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96.72% The Legendary Trainer / Chapter 58: Chapter 58: Tournament continues

Bab 58: Chapter 58: Tournament continues

Soon, lunch time passed, and the second round of the Pokémon Tournament was about to begin again.

At this time, perhaps the organizer took special care of Kaede, a Temporary Pokémon medical officer. He actually got drafted for the second round of the second stage of tournament. Therefore, the white coat he just put on was quickly taken off again.

The opponent of the second round of Kaede is a middle-aged man named Taro Oda, in a suit and leather shoes, with thick reflective eyes, and meticulous combing of waxed hair.

Spectators at this time were filled with people who were actually trainers participating in the tournament. Seeing Kaede last match in which he literally wiped the floor with Pelipper they took extra measure to record Kaede battle so they might get an advantage over him. Anna obviously was one of them still with her notebook and laptop out recording every minute every second of it.

Seeing that the two players were in place, the referee immediately reached the staff on the high platform, and the two selection roulette pointers on the big screen began to rotate rapidly, and the final result was Grass Field and Oda Taro as the first to release his Pokemon.

After a while, a battle field with dense grass and sparse groves appeared in front of everyone.

"Come on, my fiery friend, fight for me."

A Pidgeotto was immediately released by Oda Taro. Pidegeotto stared at Kaede, and Kaede stared at Pidegeotto as well. A feeling of being seen through suddenly appeared in Pidegeotto's heart, making it suddenly vigilant, and it couldn't help but distancing itself from his eyes.

Pidegeotto's information is as follows:

Pokémon: Pidegeotto

Level :Level 22

Attribute: Normal/Flying

Characteristic Trait :Keen Eye

Gender: Male

Level Moves: Tackle, Sand Attack, Gust, Quick Attack, Whirlwind, Twister

Hereditary Moves: Brave Bird

Inustructed Moves : None

TM: Double Team, Protect

"Come out, Nidoran♂, I choose you for this battle."

After reading the opponent's information clearly, Kaede quickly selected the Pokémon to play first, took out the Pokéball from his waistbelt, and then released Nidoran♂ inside.

In the next second, Nidoran♂'s almost purple body appeared on the battlefield. After taking a glance at the opponent, Nidoran♂ immediately got into the dense grass and quickly hid in it.

Seeing this Nidoran♂ spectators were amazed as yet again this Nidoran♂ was way above its peers and Anna particularly took many photos of it.

"Pidegeotto, use Gust, blast out the opponent."

The referee just announced the battle, and Oda Taro, immediately issued an attack order to Pidegeotto who hovered in air.

Hearing the order and with its Keen eye character Pidgeotto immediately found Nidoran♂ hiding in the grass and with a flap of its wing created a whirlwind 1 meter long.

Under the control of Pidegeotto, the white whirlwind quickly rushed towards Nidoran♂ hidden in the grass. The winds created by it mamaged to blow the grass away thus bring Nidoran♂️ out in the open.

"Nidoran♂ use Poison sting"

Having been exposed Kaede immediately issued his order. Nidoran♂ galloped through the field like a rabbit and immediately struck with numerous Posion needles.

"Hmph, blow these Poison Stings away and then use Brave Bird on Nidoran."

Seeing that Pidegeotto's probing attack didn't work and finding that Nidoran♂ Level was lower than Pidegeotto, Oda Taro immediately changed the battle strategy and ordered Pidegeotto to launch an onslaught quickly, not giving Kaede the opportunity to use Nidoran♂ to consume too much of Pidegeotto's physical strength.

Pidgeottoe flapped its wings to blow the poison sting away with strong wind and then its whole body was covered with a layer with blue rays of light, dive down at an astonishing speed, aiming at Nidoran♂ below.

In the process of flying down, the imposing manner on Pidegeotto's body climbed steadily, like a sacred fire bird draped in blue light.

"Nidoran♂ use Double Kick on the ground and then use Poison Jab, Plus Ultra!!."

Kaede chose to meet Pidgeotto head on this was gamble and he was willing to take it. Brave bird move inflicts damage upon the Pokemon performing the move too thus with adittional Poison jab damage may seal the deal.

Facing the rapidly coming blue fiery bird above his head, Nidoran♂ didn't back down. After hearing Kaede's instructions, the stout hind legs that had already lit up with white light suddenly exerted force, assisted With the powerful thrust of Double Kick, its whole body soared into the sky like a sharp purple arrow.

At the same time, the purple horn on the head of Nidoran♂ glowed with a dazzling purple light. According to Kaede's instructions, it used the most proficient and most potent power it could muster to perform Poison Jab for a frontal attack.

At the next moment, under the excited eyes of many viewers, Brave Bird from Pidegeotto and Poison Jab from Nidoran ♂ collided head-on.

