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71.42% The Author's Privilege as an Extra / Chapter 15: Screw the Plot

Bab 15: Screw the Plot

This Rob guy was an absolute troll.

That much I was sure. Willynilly changing the story and then wishing me luck... If this guy was a real person back on Earth, I would have legit doxed the guy and showed up at his house to throw hands. 

Sadly, he appeared to be an actual divine being.

That meant I'd have to wait until the end of this story when the Demon God was summoned to have an excuse to go commit deicide. 

Of course, definitely going to make the attempt. Unless that guy had a good explanation for all of this, he was going to get what was coming to him.

But anyway. Today was Tuesday. 

Surprisingly, no one caught onto the mayhem that happened last night. Although Marisa knew, and by association, Roland and then Evelyn, most people just thought it was Sophia letting off some steam.

At least, that was what I heard going around the rumor mill as I headed to grab some breakfast. Better than everyone panicking about a Rank 6 assassin sneaking into the supposedly most secure place in the world, I guess.

Come to think of it, wasn't there another school that was said to be the most secure place in the world? One where they kept a literal philosopher's stone and then a whole unicorn-eating Dark Lord showed up to grab it, only to get stopped by the power of 'love'?

...Let's hope that Starlight isn't privy to as many crazy events as that certain school of witchcraft and wizardry.

It was 7 AM. <Villain Subjugation> started at 8 AM, so there was still an hour to kill.

I woke up later than I wanted this morning, so I didn't have time to go train or do much of anything. Besides that, I'd been strung taut as a piano wire the past week, so I decided to take it easy and just stroll around.

Students were already starting to form cliques and group up. Some had even hooked up as lovers too, walking around without hands clasped without a care in the world.

...I guess that the life expectancy of a Hero was pretty low, so I couldn't blame them for enjoying things while they still could. Wish I could enjoy things like that too, but I had too much on my mind to consider.

The school semester ended in December, just three months away. At that time, Evelyn would get corrupted into a Demon and go berserk, forcing Roland to cut her down. It was, as a certain spider-powered superhero from the future would say, 'a canon event.' 

...I wondered if I should allow it though. 

Evelyn was kind, caring, and beautiful. Not only that, but every effort she made was to better herself for the sake of the Empire. If she took the throne, then it was likely the Eternal Empire would continue on into the future still, reaching even greater heights. 

And although I'd been avoiding her as much as I could, I would be lying if I said I wasn't getting attached. Especially when she worried about me so genuinely even when she definitely shouldn't be considering both our statuses and the fact that we weren't really even friends.

But if she never becomes a demon, it would take facing another demon for Roland to awaken Durandal. Not to mention the fact that there were probably worse contingency plans in place if Evelyn's fall was somehow averted.

I was sure of it. Maximilian vi Eternia was too power-hungry to stop at a single failure, and Void Sovereign was fine with just generating negativity to reach the minimum threshold to allow the Demon God's descent.

Still, knowing that Evelyn wouldn't be there in the future. The thought that such a hardworking and kind soul would get snuffed out...

It left a bad taste in my mouth. And it reminded me all too much of my past, when I sat and watched, ignorant to my friend who was fighting her own demons while smiling at me every day. 

In short... it was questionable.

I reached the central water fountain in the middle of campus and then sat down on its edge before looking up at the sky.

A clear blue expanse without a cloud in sight. A scenery at complete contrast to the countless storms of intrigue and villainy brewing beneath the surface.

"God, I hate you." I couldn't help but mutter those words as I stared at the sky where Rob was undoubtedly watching.

To leave the decision of who would live and who would die in my hands... Was it to show the hypocrisy of an author? It was far too easy to write a character out of the story with a death as the creator. But to the readers who had to experience that...

And now for me, as a person living and interacting with these people...

"You seem to have a lot on your mind, Alexander."

I lowered my head to look at the speaker.

It was Evelyn. Her golden hair was tidied up in braided ponytail, and her beautiful face was scrunched up with a hesitant smile.

"...Good morning, Princess." I didn't know what to say, so I just responded like usual.

Evelyn let out a nervous laugh and then said, "Do you mind if I sit with you?"

I considered it.

Again, this would put me in the spotlight. Not only that, but the more I knew Evelyn, the harder it would be to take that option and let her die.

But at the same time...

'Do you really want to live in a world where you could have saved someone but didn't?'

That thought crossed my mind.

The story was the story, and reality was reality. Though the 'outcome' was the same, the 'effect' would undoubtedly be different.

I could live with the backlash of readers hating me for killing off a beloved character. But... I couldn't live with killing off someone I knew in real life. Though it wouldn't be by my hands, it might as well be in this context. 


