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85.13% The Empire of Titans / Chapter 63: Historia, The Winged Titan

Bab 63: Historia, The Winged Titan

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The Following 18 chapters are available for Patrons.
Chapter 64 (Battle Between Brothers), Chapter 65 ('Here's Kenny'), Chapter 66 (The Paths), Chapter 67 (Sasha's Pleasure), Chapter 68 (King Eren?), Chapter 69 (An Angel and A Devil), Chapter 70 (The Ackerman Blood), Chapter 71 (Eren's Love), Chapter 72 (Blood of the Eldians), Chapter 73 (Father and Daughter), Chapter 74 (King Eren and Queen Historia), Chapter 75 (Eren and Historia's Night), Chapter 76 (Pieck Finger), Chapter 77 (Return to Shiganshina), Chapter 78 (A Father's Love), Chapter 79 (The Ocean), Chapter 80 (Prisoners of War), and Chapter 81 (Checkmate) are already available for Patrons.
Zeke had long since left the premises. He had an appointment with Mr. Ksaver, which all the kids knew was a secret code for "playing catch while chatting."
Despite being the oldest, Zeke was never nurturing. He chose not to meddle with what he considered the kids' spat. Naturally, he wouldn't take part in even attempting to separate Reiner and Porco, who were beating up each other at this point.
At one point, Marcel had successfully separated them. A crying Bertholdt had been reluctantly attempting to do so for the last ten minutes to no avail. Annie had been long gone, likely revisiting the ant nest behind the shed she hadn't completely obliterated yesterday.
Now Pieck just returned from fetching the first aid box from the infirmary, already making her trip halfway through the fight because this wasn't a rare occurrence, and this was always her role.
She exchanged a nod with Marcel, who would walk Reiner further from Porco and comfort him with Bertholdt in tow.
Pieck normally was somewhere between Marcel and Zeke when it came to taking the initiative. Sometimes, she felt like meddling and scolding the boys for being childish, but sometimes, she'd like to try letting them duke it out without anyone interfering to see how far they'd go. Zeke had jokingly called her a sadist for that.
"He started it!" Porco said, always the same thing every time.
"Well, you could try and be the bigger person next time," Pieck knew better than to disagree with Porco when he was still highly emotional from a fight. "Can you do that?"
He could try not to be annoying for a change. Porco winced a little when Pieck cleaned his little cuts. "Then nobody needs to be the bigger person or some dumb shit like that."
"Pocko," Pieck said, sighing. "All he said was he liked the substitute teacher."
Porco took no time to snap to that. "How could anyone with a functioning brain actually like being discriminated against? And stop calling me that!"
Finished with cleaning his wounds, Pieck then took out ointment and band-aids. "You know what kind of family he grows up in. You can let some of his gullible remarks go by, you know?" With practiced hands, she tore open the band-aid's packaging. "The fact that you take everything to heart just makes everyone think you have a crush on him."
"Wha—?! Who thinks that?!" Porco jumped when he yelled that, making Pieck miss his wound.
With one hand, she made him sit still again. "Everybody." She repeated the motions for the other cuts on his hand and arm.
"Wait, even Braun?"
"Not him. He just thinks you're mean for no reason."
"That's so dumb! How could I ever have a... a crush," Porco pretended to gag. "On someone like Braun?!"
"Better work on proving that to everyone by stop picking on every single word that comes out of his adorable little mouth, then." Pieck said, plastering the last band-aid. "There! Good as new."
"That's stupid," Porco said, feeling that was more important than a "thank you" for Pieck, who had been tending to his wounds. "I don't have to do that to prove that I don't have a stupid crush on stupid Braun."
Porco yapped on about how Reiner was gross, annoying, stupid, and all the negative vocabularies he could possibly come up with that he had learned in his eleven years of life.
"Does it work?"
"W-well, it never hurt in the first place anyway. I'm tough."
Pieck shrugged. "Okay."
There was a moment of silence, but before Pieck could excuse herself, Porco said, "Thanks for always doing this for me. I'll... try not to get into fights too often. I promise."
"Pinky promise?"
"Ugh, that's a girl thing." Porco cringed.
Pieck looked at him knowingly.
"Okay, okay!" Porco gave in, sticking out his pinky finger before hooking it around Pieck's, making her smile. "Pinky promise."
Porco accompanied Pieck when she returned the first-aid kit to the infirmary.
"Wanna walk with me to the hospital?" Pieck asked on their way out.
"Yeah, okay." It wasn't the first time. "We can walk past the market, I'll get you an apple. And one for your Dad, too."
