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33.33% The dark moon / Chapter 1: Prologue
The dark moon The dark moon original

The dark moon

Penulis: corvinus

© WebNovel

Bab 1: Prologue


Alecs fired at one of the attacking skeletons. The skeleton fell to the ground with a hole in its head. However, the hole in the skeleton's head was soon healed and he stood up shakily.

The skeleton aimed the weapon that was a long sword at alecs and continued to run towards him. behind the skeleton, there were 10 more skeletons also running towards it

"Immortal!-- This is the Athanaton Ten Thousand: Immortal Ten Thousand Soldiers?" Alecs lifted his head and looked at Berserker.

The giant was with his arms crossed looking at him with his white eyes and a crazy smile on his face. Berserker said nothing and just remained there motionless as if something was expected.

"There are still few, which means he doesn't have the mana to summon them all or he still isn't taking us seriously" Alecs gritted his teeth and moved his head back. "Lancer, take care of Berseker, I take care of the skeletons-- here this is the stone, use it if necessary!"

Alecs tossed a red glowing stone to Lancer who caught the stone in midair. she clenched her fist and placed it against her chest tightly.

"Master, I'm coming!--- take care!-- You owe me a date if you remember" Lancer gave a sad parting smile. She then scowled and glared at Berserker and kicked the ground away disappearing from behind Alecs in a bang.

Alecs heard another bang several feet away from him and lifted his head to see. Lancer with the Harpe being blocked by Berserker's Golden Axe.

The surrounding ground crumbled and cracked all over the place creating a crater where they stood.

"▂▂▃▃▅▅▅▅ーーー!" Berserker roared and swung his axe sending Lancer flying backwards.

She floated through the air and before falling gave a mortal settling in the air. Lancer landed gracefully on the ground using Harpe to support her and disappeared once more.


Alecs was impressed by the speed of Lancer and berserker. It felt like he was watching a Bleach anime in real life. The two servants were becoming pure blurs and the ground being destroyed around them with every blow they landed on the other was the cinematography.

The shock waves made everything around her tremble with such power. The wind generated by the shock waves caused Alec's hair to sway.

Alecs was so silly with Lancer's fight that he forgot about the skeletons attacking them. When he came to, it was too late, one of the skeletons was already in front of him.

Alecs flinched and pointed the gun at the skeleton. The skeleton that was already a comfortable distance away from Alecs swung its long sword at Alecs.

When he saw the skeleton sword coming close to him. alecs took two steps back, avoiding the first blow. Taking the right distance. He fired several times.

All the shots hit the skeleton, which shuddered but did not fall. In response, the skeleton swung its sword again hitting Alecs' revolver and snatching his hand

"Damn" Alecs moaned as his hand flew "Just kidding"

He chuckled as another hand grew in his place in the same second and spun his body hitting a powerful kick to the skeleton's chest that flew away hitting other skeletons.

"I'm immortal too-- Hoo, you seem to have intelligence-- who are you?" Alecs joked when but stopped when his eyes saw a skeleton in golden armour

*Tac, tac, tac*

The skeleton snapped its teeth, putting itself in front of the other skeletons who stopped at the sight of the golden skeleton. The skeleton bowed politely to Alecs. Since he had no language, he could not speak. but, Alecs realized right away that that Skeleton was dangerous

"Trace-on" He sang and a black mist appeared in his hand. soon the fog turned into a rifle and He smiled pointing the gun at the skeleton "Old man!"

The skeleton slapped the chest of another skeleton which snapped its teeth and handed a spear to the golden skeleton. By tapping the Spear. the golden skeleton's body gained flesh and he transformed into a man with black hair, pale skin and blue eyes.

"Hmm, it's been a while since my lord hasn't given me meat" The man looked at his hands and laughed. he looked up at Alecs and opened them. "Hmm, you are a Shinso-- but, you seem to be dying of illness?--I thought the Shinso were true immortals?"

"I am a True Ancestor, artificial" Alecs chuckled kindly to the man "Only a copy, it is not capable of being equal to the original"

"I hope you are as strong as one--- why, I want to fight strong enemies" The man smiled cruelly pointing the spear to Alecs and getting into battle position

"One question-- A more like you?" Alecs looked at the man adjusting his sights.

"No-- not enough mana, for my lord to summon his entire army-- pitiful master" The man shook his head

"I see-- good to know-- What's your name?"

