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82.45% Taboo Incest sex stories / Chapter 3519: SECOND TIME AROUND


My daughter, Tammy

My sister, Carol

Myself, Danny


My wife had decided she wanted her own space, which translated to another man.

Then there was my daughter Tammy.

During the divorce the judge decreed that since Tammy wasn't 18, she would stay with her mother. Tammy made it obvious she did not like the judge's decision.

After the divorce was all over, I was lucky to walk away with my truck, my clothes, my boat and my fishing gear. (I later had to sell my boat to make ends meet.)

I also had a twin sister, Carol, who lived with her husband in a small town in Louisiana.

Now, the story:

A little more than two years had gone by and I was lucky enough to win the lottery. After the government got their cut, I wound up with a little over 15 mil.

I contacted an investment broker and he helped me invest most of it in some stocks that were reasonably safe and paid a good dividend.

His comment was, "Don't get stupid with the money and you won't ever have to worry about running out."

I knew I'd have to spend some money or the government would eat me alive on capital gains.

I put about 2 mil. in the bank. I had always had my eye on a place at an East Texas lake that I wanted. The first thing I did tho, was to go to a Ford dealership and trade my old truck in and buy a really nice, extended cab pick-up, then I headed for the lake.

I drove to the complex where I thought there might be a place for sale. The guard let me in when I told him I was looking for a place to buy and told me where there was a place for sale.

Sure enough, the place I had admired from the lake was the one that was for sale. It was on a large lot that was sort of a corner lakefront.

There was a "For Sale By Owner" sign in the front yard with a phone number on it, so I called it and the man that answered the phone said he would be right there. He drove up and said he had only had the place for sale for about two weeks, then he started showing me the house.

The house was brick, had 4 bedrooms, 2 1/2 baths, a large kitchen, a sunken den, large closets everywhere and a huge redwood deck as you walked out the back sliding door. Oh yeah, most of the deck was covered...nice and shady. Part was open to the sun for sunbathing.

All the furniture was to stay with the house. There was a dock and boathouse as well.

The lot itself had a number of oak trees around the house and quite a few pine trees all over the lot.

I said "Mr. Johnson, if you don't mind my asking why are you selling the place?" He started stammering and finally said "Well my wife just didn't like it so we moved." (Little did I know...)

After some dickering with the man we agreed on a price. I pulled out my checkbook and wrote him a check for the whole shebang. The owner had a look like, "Naw, this just ain't happenin." I grinned at him and told him to feel free to call the bank.

He did. When he got off the phone, he said "Well the bank said your check was good. My wife and I have already moved out, so you can take possession immediately. I signed all the necessary papers. He gave me the keys and left, with the check in his hand, shaking his head.

I walked out on the back deck to look at the lake. The view was magnificent. It made me want to go fishing. I walked to the dock / boathouse to look. It was all in good condition with a lift in the boathouse.

The owner had told me I could fish from the dock if I wanted. The dock was covered, so you could fish in the shade.

I just needed to buy me a boat.

I drove back out to the gate where the guard had been told that I had bought the place and he put a sticker on my windshield. I drove out to the main highway and turned left.

I knew there was a boat dealership a short distance down the road. I had bought accessories from them before, so they knew who I was.

I stepped onto their show floor.

The owner saw me come in and said "Hi Danny. What can we do for you today?"

"Well" I said, "I want a new boat"

He grinned and said "OK, we can do that. What kind of boat do you want?"

"Don't you handle Skeeter boats?"

"We do. I have one of their newest 20-ft. models here on the show floor.

I looked at it and it had a trolling motor, two Lowrance depth finders, a 250hp Evenrude outboard motor with a stainless prop, and a lot of other goodies.

"OK, I'll take it, but I want the biggest kick ass trolling motor you sell on it ."

"I think we can do that. Do you have a trade-in?


How do you want to pay for this? Are you going to finance this?"

"No. I'm going to write you a check, if that's all right. You can call the bank if you want.

He blanched. "You mean you want to pay the whole thing?"

"You got it."

"Uh, let me call your bank. He called the bank, gave them the numbers off the check and they evidently told him the check was good.

"If you're going to pay what might as well be called cash I can cut you a deal on price. What you're wanting is 32,000 dollars, but I'll let you have it for 30,000. As late as it is today, It won't be ready until tomorrow. Are you living here at the lake these days?

"Yes I am."

"OK, you tell me where and I'll just deliver it to you.

"OK." I started telling him where my new place was and how to get there.

"Oh, you bought old man Johnson's place?"

"Uh, yeah."

"I know right where that is. We did work for him several times. It won't take me long to run the boat thru make ready and I'll put it on the lake and to your dock. I'll put the trailer by the house.

"Give me a call when it's ready and I'll be there to meet you." I said.

By then it was after 5 and I was getting hungry. There was a chicken place across the road from the boat dealer, so that's where I headed.

After I ate I drove back down the main highway to the county road where I was to turn.

I noticed a large super market on one corner, so I stopped and stocked up on groceries and beer.

It had gotten dark while I was in the store and when I drove up to my new place a mercury light was burning in front of the garage. I triggered a small pad and the door opened so I could drive right in.

I got all the groceries put up and was sitting at the table having a beer, when my cell phone rang. I answered and it was my ex- wife.

With out any preamble, she started in "Your whore daughter got herself pregnant at her senior prom and I want you to come and get her. I won't have her living with me anymore."

"OK, not a problem. I'll be there tomorrow. Let me talk to Tammy."

Tammy got on the phone, and I told her. "Baby it's going to be OK. I'll be there by 10 in the morning. You get your clothes and anything else packed and I'll pick you up.

Tammy was sniffling when she said "OK daddy; I'll be waiting. Then she quietly said, "Mom's got a new boyfriend and I don't like the way he keeps looking at me. He gives me the creeps.

I was musing, as I drove to pick Tammy up. I had been 22 when she was born and now I was 40 that meant she was 18.

By 10 that morning I was at the place where Tammy and her mother lived. I was thankful her mother had gone to work so I didn't have to deal with her. Tammy was watching for me and we quickly got all her things and loaded them in the truck.

"Did you leave your mom a note?"

"Yes. It just says I'm gone. I didn't put an address on it or anything. I just signed it."

"Good. I don't live here in town any more and honey I'd just as soon your mother NEVER knows where I live."

As we got in the truck to leave, I noticed that Tammy had on the shortest pair of short shorts I had ever seen. The cheeks of her cute little bottom were clearly showing, along with a barely there top that looked as if it was struggling to cover her tits.

I took a good look and suddenly realized that Tammie was no longer my "little" girl any more. She had definitely grown into a beautiful young woman.

