C 128
"So, I think we could implement this budget into our overall project, and everything should work out as planned," Penemue said to Pepper Potts as the two of them looked over their joint plans. Penemue had gotten along well with Pepper after Tony Stark introduced the two of them. They had a lot of things in common. They were both incredibly smart women who ran their own organizations/companies from behind the scenes. They both had to put up with their incredibly smart but most of the time immature man-child bosses. They were both also sleeping with those bosses…
So yes, they had a lot in common.
Pepper startled when a purple swirling black portal manifested itself in the middle of the kitchen they were in. Penemue quickly conjured a Lightspear in her hand in case they were being attacked. She let out a sigh though, and her weapon dissipated when she saw who stepped through the portal.
"Layla! I'm so glad you're back!" Penemue ran up to her sister and hugged her. "And you brought Azazel…and Kokabiel?" Penemue asked as she looked at the two red-faced men Layla had dragged behind her into Tony Stark's kitchen. Penemue could smell and see that both of them were plastered.
Hi, Penemue! Heimdall told me about how you've been posing as me to help sort out Oscorp. Thank you so much. You've also been kicking ass in court, I hear?"
Penemue scoffed. "As if I would ever be bested in legal matters by these mortal attorneys. I've been practicing law for longer than this country has even existed," Penemue bragged.
I turned towards the human in the room next. Her heart was racing fast–probably because I randomly teleported into her kitchen, but she was calming down at least. "Hey there, Pepper. It's good to see you again. It's been a while."
Pepper took a deep breath and steadied herself. "Hello again, Layla. Might I suggest just using the front door next time?" She asked me.
I shook my head. "No can do. Tony's house is constantly under surveillance from pretty much everyone, and we wanted to keep our partnership a secret for now. Speaking of, where is Tony?" I asked her. I couldn't sense him in the Malibu mansion or in his secret lab underneath it.
Pepper sighed and took a seat. "He invented a new element recently to power his suit better, and ever since he's been flying all around the world with the thing. He named the new element Badassium, and it is 100 times more efficient than Palladium ever was!"
"Sounds like we could power some rocket ships with that," I replied.
Penemue was trying to sober Azazel up by comically forcing his head under the running sink, but she cut in. "That was actually the plan. Oscorp–or as it's now named Fallcorp–is preparing a joint project with Stark Industries to produce Badassium-powered rocket engines. We could be space-bound in under a year even…Hold still, dammit," Penemue explained before she yelled at Azazel and shoved his head under the running icy water!
Azazel slumped to the floor now sobered up. "You two are spoiling all of my fun…"
Penemue smirked before she walked over to the cackling Kokabiel and grabbed him next. He was too drunk to fight her off, and he was next to have his head shoved under the running water…
Penemue was less gentle when she tossed him to the floor next. "Damn you, Penemue. I forgot how ruthless you could be since you're always dressed in that pencil skirt," Kokabiel said with a laugh. "I suppose we should head home though before my subordinates restart the Great War."
"Wait? What!?" Penemue shrieked at him. She then proceeded to choke the life out of Kokobial after he told her the orders he gave his Legions if he didn't return to them. Azazel seemed to find their actions funny as he took a seat at the kitchen table and just watched.
While that was going on, I turned back to Pepper who was looking very confused at the situation. "I didn't think that Angels could act so…human?" She asked me.
I shrugged. "We're Fallen Angels, so we're a lot more laid back. If you meet white-winged Angels in the future, they can be a lot more stuck up. Even then, most of them are pretty laid back and chill. Michael is so calm most of the time, when he's not swamped with paperwork, that a lot of people think he's constantly smoking some amazing grass. Gabriel is a ball of pure sunshine herself that will always brighten up a room."
Pepper smiled. "I saw Gabriel on TV yesterday actually. She went to the children's hospital that was founded by Tony and healed every single child there. It was nothing short of a miracle. The churchgoers across the world of course have been losing their minds in debate. Some people have also been claiming she can't be the real Gabriel because they were depicted as a man in the Bible."
"And Azazel was supposed to be some super evil Angel always plotting the downfall of the world, but in reality, he's just a supernatural, more perverted Tony Stark. You can't always trust what you read, I suppose," I replied to her. Pepper turned and gave Azazel a once-over.
