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Tensura: Beyond the Void

Penulis: Rayanghost

© WebNovel

Bab 1: "Awakening in the Void"

[A/N- a few things to say before we start.

-My idea for this story is not to focus too much on the main character but to develop more side characters.

-The MC is going to be like an ancient existence who will get stronger over time, but not really interact with the world itself a lot. and more like a deity, he would interact through his subordinates/followers. and we are mainly going to be seeing the effect of his presence in the world. but this will only start after like 10 chapters or more so the beginning will still focus on the MC and his nature as a Void.

- I plan to add 2 more continents the size of the frozen continent where Guy Crimson lives, on the map. probably on the northeast and southeast side.

anyways these are plans I want to flush out after a few chapters at the very least.

- Don't expect any harm or any smut. that is NOT the type of story I will write. i will develop the side-characters romance. but don't expect any of that from the MC. tho I might consider something like that if anyone has a good suggestion.

- expect an update every 4-5 days with at least 3000 words per chapter each, maybe more if I get more time to write.


[MC P.O.V]

I died. Before this, I didn't think that life mattered. The concept of existence seemed fleeting, inconsequential in the grand scheme of things. Death came as a relief, a release from the mundane struggles of living. Yet, what followed was far from the oblivion I had expected.

In death, I experienced a profound reset, more thorough than any memory wipe. It was as if my entire being had been scrubbed clean, leaving behind only the barest essence of what made me "me." This core, this ego, floated in a vast nothingness, untethered from the constraints of my former life.

Now, I find myself in a state of pure consciousness, devoid of physical form or sensory input as I once knew it. My surroundings, if they can be called that, are an endless void. There's no up or down, no light or dark in the conventional sense. It's a realm beyond physical description, where the very concepts of space and time seem meaningless.

In this formless state, I experience a profound peace. The calm that envelops me is all-encompassing, reminiscent of the soothing warmth a developing chick might feel within its egg. It's a cocoon of nothingness, yet it feels more like everything – a paradox my mind struggles to comprehend.

Time loses all meaning in this place. I exist as a singular point, a speck of dark matter in an infinite void. My consciousness revolves around itself, contemplating its own existence without the distractions of a physical world. The peace is so absolute that the very notion of time passing becomes irrelevant.

After an immeasurable period, I become aware of a change. Other energies begin to gather in this vast nothingness. They're not close enough to interact with directly, yet not so far that I can't sense their presence. These new elements introduce an unfamiliar sensation to my peaceful existence. It's not exactly unpleasant, but it's... different. The contrast makes me acutely aware of how content I had been in my solitude.

Accompanying these new energies is a peculiar feeling of being observed. Invisible gazes seem to penetrate the void, not focused on me specifically, but encompassing everything around me. It's as if a great predator has taken interest in this realm, not for the purpose of hunting, but out of a deep, primal curiosity. The presence behind these gazes is undeniably powerful, evoking a mix of awe and unease in my formless being.

[Image](image in comments)


The transformation of reality around me was a gradual process, unfolding at a pace that defied conventional understanding of time. In this primordial state, the passage of years - or perhaps mere moments - blurred into an indistinguishable flow of existence. The void, once an endless expanse of nothingness, began to shift and change, reminiscent of an artist's brush slowly bringing life to a blank canvas.

As I watched, transfixed by this cosmic spectacle, the swirling energies coalesced into a form both magnificent and terrifying. A dragon emerged from the primordial soup of creation, its scale dwarfing anything I could have imagined in my previous life. This wasn't just any dragon, but a being of pure, unbridled creative force. Its very essence seemed to pulse with the power to shape reality itself.

The process of its formation was mesmerizing. Like a master sculptor working with clay, those invisible, omnipresent gazes I had sensed earlier seemed to mold and refine this draconic entity. Each subtle adjustment, each pulse of energy, contributed to the creation of something truly transcendent. I found myself in awe of the intricate details forming before me - scales that shimmered with cosmic energy, eyes that held the depth of universes, and a presence that radiated pure, unadulterated power.

[Time skip 400 years]

The passing of four centuries in this timeless realm felt both instantaneous and eternal. In the wake of the dragon's creation, which I would come to know as Veldanava, the very fabric of existence seemed to hum with newfound purpose. The emptiness that had once defined our shared space now crackled with potential.

Veldanava, this newborn god of creation, became the focus of my unwavering attention. In the absence of any other stimuli, I found myself drawn to observe its every move, every gesture, every flicker of energy that emanated from its colossal form. At first, the dragon seemed oblivious to my presence, perhaps unable to perceive a being as insubstantial as myself in this vast expanse.

I watched as Veldanava began to explore its surroundings, its movements initially aimless and curious. The sight of this immense being gliding through the void was both beautiful and surreal. As time progressed, I noticed a change in its behavior. The dragon began to experiment with its innate powers, releasing bursts of energy at random intervals into the emptiness around us.

