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72.44% THE ISLAND WHERE MIRACLES COMES TRUE / Chapter 70: Final Trials Part 4- Gaining a Family and A Teacher

Bab 70: Final Trials Part 4- Gaining a Family and A Teacher

Sounds of footsteps reverberated the hallway as a few set of guards were trying to keep up with the two people in the lead one way their King while the other being his personal guard the captain of the Crystal Heart Kingdom knights brigade.

While theyt tried to keep up, they feel behind as some of they couldn't catch up with their clearly happily shooken King who kept speeding up as much as possible to meet his son and they too were clear about the reason for his excitement as such the troops and the king was soon before 'Zash's' Chambers.

"All Hail ! His Majesty the King Edwin is here ! " Benedrict said and signaling everyone to carry out their duties.

As they all bowed down Benedict ordered to seal entry and exit points to stop the information from spreading to the outsiders.

While this all was happening the King paid no attention to everything else and walked up to the Box Zash was currently in with trembling feets not knowing what to do.

"Son ?" All the clattering noises seems to be stopped as everyone saw the sadness within the voice of their King.

"Why is he not Awake !? Did he really woke up as I heard ? You all weren't hallucinating were you ?" Benedrict said clearly unhappy seeing the second prince still sleeping.

"Co-Commander we are not lying ! We Swear please ask any of us we saw every action he did under our watch !"both the Knight who had both reported the news said and described everything they saw and soon the King heard all the other testimonies as well.

"We aren't lying at all my king, please look here, the Second Prince is even sleeping and tussing about a bit and signs of breathing are constant yet uneven unlike when he was in eternal slumber." A maid said with a tint of happiness, confusion, bewilderment, scared and excitement all visible on her face.

"Indeed his sleeping position seems different and say what exactly happened and why is the second prince asleep again ?"... Edwin demanded an explanation from everyone and even after hearing the same thing again and again from each and every present person about how His second son woke up and tried getting up thrice and finally slept, only after

Hearing it from a few trusted sources did he stop inquiring and sat down like a stumb stunning everyone present.

"Haha hahahaha..." Laughing a bit heartedly he uttered a few words.

"Blessed ! I certainly am Blessed there's still hope for my kingdom." Staring at the ceiling which had an intricate design if an rising yet on another side was a setting sun while a Diamond was within their boundaries illuminating the middle boundaries like a Crystal

The king said nothing more and sat down seeing this others soon followed and felt emotional.

"His Highness and the Crystal Heart Kingdom is Blessed !"

"His Highness is Blessed ! God too has eyes too and has finally done something about our predicaments!"

"Our Prince's Awakening from eternal slumber is an Omen that Prosperity is bound to follow on our barren land !"

Cheers and shouts could be hard all around the room as this was easily the most Auspicious thing that had happened to them in the span of more than 10 years since their King lost his beloved Wife & Son to this illness

"Your Majesty please get up, we have much to prepare. You have your duties as well, when Second Prince is awake again we'll send him to you. I suggest you to rest in the meantime the First Prince must be on his way as well upon hearing this news" Benedrict said as for someone like the King it didn't suite him to sit on the floor and reminded him of his duties.

"I'm good, please carry out your orders I will stay here for the time being, to he*k with all that paperwork I have to be there when he wakes up at least. ! Even when came into this world this cursed illness struck him I'm not sure if he can even understand me with a mind of a stillborn child after all I'm still a Father." Edwin insisted on not moving from the spot and watched as the maids massaged Zash's body which made the maids a bit nervous but they still carried out their duties carefully and prayed from their second prince to wake up.

The gentle moonlight which passed through the windows and shone on Zash's eyelids. Zash's eyes gave off a slight tremble and soon he woke up and tried to move but wasn't able to.

Hmmm* seemingly as if currents of electricity was being drawn within his body Zash trembled a bit and sat up successfully this time but as he did he saw a male in his front whose eyes were wide awake as if they would pop out if they stretched a bit more and besides him was a Knight in Black and the previous Red armoured knight who seemed like a trustworthy individual to Zash.

Out of nowhere the man in the middle hugged him and said.

"Welcome to the world son ! I'm glad you finally woke up !" Saying so he cried and stayed in the same position continuously embracing his son.