"I don't need one"

"I am Alecs-- Now die"

It's been 5 minutes since Alecs and the Spear Warrior started fighting. The two were on an equal footing in the beginning.

Alecs fired at the warrior trying to keep a safe distance from the spearman using his rifle to be a barrier between Alecs and the spear of the warrior who launched quick jabs of the spear

The spear often grazed the skin of Alecs. He did everything to dodge the powerful blows, but little by little he was starting to be wounded

The Spear Warrior was no better off. He was attacking and defending at the same time. Typically the shots of alecs hit him. Although it didn't hurt him much, he was still a nuisance.

Gradually began to change sides. Alecs was starting to get tired and the curse tattoos were starting to take over him once more.

The Spear Warrior was easily starting to take advantage of Alecs. Increasingly hitting powerful and fast blows on him

The warrior could smell Alec's blood being spilt by his spear. His expression was getting brighter as he was winning.

Alecs realized that he could no longer hold himself against the Warrior, seeing that his wounds besides being rapidly healing were starting to fail, thanks to the cursed tattoos.

He decided to separate from the fight. Fighting up close was not a good idea when your enemy had the upper hand and more skill. Thinking fast.

Alecs pulled his rifle up and fired three shots towards the warrior's head. All shots without pretence.

As expected, the spearman defended himself and did not deviate. In doing so, the warrior ended up opening his guard a little. Alecs, seeing the opportunity, spun his body and landed a kick in the Warrior's chest that wasn't enough to hurt the Man.

But, it was enough for him to take two steps back doing. alecs have a good opportunity. Of course, the Warrior didn't take it easy by attacking Alecs in his neck to decapitate him

Alec's eyes gleamed and he bent down. Avoiding the blow that passed by cutting his hair.

"Trace-On" By standing on the ground at a complete disadvantage over the warrior who was lowering his spear to kill him. Alecs did the only thing he could do "Take this"

A stun grenade flew straight up towards the Warrior's face and his eyes widened, seeing the strange little container fly towards his face.

"What is it?" The warrior wondered, "It looks like a stick--"


The grenade exploded in the face of the warrior who took two steps backwards, covering his ears and letting out a cry of pain.

"Fuck" The warrior knelt on the ground for a second and soon recovered from a growl of rage. "I'll kill you your break-in"

He got up to attack alecs. But, there was nothing else there. alecs had run away.


Moving in bulk across the castle garden, alecs growled, he had no means to kill the warrior. hiding behind the trees with every charge. he fired several times with every step he took. The bullets flew until they found a man in gold armour.

The man smiled, swinging his spear fiercely. each thrust of the spear hit one of the bullets, deflecting them all.

"Come on, send me more!-- I'm not even trying" The man roared with a sadistic smile. "This is getting boring."

The man swung his spear once more and kicked the ground forward. A shock wave formed and the man disappeared, destroying the ground in his place.

"Damn, He's stronger than I thought" Alecs cursed

He continued to run through the trees until a figure appeared behind him and a spear flew towards his chest. All Alecs could do was roll his eyes to the side. His body was barely able to keep up with him

Time seemed to pass slowly with the Spear reaching his chest and going straight to his heart. Alecs didn't know what his body's immortality level was. He knew he was a true Ancestor, artificial.

The problem is that he never tested his body's immortality and there was no way he could test his limits with his super-strong survival instinct.

Not having anything to do. Alecs pushed his magic core to the limit and sent all of his mana to his legs and hips to move. using all his strength with a furious roar. he managed to move in time to get out of the way of the Spear. But, not without consequences.

Alecs' legs broke from the impact and from straining his magic core that would replace the magical circuitry within him to become a true, artificial Ancestor.

Angra Mainyu woke up once more with everything inside him.

"Fuck---" Alecs cursed as he felt his conscience being taken over by the evil god inside him and his tattoos began to cover his body.


