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100% Teen Mage in Teen Wolf / Chapter 40: Ch. 40 First Game Madness

Bab 40: Ch. 40 First Game Madness

Friday Afternoon:

Myrddin arrives at the school and heads to the locker room. The parking lot is mostly empty aside from a few cars. He doesn't bother trying to get into the school, he just goes around to get to the locker room.

Inside he sees Danny at his locker getting ready.

"You here early as well?" Danny turns around and spots Myrddin, he extends his arm for a fist bump.

Myrddin shrugs and gives Danny a fist bump. "Yeah. Wanted to make sure I'm fully ready for the game. Didn't really expect anyone else to be this early"

"Only 3 other guys are here. Nobody really shows up this early besides coach. I'm only here this early because it's our fist game. I think Isaac has been here for a while though" Danny looks up while trying to think.

Myrddin wonders why Isaac would bother being here so early. He turns around and goes to his locker. "I'm gonna get suited up, do we head to the field when it's time to start?"

"No, we just stay in here until coach gives a pep talk and then we all run out onto the field and warm up there" Danny tells Myrddin who doesn't get told this type of thing.

Going to his locker, Myrddin sees coach come out of his office.

"Merlin! Early bird gets the worm right?!" Bobby walks over to Myrddin and smacks his shoulder, but this time he doesn't do it hard enough to hurt his hand. "When we get to the field I want you to represent the team. All you need to do is shake the hand of three other players on the opposite team. There will be a coin toss that If you win, or the other team differs to you, tell the ref we want the right side of the field first. Scott and Jackson will also be with you so nothing too crazy should happen. Just make sure your helmet is off and under your left arm. Look pretty and try to intimidate them a little, got it?"

Myrddin opens his mouth slightly to ask a question when Coach interrupts him.

"Great! Knew I can count on you!" Finstock walks towards the exit but stops when he stands shoulder to shoulder with Myrddin. "Keep doing what you're doing and Captain Merlin won't be too far away"

Myrddin doesn't even know what he's done to be a candidate for Captain. Apparently Lydia was right to be concerned.

Can he turn it down? Honestly, the role of Captain doesn't really do all that much. Or maybe that's because Jackson is the current Captain. Whatever the case is, he doesn't particularly want to lead the team.


Some Time Later:

Scott is in the locker room after running through the town 'wolfed' out.

He was in the jeep with Stiles when he started to feel off. And it got progressively worse the longer he was in the car. After shouting at Stiles, he finds out that Stiles kept the wolfsbane in his backpack and had it with him.

When Stiles pulled over Scott took off into the Preserve. The next thing he knew he was on Allison's roof looking into her room. Allison luckily didn't notice him and she happened to close her blinds.

The blinds closing caused Scott to get a good look at his reflection that showed his werewolf form. In his werewolf form

it startled him so much he fell off the roof. He tried to run away but when he crossed the driveway he gets hit by Chris Argents car and hits the ground hard.

Luckily, the hit was enough for Scott to regain some semblance of self control. With the wolfsbane out of his system and nowhere near him he can finally be himself, mentally and physically.

Scott and Mr. Argent had to assure Allison, who ran outside from the commotion, that her dad wasn't trying to kill him and this was an accident. He did like the attention he was getting from her, but having her dad right there made it hard to enjoy the moment.

In the end, Chris decided to tag along and watch the game. Scott didn't know much, but apparently Myrddin's mom was picking up Lydia and Allison. Now Chris tagged along with them. Not the worse thing in the world. But it just adds even more pressure for him not to shift during the game.


A Little Bit Later:

In the locker room Scott uses his enhanced hearing to listen to what Jackson is telling some of the other guys. However, all the other sounds in the locker room made it hard. People slamming their lockers shut, banging their sticks on the ground or against a locker, and just talking in general clouded his hearing. Jackson was glaring g a hole into Scott's head which is why Scott tried to hear what he was saying but doesn't get much.

When Scott sits down to tie his cleats Stiles walks by. "Gonna try and convince me not to play?" He says snarkingly.

Stiles motions towards his best friend with his right hand. "I just hope you know what you're doing"

"If I don't play I lose first line…. and Allison" Scott continues tying his cleat.

"Allison isn't going anywhere! And it's one game that you REALLY don't need to play" Stiles tries to advise.

Scott turns towards Stiles. "I want to play! I want to be on the team! And I want to go out with Allison! I want a semi-…. freaking normal life, do you get that?