"God Tammy, I hope you don't get arrested for that outfit you're almost wearing."

"Do you like it Daddy? I wore it just for you."

I thought, "My god, my 18-yr. old daughter is coming on to me. I thought for a few minutes and decided I didn't mind a bit. I had missed this crazy girl.

I headed east on hwy.175 and as we were driving along, Tammy asked me, "Daddy, just where do you live?"

"Sugar I just bought a place on Palestine Lake and that's where I call home. I hope you still like to fish.

By the way I need to make a phone call. I bought a new boat yesterday and they're supposed to deliver it today. I want to make sure we'll be there when they do."

The boat place said they were going to deliver about three, so it seemed like it was going to work just fine.

As we were traveling along the highway, I asked Tammy if she had a driver's license. She told me that she did, because she had taken driver-ed in school and when she finished the course it came with a driver's license.

My next question was a bit more serious. "Tammy what's the deal on you getting pregnant?"

Tammy took a deep breath and said "I went to the senior prom with a guy I had been dating. Everybody was drinking some,but daddy you know I'm not much of a drinker.

Anyway, he kept filling my glass up and I guess I got pretty drunk. When the prom was over he took me out to the lake and had his way with me. I found out later that the drinks were laced with "Date Rape,"

I missed my next period, so I got one of those pregnancy test kits and it showed that sure enough I was pregnant.

When I told him he disappeared and I've never seen him again.

I really expected more for my first time, but he was like a damn jackrabbit ... wham, bam, thank you mam. I never even got off. Not an experience I want to repeat."

(I thought to myself, if I ever run across that punk I'm going to take my pocketknife and castrate his sorry ass.)

"I see. Well OK...uh, how far along are you?"

"As near as I can tell, about 6 weeks. I'm not even showing yet."

"OK sugar. We need to get you in to a doctor so that your progress can be monitored."

We drove into Frankston and I stopped at the Ford dealership there.

"Why are we stopping here dad."

"You'll see" I said

On their show floor there sat a new red Mustang convertible.

"Do you like convertibles?"

"Oh god yes. I've wanted one of these...like forever."

The Mustang had a V-6 in it with an automatic transmission with all the other bells and whistles on it.

The salesman came over and asked if we had found what we wanted.

I told him yes ... we'd take it.

"You're buying that for me?" Tammy asked

"Yep, all for you."


As I paid for the car, I told the salesman to put it in Tammy's name. "How long before we can get it?" I asked.

"You can have it now. It's ready. Let me get it off the show floor and fill it up with gas and it's all yours.

"Young lady, you be careful how you drive that thing. It'll run a hole in the wind and any tickets you get are on you. OK?"

Tammy eased up close to me and whispered "Dad; you just wrote a check for that car. What did you do ... win the lottery?"

I grinned at her and said "As a matter of fact, I did. I'll tell you about it later."

The look on Tammy's face was priceless. She threw her arms around my neck and said "Thank you daddy".

We got ready to leave and I said "Alright sexy daughter follow me." I turned north on hwy.155 to the F.M.rd. where I turned right to the drive the complex was on.

I stopped at the guard shack and told the guy at the gate I needed another sticker for the Mustang.

He put it on the windshield and Tammy thanked him.

We got to our new home and put the car and truck in the garage and had started in the house when a truck arrived with the boat trailer.

Tammy giggled and said "Where's the boat dad?"

"It's already on the lake sugar." I told her

The kid driving the truck couldn't keep his eyes off Tammy and her short short's. I couldn't really blame him.

I know I'm her dad, but my dick had been hard ever since I had picked Tammy up.

The other guy had put the boat in the slip and came up where I signed more papers saying I had received the boat. He handed me the keys and they left.

"Come on sexy daughter; let's go see if this new boat will run.

As we were walking to the boathouse I reached and squeezed a cheek on Tammy's bottom. She snuggled under my arm to say "I've wanted you to do that ever sense you picked me up daddy."

"Sugar, I've been WANTING to do that ever sense I picked you up."

My dick was still hard.

We settled in the boat and I idled away from the dock. I turned my cap around backwards and said "Sexy daughter, are you ready for this?"

I don't think Tammy realized what was going to happen, Because when I cracked the throttle the boat left like a shot.

I glanced at Tammy and she had quickly grabbed a handrail. Her eyes were big and she yelled "My god dad this thing really hooks em."

We played with the boat the rest of the afternoon. I went to the dam, all out.

We stopped at a camp that had a store and got us a cool drink.

I thought I was going to have to fight my way out of the place. Tammy's almost there shorts drew a crowd in a hurry.

We finally headed back to our place. I stopped at some stick-ups on the way back to check out the trolling motor. I was glad I had gotten the larger one.

It was nearly dark when we got back to our slip. I flipped a switch and raised the boat out of the water. There was a disconnect so that the boat couldn't be moved and I tripped it and locked it in the "off" position.

"I think I could use something to eat sugar. Are you hungry?"

"Yes I am."

"OK, how about some steaks with all the trimmings?"

"That sounds fine dad. If you don't mind I'm going to take a shower while you're doing the steaks."

"Since we haven't gotten your things out of the truck, why don't you help your self to one of my T-shirts after you shower?" I told her.

"OK, thanks dad."

She got out of the shower and came in the kitchen where I was grilling the steaks.

I noticed the T-shirt just barely covered her cute rump, then I realized that her titties were pushing the shirt up and making it shorter. My 18-yr. old daughter definitely had big tits and I could tell her nipples were hard because they were making a sharp dent in the T-shirt.

Suddenly my hard dick was making me uncomfortable.

"Watch the steaks sweetie. I'm going to take a shower myself." The cold shower calmed me down some and I slipped on a pair of boxers when I left the bathroom.

Tammy had everything ready when I got back and had set the table. We sat down to a really enjoyable meal.

The dishwasher had finished with the dishes so we started putting them up.

Tammy reached to put a bowl on a top shelf in the cabinet. As she stretched the T-shirt rode up and there were those cute little ass cheeks.I moved behind her and with both hands I squeezed them.

Tammy whirled and suddenly her arms were around my neck and she was kissing me. We broke our kiss and she said "I really like it when you squeeze my ass daddy. You can do that any time. God you make me so horny."

I had pulled her close to me, and her words had the effect that my cock was hard instantly. I thought it would just make a tent in my shorts, but oh no, it had to stick itself through the opening and be rubbing Tammy's pussy.

"Ohhh, somebody wants to play." She placed her hand on my hard cock and placed it between her legs. "Daddy, I want you to fuck my pussy. I've been waiting for this forever."