"S--somn?" Zash's eyes sparkled and understood that this was the original body's biological father but remembered to keep his identity and speaking Ability hidden he had to act like a baby which wasn't hard as his vocal cords had been a bit damaged due to not speaking even once which was a good thing as is.

Clearly stunned by this all three of the old men didn't know what to do as the second prince seemed more aware than they think which his speech was a problem it could be fixed with given enough time.

"Yes ! That's Rig-"before the king could say anything he was tossed aside by a chibi female elf of sorts who then went towards Zash and put her hand gently on his throat.

"His throat is clearly damaged to an extent because of not using it. Gosh you guys really weren't kidding when you said an eternal sleep patient had woken up. What a wonderful day it is hopefully he gives us clues on how to wake more of these people." The small elf said cheekily and proceeded to check Zash's pulse and pulled his tongue and checked his eyes.

"Impudent !" A few soldiers seeing this wanted to discipline her bit bit were stopped but the king and all the senior guards.

"Stop you fools she's the one and only descendant of Healing Mage 'socrioth' esteem Lady Havier who has waste knowledge and could like eternally if she wishes to ! Do you know how hard it was to seek her out for her expertise on this matter if it wasn't for the second Prince's special situation she wouldn't spare any kingdoms a single glance no matter who had requested it.

Treat her with respect, she's a well deserved of her titles in Doctrine, follow every one of her commands and give her the same regard of respect you give to the King as she's helping us and not the other way around." Benedrict and the red knight insulted them and told them to follow her orders.

"Lady Havier how is he. ?" Edwin asked what was within everyone's mind.

"Well depends" looking into Zash's eyes as if looking at a diamond she uttered as if saying to himself without minding anybody else.

"Physically he's fit. A bit malnourished but 'fit' in all the important areas after using his body he could finally restore all his vigor even for an exceptional case this is too strangely miraculous! While even uttering words mens his mental capacity has been growing after birth even while he was under eternal sleep.

I can't guarantee and can only speculate about this as there used to be a few herbs which should be used to deal with Eternal slumber but as of yet I've crossed every border travelled many islands and as of yet I've yet to come across any of them as if the very conditions to grow them are not met but in this case this boy has woken up by himself. I can guarantee he's not taken any of such Miraculous herbs. I am confident in that regard I've also feel refreshed here though it's strange how this long lost kingdom has even lasted so long .... Continuing on the conversation drifted from one point to other but all the men who wanted to do something couldn't do anything as she had been renowned for her temper even after being 'old' as such all they could do was listen.

Meanwhile Zash who was in the midst of 'Acting' had many confusions about his situation but after hearing her it was all fitting in like a puzzle in Zash's brain 'simply put it's a mana excessive or deficiency related disease as i clearly can't feel much mana but it's still somewhat visible to me seemingly being sucked by the ground unable to hold itself... So strange' thinking up to this point an entire hour had gone by while Zash would like to continue this he was curious to know more and while not forgetting to act as a 10 year old child he had to put up an impressive performance to fool an seemingly immortal cheeky elf who kept on looking at his new body inspecting and inquiring about one thing or the other.

"Biii " clicking his tongue Zash almost spat out as an extremely vile tasting powder was tossed in Zash's mouth and an ointment was applied on his neck section and was wrapped up by an bandade all throughout the while she and a few guard held Zash from throwing up.

"Now now this medicine is to make your throat a bit more relaxed it would be a bit of a struggle to get to say something but seeing that you're like a just born brat even saying something is likely not going to affect you... Sigh*" Havier said sighing as handling children was not the best of her capabilities, as previously up till now after she became a doctor all she had to deal with were people who would listen to her even little kids were at least sensible enough to understand her, as for the most little one's they were get and treated along with their parents as such Zash's case was a new challenge to her.

She prepared to take out a few sweets to soothe him even if he didn't knew what they were, he would at least calm down later on.

However the very next moment she was stunned as Zash just looked at her and nodded cutely like an obedient child and swallowed the Vile medicine.

"He's a well mannered kid say how long was he in eternal slumber for ? " Havier asked curiously and the king answered.

"Lady Havier he.. he was sleeping since right after his birth soon followed by his mother" Edwin said recalling the past and sighed.

"Hah !? How is that possible !? Since his birth ? I'm sorry for doubting you but it's unheard of and close to impossible to develop to this stage for such a child he doesn't seem to even be 10 this year right ?" She asked confused and distress as this broke her understanding of everything she knew.

