HARPER GASPS WHEN AUBREY'S BRA COLOR FLASHES IN FRONT OF THE WHOLE SCHOOL. It makes it worse that the three of them are stood right in front of the department, so everyone sees the shocking stunt pulled off by Joe. A few gasps go around them before Aubrey immediately pulls her shirt back down with her mouth wide in shock as she peers up at the tall girl in front of her, "What the hell was that?"
Joe grinds her teeth, her eyes trained on Aubrey's covered belly. "No band aid. No scar or bruise. You're supposed to be at the hospital now."
Harper quickly walks in between the two, pushing Joe away from Aubrey, "Joe, what in the world? Why did you do that? What for? That was not funny at all if you think it's a silly prank."
I don't know if you already know this. But if you read the chapter titles from begininning to the end, it forms it's own little story.