It made Pieck beam. "My favorite! Thanks, Pocko." '
After receiving the news that Wall Rose had been breached, everyone started evacuating the civilians from Wall Rose to the Territory of Wall Sina. Pieck had stayed around the Headquarters of the Military Police, trying to gain the information needed for Reiner and Bertholdt's whereabouts. Still, despite the many conversations she listened to, it seemed no one knew where they were, and if they did, they did a good job not talking about it.
Pieck knew she needed to be quick. Otherwise, her golden opportunity to free her friends would be wasted. Due to the 'breach,' the military branches were in chaos; no one was paying attention to what Pieck was doing; even the two military police soldiers that had been with her had been ordered to complete a task, and Pieck had taken that opportunity to slip away.
Pieck knew her time to act was running out; while she doubted that the military on the island would stand a chance against Zeke and Commander Magath, Pieck knew better than to underestimate them; the Eldians here already had their hands on Two Titanshifter or four in case someone already ate Reiner and Bertholdt.
Soon, Pieck found herself at the Headquarters of the Survey Corps; she knew they wouldn't let her in with the uniform she was wearing; she would attract too much attention. Pieck quickly noticed a girl walking towards the forest, all by herself. Pieck was still determining where she was going, but she knew this was her best opportunity.
Team Mike
"Sasha, are you alright?" Connie, who was already anxious about Sasha's safety after their separation, couldn't help but ask immediately as he and the rest of the Mike Squad steadily made their way toward the towering Wall. The anticipation and worry weighed heavily on his mind. However, a sudden change in scenery caught Connie's attention, prompting him and the Squad to halt their ride.
To their immense relief, there she was – Sasha, riding determinedly towards them on her trusty steed. The sight of her unharmed form instantly lifted the heavy burden that had been crushing Connie's heart. In that pivotal moment, his fear and uncertainty were replaced by a profound sense of relief and joy.
But something caught Connie's eye as Sasha drew nearer. It became apparent that the rough journey had taken a toll on her. Her once clean and pristine clothing now bore the unmistakable marks of her treacherous trek – smudges of dirt and grime stained every inch. Even her normally delicate hands bore the telltale signs of her struggle, encrusted with a layer of mud that served.
Connie couldn't help but notice. Strapped securely across her back was a bow.
"I'm fine," Sasha answered amidst the heavy breaths of exhaustion as she rode towards them; she quickly noticed that they were riding towards Wall Sina. She looked around but couldn't see either Captain Mike or Annie; she wondered if they were aright, if they were still alive.
"Sasha Blouse, report," Nanaba shouted with a firm and commanding voice as she stopped her horse, as did the other three members of the Squad, including Floch, Jean, and Connie. Sasha quickly saluted before telling her everything that happened in the village she visited. How she saved the girl and the mother, who was still in critical condition and met her father, and how she ordered them to go towards Wall Sina as soon as possible. Once she told them everything, Nanaba praised her for saving the kid before looking at Gelgar.
"Where are we going right now?" Sasha inquired, her curiosity piqued as she observed Nanaba engrossed in conversation with Gelgar. Sasha's attention wandered, her gaze searching the vast expanse of the open field they currently found themselves in. A gentle breeze swept by, causing her ponytail to dance harmoniously with the wind. With her eyes fixed on the horizon, Sasha's vision landed upon the towering Wall. She diverted her attention towards Nanaba, who gestured towards a castle in the distance.
"We will stay there until tomorrow morning, then we will go to Wall Sina, and meet up with Commander Erwin to decide what to do," Nanaba explained. Sasha nodded without much thought; she hoped there wouldn't be any surprises, but she quickly noticed how down Connie looked, the way he held his face down; his hold on the horse's reins seemed pretty loose.
Fearing the worst, Sasha quickly turned to face him. "Connie, what about your village? Are they still alive?" She asked, concerned; after hearing that question, Connie's face fell while Gelgar looked at the young boy in concern.
"There was nothing there. All houses were destroyed." Connie answered. Sasha gasped in shock; she rode her horse closer to Connie, who kept his head down, tears rolling down his face. Sasha patted him on the back. She couldn't imagine what it would be like if she lost her family, but as she prepared to say something to make him feel better.
"What is that?!" Everyone quickly looked at Floch as he urgently pointed at the sky. Their attention immediately shifted towards the direction he indicated. And there it was, a sight that left them awestruck—a magnificent creature soaring through the sky, unfurling its wings that glimmered like precious gold. Gasps of astonishment escaped from the team, mingling with Sasha's sharp inhalation of breath. It wasn't simply a large bird that loomed before them; it was an extraordinary marvel, its immense size rivaling that of the Titans.