"Yes lady Havier he's only 9 years & 3 months old this year." King said instantly

"Strange, this all is too strange even while growing up and looked after by an entire kingdom one cannot be in this 'perfect' of a condition... He seems like a fast learner as well. Seems like you've got a Treasure out of this." She said while still inspection Zash and inspected his leg tendon and how his bones were doing which fascinating her as this was clearly not the signs of someone who was 'grown' since like how the f**k did they grow him even giving him food massaging and and warm and humid temperature suitable for his body perhaps even moving his body like a puppet to exercise his muscles... Her head hurt from thinking up to this point.

"He seems to be really loved doesn't he ?" She asked softly while Zash could hear and could also understand how much effort they may have put up in securing their life and growing him since young.

Haiz* the responsibilities of a parent seems too much to bear*' Zash thaught in his mind but didn't let any emotion shown visibly in both his facial expression nor his eyes.

Tugging on her skirt Zash curiously fiddled with her bag and staff she carried which Havier didn't mind and let him do whatever he wanted.

The very next moment his attention drifted to an book in her bag which radiated a faint form of 'familiar' mana he's so used to living under for the past Eleven Thousand years taking a look at it he was surprised to find out it was a locked formation book which was now locked by certain mechanisms which prevented one from accessing it easily.

"Haha little guy that's something I stumbled upon my ancestors held it before them. It's somewhat part of us in a way as we can't leave the book alone you can fiddled with it all you want it's locked anyways all 6 generations of my family failed to unlock it wanna try solving this puzzle I'll give you this if you can"

Tossing a candy in Zash's mouth she teased Zash for a little bit.

'wow the candy tastes so good must be my due to my senses of 9 year old Chile also I've had that abomination of a medicine earlier! This is delicious !' Zash thaught with sparkling eyes which amused everyone present even the most stern knights can't help chuckling on this matter from time to time.

Taking the book and looking at it with interest Zash found the complex clock wise mechanism which seemed to beam time and time again, taking off a few key set points Zash pulled a few metallic silver Springs and set them up in variety of ways which stunned a few present person as while others named it out to be and futile child's effort a few understood that Zash was in reality ' Analysing ' their functions and purpose leading from them and moving on after solving one thing and then moving onto the other.

As the people stunned by this spectacle kept watching more than 10 minutes had passed and a golden glow covered the hall as the book was opened and the once 10 cm wide book became 30 cm wider from view it contained Various Description of herbs and knowledge on medicine and records of various live saving elixers and various research notes which might be more than enough to make one an professional doctor above the rankings of Havier himself he*k even surpassing her teacher was not impossible as long as one was really interested in learning and more importantly if one learning wasn't stupid enough to give up on seriously leading this impossible to gain knowledge.

"H- HHOLY ******** !!! He actually did it !?" Havier said in bewilderment and started looking into the research materials and testing it new theories herself feeling good about her decision to come here to do an regular check up.

"The second prince actually did it."

"As expected from the one blessed by heavens themselves"

A few knights started discussions among themselves even the King didn't know what to do about this talented child of his but remembered something and said.

"Ahem* cough* Lady Havier please don't swear in front of a child" Edwin said coughing.

"Ahem* sorry but this is too much you don't understand due to this knowledge I have a chance to surpass my predesscors.... All due to this boy.

Looking at Zash who was now the centre of attraction of the entire room Zash didn't mind and let out his right hand signaling her to hand out the candies as she promised.

"Wow he really understood what I meant." Looking at Zash as if looking at a Human shaped Diamond she instinctively asked.

"Does he has a tutor !? If not I want that position."

"No Lady Havier we haven't set a tutor for him I was eventually going to do that but is it really fine for you to do this much ? We are already indebted to you from coming here and taking a look at my son's condition you've also made and gave my son some of your medicine earlier I can't ask to waste any more of your time." Edwin said humbly.

"Huh? Who says I'm busy? you might not know this but our species always hungers for knowledge since this opportunity has presented itself it might take years to read it all and I don't like being distributed meanwhile I also can't waste to look at such a talented individual go to waste in the hands of some rich nuviere riche as* flaunty bastur*ly natured person."

"Wasting a few decades or even a Centuries is worth it. Haiz* that being said the rumours are true you are not fit for the position of a king well not from a ruler's prospective at least. Your kindness may result in your own Doom someday." Havier said meaningfully while looking at his eyes.