"You sexy little minx, I've been wanting to fuck your hot little pussy all day." I said

My daughter, it seemed, was as hot-blooded as her daddy was. The acorn doesn't fall far from the tree I thought to myself. I already had my hands on her bottom, so I lifted her up and she placed her legs around my waist.

"If we're going to do this sexy daughter, we're going to do it right. We're going into my bedroom and take your T-shirt off and I'm going to suck on your titties, then I'm going to taste your pretty little pussy, then I'm going to put my hard cock in your cunt and fuck you until you tell me to stop. Oh ... I fully intend to cum in your pussy too."

"You're going to be fucking my pussy for a long time then daddy, because I don't plan on telling you to stop."

We had gotten to the bedroom by then and I let Tammy put her feet on the floor. She pulled the T-shirt over her head and stood before me totally naked. The sight before me was breathtaking. My beautiful naked daughter was exquisite. She was shaved clean and her pussy was a "camel toe."

I dropped my shorts and Tammy's eyes widened at the sight of my hard cock. I'm about 7" long and quite big around.

Tammy's comment was, "My god daddy, you're huge. I don't know if that will fit in my pussy."

I grinned and said, "It'll fit sugar, it'll fit just fine."

I laid Tammy on the bed, crawled on top of her and tried to stick my tongue down her throat.

Tammy just gurgled.

The next thing was to suck on her titties and try to inhale her hard nipples.

"Oh god dad, that feels sooo good."

I made sure both got equal time. I licked down her tummy and stuck my tongue in her navel.

"Ahhhh daddy."

I licked the length of her pussy, from her asshole to her clit, then thrust my tongue in her hole as far as I could.


Numerous times I thrust my tongue in her pussy hole. Her clit had come out from under its hood and needed some attention, so I started lashing it with my tongue and sucking on it.

Tammy started cumming and didn't stop and after numerous orgasms..."Oh god daddy you're going to have to stop. I can't take any more. I'm just too sensitive."

I eased up to where I could kiss Tammy and told her "Sugar you have a beautiful pussy that tastes fantastic." She was already wet so I lined up my cock and with a gentle thrust buried it balls deep in her delightful pussy.

"Oh daddy, I'm stuffed. Let me get used to having you in my pussy."

"Am I hurting you? Do you want me to pull out?"

"Don't you dare."

In a few minutes Tammy wiggled her ass and started thrusting at me. I knew then that she was ready.

"I want you to fuck my pussy daddy. I want you to make me cum."

I fully intended to do just that. I started with slow strokes and began fucking my daughter.

It wasn't long before Tammy was uttering gibberish, then she screamed, "I'm cumming, I'm cumming."

I had speeded up with my thrusts and knew I wasn't going to last much longer, her hot little pussy was just too tight and felt too good.

"Baby girl... I'm going to cum in your pussy...NOW."

I started shooting a large amount of cum in her pussy and several spurts later, I finally stopped.

I knew the cum would be running out of Tammy's cunt, and into the crack of her ass. Since we hadn't put a towel down I rolled over where she was on top.

I was still hard in her pussy. I squeezed her ass and told her, "Tammy you have an amazing pussy."

"You think so daddy? Ohhhh you're still hard."

She raised up and began to fuck ME. Her hot little pussy felt soooo good.

It wasn't long before she said "Ohhh daddy I'm gonna cummmmm and she did.

I was right behind her. "I'm going to cum too sugar." This time it was a gentle flow filling her pussy. I knew I was done for a while. We rested for a short time, then I carried my daughter in the shower and we washed all the cum off.

We were drying each other off when Tammy said "Dad, in my wildest dreams I never knew it would be like that. Can we do that again?"

"Yes, but you're going to have to let your dad rest for a while. See the good Lord gave females the ability to have multiple orgasms, but He just gave males the ability to normally have one. This time I was lucky enough to have two.

"OK I can live with that."

We lay down on the bed, where Tammy snuggled up to me and we drifted off to sleep. It must have been nearly two hours later when I woke up to Tammy sucking my cock. I lost no time sliding under her where I could engulf her pussy. I licked between her lips and thrust my tongue in her pussy hole as deep as I could.

My daughter didn't stop sucking my cock, but I heard a muffled "Umphhh." I let her know I was close to cumming in her mouth, but she only sucked harder.

My hard dick started spurting to fill her mouth. I don't think she ever lost a drop. She started filling my mouth full of girl cum and I almost couldn't swallow fast enough. We lay for a short while before she rolled off of me.

I crawled between her legs and kissing her mouth, I told her, "Sweetie, you have the sweetest tasting pussy I've ever had. I rubbed my cock over her pussy to get it wet and buried it in her pussy again.

"Ohhhh Yesss daddy, fuck... my... pussy."

I did,

The sun was just coming up when we quit and fell asleep.

It was shortly after noon when we woke up. Tammy made it known she had to go pee. I told her I did too. We headed to separate bathrooms to take care of our morning chores.

Back in the bedroom, Tammy informed me I had made her pussy sore last night.

I told her I could lick her pussy and make it feel better.

"Oh no you don't." she said.

"Well, if I can't have any pussy how bout we go fishin. Other than a good piece of pussy I think that's probably my second favorite thing to do."

"OK, but I want to wear the T-shirt you gave me. Maybe the breeze will cool my pussy off some."

I quickly made coffee and found some sweets I had gotten from the store and we headed for the boat. I tied some lures on that would run about 18 ft. deep and told Tammie we would go and troll for a while.

We spent the rest of the afternoon trolling for bass. We didn't catch many, but what we did catch were pretty big.

We returned to the dock and I told Tammy we would have one of the fish for supper and that I'd freeze the rest after I cleaned them. I had a special knife that made short work of cleaning those fish.

Tammy had gone to the house to start fixing the other things that went with fried fish. She met me as I was coming in the door and handed me my cell phone.

"Who is it?" I asked.

"Your sister, she mouthed."

"Hey sis, what's going on?"

"Not a whole lot, by the way, who was that girl, that answered the phone? Have you got a new girlfriend little brother?"

"Well... no. That was Tammie."

"Tammy is living with you now? When did that happen? I thought she lived with her mother."

"She did until about two days ago. Her mother called and said I needed to come and get her that she was a whore and she didn't want her living there anymore."

"Tell her all of it dad" Tammy whispered.

I nodded. "There is more to it. Tammy's pregnant. That happened after the senior prom. So after her mother called I went and got her and brought her back here."

"Back here, where is "Here?"

"Palestine lake. It's not far from Tyler. See I was lucky enough to win the lottery, so I bought a place I had my eye on here."


"Danny, I need to ask you a big favor. I almost hesitate to do it."

"Now sis you know I'll help you any way I can. When we were kids we were always close as paint on the house. Are you and your husband having trouble?"

