter 13: Uriel´s Vow

That night, after Valerie´s departure, Uriel looks at picture from when they were young. Uriel chuckles as he sees his father making funny faces.

"It sure has been a long time, now my father is gone and Valerie too." Daniel says as he enters the room.

"Hey Daniel, want to play some wrestling?" Uriel says with a smile, "Cut the act brother, I know that you´re hurting inside am right?"

Uriel stops smiling and says; "That´s right, I was only trying to act in order for Valerie to go without worrying but she knew about me losing my soul."

"How much of that is true? You´re really going to lose it?"

"Not quite, to be honest I don't know what kind of training I will be facing but I must do it. I must take down Aleister and save Marjorie."

"Uriel just stop, Marjorie chose Aleister, you should forget about her. You´re only hurting yourself." Daniel exclaims Uriel smiles and says:

"Since when do you care so much about me, come you don't need to panic ehh."

"I´m not joking, this is serious damn it. I saw your face that night, you were in such pain. Yet you still want to save her?"

"That's right; dad told me that if I love her I will fight for her."

"Dad?" Daniel changes his expression to a surprised one, Uriel continues to explain:

"You see when I was transformed into the Horseman, I met dad, and he told me that my powers would one day lead me to Marjorie. What can I say, I love her."

"I see, you really are an idiot, you know that?" Daniel sheds tears, Uriel pats his head and replies; "I know"

"Hey cheer up, let's play some videogames, I know I will beat you this time." Uriel gives Daniel a controller; Daniel wipes his tears and smiles:

"Yeah right, I have always been better than you and you know that?"

The two of them started playing, Maria who was outside of their door smiles and begins to walk away. The two of them played all night long, they ended up fighting each other because one of them cheated.

The next morning, Uriel prepares himself to go the mansion. He begins to walk downstairs without waking Daniel, he says in a low tone:

"Farewell brother, please stay safe."

Daniel opens his eyes and begins to cry; "Good bye Uriel, please come back and play with me one more time."

Uriel begins to walk to the courtyard; "UURRIIELLL" The sisters run and hug Uriel, with tears in her eyes. Mariana and Abril look at him and say; "URIEL PLEASE COMEBACK WHEN YOU'RE FINISH, WE WANT TO SEE YOU AGAIN!"

Uriel pats her heads and he says; "I will, it´s a promise."

Fabiola walks feeling shy, "Uriel, please stay safe, I don't want you to get hurt."

"Fabiola, thank you for always believing in me. Also please be more careful, showing your panties in public is not a lady´s way."

Fabiola sees that her panties were showing; "GYYYAAAHH, YOU PERVERT!" Uriel hugs Fabiola and says; "Take care of your sisters."

Fabiola burst into tears and hugs Uriel tighter. Carolina and Griselda arrive and give their farewell to Uriel.

"Uriel, become stronger and when you return, I will have a meal ready for you" Carolina says with a smile, she hugs him tightly. "Thank you Sister, I will be waiting for your traditional meals."

"Hijo, at first, I thought you were a demon, but as time passed, you changed my way of thinking and I started to comprehend that no matter what evil power. It can be used for good. Please forgive this old woman." Griselda hugs Uriel, Uriel smiles and replies; "You have always been like a grandmother to me, that´s why I forgave you a long time ago."

Lastly, Uriel walks to the gates of the ministry and sees Maria. Maria looks at him and remembers his little boy with a smile. She puts her hand on Uriel´s cheek and says:

"Mi hijo, you sure have grown up. I know that you will go through a living hell, that´s why I want to ask you, are you sure about this?"

Uriel closes his eyes and thinks of all the times he was defeated, he makes a fist and looks at his mother with a confident smile; "I am mother, I will get stronger." Maria hugs him one last time; "I wish you could just stayed little and by my side forever. But time had to move forward."

"I wished the same mother, but I´m afraid this is the end. Mother, I need to be honest. This is the last time you will see this version of me. I apologize for that."

"I don't care if you change everything, you will always be my son, and I will always be your mother, remember that."