"Miss Havier I'm sorry for the inconvenience but I can't change my nature. I really can't hopefully my First and Second Son are different from me and aside from them living and stable life I can't ask for much".

"Though if something can you promise me something ? If you can I can give you the best treatment as my Son's teacher and freedom to do anything you want as long as you have reason behind it. Edwin said meaningfully after think a while.

"Oh what's that?" She really didn't wanted to see such a Talented child getting lost in the passing of time.

"Can you gua... Can you stop swearing in front of him ? That would be all " Edwin said smiling.

"Oh only to stop swearing and not to protect him from his enemies. Do you really wish for your children to grow up happy why not be so greedy and ask for it ? I'm not petty you know me accepting him as my student is an steal deal for me as well you know?"

"Haa* Lady Havier as I said I'm their father after all it is my responsibility to protect them and keep them from harm after all I cannot trouble anybody else." After saying so silence ensued the room except for Zash who was tossing wrappers around and munching down in the Candy's Havier had given him when suddenly

Bang* Clang* the doors to Zash's chambers swung open and in came a teen who was in his mid 15s and bowed and asked.

"Father ! Is brother finally awak- " before he could finish his sentence he spotted Zash munching down on candy happily.

He got up and went straight from him and hugged him

"It's been a while little brother. I've been busy at the borders as such I didn't get to come here earlier. Forgive me." He said as if requesting him to cut some slack for he had his reasons.

Saying nothing Zash just stood there and looked at he teen who had handsome facial features also wearing a black & white combat outfit suggesting he was in military of sorts. His stern posture and gentlemen like attitude clearly held no malice as royal families are used to held just genuine care is visible in his eyes.

Seeing this Zash just patted his head stunned everyone as that was what Havier did before giving him candy and sure enough Zash too fed him a candy not knowing what to do of this situation Zash broke the silence again as he tried to say.

"Bihhhg Brwwwthher " multiple times but couldn't get the correct wordings correctly which made him time angry bit soon his anger was turned into 'despair' as controlling his emotions was genuinely a bit of a problem but letting others a year from a toddler was easy as such Zash let out a stream of tears once again catching the adorations of everyone present.

He then turned to Havier and tried calling her "Big brother" again as if to let others to correct him and let him learn about genders and things to make his 'Acting' believable and sure enough it worked just as planned.

"Hahahaha would you look at that he doesn't even know about genders yet but already bears such high intelligence. Little guy I'm a female, females are not termed as Brothers Genders are termed between Him/Her. While a few may vary you can't call a female brother or Him related nouns use terms like Sister Big Sis or Miss or Mrs those who are married."

"Biigggww Syyyysssss?" Trying to make a few sounds resembling one makes when saying big sister Zash said just that meanwhile everyone adored this cute side of his.

"Would you look at that If not for the Medicine I gave to loosen his throat up a bit he would have been able to talk a bit normally like a normal child but even so that's asking for too much." Havier said a but disappointed but one had to be patient.

"Miss Havier I've heard about you a lot and I finally got a chance to meet you in person I know you hold no bad intentions about my little brother but to purely state my curiosity I will ask it anyways why did you give my brother such a medicine ?" Esther asked confused.

"Haha it's natural to be confused but let me ask you what do you do when one dislocates his arms or legs ? You might think it's different but your brother's case is quite similar due to him being in a Coma of sorts he hasn't used his vocal cords much normally if one doesn't speaks and practices for a while they lose the ability to speak similarly one cannot just go on screaming as such it's important to start walking before running. Do you understand now ?"

"Yes thanks for clearing up the confusion" and after hearing this he felt like hitting his head in a rock of course a doctor and most of All not a Random but A WORLD RENOWNED Ageless Saint of a doctor like her must at least know what's she is doing well.

"Haha today's a Happy occasion as both my Sons are here I'll prepare a banquet please join us for the food Lady Havier.

"We'll ok but you still haven't told me your son's name."

"Oh of course how can I forget such an crucial thing, My first Son's name is Esther Ironheart while my second Son's name is Epis Ironheart"


So I kept writing as I was in the moon and the feels were good. Hope you all liked the chapter took a while but here ya go.

See y'all later. Stay safe and let's meet again.

next chapter
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