"Danny, I don't have a husband any more. He started gambling at the horse race track. He lost a lot of money. He even sold my truck to pay his debts. After that, I kicked him out and filed for divorce. It was final the other day, so I moved out of the house and sold it. Can I ask you to come and get me? I have a little money and that should last me until I get a job."

"Of course I'll come and get you. Where are you now?"

"I'm staying at a Ramada Inn. It's just off I-20 near Minden,"

"I know where it is. Tammy and I will be there in the morning to get you."

"Let me talk to Tammy again." I handed Tammy the phone and heard Carol say "Tammy it's been several years since I've seen you and you may not remember me..."

"Of course I remember you Aunt Carol. You always made me feel special."

"Well I want you to know, that I know how down you must feel about this pregnancy thing."

"I'm not down Aunt Carol. Daddy's been helping me with that little problem."

"What do you mean honey?"

"Well daddy made love to me all night long last night. I finally had to make him stop. My pussy was getting sore."

"Oh is that right...put my brother back on the phone."

"You incestuous little fucker. You mean you fucked your own daughter?"

"Well, the devil made me do it."

"Yeah right. Danny I'm jealous."

I decided that since I couldn't baffle my sister with bullshit I'd try and dazzle her with brilliance.

"Sis. Tammy's just as hot-blooded as you or I are. If you recall I was going to fuck YOUR pussy one day, but unfortunately the folks came back too soon. I had every intention of fucking you absolutely silly."

"Bro I intend to hold you to that. I'll be waiting for you to pick me up in the morning."

I hung up the phone and Tammy asked, "Daddy were you and Aunt Carol lovers when you were growing up?"

"No, but it wasn't for the lack of trying.

There was a day the folks had gone somewhere. Carol and I decided we were going to fuck each other stupid. We had our clothes off and I was just about to mount her when we heard the folks come back.

Carol escaped to the bathroom and I pulled my clothes back on. Somehow the folks suspected and they never left us by ourselves again."

"Several years went by and Carol married that piss-ant in Louisiana. I always thought it was a mistake, but it was Carol's mistake to make."

"Come on sexy little daughter. I want to fuck your hot little pussy at least once tonight and by the way. I want you naked in my bed every night."

"I can do that." Tammy said.

That night I did pound Tammy's pussy once, but we were just too beat for any more.

The next morning we were up early and headed for Minden La.

A few hours brought us to the Ramada Inn where Carol was waiting. I found her room and knocked on the door.

Carol opened the door and came rushing into my arms. I grabbed her by the ass and pulled her to me.

My dick got hard in about two seconds.

Carol looked at me and grinned, saying "Bro. you've got a hard-on."

"Of course" I told her.

Sis broke away from me to hug Tammy. "My god Tammy, you're all grown up now." Then the hugging and kissing started. I knew then that these two were going to get along just fine, I also knew that I would be blessed with a tremendous amount of pussy. I could hardly wait.

We loaded what few things Carol had in the bed of the pick-up and headed back to the place on the lake.

As we were riding along Carol asked that I tell her a little more about the place I had bought.

"Well Carol it's brick, four bedrooms, has a big kitchen, a sunken den and lots of closet space. There is a big deck out back that overlooks the lake. I think you will like it sis.

Carol asked "Are you sure you want two oversexed females living with you?"

"That goes both ways Carol. I think we ought to make inside the house at least, a no clothes area. It'll make it so much nicer any time we get horny. That way I can get plugged in any time."

Carol looked at Tammy and said, "My brother has a pussy fixation. He always was a little strange.

Tammy was laughing when she said "Carol I can attest to the pussy fixation. I know first hand and I'll gladly share."

We drove in to the new home and when we got inside Carol couldn't believe it.

"Carol I want you to consider this your new home now," I said.

Suddenly my sister was smothering me with kisses. Again I was squeezing her sexy little bottom.

The girls decided they wanted showers, so they left chattering like a bunch of magpies.

I had gone out on the deck and was sitting in a lounge there when the girls came out. Tammy had gotten Carol one of my T-shirts as well. I stood up and gathered both girls under my arms, squeezing their cute bare bottoms.

I said "My life is complete now. I've got both my sexy daughter and my sexy sister living with me. Girls, as far as I'm concerned, it doesn't get any better than this.

I had a hard-on again; it was tenting the front of my shorts.

Carol shoved her hand down the front of my shorts and grabbed my hard dick to give it a squeeze. "I will definitely want this in my pussy...soon."

"That can be arranged" I told her.

"Let's show her the boat daddy."

"Boat! You've got a boat? That's one of the things I miss most. My ex sold that too, to help pay his gambling debts.

We walked down to the boathouse and I let the boat down in the water. We all got aboard and I idled away from the dock.

When I turned my cap around backward Tammy told Carol "You better hang on. This thing lights a shuck when dad stabs it.

I shoved the throttle forward and we were off. I noticed that T-shirts had blown up and that both pussies were shaved bare and were well displayed.

We played with the boat for a while and I found a brush pile I thought would have crappie around it. I checked it with one of the depth finders and it showed many crappie. I told the girls we needed to get some minnows and give the place a try.

We headed back to the dock where I put the boat up "Girls, let's go eat. I'm getting hungry.

When we got to the house both girls said they wanted showers...again.

Girls and their showers I thought to myself. Well, I guess I better have one too. When I was finished I just put on boxer shorts again.

I was fixing our meal when the girls came in. they had gotten their luggage and both were "almost" dressed in baby doll gowns...no panties. Oh shit, sproing, my cock quickly made itself known thru the slit in my boxers.

"Do you like them daddy?"

"Like em. My god girls, what's not to like?"

Carol was grinning when she said "OF course he likes them. His hard dick says he does."

Both girls took great pleasure in flashing me with their bare bottoms and cute pussies. My cock never did go soft.

After supper both girls came to me to give me a hug. Carol said "Danny, my pussy is wet and I am soooo horny. Will you take me to bed and fuck me."

"Yeah dad, me too." Tammy echoed her.

They left me with a rather stunned look on my face. It sure didn't take me long to head for the bedroom myself.

When I got there, two very naked girls were waiting for me. I noticed that both bare pussies were "Camel Toe." It must be a genetic trait I thought.

Carol said "Danny it's been a very long time. I want you to fuck my pussy... NOW.

Her arms went around my neck and I tried to put my tongue down her throat. I laid her down on the bed and began giving her the same treatment I had given Tammy; I inhaled her tits, licked her pussy, buried my tongue in her hole and seriously lashed her clit.

"DANNY, OH MY GOD...DANNY, AGHHHHHHH." After she'd had several orgasms... "Oh please, that's enough. No more, please. You've made me too tender."