"I get it" Stiles leans his shoulder against a locker before taking his bag off and sits next to Scott. "Just try not to worry too much while you're out there, okay? Or get too angry?"

Scott hangs his head while going back to his cleats as he nods. "I got it"

"Or stressed" Stiles adds.

"Yeah…. I got it" Scott says in a low tone.

"Don't think about Allison being in the stands. Or that her father's trying to kill you. Or that Derek's trying to kill you. Or the girl he killed. Or that YOU might kill someone. If a hunter doesn't kill you first! I'm so-" Stiles couldn't stop himself from rambling on, and Scott looked more and more distressed.

"Stiles. Maybe we don't bring all that up?" Myrddin says while leaning against the locker Stiles leaned on before.

Stiles whips around and looks up at Myrddin. "Huh- Wh- you-"

"And maybe you don't talk about that type of thing where anyone can hear you. Makes you sound a bit crazy" Myrddin had to step in before Stiles causes Scott to have a panic attack before they even get to the field.

Scott looks at Myrddin with wide eyes. "What type of thing?"

"Exactly" Myrddin at this point wouldn't mind talking to them about monsters and what else they found. But right now isn't the time. "Now get your head on straight before you get on the field. The people we care about are about to watch us play our first game. I'd rather not lose"

Stiles snaps out of his shock. "No, yeah. Don't wanna lose. Losing is bad"

Myrddin walks away after Stiles' weird reaction.


"It's the first game of this season boys! I know I don't need to say much… We all want this 4th consecutive championship! I don't care if you've been training your entire life for this season or you just walked onto the field yesterday" Coach Finstock looks around at his players, specifically at Jackson and Merlin.

Bobby walks around his players that murmur and whisper. "I don't care because every person that plays tonight and this season has EARNED their position on that field! And I won't play someone I don't think is ready! When you look around at your teammates out there, know that they have your back like you have theirs. We won't win this as individuals. Danny can only block so many goals, Merlin can only work his magic so many times, Jackson and Scott can only take a beating so much. Be there for each other and take this first step toward the championship together! Now what are you all waiting for?! Go get your asses out there and get warmed up!" He picks Scott and Myrddin up by their jersey and throws them towards the exit as the entire team jumps to their feet and cheers.

Scott and Myrddin lead the team out of the locker room and out towards the field, some people have their sticks raised in the air.

As the team leaves Bobby grabs Jackson by his left shoulder, the not injured one. "How's the shoulder?"

"It's fine" Jackson cool-ly responds.

"Feel any pain?" Finstock looks Jackson in the eyes.

Jackson shakes his head and shrugs. "Nah"

Bobby smiles and holds up his right fist. "What if I gave it a big ol Punch" He fakes a punch on the hurt shoulder. "Would y- would you feel any pain then?"

"Maybe…" Jackson hesitantly admits.

"Listen. Just go out there. Just give it your best. If you feel any pain. Just… you just" Finstock doesn't know how to word this.

"Just…keep… playing?" Jackson tilts his head.

Bobby smiles and points at Jackson. "That's my boy. Now get going" He pushes Jackson along with some other players slacking behind.


The Beacon Hills lacrosse team runs onto the field and the home team bleachers burst into cheers. Their reddish maroon color lacrosse uniform distinct from the opposite teams bright white color.

The visiting team is already starting their own warmups at the opposite end of the field with their own bleachers decently full, but nowhere near as packed as the home bleachers.

In the stands Myrddin can already see his mom sitting with Gwen, Melissa McCall, Lydia Martin, Allison Argent, and Chris Argent. He can also see that Lydia has something rolled up in her hands, like a sign. And he can only expect Lydia to be up to something good. Definitely not going to try and do something deserving of her 'Queen Bee' title.


Right Before The Game Starts:

Myrddin, Scott, and Jackson go to the middle of the field with their helmets under their left arms. They shake the other team's representatives hands and face each other as the ref briefly talks.

The other team chooses heads, and the ref flicks the coin up into the air. It lands a few seconds later and it comes up tails.

The ref looks at Beacon Hills, specifically Myrddin. Which causes no small amount of frustration in Jackson.

Myrddin points over his shoulder at the net. "We want the right side of the field first"

With that said the game gets ready to start. The players go back to their team and wait for the refs to blow their whistle to signify the start of the game.

Myrddin gets back to Bobby who has a big smile on his face. "Good job Merlin, you didn't look like a bumbling fool"

"Did you expect me to?" Myrddin can't help but wonder.

