"Angie, are you okay?" Yoshirou asks.
I sit up, and look around. "I think so." It looks like the tunnels collapsed, and it's really dark. I spark a little fire from my hand to see. The wreckage all around us is a bit impressive, who knew that someone could do this, but I think I know who did. "Where are you?"
"Here," I hear him to the right of me.
I spread my flame out to get a better look at his location. I find him, and it's not good, his legs are crushed and he can't move. "What do you want me to do?"
"I don't know, what do you think?"
"You won't like it."
"Tell me, Angie, we've already been through so much together."
"I can absorb your soul, and get you to the hospital quickly, the people there can help you."
"But you told me that if I did that I wouldn't be able to be released."
"I did, you can't escape unless I let you out, but beware, you will be able to see my memories, and where I actually came from. Are you okay with that?"
He nods. "Just get me out of here, okay?"
"Okay, but this will hurt, a lot."
"If you're around, I can take any pain that is thrown at me." He smiles weakly.
I lean in close and kiss him. "I'll see you in a bit, okay?" I can feel a tear run down my cheek.
He rubs the tear away. "It's okay, I'll be fine." He leans his head to the side. "Go ahead, I promise, it's okay."
I run my fingers through his hair and wrap my other arm around him. "I'm sorry, I should've protected you from this."
"It's okay, just fix me up and it will be okay."
I breathe in deeply and gently kiss his neck. A soft glow erupts from my lips and travels along Yoshirou.
"What are you doing?" He asks.
I cover his mouth, so I don't lose my concentration. Just stay quiet my love, that is all I need right now. I close my eyes and try to concentrate on fixing him.
It takes me a minute or two, but I finally heal him. "How do you feel?" I ask.
"Fine, what about you?"
"I'm okay, just a bit tired. That's all." I collapse into his arms and he holds me as I fall asleep.
I sigh. "Once again, you pushed yourself too hard." I whistle for our little friend to help us.
I can hear him plow through all the rubble, making a tunnel for us to go through. It takes a few minutes for him to get to us, but he does.
"Hey boy! Do you think you can get us out of here?"
He looks at me for a moment, and then at Angie. He nods, by shaking his black fur. I think I forgot to mention that he can change his form.
He puts his head down as if he's sighing. He comes over, as he comes towards me, his size changes. He gently puts Angie in his mouth, and I get up and stretch.
"Ready?" I ask, not expecting an answer.
"Yeah, might as well go, she has a major fight that she has to rest up for."
I freeze midstep. "You just talked to me?"
"Yes, who else am I going to talk to? I can't go back to Hell, it's really boring. Except on the weekends, but I refuse to talk about it. Get on."
I climb onto the back of his neck and we walk through the tunnel that he created.
After a while we leave the tunnels and to the place that I have called home for a long time. I jump off, and Alec sets Angie down on the ground. I sit next to her and gently move a lock of her hair out of her face. "You know, ever since I laid eyes on her, I knew that we were going to have some kind of connection. I bet it sounds stupid."
"She never told you, did she?"
"Told me what?"
He laughs. "You are her destined one."
"What does that mean?"
He sighs. "I thought you might ask. Long story short, you and her are the special couple that will rule the land of Hell."
"So, I will become the new Satan, that everyone fears, hates, and possibly worships?"
"Why didn't she tell me?"
"She doesn't want you to become a demon."
"How does that process work?"
"It's slow and very painful."
"Okay... that's not enough detail for me."
"Basically, she has to kill you in a ritual room, and in order for her to bring you back, she has to lose her virginity to you. It's a long and painful process for the both of you. But at least you gain immortality until your future daughters find a destined one and he tries to kill you to take your place."
"Cool. Wait…. What?! I don't want to die!"
"You're going to anyway. It's the life cycle of Satan. As long as you haven't had sex with each other, you'll be fine for now."
Angie stirs. "Where are we?"
"Traumatized, to the extent that I want to see your family."
"Sweety that doesn't make sense."
"It does to me."
"Alec, what did you tell him this time?"
"The truth about what will happen to him. Why? Was I not supposed too?"
She gets up. "NO! He wasn't supposed to know until I was sure that he was ready. Now that he knows, he never will be." She sighs. "You're an ass, you know that?"
"I always have been, where have you been these past few thousand years?"
"Many places, but that's not the point." She pins me to the ground easily, then again I wasn't going to fight her anyway. "Remember, this process may be fucked up, but we are fucked up people slash things that somewhat shouldn't exist. If you want this, truly want this, you let me know."
"I still want to meet your parents."