Soon, there was a "bang~", a burst of explosion appeared, billowing smoke enveloped the battlefield, and some keen audience members also heard a sound of falling objects and a series of "rustling" sounds in the explosion.

Nidoran♂ with hustle characteristic should be able to close the gap between its and Podgeotto move. However due to level advantage Pidgeotto was the one who came victorious of this confrontation.

When smoke cleared a scar riddled Nidoran♂ could be seen standing on the ground gritting its teeth while a injured and posion Pidgeotto flying in the sky. Even though Nidoran♂ was injured more than its opponent. Pidgeottoe wasn't in good condition too.

"This Nidoran♂'s not simple, actually used the Poison Jab to almost tie with Pidegeotto's Brave Bird. If Nidoran♂'s Level is the same as Pidegeotto, the side that would've lost in this head-on collision would be Pidegeotto. Why, why is his formidable power so strong? Is it Sato Kaede's unique breeding method?"

Anna in the audience couldn't help but grind her teeth in frustation while furiously writing something down on her notebook. Unfortunately, the very high-end Pokémon knowledge of Implicit Characteristic is currently only known to some Peak Pokémon Professors.

"Pidegeotto, once again Brave Bird."

Oda Taro being its trainer ofcourse knew that the outcome of this headon confrontation was not in his favour thus he immediately issued his attack order not realising his mistake.

"Let him a little closer then finish it off with Thunderbolt."

Kaede also closely followed the direction of the battle. Originally, he had no hope for this battle, but when he heard that opponent made Pidegeotto a direct attack again and that too brave bird, he knew that Nidoran♂ still had a chance to win.

Nidoran♂ taking advantage of Pidgeotto speed gathered Electric type energy in its horn and once Pidgeotto came in radius Nidoran immediately shot out a Thunderbolt striking Pidgeotto straight on inflicting huge damage to it. Pidegeotto fell from the air smoking black, and at this time, it naturally lost the combat capability.

"Pidegeotto has lost the combat capability, so the winner of this match is Nidoran♂."

The referee annouced and asked Oda taro to release is next Pokemon. While the majority of spectator were astounded as Thunderbolt TM is very expensive thus they now doubted how much more Kaede will surprise them.

After referee announced the result of the battle, Oda Taro, with an ugly face, immediately put away the defeated Pidegeotto with a Pokéball. After he stabilized his emotions a little bit, he quickly took out another Pokéball from his body and released the Pokémon in it. A powerful Heracross appeared infornt of everyone.

With the detection capability of the Kaede he immediately detected the Pokémon in front of it, which was called the Insect King in the game, and the results of the detection also surprised Kaede.

The Heracross information is as follows:

Pokémon: Heracross

Level :Level 25

Attribute: Bug/Fighting

Characteristic Trait: Guts

Gender: Male

Level Moves: (Arm Thrust, Bullet Seed, Tackle, Leer, Horn Attack, Endure, Feint, Aerial Ace, Close Combat, Counter, Fury Attack)

Hereditary Moves: Night slash, Focus Punch

Inustructed Moves: Rock Blast

TM: Protect, Hyper Beam

Looking at the Heracross information and the big beetle in front of him flying in midair with its wings, Kaede nodded, and after a little thought, decided who will fight next.

"Come back, Nidoran♂, you have done a great job, and leave the next battle to other companions. Growlithe, this battle is yours."

Taking it back Nidoran♂'s Level had reached Level 19, and he also automatically learned Fury Attack move.

In the next second, Growlithe's silhouette appeared on the grass. At the same time, orange red flames began to appear from Growlithe's body burning the surrounding grass thus increasing the temperature in the field.

"Sure enough, the Grass Field is simply a hidden home ground for Growlithe. Before the Grass Field is completely Incinerate, unless the opponent is also a Pokémon with strong fire resistance, it is difficult to defeat Growlithe as the fire around it with its characteristic would just keep on increasing Growlithes power. Heracross, who is a Bug Type, is obviously not in this list."

The Pokémon that was attacking this time was Growlithe, and he quickly ran to Heracross.

During the course of Growlithe's running, the flames on its body became more and more prosperous, and began to spread gradually throughout its body. At the same time, where Growlithe passed, the raging fire quickly spread across the grass field.

"Heracross, use Rock blast to prevent it from bringing the flames."

Seeing that Growlithe wanted to ignite the entire grass field, Oda Taro hurriedly called to Heracross.

Hearing Oda Taro's command, Heracross yelled, and then, at the top of the long horn on its forehead, chunks of basketball-sized Rock quickly gathered together, and then quickly shot towards the approaching Growlithe under his control.

"Double Team, don't worry about attacking the opponent, first let this battlefield become your home field." Seeing this, Kaede calmly opened his mouth to command Growlithe.