Azazel noticed us talking about him and gave us a casual wave before he pulled out a recording device and started to film Penemue choking Kokabiel…
"I think there was some kind of super powered terrorist on the news last week that was also named Azazel." Pepper noted. "I had so much work going on with Penemue at the time, though, that I didn't really pay much attention to it."
A terrorist named Azazel? I could recognize the name from Marvel comics, but there were always different depictions of him. In some iterations, he was a mutant, and in others, he was a straight-up demon! If he's becoming active though, then that might mean we're approaching the X-men timeline in this world. I honestly hadn't been paying any attention to the mutants here because they kept to themselves mostly. The mutant registration act wasn't even a thing yet so most mutants were able to live in hiding as long as they did not blatantly display their powers as well.
I'd keep a lookout for him, but for now, I wanted to mainly focus on the Death Eaters and the Hand. Heimdall's reports on both groups were that they were being extremely secretive but were slowly coming out of hiding. I supposed that they were done cowering from me after months.
'Maybe they even teamed up together?' I thought jokingly.
After a few more minutes of conversation with Pepper, Kokabiel slumped to the floor unconscious. Penemue stood over him with a satisfied smile and dusted off her hands. "That's what the idiot gets for giving his soldiers such stupid orders!" She picked him up by his legs and started to drag him–by his face–across the floor as she walked up to Pepper and me.
"Azazel and I are ready to go back for now, Layla. I would like to come back here frequently though if that's all right. Managing Fallcorp for you has been surprisingly fun and insightful," Penemue said before she shook hands with Pepper one last time.
I opened up a portal back to Earth DxD to drop my three siblings off and hopefully pick up Akeno and Asia if they were ready to go.
I portaled us all back to Azazel's lab. Penemue had Kokabiel slumped over her shoulder as she stepped through. She tossed him on the ground before kicking him awake and telling him to go fix his mess. Kokabiel got the message and sped off out of the room.
Penemue could be scary… She was also stronger than I thought. I thought she was an average Ultimate Class Fallen, but she was actually bordering on gaining 12 wings soon judging by how easy she could take out Kokabiel. To be fair though, she hardly ever fights. Most of her time is spent stopping all of her idiot siblings from running our organization into the ground.
There was a knock on Azazel's lab door. It opened a second later and Baraqiel stepped inside. He didn't bat an eye at the mess in here. "Oh good. I sensed you were all back. Good timing. Layla, Lady Yasaka of Kyoto is here and she's requesting a meeting with you before you leave again. My daughter Akeno and young Asia also aren't quite ready to leave so you have a few hours till then." Baraqiel said.
Yasaka was here to talk to me? I wondered what about?
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C 129 R-18 (You can skip this and 130 if you want.)
"Ara, we meet again, Layla. It's nice to see you again." Yasaka said to me as I took a seat across from her on a luxurious couch in one of our many meeting rooms.
Yasaka had stayed true to her word and delivered the two Fallen Angels who had gone after her daughter back to us alive. That's not to say that she did not extract any information she could from them first. Im sure she used some kind of Senjutsu torture on them but they honestly had it coming for going rogue in the first place. The chaos brigade was run by the most evil of Devils and these Fallen were going to be considered disgraces for joining up with them for a long time to come. At least once they got out of Tartarus in a 1000 years that was…
"And it's certainly nice to see you again, Lady Yasaka." I said to the voluptuous fox-woman while doing my best to not stare at her barely covered breasts. I was not succeeding… Yasaka didn't seem to mind though and just giggled at my wandering eyes. Her kimono looked even looser than it usually was. She might have been teasing me on purpose just to get a reaction out of the other woman in the room though.
"I thought you couldn't leave Kyoto because you were connected to the Leylines?" I asked her.
Yasaka waved me off. "Oh, that's just a lie I spread around so people would be forced to always meet me in my place of power. I'm weaker away from the Leylines, sure, but I can travel around without them just fine. Otherwise I wouldn't be able to come here and see you!" Yasaka explained while grinning at me.
