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87.5% The 100: The Shield of Heda / Chapter 42: Desperate Deals

Bab 42: Desperate Deals

"Jaaaames!" I screamed out, seeing the love of my life collapsed on the ground with an arrow protruding from his chest. An intense wave of frantic emotions ran through me: horror, dread, sorrow, and seething unadulterated rage.

My sharp gaze, which was beginning to cloud with unshed tears, instantly locked on to the assassin barely peeking out from behind the tree trunk. Needing to take care of him first before I can check on James, I sprint towards him with a snarl on my lips. Seeing me rushing towards him, he tried to fire an arrow at me to stop my advancement, but I skillfully dodged it, not once breaking my stride.

Before he could properly react, I was upon him, my sword mid swing towards his body. In a panicked attempt to defend himself, he raised his bow between us as if that would help him.

One of my swords cut cleanly through his well-made yew bow as if it were butter before my other blade lodged itself firmly into the top of his head, the blade stopping firmly in the center of his skull.

With the Archer taken care of, I immediately ran back to James' body, my mind nothing but a frightened and panicky mess. "James! Please, James, please. Please be okay." I sobbed as I kneeled at his side. He was so pale that at first glance, you'd think he was dead. With an arrow piercing his chest, he was already more than halfway there.

I used my sword and quickly cut open his leather armor so I could get a better look at the wound, and when I saw it… I got just as pale as he was.

The arrow was deep. Blood was seeping out of his wound at a worrying pace. I couldn't just pull it out, I knew that would just make it worse. "It's going to be okay, it's going to be okay, it's going be okay…" I repeated like a mantra, not sure if I was trying to convince James or myself.

I was scared.

I already lost James once, I couldn't lose him again. Especially not since I knew that if I lost him this time… he wouldn't be coming back to me. 

Leaning over his face as I checked his pulse, my tears fell against his skin—I didn't care, I just needed to know that he was alive. Soon I found what I was looking for. His pulse was weak, worryingly weak, but it was there.

Getting level with his chest, I saw that his breathing was so shallow that his chest looked still. 

"Please don't die on me," I begged, trying to carefully lift him up and put him on the back of a horse. "I love you too much. I don't know what I'd do without you…"

Placing him on the horse was a challenge in itself, let alone trying to do it without hurting him further. He was a large man, a good head taller than myself, and he was heavy. Eventually, I finally got him situated firmly on the horse and I heaved a sigh of relief. The first part was done, now I just needed to get him to Polis as fast as I could.

Riding as swift as I was able to without jostling James around too much and potentially worsening his wound, it seemed as if I was checking on him every few seconds until we arrived at the city gates.

Thankfully, we weren't ambushed by another group of assassins along the way.

Yelling at the guards before I even reached them, I ordered one to take the horse and ride to Ton DC and bring Nyko to Polis as fast as they could, while the others were ordered to carefully remove my love from the horse. 

We have more than a handful of healers here in Polis, but Nyko was by far the most knowledgeable in the coalition.

Following behind the guards as they carried James to the tower, I was struggling not to let my emotions show on my face. I was beyond worried for him. My knuckles were bone white as I gripped the hilt of one of my swords, my jaw clenching to painful levels while staring straight ahead. 

The people of Polis made a path for us as we walked, but I was acutely aware of their whispers as we passed. "Em's the Shield Gon Hedas…" They'd say among other things. "Ste em stedaunon? Em souda be stedaunon…"

Their words made my stomach churn something awful, encouraging the prowling fear I felt just under my skin to rear its ugly head.

If it weren't for the years of constant training when dealing with my emotions, I very likely would have broken down right then and there. Once inside the elevators with James and the two guards, I placed my hand against his cheek lovingly as we ascended.

He had to make it through this. He just had to.

James is all I have left. He's the only one keeping my head on straight with all of this Heda business. I have given him my heart. If he were to go, my heart would go with him—leaving me nothing but a heartless monster. I fear I'd go on a warpath to find who was responsible and to make them pay, not at all caring who got hurt in the process. 

It'd be like when I lost Costia. I made some decisions as a leader I know James didn't approve of, regardless of him not saying anything about them.