"Not completely" Coach Finstock shakes his head. "Anyway! How are you feeling about using the long stick? Speak up now or forever hold your peace… unless I tell you otherwise"

Myrddin picks up the long stick. "I'm feeling like we're gonna win"

"Hahahaha! That's the right answer!" Finstock shouts before moving down the sideline towards the other coaches.

Myrddin looks at the stands with a smile on his face as he sees his mom holding a handheld camcorder and waves at her. Even from this distance he can hear what she is saying to Melissa and Chris. And boy does he wish he hadn't heard it. Lydia and Allison's talk is much easier to stomach than his mom talking about his embarrassing childhood moments and how the last time she recorded her baby boy was when he graduated middle school, which isn't too bad until she talks about how she has his first steps and other firsts recorded and starts reminiscing about them. Which causes Scott's mom and Allison's dad to also reminisce about their kids and how they're growing up. But Melissa

Myrddin can't tell if Lydia is upset that her mom isn't here to also reminisce about her or that she's happy her mom isn't here to embarrass her. But she continues to talk with Allison about some girly topics.

He looks towards the end of the bleachers and spots a dirty blond ponytail. Myrddin also waves at her and can see her return a quick and embarrassed wave. Next to Erica is her mom who nudges Erica with her elbow when she sees Myrddin wave their way.

Myrddin turns back towards the field and puts his helmet on as the game is about to begin.


Myrddin runs out onto the field. He's playing M3 and Scott is playing M1. Jackson is playing M2 which means he is going to be the one to face-off against the M2 of the opposite team. They will be fighting for the ball at the start of the game, every goal, and the start of each quarter.


On the bench Stiles watches as the first line of both teams go out on the field.

"So. Think you'll see any action tonight?" Sheriff Stilinski, Stiles' father, puts his hand on his son's shoulder and stays behind the bench.

"Action?" Stiles glances at his father and then looks over between Scott and Myrddin. "Maybe…." He says with uncertainty, and hoping not the kind of action that gets his best friend exposed as a werewolf and hunted down for the rest of his life.


A ref places the ball in the center of the field. "Down!"

Jackson and the other M2 are squatting and put their lacrosse stick parallel to the ground and have their mesh barely touching the dirt.


Myrddin gets ready. He wants to put a good show on for his family to be proud of.


Jackson manages to knock the ball towards Myrddin.

Everything kicks off. People running everywhere.

Scott runs down the field with his arms in the air signifying he's open.

The ball rolls towards Myrddin who scoops it up with the long stick and takes off. A player on the opposite team runs next to Myrddin and attempts to shoulder-check him. Key word being 'attempts'.

Myrddin saw this guy and retaliated with a shoulder-check of his own that ended up causing the other guy to topple over. Myrddin made sure to secure the long lacrosse stick before he hit the guy so he was still in possession of the ball.

Instead of running all the way to the goal, he passes it off to Steve who is more open than Scott.

"Woooooo~! Good job Myr!!" Ada shouts and cheers, Myrddin can hear her through the cheers of the rest of the crowd.

Myrddin sits back as he watches the flow of the game. Since he has the long stick his primary goal is defense, but that's not to say he can't also play offense. He sees the ball get passed around, but it's like they're avoiding passing it to Scott.

Steve ends up with the ball again and gets brutally pancaked between two opponents. He drops the ball while he gets taken to the ground by the two other guys.

The crowd winces and sharply inhaled at the hit. Luckily it looked worse than it actually was.

Scott spots the ball and hones in on it. But so does Jackson who is a little behind Scott.

Both guys run towards the ball. Scott gets ready to scoop the ball when… he suddenly gets hit in the back and shoved to the ground by Jackson.

Scott hits the ground hard while Jackson sprints towards the net and makes a goal without the enemy team being able to stop him with 2 of their defensive players having briefly taking themselves out of the game after their tackle on Steve.


The Beacon Hills bleachers go wild from the first score of the season.

"That's it Jackson! Get it fired up! Fire it up!" Finstock claps and walks down the sideline.

Jackson has a big smile on his face and gets some high fives from his teammates.

Scott gets up and can hardly believe that Jackson would blatantly pull something like that in the game. And because they're on the same team it isn't a penalty.

Lydia stops cheering and turns to Allison. Both girls grab a sign and hold it up.

