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23.8% The Legend of Baldur [DROPPED] / Chapter 12: Making Connections.

Bab 12: Making Connections.

A/N: Okay, first let me talk something.

I was wrong in overreacting, I should have expected something like that. I should have given a warning about the mention. And I should not have called out homophobes- I mean, called them homophobes.

Now, the only reason I did not put up a warning before, in the chapter itself, because I didn't think it'd matter. No one puts warnings for one sentences. I've still put up warnings now, both at the top of the chapter, and at the top and bottom of the concerning paragraph.

But, saying that. Dropping a fic because they were uncomfortable with a fictional version of a fictional character bumming a man, and simply mentioning it once? I can read gay smut without either being disgusted, or turned on, which many of the readers think are the only two options.

So yes, I called them homophobes. Why? Let's see,

a) They don't like reading one sentence about homosexuality without a warning.

b) They are uncomfortable enough to leave bad reviews saying no one should read this fic because of the one sentence.

c)They didn't like me not tagging my story as either BL or LGBTQ+ for ONE SENTENCE WORTH OF HOMOSEXUALITY, which would have made usre they didn't read the fic in the first place, as they would have ignored a BL story. And the BL lovers would have dropped the story when they see the BL tag is just for one sentence.

d) What do they think homophobia means?

They intentionally put reviews and comments warning people from reading the book, one of them called that one paragraph as "filth." Another called me a fuckface. How do they think gay readers would feel about reading that because of one mention?

What if someone is already struggling with their sexuality and this hurts them even more? Heck I'm straight, with no inclination or wishes to lay with men, and it hurt me to read those hateful comments.

Those saying, they weren't hateful? Read them from my POV, all at the same time. I literally got 500 notifications from last night, more than half of them Calling the book, or me, names. That's because of one sentence of Homosexuality. That's grounds to being pissed off.

Yes, I overreacted by calling then homophobes, but their comments are proving me right, aren't they?

Brrrr.. Calm.. Inner Peace.

Secondly, many people thought Baldur gave Loki, Lorelai to fuck. He brought Lorelai to Loki so they could prank Thor. What messed up mind do you think I have? LOKI AND LORELAI DID NOT FUCK!

THIRDLY, LORELAI AND BALDUR ARE NOT A COUPLE! THEY OCCASIONALLY DO IT, and there is such a relationship called friends with benefits. That's them. Y'all might feel odd that they are doing it for so long, without feeling weird.

Well, they are Asgardians. They live, again, for 5000-6000 years. For them, 150 years of on off sex, is literally like a few years at best.

But, since the majority have felt uncomfortable about the relationship, or lack of, between them, I'm going to be "breaking them up" in a few chapters.

To my LGBTQ+ readers, I'm sorry you had to read all those comments and reviews.

As of now, I'm gonna be ignoring the comments that either criticize my choice of MC's sexual curiosity, or the Notice chapter. Y'all can keep quarrelling from one side, or you cab simply move on and read.

Now, on to the story.

Many people pointed out that the lust Potion is morally rapy, and I agree. I should have thought of that, before writing to make something "funny". It's not funny, and me trying to make it funny was wrong.

I am sorry for that. I'm not going to change it, but you'll probably like what happened in the next few paragraphs.


1129 AD: 165 Years.

Fortunately, the prank on Thor failed, thanks to Mother. She saw through the whole thing and confiscated the potion as soon as Loki handed Thor a drink with it.

Idiot. He tried to drug Thor right in front of mother. I expected better from you, Loki. But I was thankful that it failed, as Sif might have been raped, and that would have taken a toll on both Thor and Sif's minds.

The best part was, the potion did not even induce Lust. Mother said that it would have simply turned the drinker into a lovesick cuddly puppy for an hour or so. So at most, Thor and Sif would have cuddled together.

Unfortunately, me, Loki, and Lorelai got drafted to cleaning stables for a year for "experimenting with dangerous potions."

In hindsight, I know that inducing Lust, or even Lowering inhibitions, is mighty wrong thing to do. I'm simply thankful that Loki got caught before Thor drank it. The punishment if Thor had turned into a lovesick cuddle baby?

I shiver in fear, 5 days later, while brushing a horse clean. Loki, and Lorelai are somewhere around, doing something or the other.

"My Prince!" A guard knocks on the stable gates and calls out.

"Yes?" Both Loki and I answer back.

"Um. The All Father has called fo you once you're done with the tasks for the day." The guard says, and goes out. He was probably struggling not to laugh at his Princes shoveling shit, and brushing horses. Well, today Loki was the one shoveling shit, Lorelai was feeding the Pegasi and I was brushing horses.

As far as punishment goes, it could have been worse. It should have been worse.

Lorelai and Loki turn to me in question, and I shrug. God knows what it's about.