She sighs. "Thanks Alec, I think you killed him."
"No I didn't."
"I think you did."
"Shut up, you might as well turn him now."
"The ritual room isn't open until we head to my house. And besides, he would die down there anyway."
"Do you seriously not remember that it's like four hundred degrees down there on a daily basis?"
"Oh yeah."
"No shit. I'm not risking it now."
I sigh, at least he has something to think about for a while. I lean down and kiss him.
"Aw, looky here, my only surviving daughter is making out with her destined one."
I immediately sit up. "Dad?"
"That's right sweetie, and I think it's about time that I have an opponent, you know, to see if he's worthy of you."
"Stay out of this Dad, it's not your business."
"It is my business when my only daughter refuses to go through with tradition, daddy doesn't want to rule forever," He replies.
I stand up. "You only want the human race to yourself, you only see them as slaves or tools for our use."
"Because that's what they are, now, come home with me and finish what you started, I already went through the trouble of knocking him unconscious."
I look back at Yoshirou, and he appears to be unconscious. I growl and look back at my dad. "If he doesn't want to do that, he doesn't have to, I may have killed my sisters, but hey, they deserved that."
"I told them to irritate you, sweetie. Daddy got bored."
I sigh. ��The way you're talking right now, is one, weird, and two, not necessary."
"Fine, you are a woman after all." He sighs. "Will you at least come home, so we can talk about it? And bring him with?"
I think about this for a moment. "Can you wake him up first so I can ask him?"
"Fine." He says with a huff. He waves a hand at Yoshirou, and he wakes up within a second or two.
"Are you okay, love?" I ask, sitting next to him.
"I think so, what happened?"
"Nothing much, just my dad, he knocked you out."
"That makes sense. What does he want?"
"Do you want the truth or a lie?"
"Can I have both?"
"He wants us to have dinner at his house and talk about our marriage agreement."
"I see. If you want to go, then I will, that's all up to you."
I sigh. "Wasn't what I was expecting but okay." I mumble to myself. I stand up and walk to my dad. "Sure, but if you try any funny business, I will have your head."
He thinks about this for a moment. "Sounds fair, let's go home. Besides, dinner's almost ready."
He opens a gate without a seal. "Ready?"
I look back and levitate Yoshirou.
"What the fuck?"
"Did you really forget that you unlocked all of my abilities?"
"Oh, yeah."
I bring him over, and practically glue his hand to mine, so I won't lose him. "I'm only going to tell you this once, Hell is a very huge place. If you stay with me, you'll be fine. And don't look at anyone, otherwise, things will get ugly. What day is it?"
"Umm, I think it's Saturday."
I turn to my demon form and wrap a flame ring around his eyes.
"What's this for?"
"It's self explanatory, just try not to listen to anything."
My father starts walking down the stairs, and we follow. When I get down far enough, I close the gateway behind us. I wrap an arm around Yoshirou, and we head down the stairs to Hell.
Her arm wraps around my neck, as if to guide me down the stairs. I can't see anything but fire in my vision. "Explain to me why I need to not see."
"All I can say, is that it will be too early for you if you decide to continue with the ritual."
I nod. After a while we finally go down the stairs, and into the house of Satan.
"Are we here?" I ask after we stop. She releases the flame blindfold and I look around.
"It looks like a normal house." I say.
"That's because it is. We demons aren't that different from you, considering that we used to be human." She says. She keeps staring at her father, I still don't trust him.
After a while, we enter the living room. "Yoshirou, sit."
I hesitate for a moment, then sit down on the couch nearby.
I grab my father's arm and somewhat drag him into the backyard, that just so happens to be on fire, thank you Tania, bitch. Anyway, back to my father.
"Sweetheart, what is wrong?"
"Nothing, it's just you. I know that you're planning something, and I want to know what that is." I say to him, clearly angry.
"I like how you have been keeping this anger of yours inside with your little boyfriend here."
I can feel my eye twitch, as he tries and somewhat successfully provokes me. "What are you trying to say?"
"What I'm saying is that you have become a soft little bitch, and you no longer have the balls to do anything without him."
This is what pisses me off the most. "YOU WANT TO SEE A LITTLE BITCH?" I summon my demonic sword and other weapons around me. My black wings with white speckles come out and stretch to their full wingspan, which is about an average adult size for each wing. The flame that I call my hair intensifies, and what's a little weird is that my eyes also start on fire as well. Note to the people that don't really know too well, DO NOT PISS ME OFF, YOU WILL DIE!
My father smirks. "There's my daughter!"
