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33.33% The Cards Of War / Chapter 1: Anomaly
The Cards Of War The Cards Of War original

The Cards Of War

Penulis: atomicshark89

© WebNovel

Bab 1: Anomaly

The sun shone brightly on Chris as he was spread out on the ground, a crimson-red liquid surrounding him. He was shot in the chest. Chris was on his way home when he saw a hooded man with a gun pointed at him. Before Chris could do anything, a loud bang rang in his ears as he hit the floor.

Chris looked down to see his blood pouring from his chest. As he stared into the sky, Chris tried to put pressure on his wound, but he found that the strength in his arms was gone. As Chris's sight got blurrier he couldn't help but think about why life was so unfair.

Chris had lived a life full of pain and sorrow. He had lost both of his parents before he turned one, so for his entire life, he had lived in an orphanage. No one ever wanted him because people started to think that being around him would bring bad luck. But even after getting adopted, the people who took him in just wanted the free labor he could give. So for three years, he was treated like a slave, working tasks that were very hard for little kids, and if he did anything wrong he would be yelled at and beaten. On his thirteenth birthday, he escaped his prison and ran until he couldn't anymore.

Even after all of what had happened to him, he was always nice to people because he never wanted to be like the people that treated him badly. He then started to work illegally as a construction worker until he was able to buy a very cheap house and an out-of-date phone. At the young age of sixteen, he got a foothold in his life and got better and better. He started to go to school and learn about space, biology, atoms, and how the laws of the world worked. During this time, Chris learned that he had one of the best memories in human history. He could remember anything he wanted if he willed his mind to do so.

As time passed by Chris started to learn more and more about how the world worked and before he knew it he had the qualification to be one of the most intelligent people on the planet.

As Chris started to blackout, he heard panicked yelling and ear-piercing screams. He knew that the people that were there were trying to get him to a hospital but it was futile, Chris knew that he was not going to live until then. He started to spell out a sentence with his blood saying "Do not waste your time on a dead man." As he began to blackout there was a silhouette of someone standing over him. The person began to shake him violently, trying to keep the almost-dead kid from passing out, but it was futile. Chris went limp indicating that he had passed on.

At the same time, a human-like figure was hovering over an orb the size of its head. The inside of the orb was lit up by billions upon billions of tiny lights, some smaller and some bigger. It seemed like the figure was waiting for something to happen with the orb. The surrounding area was nothing but an endless void that seemed to want to consume all light around it and the only thing that defined the figure was its consent light blue glow that radiated around its entire body.

The figure was so focused on the orb that it didn't notice that a portal had opened behind it. What came out of the portal was another figure, but instead of blending in with the void, it was completely white. It also radiated a light red glow around its body. the white figure started to get closer to the black figure.

"Faris, what do you think you're doing? You know that you need to be doing your job instead of daydreaming!"

The black figure or Faris turned around quickly to see the white figure.

"Amira, what are you doing here?"

"I should be asking you that, why have you been looking at this universe? I know that it's a weird universe but there are more like it. So tell me, why the hell have you been staring at this universe for so long!"

Faris was scared because the white figure was now glowing over ten times as brightly as before and the light started to move in ways that regular light would never move. the light started to ripple like an upward stream. The figure started to walk towards Faris while the light accumulated on the hand he held out.

"Amira, I can explain, just calm down! You see, an anomaly appeared in this universe, so I was waiting there to get it before it got into the loop again. You know what kind of trouble they can cause if they stay there for too long. We all know the mess that was made in universe-616!"

The light that was surrounding Amira disappeared as she stood in place, probably in shock. anomalies are very rare and can be very dangerous if left in a universe because they have the power to tamper with the laws of the world. The most infamous anomaly was the anomaly from Universe 616. universe 616 was very unique, it developed six powerful stones that gave the user the power to control the laws of the universe with no spiritual energy. When the anomaly got the stones, it completely controlled the laws and threatened all living beings in the universe.

Luckily the anomaly was dealt with before the fabric of the universe was fully unraveled. Amira finally came back to her senses.

"Have you contacted Tarek? You know that he needs to give you the go-ahead to destroy anomalies in this sector, right?! I know that you are new but this is the rule that needs to be followed."