Just how much longer was I going to live like this was a 'story' instead of 'reality?'

What was the quote? "Better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all?"

...Right. Since I was plopped here as an extra... but since I was also the author. Why not live it up? 

If the story broke free from the plot... Well, it's not like it'd be shooting in the dark.

I built this world from the ground up. Unlike other characters who were forced to cling to the story to predict the future, I knew enough that I could roll with the punches.

This also wasn't a half-baked story before I got slotted in. Instead, it was a well-tuned machine with plenty of shifting pieces.

Enough that even I wouldn't be able to break it without considerable effort. So... 

"I-Is this too much?" Evelyn fidgeted and said, "A-Apologies. I-"

"You can sit."

Evelyn froze.

I smiled and then patted on the spot to my right. "I don't mind."

Evelyn stared at me for a bit, but then she nodded and sat down next to me. As she did, a soft fragrance of vanilla drifted past.

I blinked and then tilted my head. "...Do you use vanilla conditioner or something?"

Evelyn blushed and said, "Y-Yes. I'm quite fond of both the scent and the taste. Um... does that disturb you?"

"No. It's... pretty nostalgic actually."

"Really?" Evelyn smiled. "I'm glad. Most people I meet seem put off by it..."

I laughed and said, "Well, I guess vanilla isn't in fashion these days." After all, if it was that Rob guy wouldn't have sent me here.

Evelyn laughed as well. But then she paused and said, "You seem a bit different today, Alexander."

"Mm... I'm in a good mood." I leaned back and looked up at the sky. "I guess you could say I'm getting used to life here."

The reality of the situation had sunk in, so to speak. Or maybe it was from that dream...

Either way, I didn't feel like brushing Evelyn off like I usually did.

Evelyn smiled. "That's good!"

I smiled and said, "You seem awfully happy to hear that."

"A-Ah. W-Well..." Evelyn shifted and then said, "...I'm just glad you've found a reason to live."

"Hm?" I tilted my head. "What makes you think that?"

Evelyn flinched. "P-Pardon! I-It's still quite early, so I may say some strange things." She let out a nervous laugh.

I laughed along with her. "Well, I guess we all do when we're sleepy."


I smiled and then looked out at the courtyard.

Students were moving about on their own morning routines. A few glanced over at Evelyn, but continued on their way. There were curious looks, but no harsh and condescending gazes.

But that only reinforced the fact that this was reality. Or at least 'a' reality. The people here weren't irrational and vapid imitations of a person, but real individuals with their own goals, priorities, and ideas.

...And they were also students who wouldn't want to risk throwing away their prestigious place in this academy for no reason.

That always bothered me about these types of stories. Like, would someone REALLY go all out to bully like that? In an elite place like this? 

Then again, an author's story was reflective of their life. Maybe the authors who wrote settings where that happened had experienced it in their own life.

I'd never been bullied myself, so I wouldn't know. It might be happening somewhere I couldn't see... but at least it wasn't happening to me. Mm... good that I wasn't on social media. Definitely would get cancelled for saying that.

"U-Um..." Evelyn shifted and then looked over at me. "Alexander?"

I looked over and said, "Yes?"

"Are you well?" Evelyn frowned and said, "I heard from Roland that you fought off a powerful opponent last night... Was that why you weren't at the training grounds this morning?"

I hummed. "I'm fine, overall. Just tired."

Evelyn's frown deepened and she gave me a once over, as if trying to peer into my mana circles.

I chuckled. "What are you, my mother? There's no need to worry so much."

Evelyn blushed. "M-My apologies. Just..." She glanced off to the side and said, "I would be... rather put out if you were injured again."

"About that..." I frowned and said, "Why DO you care so much about me, Evelyn?"

Evelyn's eyes widened.

I realized my slip up and then said, "I mean, Princess."

Evelyn smiled. "It seems you're quite sleepy as well to slip up like that, Alexander." She giggled and said, "It's quite cute."

"Hey. I'm being serious here." I stared into her eyes and said, "Why do you care so much about me?"

It didn't really make sense. 

Although I wasn't particularly ugly as Alexander... In fact, I had to say I was objectively attractive with the somewhat haunted gaze and sharp features. But anyway, while I wasn't ugly, I also definitely wasn't up to the standards of a breathtaking beauty like Evelyn.

Evelyn shifted in place and then said, "M-Must I say it?"

I blinked. "...I mean, I'm confused, so yes?"

Evelyn turned a deeper shade of red and then said, "T-That is because I-I'm interested in-"

"Princess." A cold male voice cut Evelyn off.