I mounted my sister then, to tell her how sweet her pussy tasted and to thrust a very hard cock deep in her hot pussy.

"Oh god Danny, I won't ever call you "little" brother again. Fuck my pussy. Make me cum."

Not only was I going to make my sister cum. I fully intended to flood her pussy with my cum.

Sis must have been pretty wound up, because the next thing I knew she was shouting..."AGHHHHH DANNY...I'M CUMMMMMING, I'M CUMMMMMING.

"I'm going to flood your hot little pussy sis. Here it comes...NOW. Spurt, spurt, spurt, spurt.

I knew the cum was running out and down her ass and again we hadn't put anything down to keep it off the sheets. (I must remember to put a towel down.) I turned over so sis was on top.

It was obvious she hadn't had enough because she began posting up and down on my still hard cock.

I reached for Tammy and she willingly placed her pussy over my mouth, where I began licking like a mad man.

I heard Carol when she said "Oh my god, it's gonna happen, ohhhhh I'm gonna, I'm gonna... aghhhhhh... yesssssss."

Tammy was right behind her, saying "Ohhhhh daddy. Yesss, oh yessss."

Carol rolled off, telling Tammy to take her place, that my dick was still hard.

Tammy quickly switched places and impaled herself on my hard cock. She didn't last long before she was cumming.

I told her "Tammy you're fixing to get a pussy full of cum." My dick erupted in Tammy's hot pussy.

My daughter was spent and she just lay down on my chest, where I was fondly squeezing the cheeks of her ass. "Daddy it just keeps getting better and better."

"Yes it does honey and just think, now I've got two prime pussies to fuck."

Both girls were giggling. Carol said "Danny I hope we can do that again. I really didn't want to stop.

"Let me tell you something sis. The problem won't be to get my hard dick IN your pussy... it'll be getting it OUT and getting me to STOP fuckin your pussy."

"Girls, never have I ever had pussies like you two have. You both have incredibly awesome pussies. I doubt I'll ever get enough."

The rest of the night was spent with my hard cock in one pussy or the other. I knew one thing... I hoped my dick didn't stop working.

We were sitting at the table the next morning to have our morning coffee.

Both girls had decided to stay naked all the time here in the house. Both were sitting on my lap and of course my cock was hard. Both my girls had a hand on my dick and were idly jacking it.

"Girls, I'm gonna cum I announced and I did.

"OHHH...BREAKFAST, Carol squealed and inhaled my hard cock.

She and my daughter took turns cleaning me off. They both climbed back in my lap to give me a kiss. I thought to myself, man it just doesn't get any better than this.


"Carol, didn't you tell me your truck had been sold?"

"Oh yes. My asshole of a husband sold it to pay some of his gambling debts."

"Hmmm, If you got a new truck, what would you want?"

"Well, I don't think I'd want a big truck, maybe something like a Toyota, or a Nissan, or maybe a Ford Ranger. I really like those Ford Ranger's. I think they're so neat."

I looked at Tammy and said "Tammy I think we need to make another trip to Frankston, don't you?"

Tammy was grinning when she said "We sure do dad."

"What's in Frankston?" Carol wanted to know.

"The local Ford dealership." I told her.

"Why are we going there...uh...Danny what are you going to do?"

"Buy you a new Ford truck."


"You heard me. I want to buy you a new Ford truck."

The look on my sister's face was priceless.

"What color would you like?"

"Blue, I want a blue one, OH MY GOD. Danny I didn't expect this. Did you Tammy?"

"I got mine day before yesterday. It's a red Mustang convertible." Tammy said.

The Frankston dealership didn't have a truck on their show floor, so we walked across the street where they had their stock of vehicles.

Sure enough they had a blue Ranger extended cab truck there. It too had a V-6 and everything else Ford had to offer but a place to piss.

"What do you think sis?"

"Danny, it's perfect. It's everything I wanted."

The same salesman had followed us to the lot, so I turned to him and said "We'll take it. Get it ready."

"OK. It should be ready by four o'clock. You can pick it up then.'

We walked back to the show floor where I paid him and told him to put it in Carol Thomas's name.

Carol whispered in my ear. "Danny my last name isn't Thomas."

We were walking to my truck, when I said "It will be.

We're going in to Tyler and get a marriage license. They won't ask if we're related, just to see our driver's licenses and there are different names on those.

Then we can get a judge to marry us; uh this is, with your approval of course. I guess I'd better ask if you WANT to marry your crazy brother first.

Carol didn't even have to think about it "You better hope to shout I want to marry my crazy brother."

Tammy was clapping her hands.

So we drove in to Tyler and got rings for Carol. Then to the courthouse, got a license and had a judge marry us. We left, with a girl on either side of me with their arms linked through mine.

Lunch seemed to be in order, so I took the girls to a nice restaurant where we celebrated being married. It was 3 o'clock when we left, so I headed back to Frankston to get Carol's new truck.

It was ready, and we took delivery. The girls wanted to ride together when we headed back to the lake.

It was almost 5 when we got back. None of us were terribly hungry, so we stripped our clothes off and decided to lounge it on the deck.

Of course with two naked girls lying on either side of me, my dick got hard.

Carol noticed and threw her leg over me, stuffed my hard cock in her pussy and she just lay down on my chest.

"Danny, you don't know how good this feels. I thought it would never happen."

I was rubbing her ass when I told her. "It's happening sugar, it's really happening."

I started seriously fucking my new wife. It wasn't long until I spurted a large amount of jizz in her tight little pussy and Carol started cumming too.

Carol rolled off and Tammy took her place and I was suddenly fucking my daughter. Seemed like it only took a minute until Tammy started cumming and I started shooting jizz in her pussy too.

It had gotten dark, so we went inside where the girls fixed a light supper. After that we all went to bed and just crashed. It had been quite a day and I think we were all pretty ragged out.

After I gave the girls an injection of cum the next morning, I decided to go fishing. I asked the girls if they wanted to go, but they both said no, that they were going to lie out on the deck in the sun.

I left and headed for the brush pile I had found the other day. The depth finder showed there were lots of crappie there. I had some "Flee-flies" and some small plastic grubs that had spinners on them. I rigged two light rods with them and started fishing. In no time I had a limit of good-sized crappie.

It was close to noon when I got back to the boathouse. I cleaned the fish with my special knife and headed for the house. My next door neighbor was out in his back yard and I waved to him as I was heading for the house.

He waved me over and said "Well, how are you guys all getting along?" I noticed he had a grin on his face as he asked. I wondered what was going on.