Growlithe hearing this split up into 4 images and thus effectively avoided getting hit. Soon, the four Growlithe came to Heracross and surrounded it. At the same time, they surrounded it with the raging fire that had spread.

The flame has completely spread in the field of grass, and the field of grass has become a field of fire. Growlithe in the field of fire is as pleasant as a fish entering the water.

On the contrary, Heracross is like roasted meat on the grill. Even if the flame can't burn it, the temperature of the flame is enough to make it uncomfortable, and it continues to hurt it.

Heracross at this time chose to fly in the sky to avoid the flames.

"Use Ember Growlithe try to bring it down"

Kaede tone barely fell, Growlithe took the initiative to withdraw the Double Team in the fire sea, and then released small bursts of fire balls at Heracross. Due to rich amount of fire energy the Ember fireballs became unstable and thus burst upon reaching Heracross duw to being unstable. Ember move had effectively evolved into Heat wave in this situation.

"Attack with Aerial Ace, cough cough cough."

Heracross was affected by the explosion of the Fireballs and its face showed painful expression. At this time, Oda Taro, who was almost completely wet due to sweating, took off his suit and commanded Heracross with a cough.

Heracross knowing if it stayed as it is it will be defeated immediately followed his trainer and its body glowed with Flying type energy and thus it cleaved through the fireballs and closed the distance between them. Also its horn lit up Heracross also chose to use Horn Attack on his own initaitive.

"Don't confront it head-on, avoid it, and try the guerrilla tactics your father used to deal with Pinsir."

Seeing this reckless attack by Heracross, Kaede shook his head slightly, and then said to Growlithe who be eager to have a try.

In an instant, Growlithe's whole body was instantly wrapped in flames, and then it used Flame Charge to avoid Heracross' attack, and while avoiding, he also spit out a few Little Flame balls to attack the opponent.

Heracross reacted very quickly, with a flap of insect wings on his back, and an instant acceleration to avoid Growlithe's Ember.

Being prolonged battle these guerrilla tactics proved fatal as Heracross showed sign of fatigue and hurt.

After 10 minutes the flame extinguished but Heracross also lost it combat abilty after getting struck with a flame charge.

"Heracross losses combat ability winner is Sato Kaede". The referee announce the result.

After winning the second round, Kaede praised Growlithe and used Pokéball to put it away, then quickly returned to the temporary Medical Room to work. After 2nd round only 25 people remained in the tournament. As the ship was to reach Lily Cove tommorow afternoon the tournament was to be rushed a little.

At 7:30 in the evening, the third round was held as scheduled. And soon at 9 O'clock the 3rd round also ended. Kaede was given privilege of not participating in this round by the referee as he was the lucky player with odd number.

In the 4th round Kaede was not the lucky player. At 10 O'clock the 4th round started. This time around his opponent was a Fighting type specialist named Hans Lake. As of now he has only used two Pokemon Hariyama and Hitmonchan.

This Hitmonchan is a Level 32. He is proficient in Mach Punch, Ice Punch, Thunder Punch and Fire Punch. Through observation, Kaede discovered that this Hitmonchan has vaguely mastered the technique of combining two punches.

Kaede and Hans Pokémon battle attracted many spectators. Through the first two rounds of Pokémon battle, Kaede also successfully entered the eyes of most spectators.

Standing on the opposite sides Hans suddenly brought out his fist and showed it to Kaede as if to fist bump him Kaede on the other side obliged and he too brought out his fist.

For a time, the scene was a bit awkward.

Soon, the battle began. According to the results of the two battle roulettes, the battle field was the Rock field, and Hans was the first to release Pokémon.

"Come on, my good partner, come out for a bloody battle."

As soon as the referee announced the start of the battle, Hans threw out the Pokéball in his hands after making a flexing pose.

A Hitmonchan apperead in front of everyone and started to warm up for the battle by kicking and punching the air.

When Hitmonchan was warming up, Kaede immediately used the detection ability of the system to see Hitmonchan's latest information.

Hitmonchan's information is as follows:

Pokémon: Hitmonchan

Level : 33

Attribute :Fighting

Characteristic Trait: Iron Fist

Gender: Male

Level Moves: (Mega Punch, Close Combat, Counter, Focus energy, Agility, Pursuit, Mach Punch, Bullet Punch, Feint, Vacuum Wave, Quick Guard)

Hereditary Moves: High Jump Kick

Inustructed Moves: Thunder punch, fire punch, ice punch

TM: Protect, Double Team

After reading Hitmonchan's latest information, Kaede thought solemnly, and then he released his Pokémon.

"Bellossom, I choose you!."

Suddenly a sweet floral scent waft through the area and a beautiful Bellosome appeared on the battle field. Audience who were treated by Bellosome cheered for her since Bellosome was very popular among these people.

To be Continued......

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