Arriving on the floor of our quarters, I ordered the guards to lay him on my bed and wait outside my doors for further orders. On the way to my room, I had told a servant to go and retrieve a couple local healers while we waited for Nyko to arrive.

Now that James and I were alone once more, I grasped his hand desperately as I allowed my tears to return.

He looked so weak. 

His body was cool to the touch, his skin clammy. He was fighting, just as he always did. I just hoped that this is a battle that he won.

"I love you. I love you so much." I whispered against his forehead, attempting to give him my energy with the kiss that soon followed.

It wasn't long before the doors to my quarters soon opened with two healers walking in with determined paces. I didn't bother wiping my tears, James' wellbeing was a priority. Whether the healers took notice of my tear streaked face, they didn't show it. Bustling over James, they quickly removed the rest of his armor and began to clean around the wound.

During the whole process, I didn't let go of his hand even once.

With the wound cleaned, they lathered the base of the arrow where it connected with his skin with some kind of thick smelly ointment. They said that it would keep the wound from bleeding and stop infection.

I asked them if they were able to do anything about the arrow itself, but they couldn't… removing an arrow from that deep in his chest was beyond their knowledge. I only hoped that Nyko would be able to do more.

I felt useless. 

I just couldn't do anything except wait and hope.

It was several hours later until Nyko finally arrived and he promptly got to work. He added more ointments and pastes to James' body, but other than that, he couldn't do anything. This was far beyond his capabilities.

"I'm sorry, Heda. There just isn't anything that I can do." He quietly uttered, a resigned look upon his face. I broke down once again at that, not caring if Nyko saw me. He knew I cared for James, he had known by the way I had talked about him as a child. 

Nyko reached out and pulled me into a hug, and I didn't fight it. I just sobbed silently into his shoulder. If we didn't find some way to help James soon, he wouldn't make it through tomorrow.

Just then, John burst into my quarters with urgency. Normally that type of action would be met with admonishment, but I knew he had probably just heard the news and was worried about his mentor.

Removing myself from Nyko, I asked him to leave the room so I could speak to my Shield's second in private. He nodded in understanding and soon left us alone.

John didn't have his mask on, so I could see his distressed features clearly. He asked for an update on how James was doing after making sure that I was okay. I filled him in on everything I knew, telling him that there wasn't anything that our healers could do. The knowledge that they required for a surgery needed to remove the arrow from his chest without injuring any of his internal organs in the process was far beyond what they were capable of, let alone the equipment needed for such a procedure.

Thinking about my response, his face suddenly darkened before lighting up with an idea. "What if there was another way to save him?" He said suddenly, remembering that they did in fact have access to those capable with such advanced medical knowledge.

"What do you mean?" I asked, feeling a flicker of hope in my heart at his words. If there was a chance to save him, then I would be all for it.

At my hopeful look, he continued. "The Skaikru. Was there an Abby Griffin captured when we took over Camp Jaha?" 

Understanding soon blossomed across my features. Of course, Abby Griffin, one of the leaders of Skaikru, Clark's mother, is the head doctor. She would hopefully be able to fix him. She was her only chance.

Casting a long look back at James' still body, a look of determination crossed my features. Telling John to follow me, we made our way to the elevators at a brisk pace.

The journey towards the prison was made in a tense silence. John had his guard persona on and there was only one thing on my mind at that moment—making sure James got the help he needed.

If Skaikru couldn't help him, then I doubted there was anyone who could. I just hoped that Abby would be reasonable. If she needed some convincing, I had just the threat. 

The cold prison basement was just as dark as it was when James went to visit Kane, just as silent, too.

Abby's cell was near the back where Kane's cell was. Standing outside the door, I steeled my features, grabbed the torch, and opened the door. The cell was dark, but the torch in my hand lit it up plenty. Sweeping my hardened gaze across the small cell, I laid eyes on an older woman laying in the bed with her hand over her eyes, attempting to shield against the bright torchlight. 

"Abby Griffin?" I called out, at least making sure I had the right woman, as well as gauging her compliance. Hearing my authoritative tone, the woman sat up to try and get a better look at me, her eyes now adjusted to the intrusive light. 

"Who wants to know?" She asks tersely, trying to put on a brave face. 