10 minutes later, Loki and I leave to go to the throne room, while Lorelai goes to her home. She had been forbidden to brew any Potions along with the stable duty, for a year. According to Mother, she could have been banished from Asgard for trying to drug The Crown Prince of Asgard, but being my friend, and the fact that Loki was in on the prank stayed Odin's hand.

Anyways, after knocking, being allowed entrance, and bowing to Odin, he gets off the throne and starts walking. He says, "Come with me."

We silently follow him, as we're currently on really thin ice. And as much as I want to leave Asgard to get rid of Odin's presence in my life, I still have a lot to learn.

10 minutes and three stairs down later, we come out in an auspicious ritual chamber. There were celtic knots, ritual circles, and many runes on the floor. On one side of the chamber, were Mother, Thor, and a man wearing brown robes, and carrying a small staff of all things.

"Loki. Go stand near your mother." Odin says softly, making Loki leave us alone right on the doors of the chamber.

Odin turns to me and looks in my eyes, "What you did 5 days ago was very stupid, and irresponsible, and you could have died."

I nod, knowing he is right. I don't really want to quarrel right now.

"But, I suppose, some fault lies with us too." Odin admits, nodding to himself.

I look at Odin in shock. In all the 165 years, the only times he's accepted his fault, was when he told Hela's tales to us. And even then it was, "I should have seen it earlier." not "I was wrong to raise her like that."

Odin looks at the shock in my face and smiles, "Yes, I am admitting my fault. I don't do that much because I seldom am wrong. But in this case, I should have foreseen this."

"What happened father?" I ask, now a bit wary. I know my.. possessing of the Sun was a bit stupid, and overloaded my magic, but what else did it do?

Odin looks me in the eyes and explains, "You have two main divinities. Sun and Light. Your weapon, armour show your Divinity of Sun. Your attacks show your Divinity of the Sun. Your magic, shows the Divinity of Sun. Even if you named your Divine Energy as Light, it still uses only the Sun Divinity."

He pauses to let me absorb all of it. I widen my eyes, understanding what I was doing. I focused so much on the Sun, that I neglected the Light. I used to think Sun and Light are the same. But my healing powers are probably the only use I made of my Light Divinity.

Thor has only one Major Divinity, Thunder, while Loki's divinities are moderated by Loki himself through his pranks.

Odin nods, seeing I understand, and says, "What you did with the Star, enhanced your Sun Divinity. But you haven't practiced training with your Light Divinity. At all. Your magic is unbalanced as your Sun Divinity, overpowers your Light."

I gulp and ask, "What will I have to do, father? How can I balance the scales once again?"

"You? Even our Lady Eir and her Healers won't be able to do anything. That man over there will help you by fixing your issues." Odin says looking at the man in robes talking to Mother. Mother looks interested in the talk, while Loki is chatting with Thor, who had already forgiven Loki.

I walk towards the three, with an intention to find out who he is, and how he'll help me.

"...of fire, Realm of Ice, Realm of speed, and even Realm of Strength. Every aspect of life has a Realm by it's name, and there are infinite such Realms. Some are ruled by higher beings, while some are only filled with Magic. A whole realm, filled only with one kind of magic." The man says, explaining something to Frigga.

"Fascinating." Frigga says, as she smiles at the man. She looks at me, as I get closer, and says, "Baldur! Come! This is Master Julius, a Sorcerer of Midgard."

What. The. Fuck. A Sorcerer? You mean like Kamar Taj sorcerer?

Seeing my shocked face, mother chuckles and says, "I know! Even I didn't know Midgard had Sorcerers. Apparently they have a whole community of them to protect the realm, and they are hidden, even from Odin and Heimdall's eyes."

Well, crap. Sure, it's not a bad thing that they are here, but I just didn't expect this, ya know? I didn't even know Odin had connections there.

I shake my head and turn to the man named Julius. I smile at him and give him a small bow. He bows back and says, "Prince Baldur. It is nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you as well, Master Julius. I'll be blunt and ask, how can you help me if our own Healers can't?" I don't know if Mystic arts have any healing arts. I don't know if they don't exist either, but still, better know it now.

Master Julius chuckles, and says, "I won't do much, other than give you a push. The rest you'll have to do yourself."

I look at mother, and even she's as confused as I am. Loki and Thor too look simply clueless.

I ask, as the man remained silent, "What will I have to do?"

The man starts walking and stops in the centre of the ritual circle. He motions with his hands and says, "This ritual circle will help you find resonance with your Divine Energy. Since you have 2 major Affinities, you'll get at least two resonance instances. What I'll be doing is send your Soul, your Astral Projection, on a journey through the realms and help you make a connection with the Realm of Light, which, as it's name says, is a realm filled with Light Energy."

I nod, realising what the plan is. I will connect with the Light Realm, or Dimension, and that will help me counterbalance the Sun Energy.

"And? Because that can't be all." I say motioning towards the circle.

Master Julius nods and says, "Yes. That is not all. Your job will be to make the connection with the right realm. There are many realms with Light Energy as their main source of power. You'll have to select one in which there is no ruler."