Each discharge of Veldanava's power was a spectacle to behold. Beams of pure creation energy would shoot forth, momentarily illuminating the darkness with colors I had no names for. These experiments seemed to serve no immediate purpose, yet I sensed they were crucial steps in Veldanava's journey of self-discovery. With each burst, the dragon appeared to grow more confident, more purposeful in its actions.

As I continued to observe, I couldn't help but wonder: What role would this god-like being play in shaping the reality around us? And more importantly, what part, if any, would I play in the unfolding drama of creation?


[Omniscient narrator P.O.V]

The cosmic dance of creation continued for millennia, with Veldanava at its center and the little void entity observing from the sidelines. Five thousand years passed, a mere blink in the grand timelessness of existence, yet filled with monumental events that would shape the very fabric of reality.

During this time, Veldanava, driven by an overwhelming sense of solitude, brought forth Ivaraj. This primordial being, while immensely powerful, lacked the spark of consciousness that defined Veldanava. Ivaraj was akin to a cosmic automaton, a force of nature without will or thought. Its actions were purely instinctual, driven by an innate urge to destroy or attack anything Veldanava created. This destructive nature posed a significant challenge to Veldanava's creative endeavors, forcing the dragon god to reconsider his approach to companionship and creation.

Veldanava's disappointment in Ivaraj ran deep, a profound sense of failure clouding his divine countenance. He had envisioned a companion, a being of substance and thought, not the mindless force of destruction that Ivaraj had become. Time and again, Veldanava attempted to reshape Ivaraj, to instill in him the spark of consciousness, the gift of an "Ego" that would allow for independent thought. But these efforts proved futile, for Veldanava, in all his cosmic wisdom, still lacked the crucial knowledge of how to imbue a being with true self-awareness.

Amidst the chaos of their frequent clashes, a subtle yet significant phenomenon occurred, unnoticed by the preoccupied Veldanava. The destructive energy unleashed by Ivaraj during these confrontations did not dissipate into the cosmos as one might expect. Instead, it found an unlikely recipient - the void entity.

This primordial being, silent and observant, absorbed the raw, chaotic energy emanating from Ivaraj. Unlike the creative forces of Veldanava, which had prompted a more dramatic reaction, Ivaraj's destructive essence seemed to resonate with the void entity's nature. The energy, far from harmful, was assimilated and began to subtly alter the entity's own essence.

This gradual accumulation and transformation of energy within the void entity would prove to be of monumental importance in the epochs to come. It laid the foundation for the birth of a new, unprecedented form of power - one that could reach into the very core of other beings, influencing and warping their fundamental nature.

This emerging ability held the potential to transform its targets into mindless beasts, not unlike Ivaraj in their lack of higher thought, but with horrific, unpredictable mutations. The irony that this power, born from Veldanava's failed creation, could produce beings similarly devoid of ego, was lost on the cosmos for now.

As these changes occurred imperceptibly within the void entity, the stage was being set for a future where the very fabric of existence and consciousness could be manipulated in ways that even Veldanava, in all his omniscience, had yet to fathom.

[narrator pov]

The birth of the universe marked a pivotal moment in Veldanava's existence. In an act of cosmic sacrifice, he relinquished a significant portion of his omnipotence, though his omniscience remained intact, at least for the time being. This decision was born out of a profound existential crisis that gripped the dragon god.

After sealing away the destructive force that was Ivaraj, Veldanava found himself grappling with the emptiness of his solitary existence. The prospect of being the sole conscious entity in an endless expanse of time stretched before him, a burden too heavy even for a god to bear. He yearned for more - more complexity, more diversity, more consciousness beyond his own.

This longing led Veldanava to a momentous decision: to create an environment where other forms of life could flourish alongside him. The sacrifice of his omnipotence, while significant, did not diminish his godlike status. His innate mastery over the energies of creation, an integral part of his being, remained undiminished.

Indeed, Veldanava discovered that completely relinquishing his powers was an impossibility. These abilities were not merely tools at his disposal but fundamental aspects of his identity as a primordial being. To fully give them up would be to lose a part of himself.

With his reduced yet still immense power, Veldanava set about crafting a universe of unprecedented resilience. This new reality was designed to withstand cosmic forces, presenting a formidable challenge to any entity that might seek to destroy it. Within this robust framework, he introduced the concept of magicules - a manifestation of his sacrificed semi-omnipotence.

These magicules would serve as the building blocks of power in this new world, imbuing the beings born within it with the potential for great strength. This decision was rooted in Veldanava's desire to see life flourish and evolve, perhaps even to levels that could one day rival his own.

As the universe took shape, teeming with the potential for life and consciousness, Veldanava watched with anticipation. The stage was set for a new era of existence, one where the dragon god would no longer be alone in his capacity for thought and growth. 