"I will, mother." Uriel let´s go of his mother and walks forward, he opens a portal leading to the mansion. He turns around and sees everyone one last time; "GOOD BYE" Uriel walks into the portal and disappears. Maria bursts into tears and falls into her knees. Carolina and Griselda hold her. Daniel also cries, Fabiola looks at him and asks; "Why are you crying? He will return, you´ll see."

"You got it wrong, he will never return again. This was the last we saw Uriel Di Fiore."

"Why are you saying that?" Fabiola asks confused. Daniel begins to walk inside with tears in his eyes as he remembers what Uriel said to him;

Daniel, I´m afraid that I will lose my soul. This is the last time you will see me again… But hey, at least I beat you in one round.

Daniel smiles and says; "Stupid Uriel, I let you beat me."

The portal opens in front of Juan´s mansion. Uriel slowly walks forward and sees the gate with a lock. Uriel gets his key and opens it. The gate slowly opens making a horrible sound. Uriel begins to walk towards the mansion.

As he walks, he remembers the time he spent there, how he used to play in the vast garden, how he used to cook with the maids. He used to work there with the butlers.

This will be you new home muchacho, enjoy it, because you are now part of my family.

Uriel opens the door of the mansion, "HELLO, IS SOMEONE HERE?" Uriel screams, his voice echoes all over the mansion but nobody answered. Uriel checks the kitchen, the dining room, the living room but there was no one. The mansion is completely dark and abandoned as if no one has lived there for years.

Uriel heads to the second floor where his room was located, as he goes up the stairs, he stops as he feels that someone was observing. He continues to the second floor, lightning falls down illuminating the first floor, a figure wearing a black robe stands at the entrance. Lightning flashes once again but this time the figure was gone.

Uriel goes to where his room was; he opens the door and sees his old bed, his posters, and a poster of a naked woman that Juan put on his room;

Real men have to see this when they wake up, that´s why I´m doing a favor muchacho, this is to give you inspiration.

"You old pervert." Uriel chuckles, as he sees the poster. He looks around his room and sees a letter. "Is this Juan´s letter?" He opens a letter and sees a picture falling to the ground. It´s a picture of him, a red hair girl, and a little girl. He reads the letter and gets mad. He goes to the window and burns the letter and the picture saying:

"I´m sorry, but this just a part of my past now."

"Are you done with your drama?" Uriel hears a voice coming from behind him; he turns around and sees a figure wearing a crimson robe with black gloves, the figure is shorter than him.

Uriel feels chills down his spine as he asks; "Who are you?"

"Follow me" The figure responds with a childish voice to Uriel, the figure begins to walk slowly down stairs. Uriel follows him with suspicion.

"When I saw you fighting Darius, Alexa and Juan, I knew that you had what it takes to be Horseman."

"Wait, you where there? Then are you a Horseman?"

"The figure does not answer. The figure turns around and says; "Uriel give me the ring that Juan gave you 3 years ago. You don't need it anymore."

"My ring?" Uriel looks at his ring and thinks; " Oh yeah, I´ve wearing it all this time that I forgot I had it."

"Do you remember what Juan said to you?"

Uriel begins to remember the past:

"Here catch, muchacho" Juan tells Uriel (age 15) as he throws a ring to him. The ring is silver with a red jewel in the middle. Uriel sees the ring with a suspicious face and says:

"What am I suppose to do with this?"

"Eat it you dumbass, I can´t believe that you are about to graduate from high school at the age of 15, but you are still an idiot in life." Juan says while laughing making Uriel frown at him and say:

"Well I only ask you because you are weird, Viejo"

"You see muchacho, that ring helps you concentrate your power inside your body alone. The ring is called "Anillo del Jinete" (Translates: Ring of the Horseman).

Uriel takes off his ring. They reach the basement, in the basement there is a special door with a lock. "You have the key don't you?" The hooded figure asks Uriel, Uriel nods in agreement.

Uriel slowly puts the key in the door and turns it. He opens the door and sees that there are more steps.

"Follow me?" The hooded figure begins to walk down the stairs. Uriel also follows him down slowly. The door crumbles closing the passage way definitely. They walk down a long set of stairs, about 300 stairs below the mansion. They arrive to the end of the stairs. Uriel is in shock as he sees a giant door with strange symbols.

