I rush daddy dearest with a straight left which he dodges with a duck under my flying form. I feel his body spring up in an uppercut to catch me straight in the abdomen but roll away to my left mid flight like a turbine and avoid it, landing to his right.
As my feet touch down my hands instantly raise to block a roundhouse kick. I step in with my right and straight kick him in the chest with my left, pushing him back and giving me a second to breath.
From the corner of my eye I catch Noir exchanging blows with Butcher and skillfully evading his laser yes even from up-close.
Hmm, something to keep in mind for the future.
"Homelander!" My gaze is distracted by Starlight's voice and my world is rocked by Soldier Boy's right.
My vision goes blurry as my body slams into and immediately bounces off the floor away from Soldier Boy.
Fucking hell that hurt. I was so concentrated on Soldier Boy for a moment her voice surprised me.
With a kick Noir threw Butcher of him but Soldier Boy was already advancing with that eerie red glow.
M.M unloaded a shot gun into his face which did little to nothing as the Dean Winchester look alike barely flinched.
Kimiko rushed him with furious animalistic blows but he was too fast and skillfully blocked the first hit then caught her arm on the second hit and in one smooth motion broke it and pushed her away.
Fucking hell the man was a tank.
Even in my dazed state I could tell Noir was panicking as instead of his normal confident movements he was backing away in a stuttering step.
"Not him! Get Homelander!" I heard Butcher say as he was drunkenly standing up. Yea, Noir definitely knocked his shit around.
How many seconds has it been? I needed to move before he explodes. I took a deep breath and made to launch myself at him when the lights started flickering.
Starlight's body starts glowing and with a scream she launches her gathered energy at Soldier Boy, which I can only guess due to surprise pushes him back interrupting his power up moment, though he remains on his feet.
Fucking hell she really needs to work on charging up that power faster. It would have been better if she body rushed him.
"AAAAHHHH! ENOUGH! NO MORE INTERFERANCE!" Soldier Boy recovers just as fast turning towards Starlight, his body resuming his death glow brighter than before.
I see the look of horror on Annie's face and act.
"Annie!" I scream as I launch myself at the glowing hero. My flight stops me just as I grab him from behind. I can't go forward, there's too much building that way, I can't risk him toppling the tower.
No 9/11 on my watch.
My eyes briefly meets hers and I instantly launch myself backwards through where the windows behind me and up.
My whole body is hugging him, I feel the radiation seep into me, intensifying, burning me.
"AHHH!" I hear him scream and I let go.
A second that's all I had to put distance between us.
His twisting body release the energy in a wide read beam clipping the tops of the tower and a few other buildings around us.
I hadn't cleared enough space.
Two long seconds, an eternity.
That's how long it too for the beam to subside, his body still traveling upwards from pure momentum.
I felt my breathing, my body was hot with sweat, the blow to the head affecting me more than it should.
Fucking radiation.
Still now wasn't the time to rest.
My vision zoned in on Soldier Boy he looked dazed. I launched myself towards him picking up as much speed as I could.
I break the sound barrier just as I hit him full force. This hurts us both. Me due to the radiation and him because he wasn't expecting it.
I don't break apart but continue my momentum with him, tackling him football style pushing us higher and higher in the atmosphere picking up speed.
This is my chance while he is dazed I need to gather speed and push him off planet. If I can't kill him there's no way I'm letting a government agency get the once weapon that could kill me.
I push faster and harder, past Mach 1, 2..3. I use the bright glow of the moon to guide me.
"AAAAHH LET GO!" Like thunder I feel a blow rocking my back, then an elbow in the back of my head. "YOU PIECE OF SHIT LET GO!" I ignore him and the pain but then I feel the heat…that blasted heat, I feel it exciting the radiation inside of me.
My right hand is holding him firmly secure to me so I use my left to deliver powerful kidney blows, hoping to stop his charge up.
Each blow he lands on me weakens me further. I push harder. It's hard to concentrate. How many seconds have passed? He needs 12.
I feel the heat intensify my shoulder burning, each breath I take stings.
With a mighty push I untangle us but not before he lands another right on my head which dazes me again.
We break apart like two ragdolls and like a giant Sith lightsaber his beam spins wildly with him.
Three, four, five seconds I take to regain my sense. Ironically his hit pushed me out of the way of the Death Beam.
The air is cold and thin but I feel burns on my neck, bubbling skin on my chest, the top of my burned away, partially melted in my flesh.
My instincts tell me to stop, to rest but I can't do that, not yet. I'm so close. I see him, his momentum slowing and rush towards him one more time.
I have to get him past low orbit, past the ISS, past the point where it will be easy for the government to get him.
I crash again into him carrying us further out, using every bit of energy I have to break us away from the gravity of this planet.
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