"Ruler?" I ask, because that sounds something like Dormammu might exist in the Light Dimension.

"Yes, many realms have rulers that rule over the Realms. Sometimes the many Realms of the same aspect merge together into one big Realm. Thankfully, we know that there are few Light Realms that have no ruler, so you can connect with one of them." He patiently explains.

I nod and move to stand in front of him in the centre of the Circle.

He looks apologetic, when he says, "I'm sorry to say but you'll have to take off the Armour for this."

I look to mother, who nods so I take off the armour and give it to Thor to hold. I don't trust Odin not to do something to track me or something. Unreasonable, probably, but I still don't trust him completely.

I stand in front of Master Julius, once again and nod, saying, "I'm ready."

He nods back and says, "Beware. You should only connect with the Light Realm, with no ruler. You'll know when the Realm has a ruler or not. But under no circumstances should you connect to the Fire or Heat realms, before your connection to the Light Realm has stabilized. If you do that, you'll die."

I simply nod, knowing he was correct, and it was obvious. Adding more Heat energy, or Fire energy, to my already unstable body, will kill me. No doubt about that.

Without warning, the Master of Mystic Arts hits me on the chest with an enhanced palm strike making me see colours, in quick succession.

Purple. Black. Red. I feel an insane amount of pressure on my ..body? Soul? Yes, soul. And I see a big face, bigger than most planets glaring down at me. It moves it's hand to try and capture me, but I say, "Nope." And focus hard on leaving the dimension.

Burning flames touch my.. soul, and everywhere I can see only fire and flames of all colours. Red, green, blue, black, white. Every coloured flames are burning in this place. Before the ruler, and this place definitely has one, detects me, I leave the realm.

Again, pressure is put on my soul, as a giant hand holds me hard, not leaving me a chance to move. "Who dares to trespass on the Dimension of Cyttorak!"

I look at the giant, Cyttorak, I remind myself, the one who powered Juggernaut, and those crimson bands, and say, "Simply passing through, Realm Lord Cyttorak. I had no intention of trespassing."

He narrows his eyes at me, and throws me. "Insignificant mortal. You are not my champion." his whispers reach me as I'm thrown out of the dimension. Moi? Mortal? Well, for him, I'm definitely a Mortal.

Finally, after many, many such realms and a few peaceful, and a few non peaceful encounters with their rulers, I reach a place that is very very bright to my eyes. My soul's eyes. Whatever. My eyes, it is.

I can see only white light everywhere I see, and as far as I feel, there is no ruler to this dimension. There is no pressure from some higher power glaring at me, nor is there someone holding me. There isn't even Demons attacking me this time! Ugh, Limbo is not a good holiday spot. Neither is Balthakk trying to burn my soul!

This. This is it. Light Energy. I can feel it. The resonance that Master Julius spoke about. I can feel it in my bones- um, my soul. The only places I felt this resonance is the Fire dimensions I visited, and the Light Force Realm. Unfortunately, the Light Force already has a ruler who is not Light at all.

But now what? Do I simply absorb this energy? I can try, at least, can't I?

Settling down on.. something made out of Light Energy- Photons! I'm sitting on Photons!- I close my eyes and calm my breath.

Time passed, minutes. Hours. Years. I don't know how long I was there, the Light Dimension is timeless.

After some time, I feel the Light energy seeping into my soul and to my navel. Near where my Magic is.

After a while of absorbing the Light Energy, I know as a gut feeling that it's enough, so I stop. Probably my Magic warning me.

Knowing my work is done, I focus on exiting the realm, all the while knowing that I can return here any time I want. I have made a connection to it. And as of now, I was the Pseudo ruler of the Realm of Light. The counterpart to Dormammu, although a lot weaker than him.

Well, that was.. interesting.


A/N: Light force, and Dark Force are two different dimensions, which are sort of equals and opposites. They are the dimensions that power Cloak and Dagger, from Marvel comics, as well as the TV Series.

I didn't select Light Force, because it is very very weak against the Dark Force. Dark Force can sort of control the Light Force, so nope.

This Light Dimension, in which MC connected, is the one that a villain Lightmaster connected. It's a pure Light Dimension, not unlike Dormammu's Dark Dimension.

For those who are curious, the dimensions MC passed through on screen are Dark Dimension(Dormammu), Crimson Cosmos(Cyttorak), Limbo(Balesco), Lightforce(The Light Lord), and the Light Realm(No ruler)

HelloDarkness07 HelloDarkness07

Well, changed a few of my plans after my potion related mistake yesterday. No, Thor and Sif won't sleep together yet, at least not in a potion induced lust.

Maybe some day Baldur will knock some sense into Thor, and have him court Sif. But that's still 700-800 years away.

They are still teenagers, so I'm also going to be decreasing the amount of s*x MC has on screen. Lorelai will be silently pushed to the side.

Pairings still undecided, so make your bets.

Thank you!

next chapter
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