"I am the Heda, commander of the twelve clans, and the one who may give you your freedom." 

At that, she stood up off her bed and looked me in the eyes. I respected that, it showed that the woman at least had a spine. John stood just outside the cell in case the woman decided to attack her, not that she needed his help anyway. James would be upset with John if he didn't do his job while he was… indisposed.

Abby was silent for a moment, considering her words carefully. She was a smart woman, so I was sure that she latched on to the part where I said I could give her freedom. Even if she wasn't that intelligent, any prisoner in this place would likely do the same.

"What is it that you want of me?" That was good, at least she was willing to talk.

"I have on good authority that you are a doctor, is that correct?" 

"It is." Abby confirmed, a glimmer of pride showing on her face before she schooled her features. She must have learnt that while she was on The Ark's council.

Inwardly, I let out a small cheer of relief. So far so good. "A trusted warrior of mine has been gravely wounded. I request that you heal him. If he survives this ordeal, I can guarantee your freedom." I say calmly, hoping that she'd accept my offer. Though it might upset some that she would be willing to let a leader of Skaikru go scot-free, James' life was worth it and so much more.

Abby began to mull over the request for a while, a far off look in her eye as she thought about it. Eventually, she seemed to come to a decision. "Is my daughter a prisoner as well?" She asked tentatively as if scared to know the answer.

"She is." I confirmed, hoping she wouldn't ask for herself and her daughters freedom. If she made things difficult, I'd have to be more forceful in my request.

Swallowing hard at my answer, she seemed to be thinking things over once more. Nodding to herself, she gives me her conditions.

"I will heal this warrior of yours on one condition," Abby pauses to give me a sincere look. "My condition is that you let my daughter go in my place. If I do this, I don't want her treated as a prisoner of war, tortured, injured, or whatever else your people do with your prisoners. If you can promise me that, I will heal anyone you ask."

Looking at her appraisingly, I couldn't help but respect her a little bit more. What she asked of me was something that every mother should ask in a similar situation. 

"Very well," I agreed easily. "But keep in mind… if you fail, you won't be the only one to suffer my wrath, do I make myself clear?" It was obvious what I was referring to. If she were to fail and James were to die under her care, Clarke will be killed in return.

Confirming we understood each other, I took her out of the cell and began to explain the situation to her while making our way back to my quarters. Abby was saying that surgery would need to be done, but it couldn't be done here. She needed someplace sterile, and she would need some medical equipment that Polis didn't have.

The doctor began suggesting the medical station at Camp Jaha, but she shook her head, changing her mind. Ever since The Ark came down, that place was in no condition to host an advanced surgery as the one she suspected she would be doing. That's when I got an idea.

James said that the bunker was well stocked and had medical facilities, surely they would have an area for surgeries too. Before going anywhere, though, Abby wanted to check James over and confirm his condition herself. 

When we arrived at my room, the doctor immediately began evaluating the wound, careful not to touch the arrow too much incase it jostled something inside his chest.

"I believe I can save him, but we need to get him to this bunker of yours, and I will need my assistant. I need a set of hands that knows their way around stuff like this and I can count on. His name is Eric Jackson." She stated surely, examining the poultice surrounding James' wound.

At her demand, I turn to John and tell him to go and retrieve Eric from the prison and to fill him in on what's happening. She was glad that he was still wearing his mask, she wasn't sure how Abby would react knowing that one of theirs was working with her—if she even recognized him. 

"Understood, Heda." He saluted her before rushing off to complete his assigned task.

The next several minutes were spent preparing James for travel. With orders from her Heda, a young servant girl made sure that a cart was prepared for him. The cart had to be stable and not too wobbly, we wanted the journey to be as smooth as possible for his safety.

After John came back with Eric in tow, Eric immediately set to work helping Abby prep James for transport. When everything was ready, I allowed that small spark of hope I felt earlier blossom into something more. 

This had to work, it just had to…


Em's the Shield Gon Hedas = He's the shield of Hedas

Ste em stedaunon? = Is he dead?

Em souda be stedaunon = He must be dead

CallMeQuotes CallMeQuotes

I don't have an update schedule yet, but at this point I'm writing when I can and uploading when I'm done.

next chapter
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