This makes me even angrier, and I fly towards him, sword in hand. ���Die!"
He doesn't even summon any of his weapons, he just dodges me.
"Why aren't you fighting me?"
"Because, my sweetheart, I want you to stay your sweet and beautiful self for all eternity."
"Never!" I come at him again, and swing, he dodges at the last second.
I hear him wince, and I smile. "I got you."
He stops moving, and looks at his arm. "I guess you did, and that is a bad thing."
"Why?" I ask. "Is it because of this?" I looked at my sword and I managed to get a little bit of his blood on it. I smile at him and I lick the blood off.
He looks at me sternly, I bet he thinks that he is in deep shit right now, we both know what happens when a daughter gets a hold of their father's blood.
Power flows through me as my true power is unlocked. "Did you really think that I didn't know about that little tidbit? I've been told about it for a long time now. Even mother told me that our powers cannot be fully awakened unless we have even a drop of your blood. Now this battle can REALLY begin. Now fight me like a man! Unless you lost your balls." Technically he did, but that's not the point.
I see him smile, and he summons his sword. Sadly, it's the simplest sword someone can have, it's just a Katana, painted black.
I clench my jaw and look at him angrily. "That's offensive, you know."
"I'm aware, I don't want to give you an unfair advantage." He flies towards me, ready to swing.
I smirk, and ready my sword. I fly towards him as well, ready to attack.
Our swords clash, and sparks fly, by this time many Demons have gathered around to see the fight. I don't blame them, it's not often that Satan's only daughter fights her own father. I glance at one, and it looks like they brought popcorn, now that pisses me off. My father and I clash for a while, sparks fly everywhere. Then, after a while of trying to cut each other to pieces, our swords break into multiple pieces.
We stay back a bit for a second, catching our breath.
"Are you done yet?" I hear him ask from across the yard.
"No!" I reply. I think for a second, and to make things a little interesting, I decide to try and use the fire to my advantage. I make the flames intensity stronger, and they reach higher in the air. One of the better things that they do is act a bit like fog, and conceal me.
"Don't tell me, are we going to play Hide-and-go-Seek?" He asks. "We used to play all the time when you were little."
I try to ignore him, he isn't going to use his charm on me, like he did when mom tried to leave. I breathe in deeply, letting the flames wrap themselves around me.
According to my plan, dad erases the flames entirely, and stares me down. The fire wraps around me in a swirl, from the ground, all the way up to my head.
He cocks his head to the side. "This is new."
At this point, I feel like I'm not in control. The same words keep going through my mind. Kill him, he doesn't deserve to live any more, your lives will be better without him. I can't control myself anymore, I continue walking towards him. "What's the matter, love? Can't move?"
Okay, I am so not in control, that isn't even my own voice.
Satan smiles. "I see, so you are the one who has contracted it." He sighs. "It was only a matter of time before you showed up again."
I frown. "Didn't you miss me? Come on now, you must have missed your own wife."
"Well, you did just take our only daught-"
"See, now that's where you are wrong, we had three, but you let them kill each other. Why do you think I sent her to the human world? I took her power away, and gave it to you to keep from her. Now she has them back, did you know that she intends to kill you?"
"I thought as much, her boyfriend is even out here watching, can we go back to the fight?"
I sigh. "Fine, I guess, but you know you can't kill her."
"Where's the fun in that?" He lunges at me with a poison blade.
I regain control in time to catch the blade, right between my hands, unfortunately it cuts me. Blood drips down the palm of my hand and onto my wrist.
"You realize that this is a poison blade?"
"Don't worry, I know, I'll kill you before it takes effect!"
We stand that way for a split second, Then I notice Yoshirou come up behind him and use my poison blade, to stab him in the heart. "You see, it's a wonder on how you can control the human mind, to do what you want it to."
"So, you did end up using your power against me, such a good girl, daddy loves you, you know that." He smiles.
"Shut up." I let go of the knife, and he collapses onto the ground. "I never loved you."
"Then why are you crying bloody tears?"
"Reasons, now leave us forever."
It takes a while, but he does die. I got impatient at some point and stabbed him in the face multiple times. The other Demons gather around as my father turns to dust. I turn around and they all bow to me and Yoshirou. "All hail the new Queen! Queen Angie!" They chant for a while, as I start to get dizzy.
"Hey, are you okay?" Yoshirou asks.
I can't even talk, I look up at him and collapse into his arms. I guess, this is how it will be for the rest of eternity.
Because I am the new Queen of Demons, after I wake up from this nightmare.
I may rewrite this at some point, I still need write the original story.
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