He couldn't scream anymore because a spear pierced his chest. Alecs spat blood and raised his eyes He saw the warrior also with blood on his mouth and a satisfied smile on his face. Alecs then rolled his eyes to his chest and saw the warrior's Spear locked in his heart. On the Warrior's chest were two strips of shadow that crossed his heart

"You were a good fight-- Unfortunately my memories aren't good so I can't tell you my name" The warrior breathed heavily and looked at Alecs "Rejoice! I have the power equated with a servant, not a mighty one, but, still a servant, you managed to beat me --- those tattoos on your body are terrible --- if you survive I hope you can control them"

The warrior dropped to the ground on his stomach beside Alecs. Alecs who couldn't move just moved his eyes to him and realized the man wasn't disappearing. Alec's eyes went cold with the last lapse of conscience he had

"You will do!" Alecs stuttered, nearly lost himself in the evil god's curse. He concentrated his last drop of mana uncorrupted by the evil god into his magical core and used the incomplete Havens Feel to strip his body from his soul

Alec's body glowed slightly and a small ball of red light mixed with black began to come out of his body. The small light had difficulty coming out because something seemed to be holding it in the body.

At the same time, something flashed behind Alecs and at the same moment. Shadow Strips 5 of them left Alec's body to attack the Light. The shadow strips were all cut by a man with white hair and dark skin.

He wore a tight-fitting mix of black and red on the sleeves.

The man had almost emotionless silver eyes as if he were pure steel he looked down and saw something that made him open his eyes.

"A True Ancestor and a Servant?" The man wondered. "They killed each other-- not the true Ancestor killed the servant and the servant crippled him"

he didn't have much time to think because other strips of shadow attacked him. The man disappeared, avoiding the shadows, and reappeared beside Alecs' body. The shadows formed into strips to attack him again

"Trace-On" He sang

A blue mist appeared in his hand and soon turned into a dagger. The man stuck the dagger in the back of Alecs' head before the shadows hit him.

"Ruler Breaker" The man spoke coldly "Disappear, A"

Alec's body glowed and all the tattoos started to fade and Alec's body started to turn to dust. Without the man noticing the red light managed to leave the body before it turned to ash and fled through the air

The Man then turned his eyes to the servant and squinted his eyes with an amused snort.

"Are you healing?" The man knelt in front of the servant with a sarcastic smile "Don't worry, you die too"

The man stuck the dagger in the servant's neck

"Ruler Breaker" He whispered

The servant's body also turned to dust. Leaving the man alone, until his body began to disappear

"I think my work is over" The man looked at his hands and regretted closing his eyes and disappearing


"Goodbye Lancer" Alecs' voice caught the attention of Lancer who had his eyes shrouded in tears

to be continued

Lancer and Berserker's blows were on an equal footing. Cracks resounded each time their weapons clashed. The ground beneath them was constantly being destroyed and the trees swayed in the shock waves.

Lancer was swinging his spear in quick, deadly blows always aiming for vital points. she couldn't afford to stall the fight.

The philosopher's stone inside her was only pushing her over the edge for a little while. with every blow, she gave Berserker she could feel the mana of the philosopher's stone slipping away.

Berserker on the other hand was defending and attacking more coldly even though his Mad enhancement was active. His eyes were wide and roaring.

Berserker didn't look the least bit sloppy. He was defending himself and attacking as a block. every time Lancer attacked him. berserker dodged very precisely and returned the blow. despite his giant body.

Berserker was exactly fast. he was appearing and disappearing through the forest following Lancer at speed. His madness was extreme to the point he didn't care about the blows that Lancer sometimes landed.

It wasn't because he didn't feel pain or because he was completely lost in the madness. No, it was the other way around. Berserker was out of mana. His master became more cautious after the assassin's master bite

It was obvious he would be. a servant was eliminated from the war because his master was murdered. Normally, this point would be ignored. But, one point was taken seriously in the story.

Rider's master was also killed and Rider somehow continued in the war. Berserker had his suspicions that his master knew why. But, he didn't ask or he couldn't ask.

The Mad Enhancement was so strong that it didn't even let Berserker have the ability to speak normally without screaming. Although he is completely lucid.

The pain was felt in the middle of his arm. Berserker felt something strange. his body lost its balance and the sound of something heavy falling to the ground caught his attention

He quickly moved his eye to the side only to see his arm along with his war axe on the ground. the blood was falling to the floor of the torn arm and a waterfall of blood came out of his body falling to the ground

"▂▂▃▃▅▅ーーー!" Berserker roared holding his arm

He kicked the ground to gain distance from Lancer. However, the spearman was a little faster than he was and caught up with him. His blows continued fiercely. Lancer's eyes had a murderous gleam and his eyes began to glow even more.

