When he returned to the residence, Long Fei sent Song Wei to rest in the courtyard before he left. When he came out, Long Yu Heng was already waiting for him with a tablet in his hand.
"Are you going to the mountain to check what was going on?" Long Yu Heng asked. "Otherwise, should we let them cut more trees in this area?"
D Town has been around for hundreds of years and the Long family has been protecting this land for a long time. He cannot let those illegal loggers do just as they pleased, destroying the ecosystem in this land.
Long Fei was about to leave again when Long Yu Heng grabbed him in the arms, stopping him.
His brow furrowed and he looked very furious.
"Ah Fei, this time, they are not illegal loggers," Long Yu Heng spoke quickly before Long Fei would get impatient.
Thank you for your support~