When his conversation with his mother ended, Long Fei realized that he had left Su Ruan for almost two hours. After taking his shower in the guest room, Long Fei returned to his room, wanting to take his laptop.
He pushed the door and found that the room was too silent but Su Ruan was not on the bed.
His heart skipped a beat and he started to panic. After the talk with his mother, Long Fei realized that he was afraid that Su Ruan would suddenly leave.
Long Fei scanned the room and finally let out his breath once he found her sleeping on the sofa. His gaze turned warmer as he approached her.
Su Ruan was sleeping with her lips slightly parted. Perhaps, she was too tired after everything that happened. The girl did not wake up even if he approached her and touched her cheek.
He wondered if she was still thinking of their sleeping arrangement and had voluntarily slept on the sofa?
His gaze shifted towards her phone which rested on her stomach.
Thank you for reading~