The sound of chains snapping was heard by Berserker who soon jumped into a tree. Lancer kept following him and the sound of chains grew louder.

Berserker had nowhere to run. Lancer's blows were cruel, his spear was slowly starting to hurt Berserker more than it should have.

His flesh was torn apart. All he wanted was to keep his distance from this madwoman who was chasing him. Fear wasn't the word for the feeling Berserker was feeling.

He had something else on his mind. The fact that his master was constantly sending him less mana. With that, his body started to get weaker. A servant could easily support himself with minimal Mana. But, there is the case that they were dependent on their masters.

So it was obvious that the less Mana the minion was given the less access to the powers he had. Berserker could barely summon a single Elite soldier from his Noble Phantasm

He would end up losing the fight if he continued like this. Berserker stopped running. he decided to go on the attack and abandon the defence. Even without an arm, he was still stronger than Lancer.

Even though she's faster than he is. A single blow from Berserker would be able to kill her. Then Berserker attacked, ignoring the sound of current.

A big mistake on his part. why Currents flew towards him from everywhere. The chains wrapped around trees on the ground and wrapped around roots and many branches. When they got close to Berserker the chains became spears to impale Berserker.

Lancer, so as not to be caught in his blow, retreated, disappearing and reappearing several meters from Berserker on top of a branch.

she watched intently as the chains flew toward Berserker. On his face was a winning smile. she had planned everything during the fight to bring Berserker into a trap and shoot him down.

When the chain spears reached Berserker. the giant jumped out of his place. The chains hit the Void nailing the tree Berserker was on

Lancer smiled as he pointed his spear forward and pulled one foot back, pressing it against the giant tree she was standing above.

Berserker appeared in front of Lancer. The giant's eyes widened as he saw himself fly towards the spear that would impale him.

"▂▂▃▃▅▅ーーー!" Berserker roared in cursing his fate. he tried to pull his axe to his chest to protect himself from the Spear. But, A chain grabbed his entire arm preventing him from moving. Although it doesn't slow him down. All Berserkers could do was see him getting closer and closer to the spear in slow motion. Berserker closed his eyes and accepted his fate hoping to die soon

Lancer laughed cruelly she won! She would go back to her master and…

"Goodbye Lancer"

Lancer felt a slight tic in her hair that made her gasp. his master's voice rang in his ear. Her eyes filled with tears

Lancer realized at that moment that his mana supply had run out. There was no doubt, his master was dead! Lancer desperately tried to deny it. But deep down, Lancer knew it was true.

The man she loved is gone. Sadness consumed her soul causing her to loosen her Spear, her concentration on her chains eventually made them disappear as she obeyed Gaea's will, but in the next moment her sadness turned to hatred and her eyes sparkled.

She activated her least favourite Noble Phantasm. The Noble Phantasm represented her soul curse and the destruction of everything she ever had.

"Cybele" Lancer yelled, his eyes glistening with tears of blood pouring out of them.

"▂▂▃▃▅▅ーーー!" Berserker roared. His body began to turn to pure stone. But, the chain that imprisoned his arm disappeared.

At the last second. Berserker managed to fend off Lancer's spear, which was already loose due to the servant's emotional stability.

The blow was so strong that Harpe flew away and Lancer was thrown against the tree. she hit the tree with her back and head, destroying it and coughing up blood.

Lancer was thrown forward once more with the recoil of the impact with the tree and was direct with Berserker's axe which pierced her chest making the servant gasp and knocking her towards the ground.

Berserker eventually dropped his axe when her body became whole turned to stone and also fell shortly after Lancer

As Lancer went down, she saw manji-marked airships carrying a huge boulder from the city that was on fire and closed her eyes.

"Master! -- I wanted to spend more time with you-- I wanted to be a part of your life and be happy by your side-- how unlucky I am-- everything I love is destroyed-- maybe I don't deserve happiness" Lancer closed his eyes which released tears that ran down Lancer's face "I wish I were with you!"

Lancer's body began to disappear into particles of light before hitting the ground. but even before she disappeared her eyes sparkled… Lancer disappeared voting for the Throne of Heroes mourning the loss of his love

In the end, he didn't get what he wanted. He didn't get the grail, he couldn't get revenge on his family. He lost his beloved, his corrupted body was destroyed

In the Final Alecsviel Von Einsbern, the dead apostle who was born from a philosopher's stone created by himself lost everything.