Faris seemed to hate what Amira just said, the light around Faris was moving as if agitated. Amira saw the light and got defensive. Amira didn't know what Faris was planning to do but she knew that he wasn't going to follow the rules.

Before anything could happen, there was a blinding light that came from the orb. Inside the light was a humanoid figure like Faris and Amira but this figure was many times smaller than them. The small figure was a fiery color of red. Before Faris could do anything a white bubble appeared around the small red figure and started to float to Amria.

The already irritated Faris was even more enraged. "What do you think you are doing!? I'm the one who found it so why do you have it!!" Amira looked at Faris' light becoming more and more unstable.

"All I'm doing is holding onto the anomaly while we wait for Tarek or one of the other higher-ups to come and inspect it. You will still get the cred..."

Suddenly Faris charged forward and attacked Amira. Amira was ready for it and easily dodged.

"What do you think you're doing?! If the higher-ups find out that you started a fight, you will be seriously punished!!!"

Faris attacked again but was stopped in his tracks by Amira who used the light that surrounded her to lock Faris in place.

"Let me go! all I wanted to do was destroy an anomaly with my own two hands."

"It needs to be checked by the higher-ups first!!"

"But why do they need to be checked? we all know that they will die and there is no way that it's not an anomaly so why can't I destroy it?"

Amira couldn't believe what she just heard. "even though I don't know why they want to check the anomalies before we destroy them, it's still the rule that the higher-ups made so we can't go against it!" Faris scoffed at what Amira said.

"I don't care what rules the higher-ups make, I will do what I want and there is no stopping me!"

Suddenly, bright blue light surrounded the two of them. The light held them in place, not able to move a muscle. Faris struggled with the light as if his life depended on it with no success, while Amira calmly stayed still, not struggling at all. Soon after the light grabbed the two of them. A third figure appeared in the area, this figure had a bright blue light that emitted from him. This light was much more powerful than the light that faris and amira emitted. The light was also much more densely compacted as well, making it much brighter than the two of them.

Faris was anything but happy, he had always wanted to destroy an anomaly and he finally got a chance to do so but he was stopped before he could destroy it. Faris gnarled as he yelled out "what do you want!"

The blue figure tilted its head in confusion. "What do you mean, it's my job to watch over the babysitters of the nonspiritual universes, so when I sense a fight, I need to do my job and stop the two idiots before the universe is affected! So what are you two fighting about, I expect this behavior from Faris but not you Amira.

Amira bowed to the blue figure. "I'm sorry master Tarek but Faris wanted to destroy an anomaly that he found before it had been checked!

"Alright then give me the anomaly so we can get this over with," said Tarek holding out his hand.

Amira didn't even hesitate and sent the ball with the anomaly inside to Tarek. Faris was furious with what just happened. He had dreamed of destroying an anomaly for hundreds of years, but now he is denied by his worst enemy when he gets the chance to do so. Amira turned to look at the enraged Faris, "was it that bad? All you have to do is wait for Tarek to finish looking at the anomaly, and then you can destroy it."

Faris was about to say something but was interrupted by Tarek, "well that's interesting! Hey, you two, did you know that this little one was watching you?

Both Faris and Amira turned to Tarek and gave him an ugly expression.


The two were confused about what Tarek meant, but when they looked at the anomaly, they could see that it had its head tilted as if it was confused. When the two saw that, their eyes almost fell out of their sockets... if they had eyes. They couldn't believe what was happening, every time a soul was taken out of their universe they would be put into a deep sleep that they couldn't escape, But there it was, the anomaly had done the impossible and woke up.

Faris and Amira looked at each other and then back to the anomaly. "How is this possible? when an anomaly is dragged out of its universe, they are put into a deep sleep that usually never comes out of ... but how can it be awake?"

"Well then, let's experiment!" Before they could process what Tarek said, he released the bubble and made a small platform for the little soul. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?" Amira shouted out.

"You know that souls get corrupted by their sins when they are released from their universe. So why did you release him?! It's going to be a pain... to get him... back... why isn't it moving?" The trio stared at the soul in disbelief. A soul not in its universe has been able to be awake and not be corrupted by his sins. This isn't something that the three thought they would see in their ever-expanding lifespan. "This is amazing! if we can control it, we could have a powerful weapon we could use to fight for the king!"

