KAI SIGHS when he realizes his threats aren't working anymore. He aggressively pulls her back in and she ends up falling down and scraping her knees on the rock, touching the snow with her hands makes her start to freeze faster. A frown etches on her face and Kai can read it, "You're obviously wondering why you're feeling this much cold right?" He walks slowly to stand in her front, "That's because I am powerful enough to subdue whatever powers you have left in you and now, you're nothing but a mortal— a mortal who is vulnerable to cold, hunger and…" He smiles, "Pain."
Zondani's lips begin to quiver as she glares up at him.
Kai slowly purses his lips and whistles. Suddenly two hellhounds emerge out of the snow behind Kai and Zondani's eyes immediately move from Kai to the two growling creatures glaring at her. She breathes out heavily. "I brought some friends that might convince you nicely to do what I want." He smiles at her.
Hey guys... I know I promised a mass release and it will happen, just not now. Since I feel bad for making that promise, I won't make anymore, I'll just let you wake up to a number of piled-up chapters any time you do.
Thanks for all the support! Means a lot to me.