Unduh Aplikasi


I took a deep breath to start walking and move the knob to open the door to enter.

I look at the teacher who signals me to stand in front of the class.

I just nod to stand in front of the class to see them.

I look at different expressions of surprise, intrigue, disgust and fear.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, I'm Richard Augustus Parker."- I said it quietly.

Teacher: "Does anyone have a question for our new member?"-asked smiling.

One of them raised his hand.

Teacher: "Charlie, tell me."

Charlie: "Why are you so ugly."- He said it with mockery.

Richard: "It's simple, it's to detect stupid people, another question."

One of the girls raised her hand.

Teacher: "Yes, honey."

"does your horns have a special ability."- she ask without taking my eyes off my horns.

"They mark my level of strength."- I said it quietly.

Honey : "as a level of strength."

Richard: "the bigger the horns the stronger I am."

honey : "that means you are very strong."

Richard: "for my age, weight and body yes."- I said it calmly.

Teacher: "another question, don't be shy."

Boy: "where did you study?"

Richard: "At my house."

Charlie: "Of course it's at your house, who would want to have such an ugly person around."- He said it with mockery.

I just ignored his comment to keep answering.

Teacher: "Well, you can sit next to honey."

I just nodded and sat down next to her.

I finished sitting down to see what I had inside.

Richard: "notebook, stasis gun that I just put in here, colours, pencil, blueberry flavored soda, and the leftovers from my cooking."- I said checking it out.

The teacher started giving lessons which is about basic maths so I continue to see if she has anything to keep me entertained I found my modified phone I just smiled.

Teacher: "I see you found something to amuse you think you could answer me what is on the board."- She said seriously.

I just put the phone away and started walking towards the board.

Charlie: "You will see that that phenomenon besides ugly must be stupid."- He said it to his friends.

I just walked over to start finishing the simple mental multiplication and division.

Teacher: "That's right, how do you know this?"- She ask with a bit of a shock as most kids wouldn't answer the questions on the board.

Richard: "I have an advanced intermediate level of engineering knowledge and I'm getting into anatomy of the human body."- I said it calmly.

Teacher: "That shouldn't be true because why would they let a child genius in this class?"

"Because I don't have the ability to socialize and they want me to meet more kids my age and learn how to be a kid."- I said it in a subdued tone and they just stared at me.

I just went back to my seat to check my phone while the teacher continued teaching.

The rest of the class was normal honey apparently she doesn't have any friends and is looked at weird by the others well after that I kept her close to me.

As I look at the map she starts to guide me to where all the people are so she starts to look at me more and sometimes ask me questions.

Honey: "What do you think of the people.?"

Richard: "I don't really have a general idea of people so I just enjoy seeing how they act like animals."- I said it calmly.

I just watched as the boy called Charlie comes with other boys bigger than him to look at me and surround me.

Richard: "Tell me what do you want from me?"- I asked to see the other kids look at me with mockery.

Charlie: "It's simple freak I want you to stay away from everyone and leave the stupid one with glasses."- He said it seriously.

Richard: "And why should I stay away from honey."- I asked quizzically.

Charlie: "I don't want my property messed up with freak genes"- He said it looking at my face.

Richard: "You know your way of expressing yourself is very stupid and I'm not going to walk away from her because you like her and you just think that your only way to express that affection is through violence and intimidation"-. I said as I took a bite of my leftovers for him to throw on the floor.

Charlie: "Listen you fucking freak your race are just a bunch of abominations that God forbid."- He said it trying to grab my neck only for me to look at him blankly.

Richard: "You know we quirk people are humans that only have a small alteration in our genetic code to withstand the mutation that our bodies have, we are as human as anyone else."

They looked at me with confused faces.

The boy just clenched his fists to punch my cheek and then grabbed his hand in pain as he felt it hit hard.

Charlie: "haaaaaaaaa."- He just screamed in pain the other kids swooped in to hit him I only felt caresses.

'That's what it feels like to go up against people who can't hurt you.'- I thought about it, barely feeling the touch of the children's fists.

After a while I only saw the children who were tired and with red hands from hitting me.

"Have you'll calmed down?"- I asked giving them a blank look.

Boy: "Don't be such a freak."- He said it to try to spit in my face I just give him a simple slap and send him crashing to the ground while his cheek puffed out from the blow.

The boy started to cry so the kids ran to see what happened.

I just sighed.

Richard: 'I think I just got in trouble.'- I thought to myself in annoyance.