I frowned and looked over.

Evelyn did as well. And when she saw the speaker, she frowned. "Frostblade."

Right. It was Frostblade. Isaac Frostblade. 

Isaac narrowed his eyes at me and then shifted his gaze back to Evelyn. "A woman of your status should not be hanging around commoners like him."

I smiled at Isaac and said, "My, my. To think that the esteemed heir of the Frostblade Earldom would pester the princess about her manners. Some would think you have the final say over the Empire itself." 

Evelyn glanced at me, worry clear in her eyes. 

And as a result, Isaac's eyes grew frosty. 

...Well, it couldn't be helped. That guy didn't get a character arc until after the Empire fell. At this point in time, he was still a crazily uptight guy who was obsessed with appearances and "The Princess." 

Rather than caring about Evelyn as a person, Isaac looked at her as a symbol of power and moved accordingly. Some would say it was because he saw her as his own possession, but the truth was that he couldn't stand having the esteem of the Empire diminished in any way. That was just his 'Truth' as the heir to the Frostblade Earldom and the self-proclaimed blade of the Princess.

Unfortunately for him, I wasn't going to roll over just because he talked like a snobby asshole.

Isaac stared at me and then let out a thin smile. "If so, then what would those say of the commoner who woos the princess at every turn? Seeking to become Emperor?"

I laughed. "As if. The proper ruler is Maximilian, after all." I paused and then said, "...But it appears that the Frostblades think otherwise?"

Evelyn gasped. 

Isaac's eyes started to actually flash an eerie blue. But then he closed them and let out a collected sigh. "...Enough. I've no breath left to spend on you." He purposefully turned away and then glanced back at Evelyn.

But the moment he opened his mouth, I spoke up. "Funny. What would Lady Frostblade think of her son when he so casually dictates what a lady ought and ought not do?"

Isaac froze and then clenched his fists, glaring at me.

I smiled. And as I did, a message popped up.

> You have taken on the role of a 'villain' in Isaac Frostblade's eyes.

> Would you like to use this for <Playwright>?

Oh? That was interesting. Sure.

> Confirmed! Your role for now is <Villainous Commoner>. Intentional acts in accordance to this role will have greater effect!

"You should know your place, Commoner."

I stood up and said, "And you should know yours, Noble." I waved my hand towards the campus and said, "This is Starlight Academy, home to future Heroes. Noble you may be, but to scorn those willing to lay their lives down for the future... Has the Frostblade Earldom fallen so low?"

Isaac immediately reached for his left side to grab a sword that wasn't there. But he realized what he did and then clicked his tongue, spinning around on his heel. After that, he stalked off.

"I thought so." I watched him leave and said, "That solemn demeanor suits you more than your venomous tongue of false nobility, Frostblade."

Isaac visibly shook with anger, but he continued on his way, pace unchanged. 

As he did, Evelyn turned to look at me and said, "Must you antagonize him so?"

I sat back down and said, "Like I said, he needs to know his place. Authority has its place, but individual worth carries more weight in the long run. And this is the home to those individuals whose worth will carry the light of the future into tomorrow." I looked at Evelyn and smiled. "Isn't it?"

Evelyn looked at me and then turned a deep red. After that, she looked away and coughed. "Y-Yes. I completely agree..."

I laughed. Evelyn was pretty fun to tease... and it also seemed like I was a pretty good yapper when I wasn't worried about anything. Who'd have thought, eh?

"I-In any case!" Evelyn stood up and then pulled out her phone. "It's nearing a quarter to eight. We should hurry to not be late for class, Alexander."

I stood up and brushed off the back of my pants. "I guess so."

Evelyn nodded and started walking off. 

But as she did, I noticed that her skirt was covered in dust.

Evelyn stopped and turned around to look at me. Then she noticed my gaze. "A-Alexander-"

"You've got dust on your skirt."

"...Oh. That's... Of course. It's that." Evelyn nodded and then quickly brushed off her skirt.

I walked next to her and said, "What did you think I was doing? Coveting the Imperial Princess is a path to the executioner's block, isn't it?"

"Yes. I-I mean, according to the Imperial Law. B-But... N-No! Not butt! I mean-" Evelyn turned a bright red and then covered her face in her hands.

I chuckled and said, "Don't stress too much, Princess. Everyone makes mistakes. And everyone should learn at some point in their life that assuming things makes an ass-" 


"Fine, fine!" I laughed and started walking. "Let's get going then. I'm sure Isaac's chomping at the bit to partner with me today..."

next chapter
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