"Look Danny, my wife and I have seen the girls out sunbathing in the nude and we want you to know we're fine with it. My wife and I do the same thing ourselves.

Actually... my wife is my cousin.

We heard your girls talking and the older one made some comment about being your sister, so I'm guessing the other is your daughter. Am I right?"

I took a deep breath and said "Yeah Tony they are, uh; look we really don't want any trouble..."

"There won't be.

Let me fill you in about this place. Several years ago A guy bought this land and built a house on it. He had two sisters that lived with him. They stayed naked all the time and of course he was fuckin em both. He had bought several acres and over a period of time it turned in to the development you see today."

"As the lots were sold, the old man made the stipulation that the buyers had to be nudists and blood relations, like brother/sister, or cousins, or...well you get the drift."

"It was all kept pretty quiet so that word never got out that this place was an incest, nudist development. The law would have had a field day."

"After the lots were sold the first time though the owners could actually do what they wished. The new owner did not have to be a nudist or married to a family member, but they were strongly encouraged that it be that way.""That's what the deal was when you bought the place from old man Johnson. He wasn't the first owner and as far as we knew, he and his wife weren't blood relations or nudists.

We didn't really know about your family either, until my wife and I heard your sister and daughter talking and of course it was obvious they were nudists." This last with a big grin, "so Danny, welcome to the neighborhood."

I shook hands with him and headed for the house, thinking THAT"S why the old man got so flustered when I asked him why he was selling the place.

I had much to ponder.

As I headed to the kitchen

I noticed that both girls were asleep on the deck.

The fish went in plastic bags and into the freezer.

I stripped off my shorts as I walked back to the deck. Tammy was lying on her back with her legs splayed out, so I got between her legs and began to slurp her cunt.

She woke with a start and sucking in her breath she gasped..."Ohhh, Carol. Daddy's licking my pussy."

Carol giggled and told her "Yes honey; he's very good at that"

Tammy came all over my tongue and I switched to Carol. I began licking her pussy and she started cumming as hard as Tammy had.

When the girls calmed down some, I said "Maybe that'll hold you two until after supper."

We decided to go to the shady part of the deck. There was an air mattress there and I told the girls we wouldn't have to worry about being out on the deck without clothes anymore.

"Oh, how's that?" Carol wanted to know.

I told the girls the story that our neighbor had just told me.

"Oh goody." Tammy said "We won't have to worry then. Being naked is one of my favorite things to do, other than having my daddy lick my pussy and give me a good fuckin."

The rest of the afternoon was spent snoozing, with all three of us naked.

Finally Tammy woke up and said "I'm getting hungry."

"Honey there's some fresh crappie in the freezer. Why don't you fix that?"

Tammy headed to the kitchen and shortly I heard her fixing supper.

Carol woke up and said "Where's Tammie?"

I told her she was fixing supper. "I'll go and help her. There's no use in her doing it all."

The fried fish was delicious. After the clean up it must have been 8:30. The girls came to me and Tammy said "Daddy it's later now and Carol and I are really horny. Do you think you could help us out?"

"I know I can help. I pointed. The bedroom's that way. I was living every man's dream. There were two naked sexy females that wanted to get fucked all the time. I love it, I love it."

I fucked them both that night until none of us could twitch.

Carol had taken Tammy to the doctor for a regular visit and while they were gone I happened to find Tammy's diary open on her desk to the last entry. Idly, I started reading.

Dear diary, I'm over 18 now and I can't believe what has happened. I always knew my daddy loved me, and after I got pregnant and mom threw me out, daddy came and got me.

I wasn't too sure how he was going to take that I was PG, but dad just took it in stride and said it would be OK and that we would get thru it.

Dad brought me back here to the lake and told me that this was now my home and that I didn't have to leave...ever.

I teased my daddy shamelessly, because I stayed so horny and one day he took me to bed and sunk his big hard cock balls deep in my pussy. Daddy was so big. I didn't think his dick would fit, but it did. It wasn't long before I was cumming and he was blasting my pussy full of hot cum.

After that daddy fucked me all the time. He is an amazing man and I love him dearly.

Dad married his sister Carol, but he makes me feel like I'm his wife too. I know Carol is my aunt, but she makes me feel more like her sister. I don't know whether daddy knows or not, but Carol and I are lovers too.

There were tears in my eyes as I walked to the boathouse to go fishing. I thought, daughter you, my sister, or that baby you're going to have will ever have to worry about a thing as long as I have anything to say about it.

About two months later, it was my birthday when Carol came to me with a really serious look on her face.

"Danny Uh...I'm pregnant.

I started grinning and couldn't stop. "You're going to have our baby?"

"Yes. I hope you're all right with this."

"Of course I'm all right with it. What ever made you think I wouldn't be."

"Well I just didn't know."

"Told ya." Tammy said.

Tammy was about three month's along by then and had just barely started to show that she was pregnant.

So Carol signed up with Tammy and once a month they both went in for their checkups.

Me. I went fishin.

Having two pregnant girls around was a gas. They both were hornier than before. I was well in practice now, so of course I tried too fuck them both silly.

Time seemed to pass quickly for us, but in the last weeks of her pregnancy Tammy got real uncomfortable. Any time she laid down there seemed to be no position that was comfortable for her.

One morning Carol woke me up to say "Danny I think we better take Tammy to the hospital. It's time."

We got her to the hospital in Tyler where she went into hard labor. About 8 hrs. later little Shawn was born.

He came out raising lots of hell and as soon as they cleaned him up and let his mother have him, he nuzzled until he found her nipple.

Everything was fine after that. The kid was just hungry.

When it came time to fill out berth certificate papers, Tammy asked me what to put for the baby's last name. With conviction, I said "Put down Thomas. I don't care who his daddy was.

Three days later we got to bring the two of them home. Having a new little one around was certainly interesting.

One afternoon, I'd been out fishing and Carol had gone to the doctor in Tyler. When I got back Tammy was sitting in the rocking chair I had bought her, with little Shawn nursing her breast and I stopped to admire the scene.

Little Shawn got his fill and went to sleep. Tammie put him down in his crib, then turned to me...

"Dad, mom called the other day."


"Yeah, she wanted to wish me a happy birthday. She said "I would have sent you a card, but I don't know where you live." I knew she was fishing for information, but I didn't tell her anything. Finally, she outright asked where I lived, but I still wouldn't tell her. She finally realized I wasn't going to tell her and she said "Tammy I'm sorry about what happened. I...

"I interrupted her and said "Mom thank you for remembering my birthday, but I'm still not going to tell you where I live. You kicked me out when I needed you the most, so as far as I'm concerned, you don't have a daughter any more.

Mom was crying when I hung up. She never asked about the baby either. Do you ever think about her dad?"