Honey: "Richard, what are we going to do?"- She asked nervously.

Richard: "Nothing honey you have to just wait and don't worry about anything, we'll just see what the parents' attitude is like."

She just nodded.

I just listened to the bell that signaled the end of school.

I said goodbye to honey to wait for Ariza who arrived with a big smile on her face.

Ariza: "You made friends."

Richard: "I guess you could say that."- I said it without much importance.

Ariza: "The girls are waiting for you, but Mitsuri, who is shaking since she didn't see you at home all day, is adorable."

Richard: "Yes, I have to calm Mitsuri down before she bends an iron door."- I said it nervously.

Ariza: "It's still amazing that a girl like her can lift a grown man and even at this age and with the physical training she copies you she has the ability to dent a steel door and the most interesting thing is that she is quirkless she has no superhuman power."

Richard: "Yes I know but that's good she proves that humans will always be advancing no matter what form."- I said it calmly.

Ariza just nodded and started playing music.

Richard: "Mom, you know I've never liked that music."- I said listening to the modern music.

Ariza: "Come on, you have to listen to new things that aren't rock, electronic and all that weird stuff."- She said it seriously.

Richard: "You know I like it because of the sound of the guitar and because it's entertaining."

We arrived at the house and I just got out of the car to take my backpack to my room to think about what I could modify it and add some things like a compartment for my stasis gun.

Richard: 'ho the stasis gun you don't know how wonderful it is to have created a formula that accidentally freezes a person's time instead of paralysing it.'- I thought smiling at the sight of it.

I thought to myself smiling at her [seriously sir you have a very dangerous object in your hands because it is very strange to make stasis because it has a very complicated process, but you managed to simplify it thanks to your axe].

'don't even say it helpi I don't want to have to use it, but I can't just abandon it because as a man of science I would never forgive myself for destroying something so incredible.'- I thought seriously.

[just be careful with that weapon sir]

Richard: "Got it helpi."

I came out of my room to see that mitsuri was nervously opening the door when she sees me she just jumps up and hugs me I just felt my bones shatter from the hug.

Richard: 'yes her strength stats must be way above my vitality or stamina which is barely at E and it's a long way to go to get it up to E+.'- I thought to myself in pain.

Richard: 'The way to strengthen stats sucks, but it's acceptable.'- I thought it annoyed.

[I told you sir the stats will only get stronger through training and the only stat that will increase or decrease is charisma while luck will stay static until I get lucky enough to raise it through a quest.]

Richard: 'I know helpi.'- I thought it was annoying.

Richard: "mitsuri you are literally breaking my back."- I said it with some effort.

She was scared to let go of me so she started to apologise.

I just stroke her head so she can see how shigure comes to put her head so she can start stroking it.

She just sticks closer to me.

Richard: "do you want to come with me to see what Amarok ate."- I asked so they nodded.

As we make our way to the workshop I grab a soda to start looking for materials to reinforce and modify my backpack.

John: "You're not going to modify the backpack are you Richard."- He said coming up behind me.

Richard: "Why the question John?"

John: "The backpack was made by Ariza by hand and I think it would be rude for you to destroy and modify what she made with so much love."- He said it quietly, I just stopped looking for material.

Richard: "I understand I can't modify the backpack, but I can modify my inventions."- I said thinking about recreating the pressure compressor again.

I just formed a smile as I pulled other arms out of my back to begin construction.

Richard: 'I already have the plans in my mind I can finish the matter compressor within a week at the most if I time it right, counting school.'- I thought about it as I started to put something together to see what I was short of material to start looking for it, finding some rare metals in the material storage room.

I just pulled them out to start looking for something to melt them down.

Richard: 'We will begin the creation of metal absorption.'- I thought excitedly.

The next morning.

I find myself in my bed just opening my eyes heavily to stand up and go to the bathroom for a quick bath.

I prepare lunch and then make my lunch box on my way to the workshop to see John who sees my construction halfway to a forge furnace.

John: "You're forging."- He ask curious.

"Yes."- I said it while eating some bacon and eggs I made.

John: "You won't use it without my supervision you understand that right."

Richard: "Got it, go to the kitchen, the food is getting cold and the girls and Ariza are waiting for you."- I said it calmly he just sighed so he starts walking fast to where the kitchen is.

I just follow him as I remember that honey didn't have a lunch box when I met her so I go back to the kitchen to prepare another lunch box.