'We Luv u Jackson'

Myrddin can essentially hear Scott's anger and turns to see what Scott is glaring at. Looking at the girls he can only shake his head. He knew Lydia can only be up to something good.

Stiles, still in the same spot on the bench, does a big double take before looking over at Scott. "Brutal" He watches Scott shake his head and stomp off. "Oh, this is not gonna be good"

Jackson meets up with the 3 offensive players and Danny. "…only to me"

"But what if he's open?" Steve asks while rubbing his left shoulder. "And what about Merlin?"

Jackson gets in Steve's face and intimidates him. "Who's the captain, you or me? Merlin is playing defense so don't bother with him. Just do as I say and pass it to me"

"Dude" Danny shakes his head. "I just wanna win"

"We will win" Jackson pridefully states.


"What… did… I say?-" Jackson asks before getting grabbed by his face mask.

Myrddin grabs his mask and pulls Jackson's head down while he stands over him. "Get your head out of your ass, Captain, before I shove my foot up there to search for it. I popped your shoulder back in place and I can pop it back out"

Jackson can't even retaliate before Myrddin pushes face mask to the side and shoves him backwards.

Myrddin looks at his teammates. "I don't care who gets the ball, just get it to someone who is open and can score. We're up by one, lets make it 15 before halftime. How are you doing after that hit Steve?"

Steve gives a thumbs up. "All that did is wake me up. Next time you get me the ball I'll score"

The other guys nod and before Jackson can get a word in the ref blows the whistle, signifying the continuation of the game. So Jackson has to go to the middle of the field or he will get a penalty.

Danny has to run all the way back to the net but it's fine. He won't be moving much besides to stop the ball, so it's not like he has to run across the field every few seconds.

As Myrddin gets in position he can see Scott's eyes glowing a golden yellow. And luckily that's as far as his transformation has gone so far.

The ref brings the whistle in front of his mouth. "Down! Set!…"


Jackson and the opposing M2 struggle for the ball for a second. The outcome this time is Jackson losing the ball and getting left in the dust while the other guy takes off in a mad dash towards Danny at the goal.

Scott takes off b-lining towards this guy while Myrddin runs towards the spot the guy is solely looking at. This isn't part of a play, it's more that Myrddin is using his brain while Scott is just doing whatever he wants.

The guy running with the ball makes the mistake of looking behind him and he sees Scott gaining on him quickly. He gets a little flustered seeing Scott almost on his heels and hastily throws the ball. His throw isn't the greatest as it arcs through the air more than he would have liked but it still gets to the same spot, just not as fast.

The guy slows down a little after throwing the ball and Scott goes speeding past him at full speed towards the ball.

Myrddin isn't able to exactly get where the ball was thrown, but he is able to get close enough.

An opponent catches the ball after coming to a stop since the throw wasn't ideal. As soon as he secures the ball he moves towards the goal to try and tie up the game.


The guy's stick gets hit, almost, out of his hands. He frantically tries to stop himself from dropping his stick and the ball. Yet, the ball is already up in the air while he continues to fumble with his stick.

Myrddin used the extra length of the long stick to be able to hit the guy's stick and managed to dislodge the ball. He quickly snatches the ball out of the air and takes off back towards the other end of the field.

Almost everyone on the field changes direction while everyone in the Beacon Hills bleachers cheer at the amazing play.

Ada has to stop herself from bouncing around or shouting too loudly as she records her babies first official sports game. She asked Gwen, Lydia, Allison, and Mr. Argent to cheer twice as hard for her. And maybe, just maybe, they might reach her level of cheering if she wasn't recording the game.

Two players from the opposing team get ready to double-bodycheck Myrddin. He plants his left foot and takes off to the left, mostly towards the sidelines.

And right when everyone thought the two were going to hit him he pivoted on his right foot and used his momentum to spin to the right, effectively dodging them by a hairs breadth. Once he finishes his spin he throws the ball at the unsuspecting goalie nearly half a field away.


The ball goes into the net after the goalie frantically tries to stop it. But he didn't think anyone would try and score from basically the middle of the field in the first 2 minutes of the game and was nowhere near stopping the goal.


The Beacon Hills bleachers are silent… AND THEN THEY BREAK OUT INTO CHEERS AND APPLAUSE!

What they just witnessed has rarely happened. The shot was extremely fast, and the accuracy was ridiculous. But it could have just been luck, but the spectators don't care about luck, because it was still a goal.

