/ Fantasy / The Barkeep's Tavern records

The Barkeep's Tavern records Orisinil

The Barkeep's Tavern records

Fantasy 10 Bab 11.1K Dilihat
Penulis: _Batu_

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Located off Shepherd's hill is a small tavern. old in bricks and drinks, the tavern hosts a unique crowd. The tavern master, the resident barkeep often is privy to interesting stories. He stands, slowly wiping each glass as he listens to stories of a sheer enigma. The tavern master, erected the tavern for the same intention, for it to act as a stopping point for everyone, from anywhere and from any time!

The Barkeep, a man out of time, dressed oddly enough but was never seen beyond the flicker of the evening candle shadow. He was for all intents and purposes, hidden, cloaked from the world. Too many horrors had he seen, with each wipe of the glass he recalls a story, each and every story that he was told.

General Audiences


  1. Guillhermo_De_Leon
    Guillhermo_De_Leon Berpartisipasi 5
  2. _Batu_
    _Batu_ Berpartisipasi 5
  3. Prathyusha_Harish
    Prathyusha_Harish Berpartisipasi 1

Status Power Mingguan

Rank -- Peringkat Power
Stone -- Power stone

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Penulis _Batu_