In his fervor to create a world teeming with life and potential, Veldanava remained oblivious to an unforeseen consequence of his actions. The birth of this universe, forged from his sacrificed omnipotence, generated residual energy - a cosmic afterglow that escaped even his omniscient gaze. This energy, subtle yet potent, held within it the seeds of future universes, waiting to bloom in the vast expanse of existence.

Perhaps it was Veldanava's intense focus on his new creation that blinded him to this phenomenon. Or maybe, in reducing his omnipotence, he had inadvertently limited his ability to perceive certain cosmic processes. Whatever the reason, this oversight would have far-reaching implications for the multiverse.

Unbeknownst to Veldanava, the stage was being set for a cosmic drama that extended far beyond his original vision. The residual energy, drifting in the spaces between realities, held the potential to spawn entire new universes, each with its own unique properties and possibilities.

As Veldanava turned his attention to nurturing the life within his carefully crafted world, the task of exploring these budding realities fell to another. Our little void entity friend, silent observer of creation itself, was perfectly positioned to witness and perhaps even influence the birth of these new universes.

This development added layers of complexity to the cosmic narrative. While Veldanava shaped his singular universe with meticulous care, the void entity stood at the threshold of a much grander tapestry of realities. The contrast between Veldanava's focused creation and the spontaneous generation of multiple universes set the stage for potential conflicts, discoveries, and adventures on a scale that even the dragon god might not have imagined.

The future of existence now held possibilities beyond even Veldanava's grand design, with our primordial void entity poised to play a pivotal role in the unfolding drama of the multiverse.

The little void entity drifted towards what it thought of as the "prime universe" - the cardinal world Veldanava had crafted. As it approached the barrier surrounding this new reality, something unexpected happened. Instead of colliding with the boundary, the void simply absorbed it, slipping through as if it wasn't there at all.

In an instant, everything changed. The void found itself in a new place, facing a freshly formed planet. The world before it glowed brightly, still hot from its recent creation.

Being here felt... odd. The void had grown accustomed to the vast emptiness between realities. This place, while not unpleasant, felt somehow denser, more confined. Despite the strangeness, the little void was determined to stay and explore.

As it acclimated to its new surroundings, the void noticed something curious. It felt stronger here, more substantial. Then it realized why - it was slowly consuming the space around itself. The effect was barely noticeable, but it was happening. Fortunately, this newborn universe seemed to have its own healing ability, quickly mending these tiny breaks almost as fast as they appeared.

The void pondered its situation. It was an anomaly in this fresh reality, neither fully part of it nor separate from it.

The pivotal moment of contact between Veldanava and the little void entity coincided with the birth of the universe. As Veldanava wove the intricate tapestry of reality, laying the foundation for his world, he became aware of an anomaly. The void entity, once a passive observer, had become an active force within the newly formed universe. Its presence manifested as an empty abyss, a pocket of primordial nothingness that defied the laws of the nascent reality.

This void was not merely empty space; it was an active force that consumed the very fabric of existence around it. As it devoured reality, it transmuted it into something more ancient, more fundamental – a substance that predated even Veldanava's concept of existence. The sight of this phenomenon stirred a deep curiosity within the dragon god.

Intrigued by this entity that he had not created, Veldanava approached it with a mixture of caution and fascination. As he extended his essence towards the void, he experienced something entirely new – the void began to absorb his energy. However, this absorption was not a simple transfer of power. The void entity transformed Veldanava's energy, altering its very nature into something both familiar and alien. The resulting force bore similarities to Veldanava's own "Turn Null" ability, yet it possessed unique properties that even the dragon god found difficult to comprehend.

This encounter challenged Veldanava's omniscience. While he could perceive the nature of the void entity – recognizing it as a fundamental aspect of Void itself – the 'why' of its existence eluded him. This gap in his knowledge led Veldanava to a profound realization: this entity must predate even his own existence. Unlike himself or Ivaraj, the void entity wasn't a creation but a representation of the primordial existence itself, a living embodiment of the nothingness that preceded all things.

The implications of this discovery were staggering. Veldanava, for the first time since his awakening, found himself face to face with a mystery beyond his comprehension. This encounter would mark the beginning of a new chapter in the cosmic narrative, one that would challenge the very foundations of creation and existence.

[A/N- expect an update every 4-5 days with at least 3000 words per chapter each, maybe more if I get more time to write.

- I will probably rewrite this chapter before I publish the next chapter.]

Rayanghost Rayanghost

I was not fully satisfied with the First chapter but i just had to publish it. So that now i have a reason to actively work on this story.

btw i have choosed a name for the MC but i would like it if you guy can also suggest some name, It must be something which connects of his nature which is Void.

Also suggest me name for side characters because i plan to add atleast 4 original characters(3 male, 1 female).

next chapter
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