"Woooo! Good net Myr!!!" Ada shouts as she stops herself from clapping to keep the recording stable.

Melissa leans over. "It's a goal"

"Good goal Myr!!" Ada continues like she didn't just say the wrong thing.

People cheer for Merlin, with only a few people actually calling him Myrddin. Mainly Erica and her mother, Allison and her father, and his family.

Lydia and Allison took the Jackson sign down and put up a second one made for him they, Lydia, were hiding. Where were they hiding it? He isn't sure.

He shakes his head and gets slapped on the shoulder by Steve. "Dude! If you start making that shot look easy you'll make the rest of us look bad"

"Get open next time and I'll get you the ball, then you can show them the way we usually do things" Merlin slaps Steve's shoulder and runs off, leaving the 2 other offense guys laughing.

"Was that a compliment or a burn?!" Steve asks to Merlin's back.

But Myrddin doesn't answer and just keeps going towards his position.


The next few goals are scored by the offense players, all Beacon Hills. Myrddin and the defense players get the ball back from the opponents when they get possession of it. The guys on defense pass it around and sometimes, almost every time, it gets to Merlin and he passes it to someone open that can make the shot, or even makes a goal himself. He would pass it to Scott, but the guy is too lost in his own head to play the game properly.

It's when the score is 14-0, before the first half ends, when Scott finally gets the ball. And he takes it all the way down the field. He dodges any person in his way and scores his first goal.

This isn't just his first goal of the season or game. It's his first goal since joining the high school lacrosse team.

His performance gets the crowd excited. Allison and Melissa McCall jump to their feet along with the rest of the stands as they cheer him on. Lydia stays seated and slowly claps for Scott.

Not only has Lydia's boyfriend been outperformed by Scott, but also Myrddin. Myrddin who is playing primarily defense. She's glad they won't be losing, yet it leaves a very bitter taste in her mouth with a hint of sweet aftertaste. She gets Jackson is 'injured' but this performance is still rather lackluster.

Myrddin runs over to Scott. "Great shot, get open and I'll get you the ball" He walks away and whispers so that Scott's enhanced hearing can still listen. "Just take it down a notch, keep your feats to that of a human alright?"

Scott narrows his eyes at Myrddin but gets given a bear hug by Steve out of nowhere.

"Why does everyone have to make me look bad out here?!" Steve shouts sarcastically.

Finstock goes down the sideline with his hands cupped around his mouth. "Pass to Merlin or McCall! Pass. To. Them!"


End Of The Second Half:

An opponent snatches the ball from the ground after a scuffle and when he turns around he sees Scott just mad dogging him hardcore. And his teeth look bigger… why is how baring them? Whatever the reason is, this guy has been smacked around the entire game and the guy showing off his pointy pearly whites did most of the smacking. So he just tosses the ball to him in hopes of making it back home in one piece and being able to walk tomorrow.

Scott catches the ball and runs past the guy.


Beacon Hills Sideline, Bench:

"Did the opposing team just deliberately pass us the ball?" Bobby asks while he sits next to Stiles.

"Yes, I believe that is the case, coach" Stiles says while he takes a break from nervously chewing on his lacrosse glove.

"Interesting" Bobby watches as Scott bobs and weaves until Scott launches the ball towards the net.


Scott's shot ended up going THROUGH the goalie stick's mesh and into the net.

The other coach tries to refute the shot. The goalies net clearly should have stopped the ball, but it was completely broken.

"What? The ball is in the net!" Booby points at the net. "It's a goal! We got it!" He raises his arms up and blows his whistle and the crowd cheers.

Myrddin runs over to Scott and grabs the sides of his helmet. "What do you think you're doing?! Calm the fuck down or you're actually going to hurt someone Scott! We got 2 minutes left, you've been pulling stunts all game but THAT was the last one, do you hear me?" He harshly whispers.

"Let go of me!" Scott shouts and throws Myrddin back.

Myrddin doesn't fall over but he does take a few steps back from the push. His stick is on the ground a little ways away and Scott still clutches his in both hands. Myrddin walks back over to Scott and grabs his jersey. "I said. Calm! Down!" He commands in a low and harsh tone, he feels the tingle of his anger move down his spine and to his limbs but after that it's gone. Both the tingle and the anger.

He's gotten past frustrated, angered, and annoyed. And he's reached the point where he's calm.