"No Tammy, I don't. Your mom made her bed and I figure she has to lay in it. I don't hate your mother Tammy, but I don't want her back either."

I grinned at her and said "She would never have understood the situation with you, Carol and myself.

I guess I do wonder how things would have turned out if your mom and I hadn't split.

As time went on, I don't recall Tammy ever saying anything about it again.

Some two months later, it was in the afternoon when Carol said "Danny you better take me to the hospital. I think my water just broke.

I gathered my wife up and put her in the truck.

Tammie said she wanted to go but she had better stay there so she could take care of little Shawn.

"That's all right honey. I'll call you later."

I got Carol to the hospital and about four hours later she delivered two of the cutest twin girls I had ever seen. We named them Brenda and Bobbie. I called Tammy to tell her she had two of the cutest nieces I had ever seen. A few days later I brought my brood home.

It was several months later when Tammy came to me and said "Dad I have a request."

"OK sugar, what is it?"

" I want to have another baby and I want it to be yours."

"You're sure about this honey?"

"I'm very sure daddy."

"Have you asked Carol about this?"

"Yes. She told me to quit taking the pills."

A little more than a month went by and Tammy said "Daddy we did it. I peed on a stick this morning and it turned blue.

The next few months seemed to fly by and the morning came when Tammie asked me to take her to the hospital. When we got there they took one look at Tammie and put her in a birthing room. An hour later little Tommy was born. A few days later I got to take my daughter and my SECOND son home.

I was on the deck one day and I thought to myself...Danny you have got to be the luckiest man alive and the most fortunate. My life had turned from absolute shit to one of utter delight.

When little Shawn, Brenda and Bobbie were 2yrs.old I started teaching them to fish off the dock. I had placed railings around the dock so they wouldn't fall in. The kids were delighted to go fishin with dad. They would watch the floats for hours waiting for a fish to jerk the float under the water.

As he got older I taught Tommy to fish too. They all seemed to share my fervor for fishing.

When Tommy was three I took them all fishing in the boat and to the brush pile where I had caught so many crappie. That afternoon we brought back a boatload of fish for me to clean. Tammy and Carol came and helped me clean all those fish.

We had a big fish fry that night. The rest went into the freezer.

When the older three were 6, we enrolled them in school. I heard their mothers when they told the kids they couldn't go to school naked, that they would have to wear clothes. Tammy told Tommy his time was coming and he would go to school too, WITH CLOTHES ON.

Tammy started taking classes at the college in Tyler. She had gotten interested in Design Graphics and Digital Photography. The computer We were all using was a pretty big PC, but I knew I couldn't load everything Tammy needed on it, sooo, I bought her a new kick ass laptop computer and a new digital camera.

She wanted a Mac, because that's what they were using in school. All the programs needed were included with the course. As time went on Tammy put that new computer to very good use. Even before she finished the course, she was doing free-lance work for several of the company's around Tyler, using both her computer and the camera. That told me she was doing extremely well.

I still fucked Tammy and Carol every chance I got. Life was extremely good.

When all the kids were in school my girls started going fishing with me again, wearing those skimpy T-shirts of course. Both girls kept their pussies shaved, which I delighted in. I really like shaved pussy. It can be licked without all that hair getting in the way.

The girls always wore those skimpy T-shirts on purpose, because they knew that my dick would constantly stay stiff. I finally got used to it enough so it didn't interfere with my fishing.

Our day usually started with me fucking the girls, and then we took the kids to school. When we got back to the house there was more fucking, then out on the lake to fish a while, then back to the deck for another good fuck.

We would lounge it til about 3, then pick the kids up from school. After we got home, our fucking had to slow down though, because of the kids.

The kids would immediately shed their clothes and get naked.

The afternoon was spent with me taking them out on the boat to catch crappie. After that there was supper, then the kids would all pile up to watch TV, then it was bath time and to bed.

After that Carol, Tammy and I would go to bed our selves and try to fuck each other senceless. I guess I did a pretty good job of it, because my girls always had smiles on their faces.

The next morning it would start all over again. I just knew I was the luckiest man alive.

When Brenda and Bobbie were older, Carol came to me and asked about putting the girls on birth control. She said "Since those kids go skinny dippin all the time it may not be to long before the boys...well, you know."

I gave her my permission.

Time seemed to fly by and Tommy had his 18th. birthday. The other kids were already in college in Tyler and he joined them. Both he and Shawn decided they wanted to be architects. (Later years showed them doing very well. They formed a partnership between the two of them to later become the largest firm in the East Texas area.)

One Saturday morning we decided to let the kids sleep in, while their mothers and I went fishing. We were back about 10 o'clock and we went to wake them up.

The girls were not in their room but we heard noises coming from the boy's room. The door was opened just a crack so we peeped in. The boys were giving the girls a serious fucking. I looked at Carol and Tammy and just grinned. Carol was shaking her head and Tammy seemed like she didn't know what to think.

We went back to the den where Carol said "Well I knew it was going to happen...I just didn't know when."

We were sitting quietly in the den, drinking coffee when the kids came in. They all got red faced and Shawn said "Uh... we didn't think you guys would be back so soon." It was obvious they were all embarrassed.

"Kids,you're all over 18 and it's all right. Your mothers and I all knew this was going to happen.

"Was the pussy good boys?"

Tommy said "Yeah dad it..."

Bobbie hit him on the arm and said "Shut up Tommy." Then both girls started giggling and it got funny to all of us. I noticed the girls had cum running down their legs so I knew the boys had given them quite an injection.

(I noticed the boy's dicks were about the same size as mine. If we were all lined up and had hard-on's there would be very little difference.

Since Tammy was my daughter, I figured their big dicks and lust for pussy came naturally and since my young daughters were horny all the time, I figured they got that from Carol.

I guessed I had something to do with all of it as well.)

The kids said they were going swimming and headed for the lake naked as jaybirds. I knew our neighbors wouldn't care so I just let them go.

All this talk with the kids had made Carol and Tammy horny as they could be. The next thing I knew they were dragging me into our bedroom to get well fucked. I had no problem with that at all.

I was nearly noon when I walked down to the dock where the kids were swimming. I guess I should say fucking, cause that's what they were doing. Oh yeah...they had swapped partners.

"Come on kids I feel like buying another boat and I want you to go with me to help me decide.

We went back to the house so the kids could get dressed and I told Carol and Tammy I was going to take the kids and buy them a ski boat.

There were several new boats on the show floor and I turned the kids loose to look.

I winked at the salesman. He grinned and just left them alone.

I had already been up there looking and found what I felt like was a good deal and I had bought it.

Finally the kids all came and said they really couldn't decide.