"Is that a Flying Titan? Since when do Titans fly?" Connie let out a harsh shout that reverberated through the air. His trembling hands tightly clenched the handles of his ODM Gear. Everyone present stood in stunned silence; their eyes fixated on the unexpected sight unfolding above them. A Winged Titan, its massive wings casting a chilling shadow, soared gracefully through the sky. For a fleeting instant, the bird's gaze met their bewildered stares. However, the flying Titan swiftly carried on.
Sasha sighed in relief; her shoulders slumped down; it seemed the flying Titan wasn't interested in them when suddenly she saw what seemed like people jumping from the top of the Flying Titan. Sasha's mouth was hanging open as two bolts of golden lightning struck the two people in mid-air, turning into Titans as they fell down.
"What Is Happening?! I thought Ymir and Eren were the only Titanshifters we had?" Connie wondered out loud when he suddenly felt the ground shake; the birds flew away while Floch looked in the distance with narrowed eyes.
"We should go there right now!" Floch suddenly shouted, turning to look at Nanaba; green flares suddenly appeared all around the place, and they could hear the sound of horses riding towards the battlefield.
"No. We have our orders. We need to report back to the Headquarters." Nanaba said instead, hearing the sound of cannons being shot in the far distance before hearing a loud cry, similar to a Titan that echoed for miles away.
Connie closed his ears tightly, desperately trying to shield them from the deafening noise that felt like fire piercing through his eardrums. The cacophony around him was unbearable, causing his ears to throb with an intense burning sensation. However, amidst the chaos, something unexpected happened - Floch abruptly kicked his horse, propelling himself forward, completely disregarding Nanaba's urgent plea to wait. Ignoring her desperate cries, Floch gallantly spurred his mount onward, leaving Nanaba behind in a cloud of dust. Floch's action inspired the rest of their group, who wasted no time following suit and riding in hot pursuit.
Eren - 10 Minutes Earlier
"Are you sure about this Eren?" Historia asked, her voice coming out deep from her Beast Titan as Eren and Mikasa sat on top of her as she flew towards the red flare flying in the sky.
"Yes, me and Mikasa can handle this." Eren firmly gave the order as they steadily advanced toward their target, the Beast Titan from Marley. By his side, Mikasa nodded along, her presence providing an unwavering support to Eren. Together, they tightly gripped Historia's fur, ensuring they would not lose their balance and risk falling off during this intense aerial pursuit. As they propelled forward at an incredible speed, the rush of wind against their faces intensified.
It has been Historia's idea to use her Titan to fly across the land as soon as possible to find the location of the Beast Titan. Commander Erwin had allowed them as long as Historia wouldn't risk herself. They were ordered to shoot a dark flare the moment they found the Beast Titan's location; from Annie's information, they all were convinced that there was no actual breach in the walls, but Zeke had used his Titan Fluid in gas form to turn Eldians into Pure Titans.
A part of Eren couldn't help but marvel at the exhilarating flying experience. Being suspended so high above the ground, he could truly appreciate the magnitude of the world beneath him. His senses were vividly alive as he felt the rush of wind brushing against his skin, relishing in the unfettered freedom of soaring through the open skies. The clouds drifted by so closely that he could almost reach out and touch their soft, billowy forms. At this moment, it felt like the entire world was his domain, a vast playground where he could explore without limitations. Eren's mind began to fill with images of the mystic landscapes that others had described to him, igniting his curiosity to see them for himself. He yearned to witness the majestic sight of flaming rivers, the heights of the towering mountains that Mina had passionately spoken of, and to lay eyes upon the boundless expanse of the Ocean finally.
Eren quickly escaped his thoughts when he heard the sound of Canons being fired. Eren saw the pure Titans following Annie's Titan as The Beast Titan threw a barrage of rocks at Annie, destroying her legs.
"Shot the Flare!" Eren ordered, looking over his shoulder at Mikasa, who acknowledged his command with a swift nod. In a matter of seconds, her well-trained instincts kicked in, and she deftly reached for the flare gun secured to her waist. She raised her arm skyward, aligning the gun with the vast expanse of the clear blue sky above. With a firm yet controlled grip, she decisively pulled the trigger. A jet-black flare erupted from the muzzle with undeniable force, piercing through the serene atmosphere and painting a striking contrast against the azure canvas above.
"Historia, get us closer. Me and Mikasa will deal with him. While you let a scream at the people near the Canons." Eren gave the order with a resolute expression on his face. Mikasa immediately and unquestionably affirmed her agreement. Meanwhile, Historia nodded with her beak. Gracefully descending from the sky, her beak pointed downwards, she glided effortlessly towards the earth.