Scott blinks and his yellow eyes dim a little. "Wha-"

Myrddin pulls Scott up so the are face mask to face mask. "Do you want everyone else to find out? If anyone else finds out, anyone, your life is ruined.And not only yours, think about your mom. Think about how this will destroy everything you would call normal-"

"Normal?! Nothing is normal anymore!" Scott shouts and drops his stick as he grabs Myrddin's hands to try and push him away but he's unable to.

"So cry about it" Myrddin shakes Scott and pulls him farther up. "Or make the best of it. I don't exactly know what's happening to you but you need to adjust fast or you are going to go spiraling out of control and end up hurting a lot of people including yourself. I get you're pissed, but don't let it control you. Now are you going to behave or do I have to drag you to the bench?"

Scott clenches his jaw and half-hazardly tries to push Myrddin away. After a few more seconds, and breaths, Scott let's go of Myrddin's forearms.

His forearms are bleeding a little due to Scott's long and very sharp claws going through his own gloves. "I…" Scott is still trying to process everything. Did he see Myrddin's eyes glowing?

"I? 'I'm gonna continue to play and not continue this self destructive bullshit?'" Myrddin finishes for him.

"I can't… control 'this'" Scott droops his shoulders as he admits it and finally sees why Derek threatened him in his own room to not play. But he doesn't regret his actions so far, nobody has gotten hurt… yet… And that's the part he realizes and scares him the most.

What was he supposed to do though? Give up his first line spot? Watch as Allison goes on to date someone else? And his mom took the night off from work when they are barely meeting the bare minimum. So much was riding on him playing tonight, he couldn't NOT play.

"Then go to counseling or something. Lots of people have problems with self destructive behavior" Myrddin feels the pricks of pain in his forearms but they heal soon enough.

"Not that! The 'other' thing…" Scott shows his teeth and opens his eyes a little wider for emphasis.

"You…. can't control it… at all?" Myrddin didn't expect Scott to be a werewolf master after only 2 weeks. But come on. He lets Scott go and Scott takes a step back.

"Yeah. Basically" Scott nods and then notices the small amount of blood on Myrddin's forearms without any wounds. He looks down at his own gloves and notices that they have holes at the top of each finger but his claws are gone. He looks back to Myrddin, "You-"

"Not right now. After the game" Myrddin cuts Scott off, now isn't the time for this. "Can you play without wolfing out?"

"Everything ok over here?" A ref steps up to them.

Scott is the first to answer. "Everything's great ref. Myrddin just calmed me down a bit"

"Hahaha! That's nice of him. I'd freak out a bit as well if I broke the mesh off a stick too" The ref pats Myrddin's shoulder twice. "Good job lookin out for your teammates captain"

"I'm not captain" Myrddin denies and sighs.

"Really? Who is?" The ref thought that this kid was the captain. He was the one that answered at the coin flip and all the other players listened to and rallied around him.

Myrddin looks around and finds Jackson talking with some other players. It looks like nobody except this ref noticed their little talk. Nobody except the ref and 7 people in the bleachers. "It's Jackson, number 37"

"Hmmm" The humms with a little surprise. "Guess something will be changing soon"

Scott awkwardly smiles. "Ha…"

"Let's get back to the game, it's almost over after all. Can't believe the other team hasn't been given mercy yet" Ref shakes his head at the 43-0 score as he walks away.

The only reason the other team doesn't quit is because they don't want to lose without scoring at least once.

"Can you keep playing without wolfing out?" Myrddin bluntly, and quietly, asks.

"Yes" Scott confidently says.

Myrddin grabs Scott's lacrosse stick off the ground and shoves it against Scott's chest. "Say that when your eyes stop glowing and you might be able to convince me"

"Shit" Scott lowers his head enough for people to not be able to see his eyes.


Center Of The Field:

Jackson and the opposing M2 get ready for the face-off.

"Hey, what's up with your guy? What's he on?" The M2 asks.

Jackson looks over between Scott and Myrddin as they get in position. "I don't know… yet"

"Down! Set!" *Whistle*


The last minutes of the game went by pretty well. Scott was able to score a few more times while Myrddin sat back and played defense. The other team was just desperately trying to score a goal while avoiding Myrddin and Scott. But when they did get the chance to make a shot, Danny blocked it. All-in-all, it was an absolute slaughter from the first whistle to the last whistle.

"That's how you start a season off!!!" Coach Finstock shouts with pride and joy from the sideline next to a few other coaches.

The final score is a staggering 49-0

Quade_The_Unknown Quade_The_Unknown

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