"Tssk." I looked to the side and Sif was scowling at Yasaka. There was the Goddess's jealousy reeling up again. Yasaka had arrived at our headquarters around the same time I returned with my three siblings. She dropped off her prisoners and had requested a private meeting with me. Azazel looked incredibly jealous of me but he allowed it.
"Ara? Got something to say, Lady Sif?" Yasaka teasingly asked her.
"I want to know why you requested a meeting with Layla herself and not with her older brother Azazel. You know he's back now right?"
"But it's not Azazel or the Grigori to whomst I am thankful to. Tis Layla herself." Yasaka said as she sent me a wink while licking her lips in a blatant manner. "I wanted to give my… thanks… to Layla in person."
Sif scowled again in clear jealousy of Yasaka's flirtatious behavior. It was hard to tell with this fox woman if she was teasing or not.
"So what did you have in mind to repay me for saving the Princess of Kyoto?" I decided to try and tease Yasaka back. I slowly raised one of my legs up over the other as I crossed them and gave both women a teasing view of what lay under the short black dress I was currently wearing.
I noticed that Yasaka's slitted pupils narrowed on me further. "Well, I was hoping for it to be a bit more personal…" She trailed off before looking at Sif who was grinding her teeth. The message was clear. She wanted Sif to leave the room so she could "reward me." Yasaka was quite the vixen it seemed…
"Absolutely not! Layla is mine, you nine-tailed harpy!" Sif exclaimed as she stood up suddenly. She gave Yasaka a challenging look.
"Ara? Then why do I smell the scent of another woman all over Layla?" Yasaka asked mischievously.
"What? Is that why you were gone so long, Layla?" Sif asked me suddenly. "Was it that annoying Hela again!?"
I looked to the side awkwardly. "Yeah…I was with Hela last night."
Sif muttered a few choice Asgardian expletives before staring at me. "I'm not going to lose!" She declared. "I won't let Hela or this fox-woman have you to themselves!" She said to me almost fanatically. The way she was staring at me hungrily, I felt like she was going to try and jump me right here.
"You certainly have quite an interesting Harem member here…" Yasaka laughed at Sif's behavior. "And I was never planning on stealing Layla for myself. I'm well aware of Fallen Angels and their… proclivities for having many partners." Yasaka said to the blond Goddess. Yasaka then clapped her bands together and grinned and Sif and I lewdly. "So let's share!"
"What!" Sif squeaked out!
"I'm OK with that!" I immediately answered. I'd never had a threesome before! No way I was turning that down!
Layla opened a portal to her bedroom and all three women stepped through it. Yasaka looked around the place and found it to be clean and tidy. She approved.
Layla sat down on her bed and grinned at the other two women. "I've never had a threesome before! Let alone with two incredibly beautiful blondes." Layla then snapped her fingers dramatically and her short dress vanished from her form. Her naked body was immediately exposed. Layla boldy spread her legs apart and gave the other two women a perfect view of herself.
Yasaka felt herself heating up at the sight. She had been in a long dry spell ever since her partner sadly passed. A lot of people assumed Kunou's mysterious 'father' was a human, but SHE was not. Yasaka's partner was a fellow female kitsune who passed away from an incredibly rare disease only Youkai can get… Yasaka never corrected people on their assumptions. She wanted people to think she preferred men. It worked better for all of her trade deals if the men she dealt with thought they had a chance with her.
Yasaka noticed Sif standing next to her and gaping at Layla like a deer in headlights. Yasaka took advantage while Sif was distracted and strutted forward towards Layla. As she did so, her own kimono vanished into motes of light. Her incredibly large breasts bounced free and she smirked when Layla's eyes immediately locked onto them. Yasaka also had a well trimmed patch of blonde hair between her luscious thighs. It sat right above her already dripping lower lips. Yasaka hadn't found herself going into heat in a long time, and didn't think she would ever again. While she could have flings, Kitsune truly tended to mate for life. Yasaka thought she would be alone forever after she lost her partner. She was thus naturally surprised when she found her own instincts pushing her towards Layla of the Fallen from the first day they met and Layla saved her precious daughter. Yasaka's nine tails swayed behind her as she stood over Layla. Their eyes locked and Yasaka leaned down. She met Layla in a sensual kiss that had her nine tails wriggling behind her in anticipation for what was to come!
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