We eat together so everything is quiet while I see Amarok arrive with a large mana stone.

Richard: "Amarok why did you bring a mana stone."- I ask as I stand up to touch it and feel the mana from the stone slowly enter my body.

[Sir I recommend you keep that stone with you as it can serve as a means to increase your mana reserves faster.]

Richard: 'well you commented that you finished the upgrade what is the upgrade.'

[it's a new look for the signs and that my voice doesn't sound so mechanical and I get a title back in the upgrade]

Richard: 'I like it.'- I thought about it smiling.

[by some special action he got the title son of life]

[title son of life]

(being part of a primordial you have more knowledge and more empathy with living beings and with more control over creatures that are weaker than you)

'right it's a good title with this one I can understand animals and I can tame some and it gives me better control of my two energies to forge life.'- I thought excitedly.

[but you're still so weak the ability to create life is not in use even if you doesn't want to end up dying by consuming all your mana, Ps and some of your life]

'you have a point.'- I thought about it to just sigh to put the other lunch away.

Ariza gets the car ready for us to start the trip to school I just watch as the boy I just slapped is standing next to a big muscular man next to a woman.

Boy: "He is the one who attacked me."- He said it with fear.

Charlie: "He has threatened honey and he threatened me."- He said pointing at me.

I just went downstairs to start walking towards the school being followed by Ariza who heard everything.

Ariza: "I would like to know why you are insinuating that about my son."

Director: "What's going on is that the boy is accusing you of hitting him."

Richard: "I did hit him."- I said it without much bother.

The gentleman rages to punch my cheek to break my lip.

He lifts me up.

Sir: "You feel so superior for hurting a child."

Richard: "I understand where you learned that upbringing from, you like to threaten the weak don't you."- I said it so that the other four arms came out of my back and began to tighten their grip on me, getting me to let go.

Richard: "Let's start from the beginning I won't let a stupid kid threaten me because he was taught that way it was just a simple slap if you are soft enough not to take it don't start the little game of being a bully and please stop bringing other people into your problems."- I said it calmly.

The man looked furious.

Director: "We are going to look at the security cameras to see if we can strongly reprimand the real culprit."- He said calmly.

Sir: "I hope they expel this freak."

Director: "Of course, if he is guilty, the person responsible will be expelled immediately." stopped him to start walking towards the principal's office.

The children looked nervous because they already knew what had happened and never expected that they would be found out.

We arrived at the office for the headmaster to sit in his chair to press a button to bring up some screens to show different parts of the school.

I was surprised to see Zelda on one of the screens talking to another girl with pink hair who seemed to be laughing.

I only saw the main screen where I was with honey so you can see how they surround me and start to say something to me so that one of them starts to hit me and then the part where he is about to spit on me so that I just slap him so that he falls to the ground and the kids start to run.

Director: "Well, you can see it in the videos."

Woman: "It can't be possible that our son did that for no reason that thing made him do something."- She said it pointing at me.

Richard: "Of course he felt threatened because he threatened me."- I said it calmly.

She tried to slap me so Ariza punched her in the face I see the man Ariza is trying to hit I just kick his foot so he falls to his knees so my fist hits his face so he just watches it go crashing into the wall.

Richard: "You son of a bitch don't you dare touch my mother."- I said it with fury, people were shocked.

Richard: "I have enough physical ability to take down an adult and knock him out and I won't hesitate to protect my loved ones."- I said it seriously.

I just show my fist that has a tooth embedded in it.

I pull out the tooth that is embedded in my hand to just look at it in anger.

Headmaster: "As we spoke the boys are expelled from this institution and I hope you are prepared to look for another school."- He said this to pull out a piece of paper showing their expulsion.

Woman: "You knew all that."

Principal: "Yes I have not been able to expel any of them because they have not done anything serious that deserves a permanent expulsion, but threatening a student, beating him and making a discriminatory treatment is a definitive act of expulsion I hope they leave my school and Charlie Horton I hope you bring your parents to give them the news in person."

Woman: "But he is a child how can he do that."

Principal: "Ma'am, we are here to teach you to learn your behaviour, you learn it at home, not at school. "- He said it seriously.

They could only look with surprise at everything that had happened from one moment to the next, they were expelled and had to wait a year to be able to enter another school and they would be.

Up to here.


Read 13 chapters ahead of Marvel X DC and each chapter is more than 3k words so maybe a total of 42k + words ahead...

and for source read 20 Chapters ahead

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