The Figure walks to the door, and begins to remove his hood. "I´m sorry for not introducing me; earlier but there might be spies like your brother."

Uriel is in shock to see a boy around 10 years old. He has blonde hair, pale skin and green eyes, "Wait a kid? No I can feel his aura, he is a Horseman." Uriel looks suspiciously at the boy, the boy smiles and says:

"My name is Harry York. I am the 6th Generation Horseman of War. Nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too." Uriel is confused on how energetic he was. Harry continues to speak:

"Now then, Juan left this for you, please read it before making a decision."

Uriel grabs the letter and begins to read:

To Uriel,

Muchacho, if you´re reading this, it means you´re looking for my porn but I took it with me so too bad for you. HAHAHA.

"Stupid old pervert." Uriel says with an angry expression as he continues to read:

I´m sorry, I couldn't help it. Now then, moving on to a more serious matter; I know that Horseman powers are trying to come out as you read this and it is normal. I told you before; if you train to control them you will lose your soul. I lied, at first, I did lose my soul, I wonder off not feeling a thing for many years. But the soul never disappeared, it was locked n my being. Now Uriel, you will lose your emotions, part of your memories and you heart once you enter into that chamber. Judging from what I heard, Harry will be the one who will train you. I must warn you that despite looking like a child, he is very strong and strict. Uriel, I know that you can control these powers, I always viewed them as gift, not a curse. You must do the same, become strong and don´t worry, you will find people who will help you get your soul back. Buena Suerte!


Juan de la Trinidad, your TIO

Uriel chuckles with tears in his eyes saying; "Stupid Tio, I do miss him."

"Now then, let me explain to you, the reason why you took off your ring was because you need to release all of you power alone. Uriel, open the chamber by pouring manna in the door."

Uriel walks slowly to the door; he touches it and poor manna in it. Suddenly, the symbols begin to glow in a crimson color. The door slowly begins to open, revealing a chamber with a magic in the middle.

Harry begins to walk slowly at the center, Uriel is about to make a step forward when Harry stops him:

"Uriel, wait, let me explain first. This is special chamber created by Isabella to help Juan gained control of his powers. I also trained Juan; in fact, I trained Scarlet and Nemesio as well."

Harry explains with a serious expression, Uriel looks at him and asks; "Why did you stop me?"

"Because, once you enter, the door will close never to be open again. The only way open it to destroy it using one hundred percent of the Horseman´s power. Juan did it a long time ago; he and Isabella rebuild it for you the next Successor."

"I see"

"Now Uriel, once you enter I will trained you 24 hours a day and 7 days a week, you will have nothing to eat, you will not drink anything and you will not sleep. You will learn that we Horsemen do not need anything from this world. You know why?"

Uriel shakes his head not knowing why, Harry´s eyes change into crimson as he says; "Because we are not alive nor dead. We exist between this world and the other, in order for you to gain control of the Horseman´s powers, I´m afraid you will have to die."

Uriel opens his eyes wider, and says; "I need to die first?"

"That´s right, you must learn how to survive with only manna if you want to control your powers. You will train your body and mind every day. I promise you that you will live a true hell. Now then, are you ready?"

Uriel closes his eyes and remembers everyone dear to him. He remembers the time he failed and makes a fist. He opens his eyes with a confident expression and turns around, Harry is surprised as Uriel walks away. Uriel finds a stone and puts his ring there.

"I will leave it here, for when I get out, I will put it on again, now it´s time to begin our training."

Uriel begins to walk to the altar. Harry smiles and says; "I knew you would be brave enough."

"Mom, Dad, Daniel, Valerie, my friends; I´m sorry I was weak that people like Aleister humiliated me for so long. But not anymore, this time, I vow that I will get stronger, I will protect everyone, I will save everyone. This time, I will keep our promise, Marjorie…"

Uriel enters the room, the doors begin to shut down slowly, Harry smiles and says; "Are you ready?"

"I was born ready" Uriel makes a confident smile, "Good; he does not have any doubt in his heart." Harry thinks as he takes off his cloak.

As the door closes, Uriel begins to think; "Good Bye Uriel Di Fiore, your weakness won't hold me any longer. Next time, I vow to win..."

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