Amira wanted to smack Faris for what he just said. "That anomaly is too dangerous on its own but if we train it and let it get stronger, it will give it the chance to rebel and do great damage to many universes and who knows how many defenders."

"But if we can get it truly loyal to us, it would be perfect!"

"Do you know how many things can go wrong with that plan?!"

As the argument that started verbally soon turned into a full-blown fight. As the little soul watched the two idiots fight, Tarek looked at it with curiosity. He then held out his hand, and transparent gas-like stuff appeared in his hand. It was see-through but it was still visible to the naked eye. After accumulating the gas, he put it in front of the little soul. It was curious about the gas. It reached out with its tiny hands towards the gas. The second it touched it, the gas started to flow into its body at breakneck speeds. When all of the gas was absorbed, the little soul seemed to be glowing like faris, amira, and Tarek but just faintly.

"There you go, little one. try to use that spiritual energy that I gave you and try to form it into something."

The little soul nodded in response. It tried to use the energy that it was given to form something. After a bit of trial and error, it finally formed something... it was a couch. Tarek couldn't help but start cracking up seeing this. He wasn't surprised that it could form something in one of its first attempts. Being just a soul allows people to control spiritual energy easier than when people can while bound by flesh and blood. The problem with this is that people would be forced into the reincarnation cycle and have their memory wiped.

He held out his finger and went to pat it on the head, but when he touched the little soul it started to contort in pain. Tarek noticed that part of his body was being absorbed by it. He quickly moved his hand away from it and stared at the little soul in horror. He didn't understand what was happening, all that he knew was that it had started to consume a small amount of his soul. The little soul was now squirming on the floor, holding its head in pain. Blue was now violently moving throughout the little soul's body. After a while, Faris and Amira finally stopped fighting and walked over to Tarek. Faris started to panic while seeing the state of the little soul.

"What's going on?!"

"I don't know, I touched the top of its head and it started to consume part of my soul. When I pulled my hand away, it started doing this."

"Is there anything we can do to help it?"Faris asked in a concerned voice.

"Sadly no, if we tried to help it we could just end up hurting it even more."

And so they stood there watching the little soul squirming around in pain. After a long while, the blue in its body started to settle down and started to move calmly around its body. Seeing this both Faris and Tarek sighed in relief as Amira scoffed.

"Alrighty, it's time to stop playing around," Tarek said as he scooped up the little soul into his hand and with his other made a slicing motion. While his hand moved a line was made where his hand touched. When he stopped his hand, the line opened up and made a portal.

Faris looked on in horror, "what are you planning on doing with the anomaly?"

"Don't worry about it, I'm not planning on killing it any time soon."

Faris sighed in relief but Amira couldn't hold back anymore.

"What do you plan on doing with it?"

"That I can't tell you. I will be going now and I will be taking this with me as well."

Tarek held out his hand and the universe floating next to Faris and Amira disappeared and reappeared in his hand. He then entered the portal and disappeared. Somewhere else, Tarek reappeared, now holding a strange glowing gem.

"I have found subject: rex interfectorem."

A thunderous laugh resounded from the gem. The laugh had so much power behind it that if anyone else would have heard it, they would have been shaking to their very core.

"So the harbinger of the new age has been born! GREAT, how is it doing? Is it truly like the legends say?"

"It fits the description of the legend and more. it's one of the most interesting things I have seen all my life."

"what universe produced the harbinger?"

"Universe 25503076."

"ugh, the scientist has been experimenting on that universe. god knows what he's done with that. if the harbinger fails because of that, I'm going to skin him myself. Anyway, you know what you need to do. I will go tell the others, that egotistical prick will get what's coming for him hahahahaha."

"Alright, the day that we have been waiting for so long is upon us!"

The two start laughing.

atomicshark89 atomicshark89

this is the end one the first chapter of this mess of my story. please understand this because I'm only saying it once, I will never have a consistent upload schedule so don't expect to have a lot of chapters in a week. it will be lucky once a month. if you have some criticism put them in the comments. see you in the next chapter BYE BYE

next chapter
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