"It was a predictable ending wasn't it?" a voice called him

Alecs opened his red eyes already lifeless in the void

"Losing my beloved?" He replied dejectedly "Yes, it was predictable"

"If you had another chance, would you do it differently?" The voice asked, "Do I say meet and fall in love with her?"

"No" Alecs replied dryly "Even though the pain of loss was unbearable, having been with her was nothing compared to any happiness"

"You loved her didn't you?" the voice asked

"I loved her and I adored her" Alecs replied without making eye contact with his voice "She was my everything"

"What would you do to be able to find her again?" the voice asked

"I would do anything Zelrech" Alecs replied

"Ohh, did you recognize me?" The old man appeared in the darkness lighting up

"My soul is probably close to Akasha right now and there are few who could come here" Alecs replied "Only a few with true magic could dream of getting here"

"Ohh, you're smart" Zelrech laughed "Very smart, tell me, young man, have you heard of the grand order"

"I have a slight idea" Alecs lied "Fools who travel to the past to get a holy grail"

"Something like that" Zelrech commented "But it's not the past but dimensions, the demons that stole the grails are interdimensional beings, they exist in the void"

"So..." Alecs asked

"The grail that the 'fools' returned to in the past to be able to save the world was just the grail of that world it was divided into" Zelrech replied "Right now even in other dimensions, there are other grails being prepared to start the war"

"I see, what does this have to do with me?" Alecs replied "I don't have my powers anymore, Havens Feel is gone and my dead apostle power has almost left my soul for some reason, probably plan c has been activated, and now I'm just a simple homunculus"

"You're wrong, you're still you, the Havens Feel wall is partly true"Zelrech replied", but the rest is Just, emptiness destroying you, that's why I got to you, Akasha can't devour something like a true ancestor without chewing, so if you help me I'll save you"

"What's in it for me?" Alecs asked "My reason to live is gone"

"Jellyfish!" Zelrech replied "When the holy grail was stolen and corrupted by the demons, the servants were summoned from the throne in alter form, she may have been summoned"

Zelrech took a letter from his pocket "This my granddaughter Arcueid captured"

He threw the letter at Alecs who took it. the letter was like a man holding a staff.

"Caster?" Alecs asked "What hero is inside of it"

"Interesting, you know being a class card?" Zelrech asked"That makes things better, the hero this one is called Alecsviel Von Einzbern"

"As?" Alecs opened his eyes in surprise. "Didn't I do anything wrong?"

"You have achieved what no other mage has achieved" Zelrech replied "you created immortality, you fought a heroic spirit, and you slept with medusa without violating it, look at your status"

Zelrech joked and a status screen appeared on the front of the card.

Name: Alecsviel von Einsbern

Title: The Immortal, The Vampire, The Sorcerer, The One Loved by the Serpent

strength :D

Agility: C

Durability: C

speed: C

Mana: B

Luck :D

"Seriously, is this serious?" Alecs widened his eyes. "Was I so easily defeated?"

"Don't feel bad, My granddaughter is easily able to match many heroic spirits" Zelrech replied calmly "besides, it's an alter, it doesn't have your intelligence"

"That doesn't put me at ease!" Alecs angrily replied "Even though he doesn't have my intelligence, he has my skills and tactics, just the fact that he was crushed is an offense to my existence"

"Just relax boy" Zelrech spoke once more now a little more seriously "You should be happy to ascend the throne, but if you want you can stay here and be completely consumed by Akasha and go into reincarnation without your memories and power, but, the letter goes to someone who will receive all your tactics, skills and knowledge"

"No fucking motherfucker!!" Alecs yelled at Zelrech, "How the hell am I going to leave my knowledge in the hands of a stranger? I'll help you. You motherfucker!"

"Well, that was easier than I thought" Zelrech joked to himself thinking how easy it was to bring Alecs to his side "Magus is easy to manipulate when you have the right card in your hand"

"So what do I have to do?" alecs asked

"Just clear the alters in the dimensions" Zelrech replied bringing a small slate "Of the demons and the alters in the main dimensions you can leave that there are already their individuals dealing, but in the other further mentions... no"

"So you want me to clean up the trash?"Alecs asked "Okay, I'll do that, but I want reassurance that I can see my wife!"

"These guarantees will be provided" Zelrech nodded


next chapter
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