James woke up in a cold sweat thinking of his wife, or rather ex-wife Laney. They had been high school sweethearts! His only friend… That was until his brother stole her away; his mother told him "Suck it up James, it wouldn't have lasted anyway! You may as well be happy for your brother." his father had nothing to say. His oh so loving wife told him she would have gotten bored anyway. His sister was the only one that stood with him. Her daughter, James's niece was the only reason he had brains in his skull.
James jumped out of bed with all the vigor one can expect of a human at 6 A:M. He's not a morning person. James got to work on the morning routine. Shower, coffee, breakfast, some more coffee, brushing his teeth, then some more coffee, then heading off. There's something uniquely terrible about heading into work on a Thursday, by far the worst day of the week if you were to ask him. The weekend is so tantalizingly close it hurts. Another day another victory James muttered walking out the door, he then promptly got sucked into a green glowy thing.
James woke up completely naked on some grass, which was quite odd considering what he thought was moments ago, he was walking out his door in suit in tie. James raised he hands to his eyes to rub the sleep from them, (he still wasn't a morning person) and he noticed he had no eyebrows! Or hair in any other place to be fair, James thought. "Hmm that's a tad bit odd" I don't know why I'm not freaking out right now, I woke up in a strange place naked! Ah well what can you do! James said to Casper the friendly ghost. This wasn't an odd occurrence, James liked to talk to himself, it helped him work things out. He looked around, well tried to, but his gaze was immediately caught upon the sight of a 20 something Japanese man, completely naked, with a very prominent chin. What in hell is going on here? James yelled aloud. Just then something appeared in his vision. Quest initiated: What the hell is going on here? Objective: explore the Vain estate and figure out just what in hell is going on here. Quest reward: Awaking stone of ice, basic boots, and 100 iron spirit coins. Accept? Y/N
Ok yeah so not kidnaped, just dreaming, or hallucinating that I got dropped in a... Well, where did I get dropped? I got rather sidetracked from the naked Jap and the floating quest notification. James then took the time to survey his surroundings. It was very humid, like a mid-spring Florida morning, he was surrounded on all sides by a high wall of thorn bushes. He then looked up at the beating sun, there wasn't a single clous for miles. He did all this with a quest notification in the top right corner of his vision. Experimentally, not knowing what else to do, James reached out and selected yes. A new notification popped into his vision; Quest accepted: What the hell is going on here? Hopefully he was in a nice mental hospital.
First book, first time writing. Any tips?
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