On top of Taira's back, Vermeil was deep in thought as she wrestled with the possibility that she might see another of the heroes today.
While she always knew that it was extremely likely that her path would lead to a confrontation against them at some point, she honestly did not know if she was ready for it to come so soon.
After all, her own power was still sorely lacking, and she had no doubt in her mind that if Duncan got it into his mind to kill her, there would be little that he she could have done to stop him.
'Y-Yes..!' The human girl was slowly growing used to hearing the voice of her crush in her head, but it was still a rather jarring experience.
If she were not sitting firmly within Keran's lap at the moment, she likely would have jumped high enough to fly off Taira's back entirely.
'You don't need to worry about unnecessary things. As long as you are with us, no one is going to hurt you.'
listening to your female friends tell you about what they put up with from dudes they dare is the most frustrating thing ever.
tf you mean you had to beg him to take a bath??
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