It didn't take long for morning to come up and in that time I had started practicing using my [Plant Control] to do a plethora of things such editing genetic traits from some plants and imputing them into others.
Then I tested inducing explosive growth in plants and manipulating them to grow fruits when they shouldn't have.
This worked great into leveling that skill up but when it was time to wake up as the sun rose I woke the others up and we started walking back and this time though I took the lead whilst holding a makeshift wooden spear.
And as we got closer and closer to the camp we heard the murmurs and cheering of the other 100.
Seeing this as some sort of chance Octavia grabbed me by the sleeves of my incredibly worn our hoodie.
" Hey urhh...can I talk to you?" Asked Octavia making me pause before looking at the other's.
" You guys go ahead, we'll catch up." I told the others, Monty and Jasper nodded before walking away dragging Finn along whilst Clarke looked a bit apprehensive to leaving us alone but at the end she did.
I looked at Octavia and nodded at her to continue.
" I wanted to say thank you, for saving my life back in the river, that was really brave and nice of you." She said earning a half smile and shrugg from myself.
" It's fine, what are friends for am I right?" I said ignoring the wince when I said 'friends' from her.
" Yeah... friend's." She said looking at me in my eyes causing me to smile before shaking my head.
" Let's go, I can hear a commotion in the camp." I told her before we walked off owards the dropsite and low and behold Clarke was stopping an altercation with Wells and Murphy.
" Enough, wells let him go!." Shouted Clarke to Wells who had chokeheld Murphy with a knife to his neck.
Wells at the behest of Clarke let Murphy go with a push causing Murphy to stumble down before he suddenly stood and tried throwing himself at Wells again, he was stopped though by Bellamy.
" Enough, Murphy!" Said Bellamy grabbing Murphy by the shoulders.
Then after a moment me and Octavia made ourselves known causing Bellamy to rush to her.
" Octavia! Are you okay?" Bellamy asked.
" Yeah I'm fine, don't worry." She said causing Bellamy to nod before looking at us and apparently seeing that we had nothing on us decided to ask.
" Where's the food?" He asked, we had been going to Mount Weather to grab some food for the others I remember.
" We didn't make it to mount weather." Said Finn sitting down resigned from something on a rock.
" What? Why?" Bellamy asked looking at Clarke who at this point remembered what we just went through.
" We were attacked." She said.
" Attacked? By what?" Asked Wells frowning.
" Not what per se, who...." Finn commented causing the 100 to start murmuring." Turns out that men didn't die out with the fallout, there are grounders in this place."
"Its true, the ground isn't what we thought or were taught was like, there are people here..." Clarke said garnering the attention of the 100 who had at this point surrounded us.
" Survivors." She said before turning to the others." The good news is that we won't die from radiation"
" The bad news is that we probably will from grounders." Finn commented.
The others let that sink in for a minute before Clarke suddenly looked at Wells wrist which had an absent wristband.
" Where's your wristband?" Asked Clarke looking at Wells, Wells looked at Bellamy with a frown.
" Ask him..." He said causing Clarke to look at him.
" How many?" She asked looking at Bellamy with a frown.
" 24 and counting." Murphy in his Blooded state answered.
" Are you guys idiots!" Lashed out Clarke " Life support on the Ark is failing, that's why they sent us down here, they need to know that the ground is survivable again and we need their help if we're gonna survive against whatever more monsters and grounders are out there!"
" If you take off your wristbands you're not just killing them, you're killing us!" She said looking around and then Bellamy decided to make his own ideals known.
" We're stronger then you think." He said walking to the centre of the group." Don't listen to her, she's one of the privileged, if they come down she'll have it good, how many of you can say the same?, we can take care of ourselves and that wristband on your arm makes you a prisoner." He asked.
And it was at this point I decided to insert myself.
" Okay Bellamy I'ma have to stop you right there." I muttered and my deep voice immediately held their attention as I looked at him.
" What's your problem?" He asked squaring me up.
" Firstly you say we're stronger, in what way are we stronger then 30 foot long snakes able to snap our bones in one bite?" I asked causing him to frown." In what way are we stronger then animals who at this point are no different from monsters from myths able to command the very elements and God knows what else?"
" Monster's? It doesn't matter what comes after us!, we too have our own powers to rely on...." He said and suddenly stones started levitating around him.
At this I laughed causing him and the others he had rallied up to frown.
" Seriously? Is that what has given you confidence bell?" I asked." Out there are hundreds of monsters that all have their own gifts and powers and you wish to tell me that you who just got them will be able to fight them all with this measly number of people?" I said cutting deep into where I wanted.
" Aside from the animals which to be honest even if they have gotten sudden abilities they are still just that, animals. What about the grounders then?. Don't you think that they too have their own abilities that they have honed and trained their warriors into wielding with greater power then whatever this display of power you're showing will ever become."
" Like it or not, we need the ark and I'm not talking about the people inside but the ark itself has a lot of resources and technology that we will need if we want to survive." I said causing understanding to dawn onto them.
" If you don't like their rule and don't want to be put under their tyranny then that's fine, I have a better suggestion then...." I said earning curiousity to bubble up.
" Here in the ground we have chance at cutting ourselves away from their rules that bound and beat us into submission, here we can become oh so much more if and only if we work together, grow in power so that not only will we not have to fear the grounders but we can obtain freedom from the council..."
" I suggest we create our own kingdom, one where we won't be shut down and killed for simply being born, for simply being an inconvenience and angering someone at the top, let's create our own haven away from the tyranny that is the Council and all those that follow are you with me?" I said having raised my voice from the very beginning.
" Yeah!"X95
" So follow me and I promise that I'll grant you a fighting chance at whatever is thrown at us, either it be grounders, monsters or even the Ark going against us, so are you with me!"
" Yeah!"X95
" Good! Then let's get to work, those grounders are not gonna wait for us to get comfortable, and neither will the monsters out there!" I shouted and listened to the incoming chant that echoed after.
" King!"" King!"" King!"
" Let's do this then!"
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