As the trio's trajectory neared the ground, Eren and Mikasa prepared for the leap from Historia's towering Titan form, plunging themselves into the ground below.
In the midst of exhilarating free fall, with the wind rushing past their ears, Eren brought his hand to his teeth; he bit down hard, feeling the metallic taste of blood filling his mouth.
Just as the taste of blood consumed him. A dazzling golden lightning bolt crackled through the air, striking both Eren and Mikasa simultaneously. The electrifying surge coursed through their bodies, igniting an energy within them.
The Attack and War Hammer Titans descended from the sky, their forms crashing down with immense force upon the rugged terrain. The sheer weight and overwhelming momentum of their landing caused the ground beneath them to tremble, shaking the earth. Soil and rocks were sent flying as the Titans' feet sank deeply into the soil, leaving deep imprints of their tremendous presence behind.
As the dust settled, The Beast Titan stood nearby, expressing bewilderment and annoyance. His eyes darted between the two newly arrived Titans. A deafening roar erupted from the depths of his mighty lungs, echoing through the surrounding landscape.
Thirty additional Pure Titans were stampeding toward the Beast Titan to protect him.
In this perilous moment, Eren felt a surge of determination coursing through his veins and realizing the imminent danger ahead.
Now he has fifty Titans he can use, but they must be the last he has, Eren thought with growing rage as his hands were coated in crystallization; while Mikasa created a sword with her hardening, soon she started making something else, in front of them stood fifty Pure Titans and the Beast Titan.
Historia swiftly soared through the air; her eyes fixated on the Canons aimed at Mikasa and Eren. The menacing sight of her approaching caused a fraction of the Canons to divert their aim towards her. When Historia unleashed an ear-splitting scream. The sheer force of her vocal demonstration reverberated through the surrounding forest, violently shaking the trees and sending shockwaves rippling through the air.
The soldiers manning the Canons were thrown off balance, collapsing to the ground in excruciating pain. Blood trickled from their ears. Not wasting a second, Historia rapidly descended toward the vulnerable Canons, her razor-sharp fangs tearing through the metal with deadly precision. Debris and shrapnel scattered in every direction, further chaos ensuing as the Canons were obliterated by her unstoppable might.
As Historia soared back into the sky, her ascent was met with an intimidating display of firepower. Multiple canon shells exploded in a fiery symphony around her, their target set on disabling the Winged Titan. Despite the relentless assault, Historia weaved through the explosive chaos, narrowly avoiding each detonation. A well-aimed shell struck her right wing, sending a surge of pain through her massive form. The delicate equilibrium shattered, and the Winged Titan began hurtling toward the ground, free-falling.
However, Historia mustered every ounce of strength within her to halt the impending disaster. Emitting an anguished cry, she pulled herself out of her own nape. Gripping her own finger between her teeth, Historia pierced the skin, blood rushing inside her mouth.
As yet another Winged Titan emerged into view, gracefully soaring through the sky, the Marley soldiers readied themselves to open fire once more, making use of the remaining Canons. However, before they could even release another round of attacks, a series of deep, thunderous footsteps reverberated through the forest, causing both the ground and the towering trees to tremble uncontrollably, as if a mighty earthquake had suddenly befallen the area. The soldiers couldn't help but halt in their tracks, their attention forcefully diverted towards this menacing disturbance. Now, they quickly understood why the flying Titan screamed near them.
"Abort! Abort Now!" Commander Magath swiftly issued the order to his loyal men, prompting an immediate response. Without a moment's hesitation, he and two other individuals hastily sought refuge inside a nearby car, their hearts pounding with trepidation. Just as they managed to commence their escape, the monstrous Titans, reaching the location with insidious intent, found themselves narrowly missing their prey. Two more vehicles miraculously managed to slip away from the gruesome clutches of these relentless abominations. Trapped in his position, Captain Magath could only gaze. The valiant Marley Soldiers were subjected to a horrifying demise, consumed alive by the Titans. Their agonizing cries reverberated hauntingly within Captain Magath's being, none more resonant than that of a fallen comrade torn apart by the merciless onslaught of three distinct Titans.
"Eren, Take This!" Mikasa suddenly said, throwing him a small shield made of Titan hardening while she held a short sword. Eren grabbed it mid-air, holding it with his left arm, glaring furiously at the Beast Titan, who smashed a boulder in his hands, turning it into small rocks.
"Fight!" Eren shouted angrily before rushing towards The Pure Titans as the Beast Titan threw rocks at them.

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