Contrary to the words of the servant, Queen Maude's health only deteriorated and worsened over time even as the wedding soon approached them.
Elise's visits to the queen dowager were now a painful time because her mother-in-law was suffering and even with all the powers Elise had, it was a struggle against death and life itself.
"I am so sorry that I cannot do anything for you, mother-in-law," Elise clutched the queen dowager's hand and tried to give her a reason to fight. "If I was stronger then perhaps I would…"
"Elise, you must understand that it is impossible to fight against the inevitable," Queen Maude smiled despite her condition. "I know that this day will come, and I will be reunited with my husband and sons. There is nothing to mourn at all."
I hope you like long chapter today ^^
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