"All right, come with me. "We walked out back and there sat a new 24-ft. Inboard/Out Drive ski rig with everything on it.

"How about this one kids?" I asked.

"Gosh dad this one is perfect. We didn't see this one."

"I know kids. I bought this yesterday. All we have to do is hook this behind the truck and go put it on the lake. Lets go back inside and get life jackets, ropes and skis."

We put the boat on the lake at a nearby ramp and I told Shawn to drive it to our dock. "I'm going to take the trailer to the house, then I'll get your mothers and we'll get you kids out and teach you to ski.

We all got on the new boat and pulled out into the big cove behind the house. One at a time we got the kids behind the boat and started teaching them to ski.

The kids all seemed to have a natural ability and it wasn't long before I had them out two at a time.

Late that afternoon I think we had pretty well worn the kids out, so their mothers got behind the boat and yelled "Hit it."

They were both on slalom skis and the next thing I knew they were both near the side of the boat, one on one side, one on the other.

They spent nearly an hour crossing from one side to the other, one ducking under the rope of the other to switch sides. Then Tammy got on Carol's shoulders and stood up.

The kids couldn't believe it.

When Tammy and Carol got back aboard, the kids were all clamoring for their mothers to teach them how to do that.

It was nearly dark so I headed back to our dock I knew I would need to have another boathouse built for the new boat.

(I called a contractor the next day and told him what I wanted. I had him put it on the other side of the walkway. It was finished about a week later and the new ski boat had a home where it to could be raised out of the water and the circuit locked off.)

We went to the house for supper. All of us were tired from the afternoon of sun and fun, so we decided to make an early night of it.

Our kids informed us that they were NOT going to sleep boy/boy and girl/girl any more that from now on it would be boy/girl.

Now how did I know that, I wondered?

Carol said "OK you guys, but we do expect you to keep the screams of passion down. We know you kids are aware that your daddy fucks us silly, but we do finally drop off to sleep.

You kids need your sleep too, because you WILL get up the next day to go to school. The kids were grinning, but they all agreed.

My wives and I took showers and went to bed. They made it known that they were horny. I fucked them both...several times.

The next day the boys took my truck and went somewhere and Carol and Tammy had gone into Tyler in Tammy's Mustang.

I took the girls out in the new ski boat so they could hone their skills at skiing.

About ten that morning we went back to the house to get us a cool drink. I was sitting out on the shady part of the deck when the girls came out naked. I grinned, because these two naked nymphs were a real delight. They came to where I was sitting to get their asses squeezed.

Brenda said "Daddy, Bobby and I both know you not only fuck mom but also Tammy. We know that Tammy is your daughter too."

"What's your point honey?"

"Well, since you fuck Tammy and she's your daughter we thought that since we're your daughters too, you'd fuck us."

These two sexy little vixens had made my dick get hard anyway, so I grinned and told them "I think we can take care of that. I can't fuck but one of you at a time tho, so who's first?"

Bobbie said "Well Brenda and I drew straws and I got the short one, so I'm first."

The next two hours were spent with me fucking both my daughters. I found out later their mother had sicked them on me.

When Carol and Tammy got home they walked out on the deck where I was. Tammy asked Carol if she thought I had fucked the girls.

"Hell yes he did. Just look at him. He's all full of himself." Carol said.

"Daddy I hope you saved some for Carol and I, we're horny."

"Not a problem girls, I'll always have some for my two favorite wives."

The girls quickly lost their clothes and I fucked them both, right there on the deck.

I heard giggling from inside the house. It was my 19-yr. old daughters. They had been watching.

Our brood finished their years in college and found jobs it Tyler.

Since they were gone all day, Carol, Tammy and I polished our fucking skills, fished some and just generally enjoyed our selves.

The kids all came to us one day and said they wanted to marry. They had picked their partners and said they thought it was time for them to make things final.

My wives and I thought they had made good choices and were using good sense. We took them in to Tyler, played a game with names and got them married.

Carol and Tammy were riding with me in the pick-up. The kids were in Tammy's convertible and I was going to take them all to dinner.

Tammy said "Daddy what are we going to do about the house? It's OK for now, but when our brood starts having kids it won't be big enough.

"Well the neighbors next door wanted to sell their place, so I bought it. I thought we could give that to the kids for a wedding present. Later if they decide to split up they can sell it or whatever.

They will have plenty of room for themselves so they can fuck like bunnies and when they do have kids there should be room for them as well.

"You notice I did say WHEN they have kids. My guess is it won't be too long before we'll be grandparents.

"Daddy! I'm to young to be a grandmother Tammy wailed."

Carol was laughing when she said "Tammy you'll do just fine."

When we got home we called the kids into the den and told them we had bought the house next door as a wedding present for them.

"The people that owned it will be moving and in a day or two and you can take possession. Kids I realize there are two families' here, but if either of you ever decide you want a separate place you can work that out then."

Later Tommy came to me and quietly said "Dad I doubt we'll move any time soon. Shawn and I are still having too much fun swapping partners and the girl's don't seem to mind a bit."

I wondered to myself...they're all brothers and sisters...would this be called double incest?

"Tommy you know you guys will have to stop swapping when you do decide to have kids don't you."

"We've got that worked out already dad. When the girls decide they want to get pregnant, we've decided to get all four of us together and switch back and forth till the girls DO get pregnant. We really won't know which boy got which girl pregnant, but we've decided it won't really matter. So everything's cool."

I thought "Well that four seems to be stuck together like glue and if that's the way they want it they're all adults and they should know their own minds.

I was 63 at the time and wondered how long it would be before the grandkids would arrive.

It wouldn't be long as it turned out. It was nearly a year later that the kids were all at our place for lunch one afternoon.

Brenda and Bobbie were whispering to themselves.

Finally Carol couldn't stand it any longer.

"OK you two what's going on." Then she blanched and said "You two are pregnant aren't you?"

"Yep" they said "We're both about 6 weeks along."

Then all the talk about being pregnant started. I just walked up to the girls, gave them a hug and said "Ya done good girls. You too guys" Then I turned and started out the door saying "I'm going fishing."

About 7 1//2 months later a boy and a girl were born. I knew my fun would be teaching my grand kids to fish and as they grew older to ski behind the boat.

Even tho Tammy, Carol and I were older now, the girl's sexual appetite never diminished. They always wanted a good fuckin. Me I seemed to be blessed with the fact that I had a perpetual hard-on and wanted to fuck, fuck, fuck. The girls never complained.

I dont know if Carol, Tammy or I will still be around, but I fully intended to teach my great grandkids to fish and to ski, that is if I can get out of my rockin chair.


next chapter
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